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Communication Skills

Communication Abilities
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University of Karachi



Course Code : 511


Class : MA (Previous)


Submitted by : AYESHA MALIK (LEADER)








Submitted to: DR. MAROOF BIN RAUF

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The core determination of the ‘Communication Skills’ course is to make known to students to the
fundamentals of verbal/nonverbal/written communication skills and presentation in the context of
the respective Departments. Learning these fundamentals will permit students to communicate
more efficiently to a variety of viewers, you will be able to speak considerately and also improve
your listening skills. using a choice of methods. In this course it will focus chiefly on the
communication tasks that are required to perform as a portion of their jobs and to be positive as
for students in college-level, graduate courses or in master’s level. These tasks include following:

 Classifying core components/introduction of communication skills

 Smearing logic and collected research to examine a security concern or issue or in panic

 Oral presentations to several audiences.

Course will explore new things in communication, fundamental and basics of the needs of now a
day which play great role in students, teachers and in personal lives.
Because whether it is concerned with writing or communication skills, it requires practice more
and more. Throughout this course, students will learn to perform kind study, communication
smoothly and simply, apply to anywhere, in jobs platform or in learning organization like schools,
colleges or universities. Basically, this course is specially design for the university students who
want to improve their communication skills.

Students’ Outcomes
This course will help to develop and make sure to enable students towards the following:
*Apply the essentials of effective communication skills (emphasis and consistency, society,
schools, organization and structure, development of decisions and ideas, voice, word choice,
and agreements)
*Establish the ability to speak effectively in a diversity of styles, including presentations,
recommendations, conversation, to convince someone towards us.
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1) To acquaint students with the significant definition, meaning and concept of communication skills.

2) Understand the importance of communication skills and learn the effects of communication skills
on different aspects.

3) To acquaint students with the types of communication skills and few guidelines.

4) Realize the lack of communication skills and to teach them how to improve communication skills.

5) Describes the role of communication skills for education (students, teacher).

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COURSE DESCRIPTION/OVERVIEW:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Introduction to Communication Skills---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

1.1 Definition and Meaning:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

1.2 Explanation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

1.3 Concept of Communication Skills----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

TEACHING PEDAGOGY:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

2.1: REASONS OF IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN--------------------------------------------------------9

PRACTICAL LIFE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

2.2 EFFECTS OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Introduction:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

2.3 Effects of communication skills on students-------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

2.4 Effects of communication skills on teachers-------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

TEACHING PEDAGOGY:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Types of communication------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

3.1 VERBAL COMMUNICATION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

3.2 NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

3.3 Written communication--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

3.4 Visual--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

TEACHING PEDAGOGY:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

LACK OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20

4.1 REASONS BEHIND THE LACK OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS-------------------------------------------------------------20

4.2 How to improve your communication skills-------------------------------------------------------------------------------21

TEACHING PEDAGOGY:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
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Role of communication in Education--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

5.1 Role of Communication Skills for Students:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------24

5.2 Role of Communication Skills for Teachers---------------------------------------------------------------------------------25

TEACHING PEDAGOGY:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

ACTIVITIES:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27

ASSIGNMENTS:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29

ADVERTISING PLAN FOR STAKEHOLDERS:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

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UNIT 01 –

Introduction to Communication Skills

1.1 Definition and Meaning:

"Communication is a transfer of information from one person to another, whether or not elicits
confidence. But the information transferred must be understandable to the receiver"

(G.G. Brown)

Communication is from a Latin word communicare which means "to share". Human is a social
animal. We are all communicating all the time and most of the people are pretty good
communicators. Communication should be based of 6c's Including correctness, concreteness,
conciseness, consideration, courteous and clarity. Communication play a vital role and essential part
of any academic period. Communicating more audibly and efficiently, requires to learn some
necessary skills. Communication skills are also those skills which we use when we are stand in front
of some audience for better speaking. By learning these skills, we can understand and be understood
by others. Good communication skills are very important and helpful for the bright career and future
of a student. The most important communication skills in education environment are reading loudly,
writing perfectly and listening carefully. These skills play a vital role in every student's life.
Communication skills makes the process of learning much easier for student. Communication skills
increase the opportunities for a Student to expand learning and it help students to achieve their
goals. In the educational system, communication process is designed to mediate student and
teacher behaviour. When the communication skills are applied in class both teachers and students
get benefits and a strong relation between them.

Every person should be able to learn how to communicate effectively because it is one of the most
important skills of life. All soft skills and are very important for a successful future. By having good
verbal and written communication skills, we can convey information to people clearly and properly.
We can deliver our messages and understand any kind of information more quickly and accurately.
Actually, communication skills are more than just exchanging information between two or more
parsons. It's about understanding and observing the emotions behind the information. For this
purpose, you must have to be a good listener too. You can't communicate effectively if you are not a
good listener, because effective communication is less about talking and more about listening.
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1.2 Explanation
A world is running on the communication, behind every successful institute, business or a club
there's a good communication which runs the platforms. Communication is a two-way process of
transformation of messages. A person who communicate should be able to read the face
expressions and understanding level of receivers. This would be helpful for better communication
because the levels of experience or layman are different and by knowing the levels, every
communication could be healthy if the receiver’s expressions encountered. Basically, every
perfection needs some skills. Communication skills are those skills which help out for better and
efficient conversion. Communication can be done by written, verbal, non-verbal or pictorial.
Communication skills course is basically enhancing the skills of communication either it is done by
official notes (it includes all written communication such as letter, CVs, memorandums, notice etc),
presentation (it includes verbal and non-verbal) or communication through graphics (pictorial

Official communication includes all our gestures and postures to be noticed which could be
effectively participate in delivering our message which we wanted to convey. Communication skills
works effectively in all our spoken, gestures, postures and material to communicate our message at
any platform.

