The Food of Prints

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The foods that penetrate our body are divided into
three categories. To the first, to the first type of food,
we can call it "food". Unquestionably, for food
that enter through the mouth and the mouth itself, there is a means that allows
transform those vital principles. I mean the stomach. If it was not for
the stomach, the transformation of the first class of
foods. However, the food that enters the mouth is not the most
important. We well know how food is transformed through
digestion; there is no doubt that in the last synthesis, the vital principles
are deposited in the blood and it directs them to all the organs of the
Body. However, someone can go without food for some time.
Mahatma Gandhi could go up to forty days without eating, and even
more: went up to two and three months without eating. It is therefore not the most

The second kind of food is Prana, which enters with oxygen

within our physical body; is the one who enters the gates of the
respiration, and unquestionably, there is an organ, or special organs
for the transformation of the food that enters through the nose.

Thus the air, through the lungs, is transformed

(naturally) in oxygen, and this oxygen (Prana) is deposited
subsequently throughout the bloodstream.

Respiration is more important than food that enters through the

mouth and goes to the stomach, because as I said we could last up to about
a month without food, but we could not last long without breathing.
You can usually go without breathing for a minute or two, and some come
up to three. I too may become breathless during
more than four minutes (per workout), but unquestionably, 1/17

Beyond this small limited time, if we do not breathe we die. It is

because more important then, really really, the breathing than the
physical food.

And finally there is a third kind of food, which in fact is still

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more important. I am referring, emphatically, to impressions.

Unquestionably, we could not last a second in the
existence, if impressions did not exist. We can't live, not a
second, without receiving impressions. Our organism is nourished, very
especially with prints. If the air did not make an impression on
our lungs and in our blood, we would not live; if the food doesn't
to impress the stomach and intestinal tracts, we could not
to live.

So impressions are essential: Unfortunately,

the difference between breathing and the first food that enters the mouth and goes
to the stomach, we do not have (in this case) an organ to digest the
impressions and that's unfortunate. The air has the lungs, the food
it has the stomach, but impressions, what organ do they have?
They come to mind and we cannot deny that, but we have no way to
digest impressions, there is no organ for digestion and
transformation of impressions.

All life events come to mind in the form of

impressions, all events reach the brain in the form of impressions.
Joy, sadness, hope, despair, problems,
worries, etc., come to mind in the form of impressions. Any
circumstance, any event, however insignificant, always
it comes to mind in the form of impressions.

I repeat: unfortunately we do not have an organ capable of

digest impressions, which is more than enough reason for
themselves become psychic aggregates, that is, in I's. If not 2/17

we digest the bad impression we receive (for example) from an insulter,

then that impression becomes, within us, an I of
revenge. If we do not digest the impression that a glass of wine makes us,
obviously such an impression becomes an I of intoxication. If not
we digest the impression caused by a sex partner
opposite, unquestionably such an impression would become, for the same reason,
an I of lust. If we don't digest the impression that comes to mind,
related to a fortune, obviously such an impression can become
in a self of greed. So not digesting impressions equals creating

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I am. Undigested impressions, I repeat, become new I's.

So, we not only have the I's that we possess, those that
we bring from previous stocks, but what is worse: we are creating
new Selves every day, and that is unfortunate.

Stop creating I's, it is essential. That is only possible,

digesting the impressions. And how to digest them? In what way, in what
mode? How to transform them into something different? Would that be possible? Yes it is
possible! How? Through Consciousness. If we interpose between the
impressions and the mind that which is called "Consciousness", impressions are

The impressions, themselves, are Hydrogen 48, a Hydrogen

quite heavy. Digested through Consciousness, they become
Hydrogen 24, which serves to nourish the Astral Body. That Hydrogen 24, at your
time, it can be transformed into Hydrogen 12 to nourish the Mental, and for
Lastly, the Mental Hydrogen, digested, is transformed into Hydrogen 6, with the
that the Causal is nourished. It is better, then, to digest our impressions with the
purpose of transforming Hydrogen 48 into food for the Bodies
Existential Superiors of the Being.

