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Parameters in Selective Laser Melting for processing metallic powders

Article · February 2012

DOI: 10.1117/12.907292


38 10,850

4 authors:

Tomasz Kurzynowski Edward Chlebus

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Wroclaw University of Science and Technology


Bogumiła Kuźnicka Jacek Reiner

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Wroclaw University of Science and Technology


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Proc. SPIE 8239, High Power Laser Materials Processing: Lasers, Beam Delivery,
Diagnostics, and Applications, 823914 (February 9, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.907292

From Conference Volume 8239

High Power Laser Materials Processing: Lasers, Beam Delivery, Diagnostics, and Applications
Eckhard Beyer; Timothy Morris
San Francisco, California, USA | January 21, 2012

Parameters in Selective Laser Melting for processing metallic powders

Tomasz Kurzynowski*a, Edward Chlebusa, Bogumiła Kuźnickaa, Jacek Reinera
Wroclaw University of Technology, Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, ul.
Łukasiewicza 5, 50-371 Wrocław, Poland


The paper presents results of studies on Selective Laser Melting. SLM is an additive manufacturing technology which
may be used to process almost all metallic materials in the form of powder. Types of energy emission sources, mainly
fiber lasers and/or Nd:YAG laser with similar characteristics and the wavelength of 1,06 – 1,08 microns, are provided
primarily for processing metallic powder materials with high absorption of laser radiation. The paper presents results of
selected variable parameters (laser power, scanning time, scanning strategy) and fixed parameters such as the protective
atmosphere (argon, nitrogen, helium), temperature, type and shape of the powder material. The thematic scope is very
broad, so the work was focused on optimizing the process of selective laser micrometallurgy for producing fully dense
parts. The density is closely linked with other two conditions: discontinuity of the microstructure (microcracks) and
stability (repeatability) of the process. Materials used for the research were stainless steel 316L (AISI), tool steel H13
(AISI), and titanium alloy Ti6Al7Nb (ISO 5832-11). Studies were performed with a scanning electron microscope, a
light microscopes, a confocal microscope and a µCT scanner.

Keywords: selective laser melting, rapid prototyping, metal powders, laser processing

The big advantage of using additive manufacturing techniques is the ability to build accurate, finished parts based on
geometric CAD models or models from Reverse Engineering, a method of geometry reconstruction. Rapid Prototyping
Techniques (Layer Based Manufacturing Methods - LBMMs) allows for obtaining parts with internal spatial structures
and functional surfaces [1][10].
One of additive manufacturing method and also one of the most common is SLM, which uses a focused laser beam to
melt powdered material into a solid object. A schematic diagram of an SLM device is shown in Fig.1.
Figure 1.Diagram of an SLM machine
Selective Laser Melting is a method in which material in powder form is applied in layers on a working platform, and
then is fused in a selective manner, using high-power laser with the maximum power of 100W.
*; phone +48 71 320 2083; fax +48 71 320 0670;,

Figure 2. Principle of the SLM technology

Laser beam is controlled by the scanner on the XY plane and the platform is moved in the Z direction. The powder for
each subsequent layer of the object is applied form a movable container and laid on the previous, providing permanent
connection across the entire object [6][3]. After a pattern is melted on a layer, the building platform moves down by a
thickness of a layer, new powder is deposited and leveled and the process is repeated until the complete part is built.
The SLM technology is applicable for a wide spectrum of engineering metals including stainless steel 1.4404, tool steels
1.2344 and 1.2709, titanium (pure - 1&2 grade, alloys TiAl6Nb7 and TiAl6V4), cobalt-based alloy 2.4723, nickel-based
alloys Inconel 625 and 718, aluminium alloy AlSi12, even those which are difficult for conventional manufacturing
This variety makes the selective laser melting techniques open and flexible but also specificity of the process generates
some limitations. In powder metallurgy it is known that the most important parameters that have the highest impact on
mechanical properties are related depends on several factors, which generally can be divided into two groups:
 factors associated with the material used in the process (thermal conductivity, absorption coefficient, melting
point, coefficient of thermal expansion) – material factors are characteristic to the material and are not
 factors associated with the process are largely controllable and has been described in the next chapter.
In additive technology a lot of parameters have an influence on the correctness of the SLM process. Proper analysis of
those parameters allows for understanding the occuring mechanisms and in an appropriate way to design the process.
LASER -One of the key elements in the SLM process is selection of the type of laser radiation source is important
because of the varied parameters of the energy absorption for different materials. Those parameter is dependent on the
wavelength of the laser source [Fig.3].

Figure 3. The absorption of laser output at different wavelengths varies according to the materials involved [5]
ATMOSPHERE - The atmosphere in which the process takes place, is the next important thing. Oxidation is a
consequence of high temperature accompanying the SLM process and the presence of oxygen in the chamber.
Incorrectly selected protective atmosphere may cause decarburisation and reduction of hardness of the entire sinter,
which has a negative effect on mechanical properties such as fatigue strength, ductility and abrasion resistance.
Application during the melting process as a protective atmosphere of high purity gases, as well as proper selection of
chemical composition of the atmosphere, gives the possibility to combine elements are particularly vulnerable to
oxidation, such as manganese, chromium, titanium, aluminum, silicon, because of their high affinity for oxygen [13].
Oxygen, which is located in the chamber during the process is also responsible for the appearance of pores in the final
material. In the case of powders, which contain the chemical composition of coal, in the process of solidification when
the temperature is lowered increases the activity of oxygen and carbon monoxide is formed, which is trapped in the
solidifying metal creates gas bubbles. In order to reduce the oxygen content in the chamber which significantly affects
the quality of the materials, the chamber is filled with a suitable SLM gas of high purity[7]. The most commonly used
protective gas in SLM processes are: nitrogen, argon and helium [Tab.1].