1.3 Concept of Communication Skills

Having communication skills is important in all aspects and it is a way towards success. Positive
communication will definitely increase the opportunities in your career. To improve your
communication skills, you need to keep your eyes on few things like removing communication gaps,
improving body language, oral communication skills and lastly by becoming a good listener.
communication skills are a whole web including a vast knowledge, semantics (study of words which
are selected), linguistic (analysing the language), rhetoric (focus on writing and speaking effectively).
Communication skills are one of the most essential facilitators of human activities, in fact, without
these skills it would not be possible to exchange facts, ideas, and experiences with others. These
skills are the art of developing and attaining understanding between people. Communication skills
are to bring your feelings, views, motives, suggestions, arguments and facts to the others people via
your words, gesture, facial expressions and in written. It also includes considerate the same even as
the other people expresses. Communication skills are the tool you operate while giving and receiving
different varieties of information. communication skills having a key factor including reading,
listening, speaking, observing, gazing and empathising. The most vital thing that I suppose is
required for good communication is clarity. If there can be clarity in your mind, you would no longer
have any difficulty talking your concept to a person who can both be an illiterate or a knowledgeable
person. you have a lot knowledge and want to speak in front of audience but you cannot express it
because of lack of communication skills, both components are essentials for each other. This is the
significance of communication competencies or communication skills.

Many students are toppers in expressing their academic content however inclined in expressing
motives and feelings, they do efforts in professional and private life because expressing feelings,
emotions and reasons are a way to build sturdy relations
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Communication skills is the prerequisite for a successful job or profession start. This is mandatory
and to be into practice. communication skills are essential for any career whether its technical or
advertising because there is task in every work you need to do it. Your communication skills indicate
that who are u. People with good communication skills upward push faster in achieving life goals. If
you've got poor communication skills, you will get nothing in your whole personality and having lack
of confident while facing people. And I'm not longer just speaking in education here, if you cannot
communicate, you cannot cohere and if cannot cohere, you're on an island alone. In contrast, poor
communication skills lead to frequent false impression and frustration. There is no chance when
good communication skills will not make a scenario better. Communication skills is the fundamental
want of everyone and in case you are unique in this, then this is a plus point for you in all aspects.
Good communication skills are the most important and most useful for success you can possess.

When it comes to telling out your opinion in public, people will begin to receive your factor by
default if your communication skills are used nicely there, because that makes them to suppose that
a people with exact communication competencies would possibly have a proper opinion
approximately things.

Students should be able to understand that communication is a two-way process effective and
efficient conversion or ttransfers of data or message. In order to explain them the, teacher should
teach the introduction by:

1) Map writing and explanation of routes

2) provide different situations and dialogue discussion

3) Give them random scenarios and as the solution in peers and groups.
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UNIT 02 -


Introduction: -

The ability to communicate is everything (lee Iacocca). Everybody can feel and think that we all are
already communicating to each other; then why should we bother to learn about communication.
but read carefully these words" if I went back to college again, I would concentrate on two areas
learning to write and to speak Before an audience.

Importance of communication skill exist in every stage of life. it is important for the Students,
teachers, businessman or any type of leader, an orator, or writer. Generally, the person who has
good Communication Skills achieve their goals and become successful in every step of their career.
communication skills are especially important for the students. it is like an oxygen for the students,
they cannot move forward without it. the basic communication skills consist of write thoughtfully,
listen carefully, read selectively and speak effectively. A good student improves these skills and must
get command on all these basic communication skills if they want to build a bright and successful
career and life. To work on communication skills student period is a foundation because the way you
communicate in student’s life will define the way communicate professionally.

Importance of communication skills cannot be neglect. As a student you must have all soft skills but
communication skills are very meaningful because these are the first step of forward, if You improve
communication skills everything will be accessible to you and nobody can cease you. In professional
life the communication skills are step towards success. when you go for a job interview you need a
high confidence more instead of degree. In your workplace you need a both skills (verbally or non-
verbally). Therefore, communication skills encompass all your qualities, incited your personality, and
motivates you to learn more.


There are many reasons why communication skills are essential for students. through
communication skill students avail a help in their studies, career boost, job interview, workplace,
social link with others and for empowerment. following are practical reasons of importance of
communication skills.

1)Communication skills help students to learn more from teachers:

it is very important to communicate with teacher in class, if you want to get broad knowledge and
understand everything. when you do not understand anything and you want to asking related
question, discussing any of your problems with fully confidence, then you must have h
communication skills.
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2) Easily socialized with others:

When we are socialized our observation are very sharp. To be socialize with your friends and family,
you need to have good communication skill. Your way of speaking and behaving helps you to make
new friends in any Educational Institute. sometimes we become socialized but we don't have
manners or etiquettes that how to meeting with people but communication skills make you better.