Normally impressions hurt the mind and mind then

reacts against the impact from the outside world: if we are hit, 3/17

we hit; if they insult us, we insult; if they urge us to drink, we drink, etc .;
the mind always reacts against impacts from the world
Exterior. We must avoid such a reaction, and that would be possible, exclusively,
interposing Consciousness between mind and impressions.

Was there some way, some technique, some practices that

allow Consciousness to be used to interpose it between impressions and
the mind? Is there a key that allows us to use the Consciousness of that
So, that it is the Consciousness that receives the impressions and not the mind?
Because when Consciousness receives impressions, it digests them
inevitably, it transforms them into something else; but when it is not the
Consciousness who receives the impressions, but the mind, then it happens
that the mind reacts against impacts from the world

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exterior, reacts violently, mechanically.

So how to use Consciousness? How to use it, in what way, in order

that it is she (and nothing but her) who receives the impressions and
transform? I am going to tell you the key, very simple: Never
forget ourselves, our own Being. Because if one forgets
his own Inner Being in the presence of an insulter, ends up insulting; yes
one forgets oneself, one's own Self in the presence of a glass of
wine, ends up drunk; if one forgets oneself, one's own Self in
presence of a person of the opposite sex, ends up fornicating.

When one learns to live in a state of alert perception, alert

novelty; when one remembers oneself from moment to moment, of
moment by moment; when you never forget yourself,
undoubtedly he is becoming conscious. If one does not forget himself
himself in the presence of an insulter, if one does not forget his own Self,
then transform those perverse impressions into Hydrogen 24, which
serves to fortify the Astral Body, and in Hydrogen 12 to feed the
Mental and in Hydrogen 6 to feed the Causal; that is, it transforms the
words of the insulter in a different force. 4/17

If one does not forget oneself in the presence of a glass of wine,

transform that impression (that Hydrogen 48) into Hydrogen 24 and 12 and 6. If
one does not forget oneself in the presence of a large sum of money,
transform that impression into Hydrogen 24, 12 and 6.

So, not forgetting themselves is the key that allows us

manage Consciousness intelligently. When you don't forget yourself
himself interposes, between mind and impressions, that which is called

The beautiful thing is that it is the Consciousness that receives the impressions
that come from the outside world, because Consciousness can transform them
in something different: in creative elements, in superlative elements of the
Being, in diamond forces that serve for the development of the chakras, in
multiple forces that serve for the development of certain powers that
they exist in our internal constitution.

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It is necessary, therefore, to know that all the I's that currently

we have, they are the result of undigested, untransformed impressions, and
this is unfortunate.

Unfortunately, people never remember themselves; by

that is that impressions come to our mind and remain that way,
completely untransformed, giving rise (of course) to the
psychic aggregates, to the I's. It is necessary to dissolve the I's, but
it is also necessary not to create new I's. Someone could afford
dissolve all the I's, but if he forgets himself he creates new
Yoes (that's the serious thing).

Self-remembering is something interesting. When one is

he remembers himself, he originates forces different from those of his peers:
different forces, forces that make (one) a subject completely 5/17

different from
Such forces areothers. It isthat
different, interesting to know,
even their powersthen, thatare
of life those who believe
different. Yes
place two subjects in an inhospitable place, with poor diet, poor
environment, etc. (the one, who never remembers himself, who lives a life
mechanist, and the other, who always remembers himself from moment to moment
moment, which is always remembering its own Self, which never forgets
your Inner Being), you can be absolutely sure that the
the first would soon die and the second would live despite the environment
inhospitable, because it is surrounded by forces different from those of others.

The whole problem of liberation is based on the

transformation, and transformation is based on sacrifice. Yes
we observe, for example, an egg (be it that of a snake, or that of a
bird) we see there latent possibilities, capable of development. Such
Possibilities become fact through transformation. The fire of
chimneys, the one that warms us during winter days, is the
result of transformation. Digestion, in us, is a whole
transformation process through which it is possible to exist. The
transformation of the air within the lungs, is another process of
transformation, and if we want to transform ourselves psychologically,
we also need to transform impressions, that is, transform the
third class of food.

