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A very wise author said: "I lift my eyes to the stars,
from which help must come, but I always follow the
inner star that guides me "(that star is the Ain Soph Paranispana).

Undoubtedly, my dear brothers, the Ain Soph emanates the

incessant eternal breath, the great breath, for himself deeply

From the active Okidanok (omnipresent, all-pervading, omniscient),

from that tremendous ray that unites us to the Ain Soph Paranispana, the
three primary forces of nature and of the Cosmos.

It has already been said: the first force is called Holy Affirmation, the
second Saint Deny and the third Saint Conciliar. Speaking in language
Hinduism, we could call the first Brahma, the second Vishnu, and
to the third Shiva.

Each one of us, in himself, particularly has his Ray

that unites it to the Great Reality. Each of us, in ourselves, has those
three forces. In short, each of us is connected to the Sacred
Solar Absolute.

During the manifestation, the Holy Okidanok emanates from himself the
three forces to accomplish creation. In those three forces (positive,
negative and neutral), any creation really has its beginning. 1/14

If we carefully
than unbrained, that is,observe the creatures
one-brained animals,of nature,
such as we see
snails, mollusks, or insects that only last one afternoon of
summer, etc., they grasp a force, a force manifests through them. In
bicerebrates, such as birds, quadrupeds, etc., manifest
two forces. Only in the mistakenly named intellectual animal
man, the three forces are expressed. That is why the intellectual animal is
the only one of the genre that could crystallize, within itself, the

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three primary forces, and that is precisely what the Sacred

Solar Absolute. It is our duty to fight for crystallization, in us
themselves, of those three primary forces of nature and of the Cosmos.

When someone manages to crystallize in himself the three forces

primary, indubitably reaches the logical state, reaches the goal, wins
the right to return to the Sacred Absolute Sun. That is exactly what
wants the Sacred Solar Absolute: to realize within us (in what
psychophysiological, psychosomatic) the crystallization of the three forces
primary. Only in this way will we become what is called the "Adam
Celestial ", in the" Adam Kadmon "of which Kabbalists speak.

We are therefore called to crystallize these three forces within

ourselves, here and now.

What is a Master Kout Humi? A man who crystallized at three

forces within himself. What is a Moria Master? A man that
He crystallized the three forces within himself. What is a Jesus of Nazareth?
A man who managed to crystallize those three forces in himself. What is a
Sanat Kumará? Someone who managed to crystallize, in himself, the three forces
primaries of nature and of the Cosmos.

Now, it's not just about embodying them. If we fill a glass

with water, it may spill, the glass may break and the 2/14

Water. Another thing is to crystallize that same water inside the glass. To the
crystallize it, it remains fixed, it remains firm. The same happens with the Logos, my
dear brothers: if we only incarnate it, it would remain as a
inhabitant, and nothing else (something like the water in the glass: it could escape in
any time, it would not be inside our body, but visiting).
Crystallizing it is different, and that is precisely what we need.

But we go to the bottom of this question, since if we are together

here, it is for the purpose of knowing how each of us can
become Logos.

It is obvious that each of us can achieve the crystallization of

the three primary forces, in himself and within himself, here and now.
The important thing is to know how, to know the procedure, the method, the

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infallible system, that is exact, precise; and this one exists, fortunately.

First of all we must begin by awakening the Kundalini, the serpent

igneous of our magical powers, if we really want to achieve the
crystallization of the three primary forces. This Kundalini Shakti, is
also the "Prana", life, and is coiled, as we already know,
three and a half times within the Muladhara Chakra. Such a magnetic center is
located exactly in the coccygeal bone, and in Christian esotericism it is
known by the name of "Church of Ephesus".

Many are the procedures with which you want to do

awaken the Kundalini. Did I ever see something very curious on film that
It happens in the lands of Hindustan (something very barbarous, by the way). Appeared
there a Yogin with the uncovered coccygeal bone, naked. They had
opened with a knife that part, they had removed the skin that covers the
bone and even the flesh had been cut open (the
process). Other yogins, with a cloth, or piece of cloth or sash,
they rubbed the victim's tailbone intensely. Objective? Wake her up 3/14

Kundalini through that dreadful, inhuman (barbarian,

obviously). The way that cloth or cloth sash moved was very
similar to the procedure shoe polishers use to give
shine, and the Yogin felt the pain of friction. Ignorance? Clear,
ignorance! This is how the igneous serpent of our
magical powers!

