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Bus Arrival and Route Track Record



Arslan Nazir (F14-1275)

Ishaq Zaman (F14-1366)

Bilal Latif (F14-1263)

Supervised by

Sir Rana Mohtasham

A Final Year Project (FYP) proposal Submitted to the

Department of Computer Science
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Sciences in Computer Science
Lahore Leads University
October 2017
Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Objectives................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Problem Statement ………………………………………………………………………………..6
1.4 Literature Survey ........................................................................................ 7
2 Methodology .......................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Design......................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Implementation ....................................................................................... 11
2.3 Testing ...................................................................................................... 12
3 Project Planning ................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Distribution of Work ................................................................................ 15
4 Required Hardware & Software ........................................................................... 14
4.1 Hardware.................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Software ................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………..15
5 References ............................................................................................................ 16

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
In today’s world transport system plays a very important role in daily life. Most of the

people are being carried by the bus transportation system. Because of ever increasing

development the requirement of this system is increasing day by day. The most

stressful time is early morning bus stop time for each of us rather we studied in an

institute or work in a company. Imagine this situation, you are getting ready for work

and you are getting your child ready too for school and you reach the bus stop

somehow managing, running and gasping for air. But the bus left just 2 minutes ago.

Now you need to drop your child to school and in turn be late for work too. To solve

this problem we have come up with a solution of bus arrival and route tracking system

which will inform you when the bus arrive or how much it will take time to reach to

you and on which track it is at the spot. In case if the bus goes through from your stop

than it will also inform you that you missed the bus in certain time and the bus is on

now at that specific stop so you can follow it. The passenger will have the android

application installed in their phone. When the user will login to this application he or

she can see the location of bus and distance of bus from its location and bus number

and also will see from which route the bus is coming. This System gives a solution to

this problem which helps anyone to retrieve the location of the bus without calling or

disturbing the person travelling in the bus. The people which are using the bus and the

conductor or driver of the bus should have a smart phone with internet connectivity.

Riders or employees benefit form an advanced GPS bus arrival and route record

system in many ways. Shivering in the freezing cold in the winter is a thing of the past

with a fleet tracking GPS system that contains real-time alerts, as is sweating bullets

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

on a hot summer day while waiting on a delayed bus. Bus riders waste less time,

resulting in better planning of their schedules and enabling them to get more done.

Real time bus tracking is also beneficial to college students who attend colleges with

large campuses. With a bus tracking system, they can spend more time studying, or

sleeping, rather than waiting on a delayed bus.

Spending less time waiting for a bus, may improve student safety as well. Knowing

the location of the ward at all times will render a sense of safety and security. Undue

delays will be reported and all of a sudden change in bus routes. The system will keep

detailed records of the buses that are running. A major benefit of tracking your fleet

with a GPS system is the assurance of a wide array of data.

Peace of mind and reduced waiting time at bus stops every day. Bus tracking lets you

know where your vehicles are at all times. You'll know if a vehicle failed to follow its

schedule route. When a bus fails to leave or return when it’s scheduled to, alerts can

be made to notify potential riders of a delay.

Arrival and route track record system uses GPS to report bus location data back to our

servers. We can then in real time, show you where buses are on a map and estimate

when they will arrive at your stop. If a bus is unable to move for several minute due to

an unusual event (such as stopped by a freight train at a crossing), arrival estimates

will switch from counting down minutes to a "DELAYED" notification. Once the bus

begins to move again, arrival estimates will appear again. For this purpose will use an

android base mobile application which will inform the user about all the arrival time

and location about the bus on his smart phone.

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

Many systems similar to this doing their work in bus tracking for many purposes like

Security of school children for the satisfaction of their parent as well. Some did

tracking of buses due to the increase in traffic the passenger will know the bus

location and bus number and bus distance from the passenger which is using the


Many famous taxi companies and organizations performs the same function for their

customer easiness and for keeping them up to date.

