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SPF (Standard Processing flow) for path loss modeling

1. Pre processing
2. processing
3. modeling
4. result

1. Pre processing (we must prepare data input )

a. Coordinate of each site in latitude, longitude (hdddomm’”)
b. Elevation of each site
c. Contour elevation of land between site and structure height
d. Tower height of each site (plan)
e. Antenna height of each site (planning)
f. Frequency antenna that we will used (planning)


Terrain Data - Suko rejo wetan-Ngunut.pl4

Distance (km) Elevation (m) Ground Structure (m)

0.000 34.00 AG
0.030 34.60 AG 30.0 m Tree - Start of Range
0.050 35.00 AG
0.400 34.00 AG
0.500 33.00 AG
0.800 33.00 AG
1.100 34.00 AG
1.200 33.00 AG
1.300 33.00 AG
1.600 33.00 AG
1.800 34.00 AG
2.200 33.00 AG
2.400 33.00 AG
2.900 34.00 AG
3.200 33.00 AG
3.230 32.00 AG
3.300 32.00 AG
3.570 32.00 AG End of Range
3.600 32.00 AG
3.650 31.50 AG 14.0 m Building - Start of Range
3.800 30.00 AG
3.930 30.00 AG
4.030 30.00 AG
4.300 30.00 AG
4.600 31.00 AG
5.000 31.00 AG
5.400 32.00 AG
5.500 31.00 AG
5.530 32.00 AG End of Range
5.704 32.00 AG 25.0 m Tree
5.880 32.00 AG 15.0 m Building - Start of Range
5.900 32.00 AG
6.010 32.00 AG
6.110 31.00 AG
6.900 31.77 AG End of Range
7.130 32.00 AG

Ground Elevations - AMSL, Structure & Antenna Heights - AGL

Ground Type
PG - Poor, AG - Average, GG - Good, FW - Fresh Water, SW - Salt Water

2. Processing
Note: before inputting data please set purpose of this application and antenna
configuration. Each application and antenna configuration will give us very
different result
a. Inputting data based on category (coordinate, elevation, height, freq, etc..)
this step used in summary module in PL soft ware

After all data had been inputting on summary module we’ll got data for
calculated distance, true azimuth, and free space loss automatically

After summary module finished we can go the terrain module

In this module we can input the elevation of certain distance, always use new
site as base point. For example new site name is A then end link B so the zero
distance start from A and so on. To set up the type, height of structure, double
click to structure in terrain table in this section we’ll find type of structure like
single structure, range structure or off path structure
After all elevation of each distance were inputting, we can see topographic
model of land between site. For recording purpose go to the report menu, file
and copy the report.

3. Modeling
First step in this section start by making model for antenna MW height. For
this step choose antenna heights module

In this module we can set the optimize model for antenna heights but, result of
clearance area will set to zero automatically. Its mean no space between fresnel
zone and obstacle
Fresnel Zone

Optimize model is very dangerous decision for antenna height cause there is no
distance between highest obstacle and fresnel zone to make it save change the antenna
heights at both of site. Add 3 meter heights to each antenna height. For example in
optimize model we get the height of each antenna are 41.8 m and 39.6 so the save
height for each antenna is 41.8 + 3 and 39.6 + 3 so the save height are 44.8m and


Distance of
Dist (km) Elev (m) Struct (m)Clear (m) K (m) %F1 (m)FH (m) Crit
2.61 33.4 30 4.0 1.4 8.4 1
2.69 33.6 30 3.7 1.4 8.5 1
2.76 33.7 30 3.5 1.4 8.5 1
2.83 33.9 30 3.2 1.4 8.5 1
2.90 34.0 30 3.0 1.4 8.6 1
2.97 33.8 30 3.2 1.4 8.6 1
3.04 33.5 30 3.3 1.5 8.6 1
3.11 33.3 30 3.5 1.5 8.7 1
3.20 33.0 30 3.7 1.5 8.7 1
Ideal height of MW antenna is 2 F1, so the ideal distance between obstacle and
Fresnel zone is 2*8.6 = 18.2 meter

4. Result
As result of our model about antenna height we can decide the antenna height
of each tower so we can decide to the tower height that we need for
supporting the antenna. As profile of our modeling we can extract from print
profile module
The profile can be copied or printed directly. For the print profile, please change the
site and end link name, the modeler name and PIC name at format menu on the print
profile module.

Standard processing flow above can be modified based on actual condition.. for
example : based on our model we got antenna height on new site and existing are 45
m and 44 m, but the exact condition in existing site we didn’t find a place for placing
antenna at that height so we can change the antenna height with boundary : distance
between fresnel zone and the highest obstacle at least 3 meter.

Note : for advance processing we can use the diffraction module and reflection
module, but we must understand exactly about all formula that put into account. Most
important of this process is the first fresnel zone (100%) wouldn’t crash to the
obstacle forever.

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