NCP On Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than A Body Requirements R/T Inability To Ingest Food

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Assessment Explanation of the Nursing Goals Nursing Intervention Scientific Rationale Evaluation


Subjective Data: Intractable Long Term Goal: Diagnostic: The goals were met.
“I haven’t been able to eat Vomiting The client will be able  Determine etiologic factors for  Proper assessment guides intervention. The client was able to
for four days.” to demonstrate reduced nutritional intake.  To identify patient’s food consume everything
“I was trying to vomit in the ↓ behaviors to recover  Monitor response to different preferences/dislikes which may that was in the meal
emergency department.” Generalized and/or regain food or food preparation contribute to her decreased oral served after four hours
 Reports weight loss abdominal appropriate weight intake. of nursing management.
of about 5 lbs. since cramping after 3 days of nurse- Therapeutic:  It enhances good appetite and
becoming ill. patient interaction.  Provide good oral hygiene before better taste of the food. She is also able to
 Reports last bowel ↓ and after meals.  A pleasing atmosphere helps in demonstrate behaviors
movement was 2  Provide pleasant, relaxed decreasing stress and helps promote to recover and/or regain
days ago. Inability to Short Term Goal: atmosphere for eating (no intake. appropriate weight such
 Complains of ingest food The client will consume bedpans in sight; don’t rush; as frequent intake of
generalized adequate nourishment provide mellow music if desired)  Mealtime usually is a time for social small feedings and
abdominal cramping ↓ as evidenced by  Provide companionship at interaction; often clients will eat avoidance of rich, overly
consuming at least 2/3 mealtime to encourage more food if other people are sweet, and greasy food.
Objective Data: Imbalanced of the meal served, nutritional intake. present at mealtimes
 With an ongoing IV Nutrition: Less after 4 of nursing
for hydration and Than Body management.  Offer frequent small feedings  Eating small, frequent meals lessens
electrolyte Requirements the feeling of fullness and decreases
replacement in her the stimulus to vomit.
right arm.  Administer antiemetics and pain  To control nausea and pain before
 Abdomen is slightly medications as ordered and meals to make the meal a pleasant
distended and needed before meals. experience.
tender to palpation.  Instruct client to avoid overly  This group of foods can cause or
 Hypoactive bowel sweet, rich, greasy, or fried foods. aggravate nausea.
sounds noted.
Educative:  Change is difficult, thus multiple
 Help the client identify the area to changes may be overwhelming.
change that will make the greatest
Nursing Dx.: contribution to improved
Imbalanced Nutrition: less nutrition.  Accepting the patient’s preferences
than body requirements R/T  Build on the strengths in the shows respect for her.
inability to ingest food client’s food habits. Adapt
changes to her current practices.

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