In our final year project, we similarly perform the function to keep track the bus

location and route so passenger and user can see the exact location and distance route

of his bus so he can manage time and get ready according to time.

1.2 Objectives

The basic goal of this project is basically to inform the passenger by giving him exact

location and route distance of his bus so he can prepared according to time and do not

missed the bus. Many organizations doing work similar to this for tracking their buses

for staff. Our project will mainly focus on the following objectives:

1. The main purpose is to improve the bus system by keeping track of the buses.

2. It will provide the real time location of the bus and information about their route

and distance so that the user may not get late.

3. It will generate prediction of bus arrival at stop along the route and inform the


4. It will send the current location of the bus to user when he login or request.

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

To achieve the first goal, we will apply GPS tracking technology application into the

bus transport system. This system will install Assisted GPS on buses to perform real

time position tracking bus during operating hours. The information about the location

of the bus position will send to central server which is used to inform the user. Using

real time bus arrival and route track record system it will increase the accuracy

performance of buses and user can schedule their timetable according to time.

To achieve the second goal, In bus arrival and route track record system, a real time

platform is made between passenger and bus. With this platform, user can check on

real time bus arrival time for specific bus route or stop by logging into application.

Moreover, it will update latest bus route and traffic information on time to the users

through real time system.

To achieve our third goal, this bus arrival and track system will able to reduce major

load of work which is done by buses management. Firstly will automatically calculate

the arrival time for next bus stop and route distance of specific bus. Secondly this

system will give the easiness to allow bus management team to update bus timetable

through Internet instead of posting paper form of bus timetable on notice broad. By

reducing this effort of work management team can utilize the time in other problems

in order to enhance quality of bus service.

1.3 Problem Statement

Main problem from one of many issues is that in current bus service student did not

know exactly at what time a bus will arrive but only know the estimate arrival time.

Students or employee or passengers wait for the bus without knowing actually at what

time the bus will come or arrive at their stop. Sometime employee or student might
Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

feel anxious and angry when they waiting for a bus if they do not know the exact time

of arrival of their bus especially when they are out of time for certain reason. In

general this situation wasted a lot of time because the time wasted can actually spend

on other matter.

1.4 Literature Survey

We did an online survey and found the following systems related to our project.

Tracking of buses is not a new phenomenon, lot of companies in different countries

uses bus tracking system to organize their traffic routes and managing the passengers

it is also used in different schools buses in USA and other developed countries for

security by keep tracking of the buses. System related to this is used in Bangalore

Metropolitan Transport Corporation, where buses have a tracking system. Where

buses located by the small devices on top of the buses known as GPS. It will calculate

the distance from the user and route and time taken by the bus. Then it shows the

arrival and departure time of bus on the electronic display at the bus stops [1].

Suleyman Eken and Ahmet Sayar Department of Computer Engineering, Kocaeli

University, did research on bus tracking system which is published by IEEE. They

talk about the public transport said time and patience are important. In other words we

can say many people while using public transport have complained about time loss

because of waiting at the bus stops. In this research they proposed smart bus tracking

system that any passenger with a smart phone or mobile device with the QR code

reader can scan QR codes which is fixed at bus stops for check estimate time of bus

arrival, also can see the bus current location and its route on a map. Anyone can

access these maps and have the option to sign up to receive free alerts about expected

bus arrival times for the interested buses and related routes via SMS and e-mails [2].

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

K Sujatha and P V Nageswara Rao of CSE Department, GIT AM University,

Visakhapatnam, India. They did research on Tracking of organization buses while

moving on highway. If any man waiting for the bus patiently may want to know about

the actual current position of the bus. Phone discussion is not always possible due to

traffic disturbances. And it costs to much due to the calls and message service over

phone and the person in the bus may get annoyed if he receives many calls from

people using that bus. The people which are using the bus and the conductor or driver

of the bus should own a smart phone with internet connectivity. The Global

Positioning System supports in area following with backing of Global Standard for

Mobile (GSM) in cellular telephone to provide transport area information again to the

servers. This shows continuously where transports are on a guideline. The aim of this

system is to provide an flexible and reliable tracking system for bus [3].