3) Communication skills help in career development:

Good communication skills influence on student’s personality. After the completion of the degree if
you go for to get a job, communication skills enhance the ability to communicate with interviewers
confidently. Improved Communication skills is important to control your body language and physical
expression during interview.

4) Develop professionalism attitude in students:

If students practice and learn communication skills it helps to handle professional and social
tensions in future, so it is very important to develop communication skills while interacted with
people in practical life.

5) Communication skills improve presence of mind and memory enhancement:

listening is a required part of communication skills, when you listen carefully and understand with
concentration then you are ready to answer any question, because of presence of mind you improve
communication skills and enhances memory.

6) Personality build up:

Communication skill not only fruitful in professional life, they are also made impact on your
personality. Communications are your personality trait. as a student you will meet in a lot of people
from all walks of life in different aspects, if you have a good communication skill, you will achieve
many opportunities and you will watch how your relationship with family and friends will grow
stronger day by day.

7) Reveal your abilities to other:

Students have many hidden abilities; they are fearful to reveals their abilities because of lack of
confidence. this may cause failure in every stage (in education, in personal, in profession).
communication skills help them to reveal their dexterity, capabilities (talent)with self-esteem.

8) Reduce stress and manage things well:

communication skills are important and these skills determines and enhancing the qualities of
students. these skills provide so many benefits to, most of the students who improve their way of
communicate to others, they are not in mentally or in physically stress, and manage everything
properly. when students have communication skills they can not hesitate while communicate and
reduce stress easily.

communication skill is very important in all aspects of life whether it is professional or personal.
these skills make flourish your life.
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Communication skills is the Quotation Of passing Understanding and information from person to
Other person and it is the process of Sharing Opinion, Idea, facts and Problems From one person to
another person. Good communication skills help you to communicate easily with people and
understand each other and the other person. The communication skill is always a good effect on
everyone, whether it is on students, teachers, on education or on your career. If you are a student
you can easily explain your point and difficulties to teachers and persuade others. And if you are
teacher then you can teach to your students well, and make a pleasant environment in the class, the
student will take interest in your class. Students and teachers in an educational institution must have
excellent communication skills so they will be able to understand each other easily. At the same
time, teachers will be able to easily impart correct knowledge to the children and the children will
also learn from them. Teachers always give good advice to the children which will be beneficial for
students and their future. Even the communication skills effects to your whole personality. Your way
speaking does matter at your home also. So, students need to discuss it with your teacher that they
help you to create these skills inside you because you are coming towards your future soon.
Therefore, being a good student, it is very important to have the ability to communicate well. A good
relationship between the student and the teacher has a positive effect on the students. These skills
have a prominent effect on student’s self-confidence and they can participate in the class activities.
Communication skills also effect on your decision-making power because when you have a
confidence to communicate with anyone you can easily judge them. When student have a skill of
written, they listen teachers and write their lectures in own wording. So, the written ability of you
effect better in an examination. Thus, any type of communication skills (verbal, nonverbal, or
written) always have a good effect. All of these things have an effect on a child's academic
performance, and with all of this, teachers are also involved in trying to improve the education
system in a variety of ways.

2.3 Effects of communication skills on students

communication skills are those skill that effects are always positive or good. so, you must improve
these skills in your students’ period because in your student period you face a lot of challenges. you
face a difficulty to communicate with your teachers, classmates, sometimes with your friends.
feeling hesitation to giving presentations, speeches, asking question/ giving answer to teacher.
sometimes face difficulty and a lot hardship in a written communication skill. your communication
skills effect most on your whole personality, if your communication skills are not good, then you
must in a trouble in your class or may be in career. if your communication skills are improved than its
effects are always good. its positive effects reflect in your way of speaking also. Following are the
positive effects on students of communication skills.

1)listen carefully:

with the improved communication skills students try to listen to teacher carefully, because they
understand the importance of listening. to understand everything, it is very important for students
to listen to the teacher and their lectures attentively and this can only be possible if there is an
improved communication skills and good relationship between the children and the teachers.
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teacher teaches the children correctly and the student also listen to them. Listen carefully to his
lectures and asked the right questions.

2) Make a great contact:

Your communication skills help you make a great contact with your teachers and your friends and
also with your colleagues in your career. it also helps to create a highly confident to make contact
and involve in class discussion. contacts help you to solve your difficulties and you avail
opportunities to learn more and more. you can easily update your information and knowledge.
There should be a strong and good contact between the teacher and the student through which the
student can ask the everything that they do not understand correctly in the class.

3) Make a team work:

Students should work together as a team in which all the students work together in different ways
and come up with some good results because working together brings out the work better. so,
students need that they all work together in different ways, through which the student's relationship
with each other is good and the students begin to understand each other and the ability to
communicate is also learned in the same way, and also on education. Read the positive effects of
which students also learn many new things.

4) Interaction skills on students:

It is very important for the students to communicate with the teacher and convey their message to
them in the right way and understand their point of view in the right way and it has positive effects
that is why children are taught communication skills from childhood. So that they can communicate
their problems and their point of view to others in the right way and also persuade others for their
point of view, it is very important if seen in the educational institution because if the child does not
have a good and strong relationship with the teacher So he will not be able to talk to the teacher and
at the same time the teacher should have a good conversation with the child A better approach so
hard and the child should be able to easily understand and be able to say to your child's teacher
without fear.

