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Opposed Glimpse of Alice James, Garth James, Henry James, Robertson James and William

Author(s): Anne Carson
Source: The Threepenny Review, No. 85 (Spring, 2001), p. 25
Published by: Threepenny Review
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Accessed: 17/05/2011 17:55

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THEATER anything to us about the brothers. But something really special. And he is. But
in The Late Henry Moss too much he couldn't do a thing with the part of
Later hinges on this ridiculous figure of the Ray Moss, Henry's younger son.
father's girlfriend;she is the source and Whether he was badly directed by
symbol of the violence and death-wish Shepard or simply defeated by the role
Wendy Lesser at the play's core. And because she is is a moot point; I suspect it was a bit of
ridiculous (I felt sorry for the actress, both. Actually, I think the real problem
who had to loll partially clothed in a was that Sean Penn is a great method
bathtub, eat a raw fish in one gulp, actor-he gets inside a character,
dance seductively, and giggle maniacal- becomes that character, and knows
The Late Henry Moss during his final hours, and we get a how to act him as a result-and you
ly, sometimes all at once), she is a very
by Sam Shepard. great deal of discussion about the dif-
weak fulcrum for the tense male-male just can't get inside Ray Moss. He
Magic Theatre, San Francisco, ference, if there is any, between being
relationships that Shepard is trying to doesn't have an inside, as far as I can
November-December 2000. alive and being dead. At the end of the
balance on her. tell. Like all the smoother, younger
play, the smooth brother, who has pre-
The men are another story. The real brothers in Shepard's plays, he's a
A BOUTTWENTYyearsago, True viously been punched to the floor, gets
reason to see The Late Henry Moss, as repressed lunatic, a violent man dis-
I L West premiered at the Magic to loom threateningly over the rough
everyone realized who bought tickets guised as a normal one, with no clear
Theatre and I reviewed it for this maga- one, who has been brought low by the
to the instantly sold-out run, was the motivation for his rage or his repres-
zine. The play began with two brothers, revealed truth. What is the revealed
cast. And to a certain extent the cast sion. He is odd bits and pieces of
a "csmooth" one and a "rough" one, truth? It's hard to say, exactly, except
delivered. Nick Nolte was consistently behavior all strung together: sometimes
sitting together in a crudely furnished that somebody was lying about the
good, James Gammon did a persuasive he is super-rational,and sometimes he's
shack owned by their sole surviving past-the recent past and also the very
(if at times overly theatrical) drunk, downright eccentric; sometimes he
parent. Something mysterious and distant one. In a Shepard play, some-
and Cheech Marin worked some true seems purposely funny, and sometimes
threatening was at stake between them, body is always lying about the past: the
feeling out of his thankless latter-day- he doesn't have a sense of humor at all.
and as the play developed, the dynamic family past, of course, which is what
Jose-Jimenez character. But the real He's a prig and a bit of a dandy, but
of the threat altered, with the smoother makes the lies telling and in a way
surprises were Woody Harrelson and he's also a slob and a potential drunk.
brother eventually, and surprisingly, truthful. As one of the charactersin this
Sean Penn. He doesn't ever talk about his work,
turning out to be the more violent and play says, "If he doesn't have a family,
If the second act was thrilling, it was but whatever it is seems to set him off
angry one. Their mother made a brief, he can't make it up. You can't make
because Woody Harrelson dominated from his brother, who's just a laboring
stick-figure appearance and expressed that stuff up. It's too complicated."
it. He was unexpectedly marvelous. schmo: he has the manner, but not nec-
her surprise that Picasso was dead; she The writer I tend to compare with
The way he moved his body, the way essarily the vocabulary and knowledge,
had planned to see him at the local art Sam Shepard, as I'm watching his plays
he used his voice, the manner in which of an educated man. He seems to be
museum. The language was richly and thinking about them afterward, is
he took over the stage all demonstrated riddled with some kind of guilt, but the
musical and eccentrically comic and David Mamet. They are the two great
that he is a stage actor of enormous tal- only tangible effect of this is to make
sometimes piercingly sad, and the act- language-usersof their American gener-
ent. And he understood his part to per- him point his finger repeatedly at oth-
ing, by Peter Coyote and Jim Haynie, ation of playwrights, and they are the
fection: he got inside the nutty Sam ers. He is, in short, a cipher, if a very
was beyond reproach. It was a terrific two stage writers who attract the best
Shepard lines and made them work as complicated one.
evening at the theater (Sam Shepard actors. They are both fixated on the
both comedy and pathos. His role was If I had to guess, I would say that the
himself was in evidence in the lobby), power relations between men, and the
peripheral-he was just the taxi driver younger, smoother brother is in some
and the resulting review was headlined women in their plays, who are few and