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I repeat, all the events of life (that come to mind),

They come in the form of prints. I am speaking to you, gathered
here in this room, in this Lumisial, and what is coming to the
mind of you? The impression, a series of impressions: come to a
man and listen to him. Those impressions are coming to mind, and in
moments in which I am speaking to you, are you sure you are digesting
this impression, this impression of seeing a man who is speaking to them,
who is giving them esoteric teachings? Are you already in the process of
digestion of what they are getting, or not? If you are not in the process
digestion or transformation of this impression, that of seeing in front of
you to Samael Aun Weor, speaking to you, are wasting your time 6/17

Unfortunately. Why? Because they are not digesting the impressions,

because they are not transforming them. If it is not digested, it is not transformed. In the
Science of Transformations, there is the digestion of impressions.

How do you digest this impression? You see me

here, giving a lecture, and you must not forget your own Being; let him be
Be the one who receives the impressions, pass all the teaching to the Self, listen
with the desire to reach the Being.

If you digest the impressions, you will understand the teaching better; if not
they proceed like this, they are wasting their time and the chair would be
totally useless. So we must start with facts, because
He who hears the word and does not do it, is similar to the man who
he looks in a mirror and then turns his back and leaves. So it is not enough to listen
the word; you have to "di-ge-rir-la" and that is precisely what is essential.

See how important this event is called

"impressions"! We can't live a second without impressions, not a
thousandth of a second.

So it is worth transforming them into something else: into powers, into

light, in fire, in harmony, in beauty. More, if we do not transform them (I repeat,
even though I get tired of repetition), they simply become
new psychic aggregates, in new I's.

We need to be more thoughtful. What are we in

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really really? As we meet, without digesting impressions,

creating new I's from second to second, from moment to moment, no
we are more than simple machines controlled by psychic aggregates.

We live in a world of great activity, where everyone believes that

they do and nobody does anything: everything happens to us, like when it rains, like
when it thunders. Why? Simply because we do not have incarnated 7/17

Being. Only Being can do; he does and the true man is Being; but yes
the machine acts, something that is not the Self acts: a robot is acting
programmed with a wonderful computer called a brain, it is
acting mechanically. So it's not doing, it's acting (a
one thing is to do and another is to act). Any machine acts, moves, walks,
fulfills its functions, because it is a machine and is programmed to fulfill
their functions, but doing is something else: only man can do and
true man is the Self. Distinguish between the true man, who is
the Being, and the machine (the machine is not the Being).

I repeat: the intellectual animal is a programmed robot, and its brain is

a wonderful computer, a computer that supports itself
herself; a computer that mathematically calculates, exactly
precise; a computer that records visual waves and waves
sound; that registers the exterior and the interior, that supplies itself. It is
a wonderful, first-class computer, but it is that and nothing more than that:
a computer.

After that computer comes the physical organism and the

computer uses it to come and go, etc. Such a computer is in the hands
the Ego, not the Self, and the Ego is the result of many impressions not
digested. So what acts here, in this painful world in which
we live, it is a machine equipped with a large computer. It is not here
the Being acting but the machine. We can say that the machine is human
and Being is Being.

But what is, really, what we call "life"?

It's certainly like a movie. Yes, and when the time of death comes,
we returned to the starting point of that movie and took it to the
Eternity. When you return, when you return with this Ego, you are born with your film. To the

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restructure with a new organism, one projects anew his

movie on the screen of existence. And what does it project? His life. Which one? The
always, the same as it had in the previous existence, that is, it repeats what 8/17

same thing that he did in the past existence and in the past existences. Everything
that which one projects, is in fact programmed, (from birth) into
So we are programmed robots; the Being does not intervene to
nothing in all that tragedy, he does not get into those matters. The Being of each one
of us move freely in the Milky Way.

There are and live here, in this painful valley of life, a lot of
shadows, provided with physical organisms. And what do these organisms do?
Nothing! They move mechanically, according to the program that has been
deposited in the brain (not only in the physical brain, but in the
three brains: in the intellectual, in the emotional and in the motor). And the Being, what
ago while we are here suffering, having jobs, crying,
going through work to get what to pay the rent with, what to buy a
suit etc? He lives happily in the Milky Way, moves freely in the Milky Way
Milky. So what is this painful existence that we lead?
Pure illusion, something vain! With good reason Hindus say that this world
it is only "Maya", that this world is illusory, that it has no value.