2.4 Effects of communication skills on teachers

The effects of communication skills on the teachers is also positive. Improves their method of
teaching and speaking skills. First of all, it is very important that the teacher is expert who can
understand the student correctly, builds self-confidence in the student and eliminates their fears.
Give them the right advice. If they don't understand something, explain it to them at a certain time.
Maintain their interest along with the reading. Ask the children a variety of questions and ask them
about the lessons taught. Place between yourself and the student. It is very important for the
teachers to take care of all these things. strong communication skills of teacher flourish the
profession and make interesting their way of teaching. Communication skills helps in following

1)Describe goals:

The teacher should pay special attention to the interest of the children while teaching the lessons.
Ask questions about the lessons taught to them during the lectures and ask the students to explain
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the lessons in their own words. Understood with interest and at the same time what is not
understood also comes to the fore and the teacher also becomes aware of the interest and attention
of the student. And it also causes the child's interest to grow and he to explore more new things.

2)Appreciate students:

The teacher should encourage the students. If the students achieve even a small achievement,
encourage them so that they can improve their work further and ask other students to follow them.
This will bring happiness and satisfaction to the child. Will feel and he will try to work harder, the
results of which will be seen on the academic performance and this will be possible only when the
teacher will encourage the child. Encouraging the child means that the child will work better. As a
result of which he brings to the fore the things through which the academic performance is also

3)Make friendly environment:

teacher should give a pleasant and friendly environment to the children so that the children can get
education in the right way along with happiness and friendship. The teacher should also tell jokes
during the lectures so that the child's interest is maintained and he gets bored in learning. Do not
feel and can easily ask any question or question because the environment has a huge impact on the
child's personality and especially in the educational institution should have a friendly environment so
that students can easily ask questions and what the teacher wants to explain. Yes, they can
understand and all this is possible only when the teacher and the students or a pleasant atmosphere
and its effects on academic performance are also visible.

4)Language skills:

It is first important for the teacher to be proficient in language skills as the issue of language is very
prevalent in the education system so it is very important for the teacher to be proficient in teaching
the student correctly in his language. Yes, because language is more important than lessons.
Important than lessons. If it is explained in the language of the child, then he understands very
quickly and at the same time the student also asks questions. Urdu or English is not important in the
language but the language of the teacher is important. What language does he teach students in and
what kind of words does he use because this is the lesson? Therefore, the teacher's communication
style and teaching ability should be such that the child's interest increases and the teacher also has
such ability, it does not take much time to explain his point and the student also understands it
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The importance of communication skills and the effects can be recognised to students through the
following tasks:

1) provide different topic of presentations so they will easily understand the importance of verbal
and non verbal communications

2) provide feedbacks on their presentation to practice more verbal communication

3) Help them to create sentences, paragraphs and essays having topic sentences, morphemes,
syntax and semantics to practice clarity in written communication

4) Give them tasks of making CV, reports on a topic, memorandums and presentation

5) provide tasks in groups in order to help students clear their views and understanding about the
importance of changing views to form strong team building through communication.

6) marking on the basis of cross-questioning skills so students would be able to know how
communication can help to clear the views of others.

7) motivates students before giving any task and explain them that communication skills also
required for motivation for any level and any medium. Motivation is also a basic tool to uplift either
they are businessman, employee, student, teacher or even a motivational speaker.

8) provide a task in which students need to collect different views from the people of their
surroundings or society or any institute other than their own. So, they would also relate the
importance of communication skills in public dealing.

This point is also helpful to explain the importance of communication skills and effects medium for

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Unit 3 -

Types of communication

There are differentiated causes of action by which information is shared with one another, the
instances guide the path for the communication procedure. such as verbal communication leads the

way for sharing a grouped discussion or a presentation and application for a certain interview for
sending emails for a job interview. There are further four types or categories of communication Skills
adding verbal, non-verbal, written and visual.


The transformation of information and encodes a message through speaking or sign language.
Basically, a communication which expressed in spoken words. verbal communication is applied by
concerning the most common type of communication. The conversation face to face between
sender of the message and receiver of the message is called oral or verbal communication. Face to
face conversation is the best example of verbal Communication in which sender and receiver are in
verbal contract so, it is termed as "Oral or Verbal Communication". the usage of this type of
communication is generally applied such as in language during group discussions, phone calls,
gossiping, formal face to face, speeches, lectures, counselling, meetings, public address system
conferences, table talks, interviews, and conversation. This type of communication is very essential
communication because it is systemized and is helpful for the support of verbal communication and
it can also be flexible to both non-verbal and written communication. There are some merits of
verbal communication

 It provides opportunity to remove doubts by giving concrete explanation of the message.

 Oral communication saves time, labour and money as compared to other.
 It permits detailed explanation and clarification of doubts.
 It can be conveyed quickly if the message is short.
 It is particularly beneficial at the operational level.

Furthermore, in order to develop your communication skills some steps are to be followed which
are given below:

1)Use a strong, confident speaking voice/ Tone of voice:

Using a strong and confident voice can be helpful for speaking in group of people and it can also
assure a confident personality to your impression. Usage of strong voice and being confident can
provide a good source of communication can be helpful to provide people are fluent procedure of
your thoughts and can also make your ideas clear about the certain topic and make it understood to
the people. Also, your level of emotion that you use is include while you speaking in front of
audience. So, try to maintain your voice of tone as calm as possible. Since uncongenial tone of voice
can solely serve to worsen things.
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2)Use of Active Listening:

Most important part of verbal communication is to hear or listening to others. what others say
about a certain topic and provide a greater idea. Active listening skills are key method for
participation in a discussion or any conversation.

