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Pestaña 1

Many British lexicographers claim that a full

knowledge of the English language includes deep
study of its Greek roots. The role of Greece as the
cradle of our civilization remains through the
constant presence of words of Greek origin in our
vocabulary. The English words (as well as their
translation into Spanish and other Latin languages)
ancient, geography, grammar, architect, economics,
encyclopedia, telephone, or microscope have one
thing in common: they all derive from classical
Greek. To this list we could add miles of words,
some very common and others less. Clearly, the
Greek language has had a major influence on the
English language. On the other hand, Greek is an
independent branch of the Indo-European language
family, native to Greece, western and northeastern
Asia Minor, southern Italy, Albania, and Cyprus.
Pestaña 2

It is the language whose history has been documented

the longest, spanning 34 centuries of written records.
Its writing system has been based on the Greek
alphabet throughout most of its history. Before that,
other systems were used, such as Linear B or the
Cypriot syllabary. The alphabet arose from
Phoenician writing and was, in turn, the basis of
Latin, Cyrillic, Armenian, Coptic and Gothic, as well
as many other writing systems. The English language,
which is an amalgamation of many other languages,
has taken much of the Greek heritage. In fact, 24.6%
of the English language has its roots in Greek, and
another 24.8% in the Latin language. Although, of
course, Latin itself is largely derived from Greek.

Therefore, today, English combines a word of

Pestaña 3
Greek origin with another word with another
type of Greek origin, creating a third term. For
example, the word geo to refer to "
land" (world). The following is a brief but
concrete list of examples of English words
whose Greek origins have been tinged with a
certain imagination to become what they are

Geo+botanical (geo-botánico)

Centric (céntrico)

Chemical (químico)

Chronological (cronológico)

Graphical (gráfico)

Logical (lógico)

Physical (físico)

 political (político)

Pestaña 4

Latin is a language native to the Lazio region of

central Italy. As the city of Rome's dominance
expanded, its use initially extended to Italy and
then to the entire western Mediterranean and
Central Europe. Latin was modified during its
history and always presented certain differences
between Latin written or literary and spoken or
vulgar Latin. Latin writing has been the vehicle
of culture in Europe from antiquity to the
contemporary age. Vulgar Latin is the origin of
many modern languages. Latin civilization in
general (from its literature, to law, through
philosophy) is at the basis of today's European
civilization, and it is not understood without it.
We propose a video where, in a pleasant way,
the same is explained in a few more details.

Pestaña 5
Most languages spoken in Spain derive from
Latin. In turn, Latin derives from Indo-European,
as do most languages spoken in Europe and
Western Asia, already in the Bronze Age. There is
no document written in that language. It has been
partially reconstructed from the kinship between
the various languages that derive from it. The
Indo-European people fragmented around 2000
A.C. In different villages, which initially began to
move to South and East Asia and who several
centuries later, around 1000 A.C, did so to the
west. Thus, following the history of the Indo-
European peoples, already fragmented, the Indo-
European split into two branches: an oriental one
(a branch of languages with palatization of
occlusives, called satem) and another Western
(branch of languages called centum, without
palatization of occlusives).

The first testimony written in Latin dates back

to the 6th century BC. It is (although its
authenticity has been questioned) of the Fibula
of Preneste. Several languages were spoken in
the Italian peninsula at the time, many of them
of non-Indo-European origin; so mesapio,
Veneto, Greek, osco-umbro (Indo-European); Pestaña 6
etruscan, ligurous and Punic (non-Indo-
European). The first testimony written in Latin
dates back to the 6th century A.C. It is
(although its authenticity has been questioned)
of the Fibula of Preneste. Several languages
were spoken in the Italian peninsula at the time,
many of them of non-Indo-European origin; so
mesapio, Veneto, Greek, osco-umbro (Indo-
European); etruscan, ligurous and Punic (non-
Indo-European). Between the 3rd (lll) and 1th
(l) centuries A.C, the Romans extend their
power through eastern Europe; the Balearic
Islands, Greece, Asia Minor and even Syria and
Egypt see the arrival of the Romans and are
subject to their rule.

The Latin language begins to speak in those

territories so far from Rome. It will still
happen years later in northern Gaul, the
British Isles, the western part of Germania
and the lands around the Danube. Virtually
all of Europe will speak Latin by the end of
the 2nd century d.C. Indigenous languages in
many cases continued to be spoken, but could
not be subtracted from the powerful effects of
Romanization; one of them was precisely the
implementation of the Latin language among Pestaña 7
the population and in a very notable way
among the westernmost and southern subjects
of the Empire. When the Empire fragments
into two branches, Western and Eastern, the
provinces belonging to the latter will detach
from Latin influences and, in them, a Greek
quite evolved from that of classical times will
be the cultured language par excellence.
However, the seed of Latin will germinate
throughout Europe.

