Fall 2020 COVID - 19 Planning - Menahga Public Schools

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WORKING DOCUMENT- Updated 8/31/20

COVID- 19 Planning- Menahga Public Schools

Menahga Public School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all our staff and students. To ensure we have a safe and healthy
environment, Menahga Public School has developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees
of Menahga Public School are all responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our
school and communities, and that requires full cooperation among our staff and those who enter the building. Only through this cooperative effort can
we establish and maintain the safety and health of all persons. The COVID-19 Preparedness Plan is administered by Mr. Wellen, Superintendent, who
maintains the overall authority and responsibility for the plan. However, school employees are equally responsible for supporting, implementing,
complying with and providing recommendations to further improve all aspects of this COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.

School districts must be prepared for any situation that may arise during the COVID-19 pandemic. MDE is has directed schools to prepare for three
● Scenario 1-(In-Person Learning for all Students): Full return to school in-person, social distance may be used but not enforced.
Per the Governor’s order, all staff and students will have face coverings. If you are not comfortable with in-person learning at this
time, or if your student(s) is/are medically compromised, you may choose scenario 3 as your option.

● Scenario 2- (Learning with strict social distancing & capacity limits): Because of our enrollment, all students will be able to be
in the building. Social distancing will be enforced and capacity limits will be put in place.

● Scenario 3- (Virtual/Distance Learning while also implementing Scenario 1&2): (This option is available, regardless of what
model the school is using, in-person or hybrid.) Last Spring, schools took a reactive approach to distance learning. We assure you
that we will be proactive, in providing a meaningful virtual/distance learning experience for those that choose this model. This
experience may include live teaching, recorded lessons, social interaction, and enhanced teacher interaction.

● Scenario 4- (Distance learning only)- This scenario will be put into place if the county data indicates our school will be in a
distance learning only model.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the virus, school districts and charter schools may need to use more than one scenario during the school year.
Additionally, the transition to a new scenario may need to happen quickly. In each of these plans, schools must address how they operate the school
building, how they will support students and families, and how they will support their educators in their professional development.
Scenario 1: In-person Scenario 2: Learning with Scenario 3: Virtual/Distance Scenario 4: Distance
learning for all students strict social distancing & Learning while also learning only
capacity limits implementing Scenario 1&2

Overview: In this scenario, districts will At all levels, capacity Students will receive In the Distance Learning Only
create as much space restrictions and social instruction and assignments scenario, the following areas
between students and distancing will be enforced. through a virtual platform from will not be a consideration:
teachers as is feasible during the teacher. This experience masks, transportation, arrival
the day, but will not be held may include live teaching, and departure, classroom,
strictly to enforcing 6 feet of recorded lessons, social shared items, hallways and
social distancing during interaction, and enhanced passing time, personal items,
primary instructional time in screening and exclusion, and
teacher interaction.
the classroom. Masks will be visitors.
required. Activities and
extracurricular programming Distance Learning defined –
will continue to follow the Students engaging in distance
Guidance for Social learning have access to
Distancing in Youth Sports. appropriate educational
This scenario may be materials and receive daily
implemented assuming state interaction with their
COVID-19 metrics stabilize teacher(s).
and/or improve.