3)Avoid Filler Words:

Avoid using filler words such as "um", "like", "so", "yeah", "and" because they can disturb the
conversation and make the audience think maybe the speaker is confused about the topic. It can
also be used after completing a sentence or a direct pause to recollect your thoughts at same time it
can distract the audience about your thought. Here is a helpful reminder you can ask your friend or
colleague to remind you when you use such Phrases and drag your attention to stop using these
filler words and try to take breath instead of those filler words.


This is the communication in which we express our thoughts and feeling through our body language
or behaviour. This involves what we do with our eyes, face, hands, this is very common, and has
sound effect on others and also easily understandable. It is the use of body language that can be
noticed, voice intonation, gesture or posture, hand signal and facial expression to immediately
conveys messages and information to the people. We can say that this is the easiest and effective
way of communicating our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, reactions, responses or emotions. It is
applicable intentionally and unintentionally for many instances such as you may show facial
expression of smiling an unintentionally when you get to hear a pleasing message or news.
Nonverbal communication is a helpful method to understand thoughts and feelings of others also.
However, there are differentiated procedures to apply this method by which body arms and facial
expressions play a vital role in them. We can communicate with the particular movements of limbs
of our body. it is often used to support the verbal communication. Every time we orally give a
message to the people, we also reveal a non-verbal message. In some instances, the non-verbal
component is more dominating. For example, a glance, a stare, a smile and a frown all convey

Furthermore, there are certain methods for the development of nonverbal communication skills 

1)Notice how your emotions feel physically:     

Throughout a common day you may experience a bunch of emotions (such as excited board happy
energetic) you can identify that floating in your body. For instance, if you feel anxious about
anything, your stomach might feel tight. For developing in word emotion your body is also affected
or can be noted that external expression is affected by internal presentation. 

2)Be intentional about your non-verbal communication:

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it is easy to show positive body language, when you feel alert positive around your surroundings, it
can be helpful to spread a positive vibe around you. Non-verbal communication also can be used if
you feel confused or anxious about any information for example furrowed brow. such body language
can be helpful to convey your thoughts or you can also ask for suggestions or feedback by the help of
nonverbal communication.

3) Mimic nonverbal communication you may find effective:

If you find a certain facial expression that fits into the situation which may be a guideline to improve
your non-verbal communication, you can easily use that in a flexible situation such as when you are
confused about your answer you can nod your head by showing a positive answer.

4)Facial expression:

Facial expressions make the communication effective and efficient. sender and receiver can easily
exchange their thoughts and feelings. They can know reactions of each other at once and can
remove the doubts, if any, in the minds of any party It is the only way out during the period of
emergency. The communicator can determine at once whether the receiver is following him or not.
this helps in improving motivation of people and creating a feeling of participation and importance.

3.3 Written communication

We can define written communication, If words are spread on the paper according to our thoughts
and the exchange of messages through language using words which meant to be read is called
written communication or you can say in written communication, face to face conversation is
avoided and communication of ideas, orders, instructions etc. are forwarded in writing. written
communication is a type of communication in which writing, typing, printing symbols like letters,
numbers is involve to convey information, It is very essential form of communication because it also
provides references for information .writing is a common method that is applicable to share or
convey information through books, pamphlets, blogs letters, memos, electronic mail, fax
transmission, memoranda, circulars, periodicals, notices, or any other device that is transmitted via
written words or symbols. Emails and chats are common example of written communication.
Transmission and response take more time and needs perfection in writing such as grammar,
spelling and construction of sentence etc. Written communication provides a record and the content
of the message can be easily verified. Such communication can be expressed precisely after due
thought. The form and content of written communication can be suited specific requirements of
keeping in view the receiver's ability to interpret the message correctly. Moreover, written
communications are taken more seriously and therefore, binding on the parties involved. Following
are some characteristics.

 Provides record of the communication made and give confirmation the actual message.
 It can be stated in definite terms after due thought.
 Use of particular content to meet the desired requirements.

Here are some few guidelines for written communication. 

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1) Strive for simplicity:

Written communication should be as clear as possible it the same time it should provide a
detailed note about the certain topic to make reader understand your thoughts.

1) Take time to review your written communication:

Set a certain time to review your emails, letters, articles, notes, written test, written
assignments and mems that can help you to rectify your mistake and that can also be an
opportunity to provide something about your order.

3.4 Visual

It is the type of communication by photography, art, drawing, sketches, charts and graphs are used
to convey information. Visual communication is helpful to provide important content for
presentation. All around the world people have different learning styles so, visual communication
important form to provide gestures in order to provide nice ideas in your own field.

1)Ask others before using visual:

Before adding visual you may ask others to consider your ideas in some cases it can also make the
audience confused.

2)Consider your audience:

Add visual according to your audiences understanding because it can be confusing.

3)Take time to discuss to clarify your thoughts to your audience:

gather your information step by step.