• Now; the Latin that was spoken and written

in Lazio in the 3rd century BC is obviously
not the same that was spoken at any point in
the Empire in the 4th century AD. Over the
centuries the Latin cult evolves and goes
through six phases:

• ARCIC LATIN (VIII an III centuries a.C.).

It's a pre-Liter Latin. We only have Pestaña 8
epigraphic texts; we don't have any literary

• PRECLASSIC LATIN: (III an I centuries

a.C.). The first literary texts appear. The
language develops very noticeably.

• CLASSIC LATIN: (from the mid-1st

century A.C to the middle of the 1st century
d.C.). In these years Latin knows its golden
age; both in verse and prosa Latin literature
knows an unprecedented splendor.

Pestaña 9

POSTCLASSIC LATIN: (from the middle of

the 1st century d.C to the 2nd century d.C). The
language maintains characteristics similar to
those of the previous era. Writers don't have the
very highest level of the classical period but
maintain a high level and an elegant style.

• LATE LATIN: (II to VII centuries). The

tongue walks hand in hand with history; the
decline and end of the Empire will see the
gradual disintegration of Latin and the formation
of so-called Romance languages.

• MEDIEVAL LATIN: (VII to XIV centuries).

During the seven long centuries of the Middle
Ages, Latin is no longer spoken. The Romance
languages that derive from it are consolidating,
while Latin becomes a language written by the
educated men of the time. It is, however, a Latin
far removed from that of the Golden Age.

Pestaña 10

The ancient Greeks did not all speak exactly the same
Pestaña 11
language; each region had its dialect. Greek dialects
comprise four main groups:
Jónico: spoken
Greek is in
a Euboea,
Cyclades in Islands
ancient and
the Asia Minorand
Greece regionits comprising
colonies. Esmima,
The oldest Ephesus
and Miletus. webasis
It's the possess of it are tongue.
of Homer's the homeric
poems, of uncertain date, but before the
and Herodotus.
century VII a. C. Strongly transformed, it is
thespoken in theeven
language northern
spokenpart by
of the coast of
Greeks.on the island of Lesbos, in Thessaly and
Asia Minor,
in Beocia. In it they composed his poetry Alceo and
Safo, of belongs to the large family of
languages derived from a common primitive
Dórico: spokenknown
language in the N.O. of Greece,
as Indo-Germanic in the
or Indo-
Peloponnese, on theThey constitute
southern part of the this
of Asia
Minor,linguistic family, of
in the islands as sister
Crete languages
and Rhodes native
and in
Magnato Greece.
the sameIt mother
is the language,
language Sanskrit,
of Pindaro,
Persian, Armenian, Albanian, Greek, Latin,
Celtic,and all bucolic
German and choral poetry.
and Balto-Saharan.
Ático: spoken in and around Athens.

Pestaña 12

From the unification of Greece under Philip of

Macedonia, the attic dialect, slightly altered in
contact with the other dialects, prevailed as a literary
language throughout Greece and spread with
Alexander the Great's conquests throughout the East.
The dialect thus formed was called a common
language or koiné (ἡ κονὴ διάλεκτος). In it they
wrote his works, among others, the philosopher
Aristotle, the historian Polybio and the moralist
Lulutarus. This dialect is also the background of
biblical Greek, as well as the Old and New
During the Byzantine period the Greek language lost
its old character, by the evolution of its forms and by
the mixture of strange elements, giving rise to
modern greek.
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Pestaña 6

• LATÍN POSCLÁSICO Bloc de notas de mediados

(desde la lección del
siglo I d.C. al siglo II d.C.). La lengua mantiene
características similares a las de la época
anterior. Los escritores no tienen el altísimo nivel
del período clásico pero mantienen
Escriba un alto
el contenido nivel
y un estilo elegante.
 Escriba el contenido aquí
• LATÍN TARDÍO (siglos II a VII) La lengua
camina de la manodeEscriba
la Historia; la decadencia
el contenido aquí y
el final del Imperio van a ver la desintegración
paulatina del latín y laEscriba
formación de las llamadas
el contenido aquí
lenguas romances.


Durante los siete largos siglos de la Edad Media
el latín ya no se habla. Las lenguas romances que
se derivan de él van consolidándose, en tanto que
el latín pasa a ser una lengua escrita por los
hombres cultos de la época. Se trata, no obstante,
de un latín muy distante del de la Edad Dorada.

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