Asia Pacific University (APU) built a bus tracking system in a web page with Google

Map embedded. APU students check the webpage for a bus status at anytime in

anywhere as long as use a device with a browser and Internet access. There are bus

icons shows inside the map and those icons inform a bus current position. The bus

plate number is linked with every icon in the given map. It is to ensure that user take

the right bus with bus plate number verification when the bus is reach a bus stop

because different bus will move to different route. There is also a timetable of buses

arrival and departure given on right hand side of the web page [4].

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

2 Methodology
Methodology is basically a set of rules to practice the project. In system
development processes, methodology is a framework control the processes and plan
the structure within the system processes in order to develop a high quality system.
There are different types of methodologies exists and which are basically build
with the help of System Development Life Cycle. SDLC consists of five processes
in order to develop a system, these are planning, analysis, design, implementation,
testing and maintenance.

2.1 Design

The Design Phase of the project started in early October, and we will continue

working on the following aspects:

1.2.1 Analyze Similar Systems

We will carefully study systems related to this which other organizations made for
their buses record and try to understand how they track and locate the current location
of buses and store data and how we can easily locate them and store it in a database.

1.2.2 Design the Project

We will create and design our project in Asp.Net using C# for this purpose we will use
the compiler Visual Studio tool Xamarin which is an open source software
development environment. Integrated Development Environment is in android
development in order to make simple and quick. This application can work
simultaneously with other applications because of the multitasking ability of the
android platform.
Project modules:-
Location information
This module will give the process of selection between different buses
and their numbers and will provide the real time location of the bus. We used Global
positioning system GPS for this purpose and client-server technology.
Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

GPS is a technology where satellites send down radio signals which is than GPS
unit and receiver used to work on their current location. There are 24 working
satellites circling the earth and any given time. A GPS navigator or a tracker search
for the transmission signals at the spot from minimum three satellites.
Client-Server working will basically ask for the current location of the bus through
the smart phone device and request to server made automatically. It will find the
location with help of GPS. Than server will handle the location and deliver it to the
In this second module application project will use Google-APIS to show the
maps. Once Google Map is plugged into application user can easily use map in all
over the world.
Route Information
The routes of all buses which are provided by buses In-charge will be
record according to the buses numbers and timings. For this purpose we will use
MySql. The routes will updated according to need with the passage of time. When the
client request for the bus route information it will be fetched from database and
deliver to client through server.

Bus Status Update Module

That module is used by bus driver to update bus status into database when bus is
operating from his location. In this situation where the bus is fully filled with
passengers and this module give bus driver ability to send a message to server with
only one click. Therefore, others bus user who is waiting in bus stop able to know that
the bus is fully occupied or coming on its way in real time.

1.2.3 Design Global Positioning System (GPS) Techniques

Assisted GPS technology which is used to enhance the performance level of standard
GPS. Typically A-GPS can implement on those devices which are connected to the
mobile device or smart phone these days. Originally, GPS receiver build in a smart
phone that will receive the data related to the position of device from satellites when
the smart phone request for the information of the current position. If we are inside a
city signal transmit from satellites will be reflected by the building before reach the
smart phone. Assisted GPS is used to allow smart phone users to locate position
information in their phone more accurately. A-GPS collect information about the
location from satellites and stores within the cellular network. Beside of directly
receive position from satellite.

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

1.2.4 Design the database

For storing the data information about the bus location and routes and buses numbers

we will also design the database for it. When user send a request the application fires

a query to the server for accessing the information stored in server database and gives

the list of available buses according to remote users source and destination. Now user

duty to choose fixed bus number to know the location of bus or route. After selecting

a particular bus number the application shows the real time location of that bus on

Google map.