4)Setting a certain goal:

Trusting or consulting your members are important steps to assure your visual communication.
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1) distribute some chits having different tasks and call students randomly to convey the message of
the chit to the audience through these three media; written, non verbal or pictorial (verbal should be
for them who lost to convey). Set rubric for them to develop thoughts for convert their msg
efficiently. (All communication)

2) provide students different pictures which telling the story and ask for an assignment to play
according to their own understanding in peers (non-Verbal communication)

3) tell them a story and asking to draw a single page picture which can relate to the story
(pictorial/visual communication)

4) give a task to Write letter, report, resumes, cover letter for explaining the importance of written
communication in commercial life. (Written communication)

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Unit 04 -


lack of communication skills means lack of proper language, use of improper languages. it is also
meaning of lack of confidence; it causes that you are not speak well with others or not communicate
well in class or during the interview. lack of communication skills is the prominent problem; it breaks
the confidence level or confuse students in front of audience. it is also distracting the ability in every
type of communication (verbally, non-verbally, written). the students cannot go forward and on the
platform of success. there are number of barriers in your way if you not improve your
communication skills. following are the possible reasons you must avoid these. Make your
communication skills better with passage of time.


1) Speaking more than listening:

It is one of the reason students cannot develop communication skills inside you, if you only speak
and not take interest to listen to others you are not get much knowledge. communication is a two-
way process, if a student is good speaker, then he must be created skills of listening others with
patience so he learns more. listening creates better understanding between two persons, listening
power help the speaker and the listener both to improve communication. so, speaking more than
listening is a problem that a student or anyone face a problem of lack of communication skills.

2)Lack of interest:

The lecture on any subject is boring for some students, they only sit in class with absent mind, do not
take interest in the class. This is the reason behind the lack of communication skill. These students
not take part in any activity of the class, do not participate in the class. So, this may cause the low
confidence also. lack of interest in the class may cause the failure, it influences on your knowledge
because of not presence in the class. when you will develop interest and participate in class you will
remove communication barriers also.

3) Intrusive in between the sentence:

This is worst the reason in lacking of communication skill. when teacher is giving a lecture and some
students talking silently with each other and not listening to teacher properly, so you may lack
knowledge related to chapter or any subject. you may face complication of written communication
skills during examination. must avoid this lacking and the students must attentive to teacher

4) Distrust, threat and fear:

lack of communication skills creates distrust, threat and fear. act excitement and emotions are the
natures of human being and everybody reflects this on different occasion of his life, and all this play
very important role in communication because you can easily see people emotions when they
communicate verbally, non-verbally or in writing. the use of emotional and excited words such as
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failure, death, strike, liar and defeat change the originality and effectiveness of the message.
expression of Information under tension or nervousness, will lead to ineffective communication.

5) feeling yourself inferior to others:

It is sometime happened to some students. They feel them self-inferior to others. They think that
they do not have enough knowledge and they cannot give a right answer to the teacher. there
speaking power is very poor during class because they do not believe themselves, therefore they are
left behind by other students. if the students focus on improve communication skills, they become
successful and confident.

6) Lack of facilities:

This is the least reason behind lack of communication skill. due to some reason some student does
not have enough facilities to contact other easily. They do struggle in every of aspect and get
education, this may cause lack in communication skills.

4.2 How to improve your communication skills

Communication scale is an ability that must be present in every human being through which we can
easily convince others with our words or we can easily explain anything to them during education.
Communication skills are an art in which this the ability is there, he achieves success very quickly. In
many countries, many different books have been written on communication skills and regular classes
are also given and it is very important because it is very important to have this ability. For this we
should read books like different communication skills so that we know its rules and regulations as
well as a personality that we like very much. Try to inculcate good habit him.

1) listening:

In order to improve communication skills, it is very important to be a good listener first because a
good listener is a good speaker going forward so the speaker should say something that is in the
interest of the listener. And the listener is compelled to listen with interest because what is heard
with interest is always remembered.


The second thing to improve communication skills is to observe, that is, to observe everything that
is beneficial to you in the right way. Then you will be able to say the right thing, and so will the
person you are talking to. If you like to observe his good habits in a good way and then try to bring
these habits inside you, this process is called observation.

3) Respect your audience:

The third thing to improve communication skills is to respect the audience, give them the right
advice honestly and not only value yourself but also respect the audience, respect them and give
them the right advice while respecting their ideas and It involves trying to get what they want.

4) Body language is important:

The most important thing to improve communication skills is to understand body language because
when the teacher is teaching something in the classroom, the body language affects the children
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more than the education, so more effort should be made to Let us try to understand the body
language of any human being because the meaning of anything is indicated by his body language.

5) Equal participation:

Good communication demands equal participation from all This is so because not only speaking
every time means that you are a good communication However getting every person in the
communication process is necessary so that the desired result can be achieved through the

Concluding it can be said that communication is part of modern-day life and without effective
communication no task can be accomplished effectively.

6) Honest for feedback:

As with most leadership skills receiving honest feedback from peers’ managers and members of your
team is critical to becoming a better communicator If you regularly solicit feedback others will help
you to discover areas for improvement that you might have otherwise overlooked.

1) presentational task with in time allotted. So, it will help in increasing their efficiency and
smooth working.
2) Ask them to write stories in which views are exchanged between two people such as doctor
and patient, interviewer and interviewee, teacher and student, mother and child, parents
and teacher.