We need, I repeat, to have a real existence, because it is not yet

we have. Would any of you pride yourself on having a real existence? Which one of
do you have a real existence? Don't tell me you really have it.
I do not see here but machines that move, programmed machines,
programmed robots; nothing else. Sure, we always need to stop being
robots, and we can stop being robots. But, to stop being it, we need
remove all psychic aggregates; that's obvious.

So, you already know that we have to remove the aggregates

psychics, plus knowing this is not all; we need to stop creating new
aggregates, and we are creating them daily, by not digesting the
impressions. We need to digest the impressions, transform them into
different forces not to create new Selves, and we need to digest the old
impressions, those that gave rise to the I's that we currently have. That
it is possible through reflection, self-reflection, and elimination.

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When one digests the old impressions that are deposited in the
five cylinders of the machine (in the form of habits, lower emotions,
negative thoughts, depraved instincts, sexual abuse, etc.),
then it disintegrates those inhuman elements, which is obvious.

So, not only do you have to digest the new impressions that
come to mind, but also old impressions. And they digest (I repeat
and I clarify) observing ourselves from moment to moment, from moment to

We need examples and I will put them. Suppose that suddenly,

we are jealous. A man found out that his wife has another man, and
of course, the ego of jealousy jumps there. What to do? (discovered, you have to
understand it, that's obvious). The Law of Recurrence says that in one pass
existence, the same triangle existed. So, that jealousy that you feel is
they owe to an undigested, untransformed impression. If then one tries
to digest that impression, let's say, to transform it into something different; yes
one through reflection comes to the conclusion that jealousy is
absurd, that they have no real meaning; then do the digestion of that
bad impression that comes from ancient times. When one does that
digestion, since it is in the best possibilities for the disintegration of the
Ego. It would only be missing the supplication (the supplication to Devi Kundalini Shakti) to be
she is the one who disintegrates that Ego, the result of an undigested impression, and
end that ego of jealousy turns to dust.

Suppose we quarrel with another person, because we do not

wants to return money that we need (unquestionably, it is
of an undigested impression). If at the time we went to collect the
The debtor did not want to pay us money and we felt great disappointment and
desire to fight with that gentleman, then we must be the
understanding enough to (when you get home) meditate, and thus, being
in peace, through thoughtful analysis to digest that bad
Print. There is no doubt that the Law of Recurrence has worked there,
It was the same case: we lent (to that same man) a certain amount
of money and did not return it to us. And in the ancestor the same case occurred and in
the transient passed the same, and it has always happened the same, and because of that
we fabricate a self of hatred against that gentleman. Now there will be a need for

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completely digest that bad impression (which comes from a remote past
and that has become an I), digest it through reflection,
understanding that this money thing is vain, illusory, and that at the time of the
death we do not take a penny for eternity. When we already
we have become aware of that, then we plead with Devi Kundalini
Shakti that disintegrates that Ego (which is nothing more than the result of a series
undigested impressions) and it is clear that the Divine Mother will make it
dust and we will be free of that bad impression.
All our selves are but the result of impressions not
transformed, not digested. Disintegrated such undigested impressions,
forces those of impressions are transformed into something else: in
Hydrogen 24, 12 and 6, and one is clean.

So, past and present impressions should be

transformed into cosmic forces and this is possible by not forgetting
ourselves, not forgetting our own Being. When one does not know
Forgets oneself, when one lives in a state of alert perception, of
alert novelty, then transform those impressions into something else.

If someone succeeds in transforming all of their impressions, it will be

truly blessed, because the Self will remain in him and he in the Self, and
then it will have real existence, then it will be able to do, because it will have
To be incarnated.