who drove the old man on his last way Sam Shepard's stand-in. But of
"True Shepard." far between, tend to be significantly less
drunken spree, and was therefore called course,the plays don't feel like this at
One must, I believe, grant a play- substantial. (This is not a criticism, just
on the mat by the younger brother- all. We are always much more sympa-
wright-or any writer, or indeed any an observation. Later, in a specific
but he made it central, and only in the thetic to that older, rougher, working-
artist-the strength of his obsessions. instance, I will make it a criticism.)
scenes with Harrelson did Sean Penn class, hard-drinking brother, and we
Without his obsessions he has nothing They are both, at their best, the best
seem to come to life. always think the younger one is a bit of
to say, and if he is in control of them, playwrights we have, and they both
If you've seen Sean Penn in Dead a creep. Perhaps Sam Shepard thinks so
they are not really obsessions. But there- seem to be fueling their work with their
Man Walking and Sweet and Low- too. Perhaps that's the secret he's hid-
comes a point when one wants...not intense, unresolvable obsessions about
down, you know he's one of the best ing, from himself and from us, in play
prbgress, exactly, but something new, family. But the difference is that, over
actors we have. I've actually never seen after play. Is this such a terrible secret?
some further twist on what we've the years, I have come to have a sense
him perform badly before. From the We are all creeps, in the family context;
already seen, in order to justify our about what causes those obsessions in
first glimpse I caught of him, in Fast we all have things to feel guilty about,
repeated putting-up with these obses- Mamet. He reveals, through his plays,
Times at Ridgemont High, to all the even as we point our fingers at other
sions. (Because they are tiresome as some of the secrets behind the plays,
supporting parts he's played next to family members. Enough already. The
well as gripping.) This has not hap- and this in itself is satisfying. With
Robert DeNiro and other master- debt has been paid by now, or it never
pened in The Late Henry Moss. We are Shepard, I still don't have a clue. The actors, to the movies he's carried pretty will be, which comes to much the same
back in the same old Shepard territory, same family drama is being played out
much on his own, I've thought he was thing. L
with a vengeance, and so no amount of over and over again in his work, but
beautiful language or wonderful acting the secrets behind it aren't actually
can make us believe we are in the pres- being revealed to us, so we are left with
ence of something newly created- as much frustration as the characters
themselves feel. There is, I suppose, a
which is perhaps the experience we
most want from live theater, even (or point to making us feel this way, but I
OpposedGlimpseof Alice James,
especially) from a good production of am tired of it. GarthJames,Henry James,Robertson
The Late Henry Moss is divided into
Euripidesor Shakespeare.
The Late Henry Moss begins with three acts: the first act is promising, the
two brothers-a rougher, older one second is thrilling, and the third is a
as lively")
("tracesof somescenethatthe newspaperswouldhavecharacterized
played by Nick Nolte, and a smoother, vast disappointment. This is the wrong
younger one played by Sean Penn -sit- order-if you have to have a bad act, it
ting together at a table in the shack that should come in the middle. But why do
I am gladyou likeadverbs-I adorethem;theyarethe only
has, until recently, been inhabited by we have to have a bad act at all? Well,
qualificationsI reallymuchrespectand I agree... in thinking
their estranged father. Behind them, on mainly because Shepard is still not will-
thatthe sensefor themis the literarysense.
a bed in an alcove, lies the mummy-like ing to give us the goods. He wants to
-Henry James,letterto a youngadmirer,1902
body of their father. They talk together reveal something to us, but what he
about their distanlt past and their ends up revealing is a story he tells him-
father's recent death, and something self to cover the real story, the one he
A Sunday terrible in all the little ways that Sunday is terrible news.
mysterious and threatening informs the can't bear to look at. And the one he
Home gust of every hour settling sacredly into its custodiary bruise.
dynamic between them. Their conver- tells himself (about female angels of
Words like buckle-hole and bleat.
sation is punctuated by visits from death, tango-dancing Mexican-Indians
The mind's eye.
strangers: the Hispanic next-door with dark sexual powers and the ability
The mind has no eye.
neighbor (played by Cheech Manin), a to lure drunks to their sodden deaths) is
Aunt Kate sitting alone downstairs.
manic taxi driver (Woody Harrelson), tripe, compared to what I imagine real-
Without any dinner, as she does not eat.
and two Spy-vs.-Spy undertakers (Rod ly happened. This is where my observa-
Gnapp and Dennis Ludlow). We also tion about the women becomes a criti-
get flashbacks of the father (James cism. It was okay for the mother in
-Anne Carson
Gammon) and his Mexican-Indian girl- True West to be a stick figure,because
friend (Sheila Tousey) as they carouse her character
wasn't meant tO explain

SPRING 200010

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