Trans- ● Families will be asked ● Families will be asked

portation to transport their to transport their
children. children.
● When possible, we will ● We will continue to use
create as much space buses and vans to
between riders as transport students with
possible, recognizing limited capacity.
that it is not always ● Social distancing
feasible to have 6 feet requirements will apply
of social distancing. on buses with one
● All persons driving or student/family per seat,
riding in a school every other seat,
transportation vehicle loading back to front.
must wear a face ● All persons driving or
covering. Please riding in a school
reference the Face transportation vehicle
Coverings section must wear a face
above for additional covering. Please
details. An extra supply reference the Face
of face coverings Coverings section
should be maintained above for additional
on school details. An extra supply
transportation vehicles of face coverings will
for riders who forget to be maintained on
bring them. school transportation
● Cleaning and vehicles for riders who
disinfecting forget to bring them.
transportation vehicles ● Cleaning and
regularly, with a focus disinfecting
on frequent cleaning of transportation vehicles
touched surfaces in the regularly, with a
vehicle (e.g., surfaces focusing on frequent
near the driver’s seat, cleaning of touched
hard seats, door surfaces in the vehicle
handles, seat belt (e.g., surfaces near the
buckles, light and air driver’s seat, hard
controls, doors and seats, door handles,
windows, grab seat belt buckles, light
handles) between and air controls, doors
routes will be the and windows, grab
expectation. Doors handles) between
and windows will be routes will be the
kept open when expectation. Doors and
cleaning the vehicle windows will be kept
and between trips to let open when cleaning
the vehicles thoroughly the vehicle and
air out. between trips to let the
● Extra stops will not be vehicles thoroughly air
permitted. Each family out.
will be bused to their ● Extra stops will not be
home or daycare, permitted. Each family
whichever is will be bused to their
designated as their home or daycare,
stop. Exceptions will whichever is
be made for children designated as their
who have two homes. stop. Exceptions will
be made for children
who have two homes.

Classrooms ● Wherever possible, ● Social distancing will

students will avoid be enforced.
sharing learning
● We are currently ● We will create at least
awaiting further six-foot spacing
guidance on playing between students.
wind instruments and ● Classes will avoid
choral singing in mixing with other
classrooms. student groups, as
● Wherever possible,
students will avoid
sharing learning
● We are currently
awaiting further
guidance on playing
wind instruments and
choral singing in

Hallways and ● There will be staggered dismissals from classrooms,

Passing cafeterias, etc.
Time ● Restrooms - number of students utilizing restrooms at
once will be limited.
● Building staff will discourage congregating at lockers
during passing time.

Arrival & ● Students and staff will ● Students and staff will
Departure use the MDH use the MDH
screening tool at home screening tool at home
prior to arrival. prior to arrival.
Individuals with Individuals with
symptoms or exposure symptoms or exposure
should stay home from should stay home from
school and contact school and contact
their health care their health care
provider. provider.
● Families will receive a ● Families will receive a
family/student family/student
agreement to complete agreement to complete
and sign. and sign.
● Buildings will identify ● Buildings will identify
specific entrance and specific entrance and
exit procedures to exit procedures to
encourage social encourage social
distancing. distancing.
● Signage will identify ● Signage will identify
traffic flow and social traffic flow and social
distancing distancing
requirements. requirements.
● All students will remain
in school during school
hours; campuses will
be closed except for
students that need to
leave for post-
secondary, personal
appointments (doctor,
dentist, etc.). and
seniors with off
campus lunch

Breakfast & ● Breakfast carts will be ● Seating and lunch lines ● Grab and Go meals ● Grab and Go meals
Lunch served for each grade will follow social will be available from will be provided for
level. Elementary will distancing guidelines. the school. distance learning days.
be eating breakfast in ● Tables and chairs will ● A contactless pick up
their rooms. Grades 5- be cleaned in between of meals and school
8 will have grab and go use. materials will be put
breakfasts and will be ● Self-serve items (e.g., into place.
allowed to eat at the condiments) will be ● We will continue to
beginning of 1st period minimized. work with families on
classes. High School ● We will continue to documented special
students will eat work with families on dietary needs.
breakfast in the documented special
commons. dietary needs.
● Lunch will be at
staggered times in the
● Tables and chairs will
be cleaned in between
● Self-serve items (e.g.,
condiments) will be
● We will continue to
work with families on
documented special
dietary needs.