As we are, we are nothing but programmed robots. Those

undigested impressions were deposited in our three brains and
those impressions are repeated from moment to moment, from moment to
moment and throughout life. That is the mechanics of the Law of
Recurrence: a repetition of old impressions. Do you think that
is nice: to be machines, to play the role of robots, not to have the Self
incarnate, live like this (like shadows) in this valley of tears? Do you believe
you that it is worth having an existence like that? And what are we? Shades
Wretched, programmed robots, programmed by the old impressions
From the past! All the impressions of our past existences that
remained undigested, have been deposited in our three brains and
now they repeat mechanically. So we seem true
robots, we are robots, moving mechanically in this valley of 11/17

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How long will you want to live turned into robots?

Until what year, until what date? Ponder this my dear ones
brothers, because it really is a pity to be a robot.

So far my chair. And now yes, before closing this teaching,

it is convenient that those who want to ask questions ask them with the fullest
freedom, and those who disagree, let them say why they disagree

Q.- When an impression has been transformed and passes Hydrogen

48 to Hydrogen 24, then 12 and up to 6, can you continue from
Hydrogen 6 to Hydrogen 3?

A.- Yes you can continue, to nurture the Existential Bodies more
high, and up to Hydrogen 1 can go. Please note that no
only the Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies can be created, but
one can also afford to create the Four Kayas: the Nirvanakaya,
the Sambogakaya, the Addikaya and the Dharmakaya. Obviously the hydrogens
very fine that are needed to feed that class of vehicles, they have to
get out of right here, out of this physical world in which we live; they have to
emanate or come from the transformed impressions or in other terms,
of Hydrogen 48 transformed in a staggered, gradual way.

Q.- Teacher: Is digesting impressions simply an attitude

psychological, or thinking "here I am" holding that thought within

R.- If you say "here I am", who is affirming that? This,

simply by affirming the robot. The robot says "yes, me, here I am" (here is the
robot). It is not about that; It is about not forgetting your own Being, that
it's something different. He normally lives in the Milky Way and is not incarnate
currently in the robot, because the Ego and the Self are incompatible. It is about 12/17

it is about not forgetting the Self; It is not about affirming the robot, but about affirming the
Being, which is different. Any other question?

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Q.- Venerable Master: since it is the human body or the machine, the
who can digest impressions, how does a disembodied person digest them?

A.- And what do the disincarnate have to do with the question of


Q.- It's my question, nothing more ...

A.- No, it is from the impressions "on this side" that I am

speaking. Or is it that you have not understood? Printing is, for example,
see that mechanical device, impression is what you eat, what you drink, what
that comes to your mind through the senses. All of that is printing.
Impression is to exist, is to live: joy, sadness, what brings us
worries, what brings us yearnings, what brings us hope, what
brings us despair. All of that is printing. What do the
disembodied lords in this "farce"? Nothing, right? When it says
that you have to transform impressions, it means that you have to
use an instrument. Which one? Awareness. But what is Consciousness,
why does it exist? Consciousness is of the Self and when one does not forget his
own Being, obviously Consciousness is working.

Do not forget your own Self, it is extraordinary. Why are there

Fallen angels? Because they forgot themselves an instant, time longer
Enough to head over the cliff By saying "don't forget
themselves ", I am not asserting that they are trying to affirm the
machine, to the robot. No, not forgetting yourselves means not forgetting your
Being Deep Inner. That is what I am referring to, emphatically, and must
be understood in the light of a revolutionary Experimental Psychology. Any
another question? 13/17

Q.- Venerable Master: a person who has never experienced the

Being and who has never accessed this type of study, what psychological attitude
should he take in order not to forget himself and reaffirm the Self?

A.- Personality must become more and more passive, so that

we become receptive. When one becomes receptive, one feels each
once again to the Self, through its Higher Emotional Center. That's why this is

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written: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see
God "... You have to cleanse the heart so that there is emotional understanding,
much higher than brain understanding. When there is
cerebration, great as it may be, is very poor to the
emotional understanding. Emotional understanding allows (one)
experience the Self. Here I am teaching you, then, how to achieve
development of emotional understanding, which is developing (each time
more) as they cleanse the heart, that is, as they go
eliminating the psychic aggregates. If at first there is only the
emotional understanding in a merely residual, incipient form, to
as we disintegrate the Ego this emotional understanding
it will become more and more pure, more suitable.