Unit 5 -
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Role of communication in Education

As teaching is basically communication, it’s important to incorporate all aspects of the

communication process in an environment with as little distracting noise as possible. Also, the
teaching/communication process will work best when teacher have good general communication
rapport with a student.

For this to reason, the student must know teacher is taking them seriously and that they can also tell
what they think and need. Power dynamics should be as little as possible, so the communication can
be open and frank. This also helps in getting good feedback from a student, in case the message isn’t
getting across well. Here are some specific roles of communication in education.

1) Correct body language:

It becomes necessary to practice good body language like eye-to-eye contact, match the tone while
communicating help to deliver what teacher want to teach.

2) Using Correct Medium:

Ensure the right medium of conversation. It is important to pick the right medium. Talking over
mobile laptops (verbal Communication) can work better than just sending, emails, or messages.
Students can understand by using correct medium.


Never become angry, aggressive even in worst situations. Being confident doesn’t mean, not to
listen to teacher or student or to cut their views. It can be termed as maintaining good eye contact &
a better body posture while speaking with confidence.

4) Respect Opinions of Other:

Always respect teacher/student & give regards to what they’re saying or what they have to say.
Respecting others while acknowledging them, is an important aspect of Communication in
education. Being respectful is just like paying attention to what other is saying, by this, the other one
feels appreciated, which leads to a better, honest as well as effective communication in education

5) Listen with Attention:

It is well said that ‘to be a good communicator, it’s essential to be a good listener first’. Practice
active listening skills & pay close attention to what others have to say. When you need to disagree
with someone else point of view, it is necessary to sympathize with their point of view instead of
getting your message across them in some conditions.

6) Speak Less & Effective:

Teacher /student should try to convey their message in a few words as possible. Get straightaway to
the point without speaking excessively to avoid boredom. This may confuse the listener or student.

Avoid using filler words while getting straight to the main point as expressing views, more
excessively will create confusion to the student.

7) Quality of Being Friendly to Others:

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Good communication skills build strong relationship between student and teacher. It also makes
teacher confident enough. Thus, students get interest in studies. Better verbal Communication and
physical expressions help to make new friends. Studying with good friends reduces stress & enables
to learn much better.

8) Improvementof Memory:

It improves presence of mind whenever express views, listens to what others are talking about,
understands their point of views & also while communicating what are talking about.

To achieve their dreams in anything they want to do, students need brain power with a sharp
memory to become successful in life.

5.1 Role of Communication Skills for Students:

The student learns how to address issues and how to respond keeping others in mind. It is important
that a student should work towards developing communication skills as it will help them in the long

1) Enrichment of knowledge:

Student needs to be a good reader to develop their communication skills. With reading a student
can improve and enrich their vocabulary and knowledge. students can communicate in all the topics
because of the knowledge base that has been developed with the reading.

2) Use as evidence:

For students it is important to be a good reader but it is equally important to be a good writer. A
good written communication skill is the one where student can use the words to express the right
tone and put the idea across effectively.
Written communication must not be confusing, it can send out wrong information and cause serious
issues. Written communication can be used as evidence, and hence it is important that a student
knows what to write and how to write effectively and efficiently.

3)Integral part of Professional career:

Many students have issues in presenting their ideas or project. This could be due to stage fear, lack
of confidence, nervousness and any other factor. It is important that a student should participate in
as much presentational and speech-based activity to get the fear out and master the art. In the near
future presentation and speeches will become an integral part of student professional career and
they need to be comfortable with it. So, practice as much as they can, on their presentation and
speech skills can help them in future.

4) Improvement of Listening skills:

Student should have the patience and ability to listen to others. The conversation is not just about
the ability to speak, it is about the communication ability to listen carefully also.

A student can be a good listener only when he listens to his audience, understand what they want
and prepare accordingly. Student need to have the right focus when they are listening. With the
focus and concentration, they can remember their conversation and take notes from it.
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5) Improvement of intellectual level:

A student should not fear away or run away from the conversation. Student should put ideas across
with no fear. The more they step back, the more issues will have in future to express themself.
Participate in group discussions, interact more with students and be a part of a community where
student can discuss every topic and improve their intellectual level. Students must keep
communicating effectively in all the forms till they master the art.

5.2 Role of Communication Skills for Teachers

It is important that the teachers must have good communication skills so that their students can
follow in their footsteps.

1) Addressing of weak areas:

A teacher needs to have good listening skills to know where his or her student stands and what is
that he or she needs to focus on. While explaining a topic to a student a teacher needs to be clear
and precise. cannot jumble up the topic, confusing students as well as yourself making it difficult for
the student to grasp what teacher are saying. Teacher need to adapt the style of the individual
student so that he can ensure that every student’s weak area is addressed. A skilful communicator
teacher can turn a boring subject into an interesting one by their presentation skills.

2) Encouragement of students:

A good teacher will always show compassion and care towards their students with their
communication skills. Teacher work with the students to ensure that their student excel in whatever
they do and continuously encourage them to do better.

3) Sharing feedback:

An important part of a teacher’s job is to ensure that they have communicated the progress of their
students in different ways. A parent would always like to hear the truth, but how a teacher says it
means a lot. Positive feedback to the parents gives them confidence, to do better but at the same
time, negative feedback has to be shared. The way teacher shares their negative feed is where a
teacher’s communication skill gets tested. A complaint should be shared with the respective parent
appropriately, on time and should be precise.