Others try to awaken Devi Kundalini through Pranayama.

I do not deny the value of Pranayama, that is great for revitalizing the
physical body, but it does not serve to awaken Devi Kundalini. However, yes
some sparks fly off the tailbone and circulate through the Nadis
or organic channels, causing moments of illumination that make believe
to the Yogin who has awakened the Kundalini. But it's not like that; the Kundalini remains
still coiled within the Muladhara Chakra.

Some suppose that their holy Guru can spread his hands over
the Chela to awaken the igneous snake, but that concept is also
wrong. The igneous serpent, my dear brothers, awakens with a single
procedure: with the Sahaja Maithuna that I have taught in all my works
and that I have repeated ad nauseam in all my talks.

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When you get to this part, you could call us "sex freaks", and
is that human beings always look for evasions or justifications for their
weaknesses, always looking for loopholes, using various forms of
self-deception, etc.

Ever (as I have already referred to it many times here, in this

hall), finding myself in the state of Samadhi or Satori, I asked Devi
Kundalini: Is it possible that there, in the physical world, there is someone who
can self-realize without the need for Sexual Magic? The answer was
terrible: "Impossible, my son, that is not possible!" I stayed
reflecting ... 4/14

When we think of so many sincere mistaken that abound in the

world and who believe that through celibacy they can reach
intimate self-realization of the Self, one cannot help but feel compassion
for humanity. Those who think so, those who defend celibacy, in the
bottom not only ignore, but also ignore that they ignore; no
they just don't know, but also don't know that they don't know. If those
had their Spatial Sense fully awake, they could verify by
themselves, directly, the harsh reality of the intellectual animal. So
they would fully realize that they do not (really) possess such "bodies
supersensitive "of which pseudo-esotericists and pseudo-occultists speak.

When someone (who has actually developed the Chakras) studies

"The Genesis", you can fully realize that all people have
only one body (the physical body), nothing else, and the Lingam Sarira of the
indostanes, the "Mumia" of Paracelsus. So what? The Vital Body is not
more than the upper section of the physical body. Beyond the same body
cell phone and its vital seat, what do people really have
ordinary? The Ego, the I, the myself. That Ego can be
confused with the Astral Body, and indeed, many pseudo-esotericists and
pseudo-occultists have confused him (not just confused him in the
past, but still confuse it).

The Ego is a sum of negative values, a bundle of passions,

hatred, jealousy, distrust, fornication, envy, pride, etc. That ego no
it is the Astral Body. Getting to evidence this reality is necessary, but that
It is only possible through the awakening of the Chakras. Reach

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checking this truth of the intellectual animal is very important, but

It can only be verified by those who awaken Consciousness. He
The unconscious, the sleeping, will never be able to verify this truth.

The different schools of pseudo-occult and pseudo- 5/14

man, but notthey
for say
the that man hasanimal
intellectual a Mental Body. I accept
mistakenly called this for him
"man". The tri-brained biped or rational homunculus (to be more
of course), it does not have a Mental Body, it does not have one mind, but many minds,
which is something else entirely.

I explain: the Ego is a sum of psychic aggregates or entities

that personify our mistakes. It is obvious that each of those
diabolical particles has a mind of its own. Speaking in other terms, I will say:
The Ego is a sum of I's, there is not one I but many I's within each
individual. This may be understood by some, but nevertheless
we all have to understand it.

The Self of anger, the Self of fornication, the Self of violence, the Self of
hatred, etc., there are different I's that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but with the
Spatial Sense they do. Whoever has a developed Spatial Sense,
You can verify what I am saying.