Academics ● Learning will be in- ● Students will receive ● Teachers will provide daily direct instruction, including a
person following the instruction in-person 5 possible mix of live learning and recorded lessons.
school district days a week or ○ In the elementary schools, this will include
calendar. through virtual/distance Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies,
● Distance learning will learning 5 days a Science, and special areas.
be available to week. ● Staff will address instructional needs for students with
students who may be ● If current enrollment is IEPs, 504s, and health plans on an individual basis.
medically vulnerable or at 50% capacity, ● Specialists in reading, math, English Learning, gifted
unwilling to return to in- students will continue and talented education, and other areas will support
person or hybrid with instruction in- students in their in-person and distance learning.
learning. person ● Student support will also be provided through the work
● Teachers will provide of paraprofessionals, equity specialists, resilience
daily direct instruction, specialists, and others.
including a possible ● Teachers will post weekly schedules on Friday or
mix of live learning and Monday each week in Seesaw (PreK-4) or Infinite
recorded lessons. Campus (5-12).
○ In the ● Staff will focus on building positive relationships with
elementary students and families.
schools, this ● Teachers will embed Social Emotional Learning into
will include lessons.
Language Arts, ● The PBIS Matrix applies to all students during distance
Mathematics, and in-person learning, on transportation, and during
Social Studies, other District activities.
Science, and ● The District will develop grading guidelines, to be
special areas. shared prior to the start of the school year.
● Staff will address ● Field trips will not occur until further notice.
instructional needs for ● The District will develop a plan for offering instruction in
students with IEPs, special areas, such as art, music, media and library
504s, and health plans book checkout, physical education, and secondary
on an individual basis. electives.
● Specialists in reading,
math, English ● Teachers will provide daily direct instruction, including a
Learning, and other possible mix of live learning and recorded lessons.
areas will support ○ In the elementary schools, this will include
students in their in- Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies,
person and distance Science, and special areas.
learning. ● Staff will address instructional needs for students with
● Student support will IEPs, 504s, and health plans on an individual basis.
also be provided
through the work of
paraprofessionals, ● Specialists in reading, math, English Learning, gifted
equity specialists, and talented education, and other areas will support
resilience specialists, students in their in-person and distance learning.
and others. ● Student support will also be provided through the work
● Teachers will post of paraprofessionals and others.
weekly schedules on ● Teachers will post weekly schedules on Friday or
Friday or Monday each Monday each week in Seesaw (PreK-4) or Infinite
week in Seesaw Campus (5-12).
(PreK-4) or Infinite ● Staff will focus on building positive relationships with
Campus (5-12). students and families.
● Staff will focus on ● Teachers will embed Social Emotional Learning into
building positive lessons.
relationships with ● The PBIS Matrix applies to all students during distance
students and families. and in-person learning, on transportation, and during
● Teachers will embed other District activities.
Social Emotional ● The District will develop grading guidelines, to be
Learning into lessons. shared prior to the start of the school year.
● The PBIS Matrix ● Field trips will not occur until further notice.
applies to all students ● The District will develop a plan for offering instruction in
during distance and in- special areas, such as art, music, media and library
person learning, on book checkout, physical education, and secondary
transportation, and electives.
during other District
● The District will
develop grading
guidelines, to be
shared prior to the start
of the school year.
● Field trips will not
occur until further
● The District will
develop a plan for
offering instruction in
special areas, such as
art, music, media,
physical education,
and secondary
● See Shared Items
section for additional

Physical ● Indoor/Outdoor Physical Education - masks will not be

Education required as long as social distancing is maintained, ** See Academics
which is six feet in most situations. When cardio activity
is occurring, social distancing must increase to 12 feet.

Shared ● Shared items such as PE equipment, library books, and

items: other learning materials will be sanitized in between use
or quarantined for 24 - 72 hours depending on the
● Hand washing will be required before and after use of
shared equipment.
● Lockers will not be shared among students.

Childcare School-age care program for

critical workers will be

All Safety:
scenarios: ● The district has a designated COVID-19 program coordinator.
● The district will have an updated crisis plan.
● Each school will allow additional time for hand washing.
● All classrooms will have hand sanitizer dispensers.
● The district will provide student lessons on hygiene, mask wearing, and other preventable measures.
● Distance learning will be available to students who may be medically vulnerable or unwilling to return to in-person or
hybrid learning.

