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What Is Photography?
The process and art of creating still pictures

Derived from the Greek words Photos (light) and Graphis


Technique and art of painting or drawing with light.

How Is A Photograph Taken?
Image is recorded on a light sensitive material (digital sensor).

Various parts of camera help to control the amount of light

hitting the material.

These are:
1. Aperture
2. Shutter Curtain (controls the shutter speed)
3. ISO setting
Common Terms
Exposure - The act of taking a photograph by exposing the sensor to light

Aperture - A hole found in the lens that controls the amount of light the
lens to hit the sensor. Bigger hole = more light entering the camera.
Denoted by f/number

Shutter Speed - The speed a shutter “curtain” opens and closes to control
amount of time the “curtain” remains open to allow light in. Longer shutter
speed = more light entering the camera. Denoted by 1/number

ISO - Sensitivity of sensor to light. Higher ISO = more sensitive to light.

Usually denoted by numbers from 100, doubling at each stop (e.g. 100,
200, 400, 800 etc)

Subject - The “hero” of your photograph. The person/object you are taking
a photograph of.
Common Terms
Focal length - Focal length refers to the distance between the
photographer and her subject. It is also the number found on your lens, in

Composition - The art and science of placing elements within a

photograph to “tell a story” to the viewer.

Aperture Priority mode - User sets aperture, camera then selects a

matching shutter speed to ensure correct exposure.

Shutter Priority mode - User sets shutter speed, camera selects

a matching aperture to ensure correct exposure.

Manual mode - User selects both shutter speed & aperture to ensure
correct exposure
Parts of a DSLR
Focal Length
Numbered in mm on the camera lens.

Angle of view of your camera and how close the subject of

your photograph appears to the viewer.

Range of numbers, e.g. 18mm - 55mm means lens covers

18mm to 55mm focal length

A lens with only 1 focal length is a prime lens while a range

of focal lengths on the lens means it is a zoom lens
Focal Length Field of View
Focal Length Comparison
Types of Camera Lenses
Ultra wide angle - A lens with focal length that is less than 24mm

Wide angle - A lens with focal length between 25mm to 35mm

Normal/Standard - A lens with focal length of 50mm. It is called as such

because the field of view of a 50mm is the same as that of a human eye.

Telephoto - A lens with a focal length from about 70mm to 300mm

Super Telephoto - A lens that has a focal length of more than 300mm
Lens - Prime or Zoom?
Prime lens:
Usually extremely high quality
Big maximum aperture (e.g. f/1.8)
Most prime lenses are expensive
Needs different lenses to cover a range of focal lengths

Zoom lens:
Usually not as high quality
Usually a range of maximum aperture (e.g. f/4 - f/5.6)*
Most zoom lenses are reasonably priced
Does not need a large number of lenses to cover a range of focal

*This means the lens has a maximum aperture of f/4 at 18mm and a maximum
aperture of f/5.6 at 55mm for an 18-55mm zoom lens.
How does a camera work?

Image reflected off mirrors &

pentaprism onto viewfinder
through the lens

Mirror lifts up to allow light

to hit the digital sensor
How to hold a camera
The wrong way!
How to hold a camera
The correct way
How to hold a camera
Other positions
How to hold a camera
Other positions
How to hold a camera
Other positions
The End

The End

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