This set of I's is highly variable and in themselves constitute the

Ego. That each one of these I's has a mind of its own? It's true!
many times when we are full of hate, we see everything black
what surrounds us, when we are full of envy, we dislike the triumph
of others, etc. Likewise, when we have projects in mind,
It seems that we are "geniuses" (so we feel) and the I that controls
capital centers of the organic machine feels the master, the lord, the only one.
The I that swears eternal love to a woman, tomorrow is displaced by another
I have nothing to do with that oath. The Self that is excited about
these studies, which attends this Association, tomorrow is displaced by
another I that has nothing to do with Gnosis, and then we see how the
subject withdraws, does not return.

So we are machines, run by many entities

perverse. We are not individuals, we have not yet individualized; us

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We are in a sorry state, but we believe ourselves to be Gods.

We must ponder this deeply: which mind do we say

what we have, if the one who thinks one thing today, tomorrow is displaced by another
mind that thinks otherwise? The intellectual animal has no Mental Body, and
thus finding ourselves in such conditions, we must reflect.

We have also been told that we have a Causal Body; so they affirm
pseudo-occultists, but the Causal Body is the Body of the Will
Conscious, and the man who possesses the conscious will is never a victim
circumstances, you can determine them at will, but not be a victim
of them. He who is a victim of circumstances is because he has no Body
of the Conscious Will, it does not possess it; if he did, he would not be a victim of
circumstances, but pseudo-occultists believe that the intellectual animal
has that body. However, the facts prove otherwise, and facts
They are facts and before the facts we have to surrender.

Thus, the only thing we have inside is the Essence and the animal Ego.
Unfortunately, the most aristocratic, the most decent (the Essence), is
bottled between all that set of quarrelsome and screaming I's that
they control the organic machine; is asleep, conditioned by the I's, and
it is processed according to that conditioning.

That is the state we are in, and the panacea that

Some offer is celibacy. Do you think that celibacy could
become Gods? We have entire communities there (I don't want
name any) of celibate religious: which of them has been self-realized?
In the intellectual animal, although all three forces can manifest in him,
Only the Holy Affirmation is in all its power and in all its fullness.

In the intellectual animal called woman, the second force is active:

the Saint Deny, but if you want to make a creation, they need to be active
the three forces (that is the mystery of creation). When the Holy Affirm
and the Holy Deny are reconciled by the third force, that is, when
unite with a third force and the three merge, then from there it results
a creation.

You can create the Astral Body, the sidereal vehicle or "Eidolon" of the

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that the authentic initiates will speak, but it is clear that to achieve this we have
to use the three primary forces of nature and of the Cosmos. Man
and woman, united in the Forge of the Cyclops, can create the Astral Body, the
true Solar Astral Body. The interesting thing is to know how: No
extracting the sacred sperm from the organism; rather, produce it for
then transmute it and convert it into energy. Wisely transmuting the
sperm, the result is the crystallization of the Astral Body within
our own organism.

Much later (through love, through the sexual union of the

man and woman) we will have to create the Body of the Mind and finally the
Body of Conscious Will.

We have already spoken, clearly, about what Sexual Hydrogen is

SI-12; We have said that by not wasting the sperm, by not extracting it from
organism and transmute it, logically comes to crystallize in the figure of the
Astral Body. We have also said that such hydrogen, not being eliminated,
it takes shape in the Mental Body and then in the Causal Body; But it has to
have sexual union to get to create the Superior Existential Bodies
of Being, and this, precisely, is what the enlightened ignorant do not know.
Only he who has created his Solar Bodies or Existential Bodies
Superiors of the Self, can truly incarnate (within himself) to
his Human Soul and become a true man. Only men
Authentic can aspire to self-realization.

So we want to state emphatically that the Kundalini only

awakens through the sexual act and that the Existential Bodies only
can be created through the Sahaja Maithuna, in the Forge of the

The intellectual animal is not man, but he thinks he is. However,

has within it the seed that duly developed, transforms it
in man. Of course, a revolution of the seed itself is needed, if it is
that we want to become men. 8/14

Celibacy is contrary to creation; nobody can through the

celibacy, create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. A single force
(the masculine, for example), could not make any creation, could not

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create the Solar Bodies. A single force (the feminine, for example)
nor could it create such supersensitive vehicles. Union is needed
of the masculine force with the feminine force, reconciled by the third
force. The three forces can originate new creations, and this is what
that many enlightened ignoramuses do not understand.

