How Does Corona Virus Affect The World

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How does Coronavirus affect the world?

Prices for ​staple​ foods ​spiked​ across Russia in March, the value of the ruble fell
because of the coronavirus ​outbreak​. Sugar prices rose by at least 16% in 23 Russian
regions, while tomatoes were up 15%, garlic 9% and lemons 8%. The price of Russian
staple buckwheat increased by 6.2% and bread by 5-7%.

“It would be surprising if prices did not increase. A third of the cost of the average
Russian consumer basket is being imported,” said Associate Professor of the Russian
Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) Sergei

A pharmacy which priced bottles of Calpol at £19.99 has been criticised for the
"extortionate"​ move. A branch of West Midlands-based chain Jhoots had 200ml bottles
of the liquid paracetamol advertised at about three times its usual price.
Birmingham ​councillor​ Majid Mahmood said people from his Hodge Hill ward had
phoned him "in tears" to complain.
Blaming​ a communication error, Jhoots said it would refund customers and ​ensure​ no
repeat of the error.
Mr Mahmood posted a photo of the pharmacy shelves on Twitter, which also showed
smaller 100ml bottles priced at £9.99.
He also claimed the same shop had been offering a 32-pack of paracetamol at £1.39 a
week ago, but was now asking £9.99 for the item.
Pharmacists have warned that ​wholesale​ paracetamol prices have gone up amid the
coronavirus crisis.
"Business is business, they have to make a profit," Mr Mahmood said.
"But firms shouldn't be charging ​extortionate​ pricing when you know people are
desperate in a national crisis.”
"When you've got people crying down the phone because they can't afford Calpol -
that's wrong."
In a statement posted on Twitter, Jhoots said: "We have acted immediately and
conducted a ​thorough investigation​ into this matter and have found that following an
erroneous​ communication, price increases were made at branch level.
"In order to rectify the issue we will make full refunds to our customers affected by this
and have taken all ​appropriate​ action to ensure that this does not happen again."
Government ​watchdog​ the Competitions and Markets Authority said it was receiving "an
extremely high number of calls" about inflated pricing during the Covid-19 outbreak.
A Birmingham City Council spokeswoman said its trading standards department could
take action over "dual-pricing".
She said traders could charge "what they want" for items without a price mark, but it
was a criminal ​offence​ to charge more for pre-priced products.


Experts ​estimate​ is a loss of more than $ 6 trillion for the largest oil producer in the
world. Experts previously expected that corona virus crisis could cost the world about 6
trillion. While American oil lost more than that night. Does President Trump's attack on
China have anything to do with it? It is worth noting that the Chinese government is the
largest buyer of US Treasury bonds. The economy of the world's largest country is
collapsing​ because of the corona Virus For the first time in history, American sellers will
have to pay buyers !!! The collapse of the price of US oil barrel reached below $ 8.6
below zero! This means a loss of 147% of its value in one trading session.


​ ain​ p
Staple​ - ​a m ​ roduct​ or p
​ art​ of something.
Outbreak​ ​- ​a ​time​ when something ​suddenly​ ​begins​, ​especially​ a ​disease
or something e ​ lse​ d
​ angerous​ or ​unpleasant​.
Extortionate​ ​- ​more ​expensive​ than is r​ easonable​.
Councillor​ - ​an e ​ lected​ m
​ ember​ of a ​local​ g
​ overnment
Blaming​ - ​to say or ​think​ that someone or something did something
wrong​ or is ​responsible​ for something ​bad​ h ​ appening
Ensure​ - ​to make something ​certain​ to ​happen
Wholesale​ - ​of or for the ​selling​ of g ​ oods​ in ​large​ ​amounts​ at l​ ow​ p
​ rices
to ​shops​ and ​businesses​, ​rather​ than the ​selling​ of g ​ oods​ in ​shops​ to
thorough​ - ​detailed​ and c ​ areful
Investigation​ - ​the ​act​ or p ​ rocess​ of ​examining​ a ​crime​, ​problem​,
statement​, etc. ​carefully,​ e ​ specially​ to ​discover​ the ​truth
Erroneous​ - ​wrong​ or ​false
Appropriate​ - ​suitable​ or ​right​ for a ​particular​ ​situation​ or ​occasion
Watchdog​ - ​a ​person​ or ​organization​ ​responsible​ for making ​certain​ that
companies​ ​obey​ ​particular​ ​standards​ and do not ​act​ ​illegally
Offence​ - ​an i​ llegal​ ​act​; a ​crime
Collapse​ -​ to f​ all​ down ​suddenly​ because of ​pressure​ or having no
strength​ or ​support

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