Let us not forget the Being, let us always take care of the heart, let it be
clean, and thus, actually really, we will not create new Egos. But
while we forget the Self, the impressions will reach the
mind and remain undigested. Then these will become new Selves
or they will fortify the I's already established in the five cylinders of the machine
organic; that's obvious.

Q.- Venerable Master: sometimes, for example, we feel that you are
acting the I of anger. One realizes that he has anger and wants
understand the phenomenon that caused it. However, at the same time
feels one with strength, because that I can more than the desire to
observe it. What can we do in that case? 14/17

R.- Obviously the I of anger, fully established in the five

cylinders, has become (in this case) lord and master of all
machine. However, there is a small margin (very limited indeed)
of freedom. Speaking in the form of analogies, we will say that this margin is
as small as that which can exist between a violin and the case that
contains. It is very limited indeed, but if we use it wisely,
can be expanded. It is necessary to appeal to the evident self-reflection of the Being and there is
to also appeal to self-observation: to observe that I of anger in
action. When you observe yourself during a fit of anger, you understand
that something, something other than one has entered their brains, that has
owned them. If one has checked (by self-observation)

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that reality, can take another step, which is that of evident self-reflection, and
if through obvious self-reflection you have come to the conclusion that
a demon of anger has taken hold of him, then he can give the third
step: that of deep inner meditation. Through meditation comes
superlative analysis: we must shed light on this facet, make clarity
in the mind about what happened for the anger to arise, and it comes to
discover then that this I of anger has other roots (it may be love
own; It may happen that someone hurt our self-love, or it may be
that someone hurt our pride, or it may be that someone hurt our
susceptibility, or that vanity hurt us, etc.). If one gets to discover,
Well, the cause of that anger, then understand that that anger is foolish, and if one
he has understood that this anger is fatuous, it is capable of disintegrating it.
It would only be enough to pray to the Kundalini Shakti, for it to disintegrate
such a psychic aggregate. I am sure she will help you in the process of
disintegration. This is the obvious way to go. Any other question?

Q.- Teacher: in the transformation or digestion of impressions, what

role does inspiration play?

A.- Well, the initiated brothers say that there are three scales that
lead to Initiation: Imagination, inspiration and intuition, (that's the 15/17

but oneAllthing
the brothers are full
is inspiration andofanother
is theindubitable),
objectification of the
Awareness. You might feel inspired, but if you haven't
disintegrate the I's, your Consciousness is not objective. That is, if your Consciousness
It is not objective, although it feels inspired, it does not reach the
illumination. To reach enlightenment it is necessary that the aggregates
psychics disappear. Only by disappearing or disintegrating
psychic aggregates, objective, authentic inspiration arises in us,
which leads one to the highest scale of Initiation.

The psychic aggregates must be disintegrated, and they could not

disintegrate if one did not live in a state of alert perception, alert
novelty. Any other question?
Q.- In the psychological work to eliminate the Ego, what role does
does the force of the Third Logos play?

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A.- Well, there is a very high trimurti which is the Father, the Logos and the
Holy Spirit. Unquestionably, the Holy Spirit is the sexual force
that is developed, unwrapped and processed in the fired forge of
Vulcan. If we invoke the Shakti Kundalini, precisely during
work in the Forge of Cyclops, she will assist us, reinforcing the power
of the Third Logos, that is, of the Holy Spirit. She will disintegrate, very
quickly, the psychic aggregate that manifests itself in the form of a defect.
This is how the Holy Spirit, Shiva or Third Logos, as you say, exercises its
role in the work of disintegration.

Q.- The sexual force, when there is no disintegration of the Ego or much
less digestion of prints, would no longer work?

R.- Ashiata Shiemans, the great Avatar of Babylon, unquestioned-

had probably achieved the total disintegration of all the aggregates
psychic. Thus, he did not forget himself. From moment to moment
moment by moment he received and digested the impressions. Thanks to that, I know 16/17

became the Lord's beloved. That's it!

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