The Sahaja Maithuna has several transcendental aspects and

transcendent. The motto of the Sahaja Maithuna is "Solve et Coagula", that is,
"dissolve and coagulate": dissolve the Ego, the I, the myself, and coagulate the
Sexual Hydrogen SI-12 in the form of the Superior Existential Bodies
of Being. That is the way to become authentic men,
legitimate, true. Once they became men, in the most
full of the word, we can aspire to the supreme Christification.

So, through the Sahaja Maithuna we create the Solar Bodies and
also (using the spear of Longibus or spear of Achilles) in those
instants we can disintegrate the Ego, the I, the myself, the legion of

Some human beings want to run away, become vegetarian, etc.

believing that they can thus be self-realizing. I say to you the following:
we need to live in society, in the world, because in coexistence
we can self-discover the defects that we have hidden. They surface
in coexistence, and if we are alert and vigilant, then we see them.
Discovered defect, must be subjected to understanding, through
meditation. Once the defect is understood, then we will proceed to
delete it. There is always a need to understand and eliminate, because
we could (for example) understand the defect of envy and without
however continue with it. 9/14

Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate, and it is only possible to eliminate defects or

entities of the Ego, in the Forge of the Cyclops, that is, in the Maithuna.
Then, there, we will ask the Divine Mother Kundalini to eliminate this or that
mistake and she will. Then we will be free from error, from defect,
but it is essential to have previously and fully understood it in each
one of the forty-nine levels of the subconscious.

In coexistence we discover our mistakes, defects, crimes,

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old-fashioned customs, etc., and every defect discovered, understood, and

eliminated, it is replaced by a virtue, by a quality. In the
coexistence, then, we managed to prepare the way for the
crystallization of the second force: the Saint Deny; in coexistence
we prepare the way to crystallize the third force, that of the Spirit
Santo, that of the Santo Conciliar, and we crystallize it through work in the
Forge of the Cyclops. In coexistence with humanity is how we go
gaining the essential values for the crystallization of the second
strength, and if we learn to obey the Father, both in Heaven and in
Earth, we undoubtedly prepare the way for the crystallization of the
first force.

We repeat: coexistence is essential for the crystallization of

the three forces. However, those who have already dissolved the Ego, who have already
created the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, who no longer possess
within the subjective and subhuman elements, the
luxury of seeking solitude, because it is in solitude that the powers of
adept are fortified. However, seeking solitude when not yet
We have dissolved the Ego, it is absurd.

Something about the Buddha comes to mind right now

Sakyamuni ... Gautama The Buddha spoke out against the abominable Organ
Kundabuffer (you know that this organ was developed in 10/14

an archaic humanity). I mean a certain Luciferic fire, dark, that

it plunged from the coccyx into the atomic infernos of man. In a
past, I already said, the intellectual animal had the abominable Organ
Overdeveloped Kundabuffer, and when the Gods
eliminated that organ, humanity was left with the results of the
same. The bad consequences of the abominable Kundabuffer Organ
are, undoubtedly, all those psychic aggregates that constitute the
Ego, and Gautama The Buddha, realizing this, spoke out against the
abominable Kundabuffer Organ. The whole doctrine of the Buddha goes against
that organ of abominations, against that satanic tail carried by

The Buddha's doctrine was wonderful: it taught the dissolution of the Ego
and secretly also taught Sexual Magic, also admonishing his
disciples, inviting them to sacrifice for humanity.

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After the Buddha disincarnated, a group of sectarians resolved

create a monastery in Eastern Tibet, they emigrated from India and
settled in the Himalayas. Each of the applicants emigrated with their
woman; the conglomerate was a veritable town of mystics, of

When they were already established, installed (in their respective

buildings all those groups that aspired to the dissolution of the Ego but
who interpreted the doctrine of Gautama in a negative and wrong way),
came the protest of the women. They protested when they saw the hermitages
where their husbands were to lock themselves up (half the buildings had such
hermitages, and the other half was for general services).
Observing those strange hermitages (like cruel dungeons)
where each anchorite was to lock himself up, they really caused dread. I know
It was about small rooms where there was hardly a narrow hole for
where the servants of those monasteries put food into the 11/14

penitent. Thattois,
very similar the happened
what monks were practically
in colonial sandwiched
times, where so(somewhat
many and
so many were sandwiched, stuck between four walls, unable to get out
never from there). Many women, then, protested against this unusual attitude of
their husbands. Some of them entered their hermitages, others, obeying
his wives, withdrew, abandoned such a voluntary suicide attempt.
Many others, firm in their intentions, moved away, emigrated a little more
there and always established their monasteries.