Table 1.The basic properties of gases

Nitrogen Helium Argon
Molar mass 28 4 40
Melting point [ºC] -210 -268,9 -189,4
Boiling point [ºC] -195,8 - -185,9
The criticaltemperature[ºC] -147 -267,9 -122,5
Flash-point[ºC] non-flammable non- non-
flammable flammable
Relative density of gas (air = 1) 0,97 0,14 1,38
The first ionization potential [eV] 14,54 24,46 15,68

Presence of protective atmosphere affects the formation of plasma, which inhibits absorption of the beam in the treated
material. Weakening effect of the laser beam by the plasma is smaller for gases with higher ionization potential.
Differences in the depth of penetration of the material can be considerable, especially when used with high power beam.
Gas Ionization potential [eV]
Helium 24,46
Argon 15,68
Nitrogen 14,54
CO2 14,41
Water vapor 12,56
Oxygen 12,50

Figure 4. Effect of plasma on the penetration depth during melting process.

TEMPERATURE – the temperature in the building chamber can be set between 22˚ C (room temp.) and 300˚C. The
higher temperature is better for processing. The properties of metal powder are better (flowability, creating of layers) and
it is easier to melt powder layers with laser (preheated powder) [8].

POWDER– the next group of properties is the material that is used to produce the part. Very important is size of powder
grains. In SLM technology the thickness of layers is 20µm - 100µm, and the maximum grain size cannot be bigger than
the layer thickness. The selected powder also must be spherical. The shape determines the possibility of powder
processing. In SLM technology the powder is deposited with gravity through system of valves [Fig. 3]. If the powder
was irregular it would stuck in the valves and smooth layer would not be created [8][9].


Figure 5. Layer deposition: a) spherical powder, b) irregular powder

PROCESS PARAMETERS – there is more than 100 process parameters. This parameters influence the heat balance
(scanning strategy, laser power), the building speed (distance between scanning points, scanning lines, time of scanning
one point). Experiments that were taken were meant to identify the influence of selected parameters on the density of
produced parts – investigated parameters were:
 laser power– P [W]: Laser power is one of the most important parameter process of SLM technology. This
value determines the choice of other parameters of the process, and selection of laser power is closely related to
the size of the focused spot laser.
 layer thickness– Trxi y [µm]: Layer thickness is associated with earlier process parameters and material batch
 distance between scanning lines– Pt [µm], distance between scanning points– L [μm] and scanning time of one
point– t [µs].
Each of these parameters affects the quality of the built elements and the construction time. Important is to find the
optimal values of the parameters that the process could continue with the maximum speed with minimal defects in the
resulting product.


Experiments were meant to achieve the highest density in produced parts. Experiments that were taken shown the
importance of choosing right parameters to achieve desired properties.

a) b)

Figure 6. Porosity achieved during the experiments: a) 75µm layer thickness, 80µm distance between scanning points; b) 50µm layer
thickness, 80µm distance between scanning points
a) b)

Figure 7. Porosity achieved during the experiments: a) 75µm layer thickness, 40µm distance between scanning points, 400µs time of
scanning one point; b) 50µm layer thickness, 40µm distance between scanning points, 400µs time of scanning one point
Research were taken with stainless steel 316L, tool steel H13 and titanium alloy Ti6Al7Nb. Experiment shown, that the
most important parameter is the distance between scanning points. To achieve the highest density with 75µm layer
thickness, 400µs time scanning of one point and 80µm distance between scanning points the power of 100W is required.
For 40µm distance of scanning one point with the same parameters 85W of the laser power is enough.
After these study we are able to defined 5 phenomena that have the biggest impact on the density during selective laser
melting (laser micrometallurgy) process:
 Effect of the start point – (Fig. 8a) it is connected mainly with line scans. It occurs when the process starts. At
the beginning of a scan track, more powder particles are available in the neighbourhood, and these particles are
attracted to the melt pool, creating a larger ball [11]
 Balling effect– (Fig. 8b) it occurs when the energy delivered to the melt pool is too small or the time of the laser
melting is too short [12]
 Satellites – (Fig. 8c) some solid powder grains are connected with the melt pool. They do not melt. Powder
grains are surrounded by liquid metal.
 Pores – (Fig. 8d) this irregularity is connected with balling (the main cause of porosity). Porosity is the main
problem of the laser powder micrometallurgy that has the highest impact on mechanical properties of produced
 Effect of the first layer – (Fig. 8e) the melted powder on first layer on the support structure sinks down into the
free powder below [11].

Fig. 8. Five phenomena in the SLM process: a) effect of start point; b) balling; c) satellities; d) pores; e) effect of first layer

The paper shows the importance of setting proper parameters in the SLM process to obtain preferable (customized)
material density, which determines mechanical properties (end-user requirements) of a part to be built. The use of inert
atmosphere during process, which prevents oxidations, has a significant influence on the process, the final mechanical
properties and microstructures of produced parts. Metal powder must have a spherical grain shape and size not exceeding
the thickness of a single deposited layer. The variable parameters of the process (scan strategy, laser power, the distance
between scanning points, the distance between scanned lines, scanning time of one point) affect the heat balance,
productivity, porosity geometric accuracy, which influence mechanical properties and microstructures.


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Tomasz Kurzynowski ; Edward Chlebus ; Bogumiła Kuźnicka and Jacek Reiner
"Parameters in selective laser melting for processing metallic powders", Proc. SPIE 8239, High Power
Laser Materials Processing: Lasers, Beam Delivery, Diagnostics, and Applications, 823914 (February 9,
2012); doi:10.1117/12.907292;

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