● Governor Walz signed Executive Order 20-81 on July 22, 2020, mandating the wearing of face coverings, either cloth or
disposable, in all indoor public spaces and outdoor settings when social distancing cannot be maintained. According to
the order, a “face covering” must be worn to cover the nose and mouth completely. Types of allowable face coverings
○ Paper or disposable mask
○ Cloth face mask
○ Scarf
○ Bandanna
○ Religious face covering
● The covering should cover the nose and mouth completely, should not be overly tight or restrictive, and should feel
comfortable to wear. A face covering is not meant to substitute for social distancing, but is especially important in
situations when maintaining a 6-foot distance is not possible.
● Face coverings should not be placed on anyone under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious,
anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance, or anyone who cannot
tolerate a face covering due to a developmental, medical, or behavioral health condition.
● A face shield (a clear plastic barrier that covers the face) allows visibility of facial expressions and lip movements for
speech perception and may be used as an alternative to a face covering in the following situations:
○ Among students in Kindergarten through grade 8, when wearing a face covering is problematic.
○ By teachers (all grades), when wearing a face covering may impede the educational process.
○ For staff, students, or visitors who cannot tolerate a face covering due to a developmental, medical, or behavioral
health condition.
○ For staff providing direct support student services, when a face covering impedes the service being provided.
● For optimal protection, the face shield should extend below the chin anteriorly, to the ears laterally, and there should be
no exposed gap between the forehead and the shield’s headpiece.
● Staff, students, and other people present in the school building or in district offices may temporarily remove their face
covering or face shield in the following situations:
○ Face coverings may be temporarily removed when engaging in indoor physical activity (e.g., during recess, after
school sports, or when exercising in a gym) where the level of exertion makes wearing a face covering difficult,
and during classes or activities held outdoors. People participating in these activities should maintain 6 feet of
distance while doing so to the extent feasible.
○ Pre-kindergarten students age 5 years and younger participating in programming in a school building or district
office. Pre-kindergarten programs are subject to the Executive Order requirements and related guidance
applicable in child care settings; see Masking Requirements for Child Care
(www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/masks.html). Pre-kindergarten children who are at least 2
years old may wear face coverings if they can do so in compliance with CDC guidance on How to Wear Cloth
Face Covering (www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/preventgetting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html)
(e.g., without frequently touching or removing the covering).
○ Face coverings may be temporarily removed to eat or drink, but care should be taken to maintain as much space
as possible between people, recognizing it is not always feasible to maintain 6 feet of distance from others.
○ During indoor practices or performances involving singing, acting, public speaking, or playing musical instruments
where a face covering cannot be used while playing the instrument. Performers should maintain 6 feet or greater
of physical distance from others while participating in the activity to the extent possible, and should replace their
face covering as soon as the activity is completed.
○ People who are entering the school building during the day may be required by school staff to briefly remove their
face covering for the purposes of checking identification.
○ Staff working alone in their offices, classrooms, vehicles, or other job locations who do not have any person-to-
person interaction are exempt from wearing a mask at those times.
○ Staff working in communal spaces (e.g., at desks or in cubicles) that have barriers such as plexiglass or cubicle
walls between employees that are above face level are exempt from wearing a mask at those times..
○ When communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing or has a disability, medical condition, or mental
health condition that makes communication with a face covering difficult, provided that social distancing is
maintained to the extent possible may be exempt from wearing a mask at those times..
● There will be frequent cleaning of high-touch areas (such as desks, door handles, water fountains, computer keyboards,
cafeteria tables, locker door handles, handle rails, etc.)
● We will increase the frequency of restroom cleaning.
● Buses and vans will receive additional, frequent cleaning.
● Returned library books and lost and found items will be isolated in an area not accessible to students for a quarantine

Personal Items:
● Students should bring personal water bottles to refill, drinking fountains have been temporarily disabled..
● Students will not be allowed to share food or drinks.
● Birthday/Group treats are not allowed.
● Students are discouraged from bringing extra personal items to school.

● Families will be asked to complete a “needs assessment” to discover their device and connectivity needs.
● Communication to families will still be delivered through Infinite Campus.
● Devices including keyboards, printers, and other high touch surfaces will be cleaned in between users.
● Schools will prioritize device distribution (iPads, Chromebooks) based on family needs, including 1:1 sites.
● Resources and training will be made available to families to familiarize themselves with technology.

● Elementary:
○ Menahga Elementary will be using Seesaw as their learning platform.
○ Every student will have access to MobyMax and Reflex Math.
● Middle School:
○ Menahga Middle School will use Infinite Campus as their learning management system. Infinite Campus
integrates with Google Classroom.
○ All students will have access to MobyMax.
○ Students who need additional supports in Reading will have access to Mindplay and R180 systems.
● High School:
○ Menahga High School will use Infinite Campus as their learning management system. Infinite Campus integrates
with Google Classroom.