I want to show you that at that time two classes were established
of monasteries: Some, that we could call "orthodox", and others a little
more liberal. The Orthodox became frankly unbearable: every
monk who entered one of those hermitages, was condemned to the penalty of
death. Food was put through a hole, which consisted of bread and
water nothing more. Those who attended the hermitages, aspired to occupy a position
in some cloister of those, and when a hermit died, he was taken from there,
he was buried or his body was cremated, then the one who passed the
food, happily happened to replace it. That was, then, something abominable.
The objective was to dissolve the Ego, but in what way!

We, my dear brothers, would never accept a life

monastic like that, so absurd, because that's not the way. The worst thing was that

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those cloistered abandoned their wives, aspiring to die in themselves

themselves to immerse themselves in Nirvana.

Obviously, that is a lousy interpretation of the doctrine of

Gautama, the Buddha. Why flee from women, when it is through her
How can the intimate self-realization of the Being be achieved? Why run away from
society, if it is in relation to it, in contact with humanity, as
do our defects surface? If so, how do we come to discover the defects
what do we carry inside? 12/14

It is in relation to sex that we can create the Bodies

Existential Superiors of Being, as we have already seen and analyzed
widely. So why run away from the opposite sex, if that's the way?
Unquestionably, whoever runs away from sex runs away from the road.

Many monks and hermits of the Middle Ages had customs

similar. We are now in the twentieth century, beginning the Age of
Aquarius, and the custom of this age is different, the asceticism of the New Age
is different. The past Age of Pisces fled from sex, the Age of Aquarius
look for sex, because that's where the wonderful key is, that's where
there is the power of creation.

Loneliness is only for those who have already achieved the elimination of the
Ego and the crystallization (even) of the third force. But those who don't
possess the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, those who have not
still manufactured their Solar Bodies, those who have not finished with the
myself, with the self, why do they seek solitude? Why do they want
the path of celibacy, why they yearn to live an absurd life, as
that of the wrong monks of the Himalayas?

What we need is a true Revolution of Consciousness,

a radical transformation. Inside each of us exist
Extraordinary powers that are dormant, latent. We need
wake them up, put them into activity, and this is only possible when
we raise the fire of the Kundalini and dissolve the Ego, fanning the flame or
the spirit, with the fire of love.

Unfortunately, people do not understand what we are saying,

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because they are asleep. We propose the awakening of the

Consciousness, because only in this way is it possible to understand.

Each of us has to be practical, because only through 13/14

practice it is possible to show what I am saying.

Those who want to begin the work of awakening, must begin

for trying to go out in the Astral Body, learn to unfold (we say go out
in the Astral Body in a symbolic, allegorical, conventional way, because the
people don't understand).

There are times when the student can escape from the physical body
to see, hear and feel the great realities of what I am saying. One
of the precise instants is the one that exists between wakefulness and sleep, in
those moments when we are dozing (not asleep, but between the
wakefulness and sleep). If in those moments we are alert, like the lookout in
time of war, we can escape the physical body at will,
we can make it. The important thing is to watch the dream, to become spies
of our own dream, and then (at the beginning of the first daydreams),
feeling like fluidic spirit, like something intangible, we must
get out of bed (when I speak like this, this should translate into facts:
It is not about thinking that one is going to get up, nor about thinking that one is
thinking, what interests is doing it, translating it into facts).

So we must think about it and do it. The work is hard, bitter and
It is hard but not impossible. Of course: you have to carve the stone, the hard rock, even
chisel it out. That is essential for background self-realization.

No one can do this job for us, no one can

replace. It is up to each of us to face the hard task of crystallizing the
three forces within himself, here and now.

So far for now, my dear brothers ...

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