4 Sharing ideas:

Teaching students is not an individual effort. Teacher need to discuss and find out the best possible
ways to teach a topic in an effective and efficient way.

It is encouraged that the teachers to sit together and communicate an appropriate teaching
technique by sharing ideas to avoid any inconvenience.

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1) provide different situations to students in peers or group of four people having different
roles and communication of all mediums.


We are not able without exchanging information, we wake up and text or call our friends, asking
them to meet before classes it could become even harder to attend college or University and make
friends, yes students don't have to worry about that because there are a lot games to improve
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comprehension and listening efficiency which can be played with your friends we have found several
activities to improve communication skills you can implement in daily life

Verbal Communication Activity

Tell Me About the Time:

To tap into intuitive Communication verbal dexterity to increase the ability to speak in front of a
group with confidence

A chair or stool is placed in front of the assemble group, The Leader then points to players and ask
him to Tell me about the time that some absurd or fantastic things happened to him. Tell me about
the time you said rat poison on the moon. Tell me about the time you financed Gary Hart s
presidential campaign etc.

The chosen player includes a count of five to induce from his seat to a grip standing behind the
chair he is not allowed to the touch, lean on or sit in it and began telling everyone the story of the
time he did whatever the leader has ask about he keep talking expanding on the story until he is
released by the leader.

Non verbal activity

Silent Take:

This is a version of the improve game called silent Take

A non-verbal activity performed in class where people usually already know each other, put the
group in pairs and give half the people a scene to re-enact. The Pairs don't use the words while the
other half students need to guess what they are doing describing it in words.

Written communication activity

One-word letter writing:

Written communication ability has a high suggests that score. this side of Communication skills was

developed through finishing writing assignment and reports through their educational program at
the University, sensible communication

skills square measure measured through the clarity of the writing.

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Debates activity
This is a best activity for University level students. A simple form of debate is one of the best team
building activities for students and amazing way to create an interesting lesson for youth. Learn our
list of debate topics for inspiration, split the category in half and present them purpose or topic to
debate, one cluster ought to consider the thought and another disagrees, give them some time to
prepare in groups and have a debate on the issue, This one is great example of communication skills
group activities.


Program Masters/Graduate

Semester 1st

Course Communication Skills

Marks 20
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1.Assignment Title
‘’Effective Communication Techniques’’

Individual Task

Strong communication skills are becoming the need of every profession from last 5 to 8 years. It
performs measure roles in every field of life. So, in this course we design an assignment which is
differ from conventional method of assignment those follow in our educational system. Basically, the
aim of assignment is that are given to the students to check the performance and enhance the
learning ability of candidate.

Here we suggest the 1 unique practical activity of (C.S) as an assignment the instructions of practical
activity are following.

1. Student should go in any educational or technical institution and arrange the guest speaker
session on any field relevant topic with the permission of administration. Student itself will
be the guest speaker of session.
2. Arrange a one video camera for the recording of session.
3. Give the lecture on selected topic and take the question from the audience in the end of
4. Then distribute the Performa paper in audience which have questions related to topic as
well as about guest lecture delivery and other (C.S).
5. Finally check all the Performa paper after the session and make an overall audience result.
6. In the last these are the deliverables which student has to submit.

Whole session video recording.

Performa paper result.

This practical activity assignment will do more help to student in learning and improving their (C.S) in
a realistic way.

Assignment Title:
‘’Effective Communication Skills’’

Group Task


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate a proper personal communication skill and be
effective group decision –making process. your objectives are to prepare a 15-minute training
session for the communication 20 students about what to do and avoid when holding a group
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Develop a checklist of 3 individual communication skills that you think are vital to group success.

Develop a similar checklist of 3 important decision-making processes needed for task group success.

Based on your list, create a simulation or video tape that demonstrates what not to do during a
problem-solving discussion.

Re-do the simulation or video tape and demonstrate the characteristics of an effective group
problem solving discussion

The project will consist of two basic parts:

An oral presentation based on the training idea. Part one focuses on the training you would provide.
Part two focuses on the rational for the training.

A written report that includes all supporting material in a properly indexed (due one week after the
oral presentation).


Your group project will be evaluated on the basis of three factors:

1. The oral presentation.

2. The written work.

3. Individual ratings given by your fellow group members.


Communication skill plays an important role in our personal or professional life. We design this
course for graduate and master's level and also for the professional speakers. It will be very
beneficial for good communication techniques through verbal, non verbal and pictorial
representation and understanding. This course is specially for:

1) Masters in Education or Masters in Teacher education offered the course of communication skills
for professional development at their candidates so that most of them can start their career through
confident and professional educationists. This course helpful for uplifting their energy and boost up
their confidence Infront of the crowd.
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2) The students of mass communication also required some special skills to deal with the crowd so
that they can show their talent without crowd fear. So, communication skills also helped them to
develop thoughts which expose their talent and transmits their message Infront of crowd.

3) The public dealing fields are also responsible for delivering information and dealing with different
faces and complex minds. These fields also develop skills in their students for good communicator.
Graduation and master's in publication administration, business administration, sociology and
psychology also fall in this category.

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