School Staff:
● Professional Development will be provided for staff.
● Employees must complete a self-screening questionnaire each day prior to reporting to school. The screening checklist
will also be posted at all building entry points.

Monitoring and Excluding for Illness:

● We will follow Minnesota Department of Health exclusion guidance.
● Students and employees must complete a self-screening questionnaire each day prior to reporting to school. The
screening checklist will also be posted at all building entry points, and on MPS transportation.
● We will educate staff, students, and families about the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and when they/their children
should stay home and when they can return to school.
● Staff and students will be required to stay home if:
○ They have tested positive, are waiting for a test result, or are showing COVID-19 symptoms, until they meet
criteria (see MDH Decision Tree, below) for return.
■ What to Do if You're Waiting for COVID-19 Test Results
○ They have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19, until they meet criteria for return.
■ What To Do if You Have Had Close Contact With a Person With COVID-19
○ Follow the MDH Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 Symptoms in Youth, Student, and Child Care Programs
to determine who must stay home and when staff or students may return.
● The district will conduct symptom screening where feasible or necessary for any person entering the school building. This
includes staff, students, family members, and any other visitors physically entering the school building. Several example
screening methods are outlined in CDC
● MDH/ Wadena County Public Health determines the communication of confirmed COVID-19 cases. Families will be
notified if their child was in close contact with a positive COVID-19 case.

● Buildings will restrict non-essential visitors and volunteers.
● Parents will be asked to make appointments for in-person meetings or participate in meetings online.

Mental Health and Emotional Wellness:

● Counselors, social workers and other mental health providers will provide support to address students’ mental and
emotional wellness. This may occur virtually, or face-to-face (if possible).
● The District has published hotline phone numbers to better assist with response to crisis for students.
● The District will provide a drop-in location for in-person support in the event of a crisis.
● The District will provide consistent messaging through a dedicated web page addressing student and staff mental health
and emotional wellness.
● The District will communicate with families about the availability of services and resources in multiple languages and in
multiple formats (Infinite Campus, Seesaw, social media, etc).

Social Emotional Learning and Relationships:

● Staff will build time into the schedule to allow for students to connect socially with one another.
● Staff will provide students with instruction and support around successful practices such as time management,
organization, mindset, and self-regulation.
● Students will be provided with instruction and resources for self-advocacy.
● Social workers and Counselors will continue to partner with teachers to support 2nd Step implementation at the classroom
● Advisory, Homeroom, or Classroom teachers will develop an initial relationship with students and families to provide a
sense of belonging and support through activities such as classroom circles, letters/postcards, introduction videos, phone
calls and emails home, interest surveys, calendar of activities, front yard home visits, and virtual games and activities.

Student and Family Support:

● Schools will provide support opportunities for parents to function during distance learning.
● Schools will ask families to update their contact information (phone, email, address) in Infinite Campus.
● School community resource rooms (food, toiletries, clothing, etc.) will be open during regular hours.
● The District will offer support for students transitioning to a new school level (Kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade).
● Bilingual support will be available for families as needed.

Common Spaces:
● Common areas will be reconfigured by spacing out furniture to minimize crowding. It If it is observed that social distancing
is routinely compromised those areas may be closed off. Multiple groups are not allowed into common areas

● Menahga School will be taking daily student attendance.
● Distance learning attendance will be based on participation in lessons and work completion.

● Menahga Elementary will be using its traditional grading system, as used in the past.
● Menahga Middle and High School will utilize the A-F system for grading. P/NC grading may be recommended by
teachers and administration for certain students based on extenuating circumstances per the student handbook.

Additional Resources:

● Executive Order 20-82

● Families can learn more about what the plan means for them here.
● Safe Learning Plan for the 2020-21 School Year - 7/30/20
● 2020-21 Planning Guidance for Minnesota Public Schools - 7/30/20
● MDH 2020-21 Planning Guidance for Schools
● MDE 2020-21 Planning Guidance for Minnesota Public Schools
● Frequently asked questions about the Safe Learning Plan

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