1.2.5 Design the user interface

We will design a user interface that is easy to use and can display psychological

profiles and display a user friendly log in page and location map on which user can

see buses and their routes and can easily detect them. This application will designed

and developed so as to provide the user with all the necessary information about buses

along with their routes and exact location.

2.2 Implementation

The Implementation Phase will include the following aspects:

Develop the Login Page

We will create a login page using the Asp.net login control. This will take user name
and password uses asp.net membership to verify that the user is registered or not if not
than the user should need to sign up first.

Implementation of the Map

In this phase application project will use Google-APIS to show the map. Once Google
Map is plugged into application user can easily use map in all over the world.

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

Build the database

For this purpose we will build the database by using the My-SQL server. All the
information and data about the routes will store in the database. The routes will
updated according with the passage of time. When the client request for the bus route
information it will be fetched from database and deliver to client through server.

Build the user interface

The user side module and admin module is implemented using visual studio 17 & c#

with MYSQL as a database for storing the necessary details. This system is more user

friendly than existing systems. And it also gives greater performance.

2.3 Testing
This process is used to determine the errors in our program. By testing we can

measure the quality of our program and can determine either our program works

according to our expectations or not. For bus tracking we will test the system with

different testing strategies which are below.

Unit Testing
We will test each module of the system individually as the modules are completed and

Integrating Test
In this we will test that the software and the system works together as whole. It test

the module that each modules behave properly when integrated together.

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

System Testing
To satisfy the user we will test the whole system before we deliver the system to the

user to ensure that the system meets all the requirements of the user.

Database testing
To test the database we will test the item in the database which are generally hidden

from the user this include different internal processes. We will test the schema, the

tables in the database, and all the data in the database. We will test that data in the

database are well organized or not, the data in the databases are correct with the

requirement of the system and test for the data which are unnecessary and need to


User Interface Testing

In this process we will test either the user interface is easy to use interface for a user
or complex and need some changes. We will check the login system to ensure that
there will be no issue in login system.

Test the working of the MAP/GPS

In this phase of testing we will test the GPS system in the application that its work.
what the user expect from it. That is locate the exact location and the route which user
desire from its current location to its desire location.

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

3 Required Hardware & Software

3.1 Hardware
Smart phone with Internet connection

3.2 Software
MySQL For our database
C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, PHP Programming languages
Visual Studio, Xamarin Compiler
Visual studio For designing the website


The bus arrival and route track system will successfully designed, implemented and
tested. Our system will reduce the waiting time of passengers or students which are
waiting for bus. The system the tracks the bus at given location at any time. All the
current information is stored to the server and is provide to the users via mobile based
application. This system is more user friendly for users to get information about the bus
location and the route of the bus shown on a Map. User can freely get this mobile based
application for real time tracking of bus which provide interactive interface
environment. So by using this application user can just wait or they may reschedule
their journey according to the availability of bus. So this project presents a system from
which the user can locate the bus distance and its route. which provides high practical
value in the modern era. The system has high practical value and cost efficient.

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System

4 Project Planning
4.1 Distribution of Work
Task Arslan Ishaq Bilal
Do the Literature Survey ○ ○ ○
Analyze Related Systems ○ ○ ○
Design the Database ○ ○ ○
Design GPS System ○ ○ ○
Design the User Interface ○ ○ ○
Develop the Login Phase ○ ○ ○
Build the Database ○ ○ ○
Develop GPS System ○ ○ ○
Build the User Interface ○ ○ ○
Test the Database ○ ○ ○
Test the User Interface ○ ○ ○
Perform Integration Testing ○ ○ ○
Write the Proposal ○ ○ ○
Write the Monthly Reports ○ ○ ○
Write the Progress Report ○ ○ ○
Write the Final Report ○ ○ ○
Prepare for the Presentation ○ ○ ○
Design the Project Poster ○ ○ ○
● Leader ○ Assistant

Lahore Leads University FYP – Bus Arrival and Route Track Record System


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