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Cada vez que hayas terminado un ejercicio, marca con la X en el cronograma. Así verás cómo va tu

(Cumplida a
Quincena 1: Exercises 1a 5 1 X
2 X
GUÍA 1 3 X
4 X
5 X
Quincena 2: Exercise 6 a 9 6
GUÍA 2 8
Quincena 3: Exercises 10 a 12 10
GUÍA 3 12
Quincena 4: Exercises 13 a 15 13
GUÍA 4 14
Quincena 5: Exercises 16 a 18 16
GUÍA 5 17
Quincena 6: Exercises 19 a 21 19
GUÍA 6 20
Quincena 7: Exercises Evaluació
GUÍA 7 22 y n
Quincena 8: Exercises 23 a 25 23
GUÍA 8 24
Quincena 9: Exercises 26 y 27 26
GUÍA 9 27
Repasar y aprender
los verbos
I Can Take Care of My Body
1. En el siguiente ejercicio debes unir los títulos (1-3) con los ejemplos (a-c)

1: C
2: A
3: B

2. Completa el cuadro 1 a 9 con los tips del ejercicio 1

1: Eat fruit and 4: Your body needs 5: Running 7: Have a shower
vegetables eight hours of sleep a every day
2: Avoid sugars and 6: swimming, or 8: Wash your hair
starches. riding a bike. regurlarly.
3: Cut out fast foods. 9: Brush your teeth
Drinks lots of water. twice a day and Keep
your nails short

3. Lee siguiente tip de estudio. Responde en inglés,

¿Qué haces para mejorar tu concentración?

I go for a walk, I take fresh air, I spend time with family and friends, but most importantly I
visit places that generate peace with myself and I learn how to concentrate on everything that
surrounds me.
4. Answer the questions. Responda las preguntas, mire el ejemplo.

1: Yes, I do.
2: Yes, he does.
3: Yes, he does.
4: No, they don’t.
5: No, I don’t.
6: Yes, she does.

5. Match the nutrients (1–5) with their functions (a–e). Unir los nutrientes (1-5) con
su función (a-e)

1: C
2: B
3: A
4: D
5: E

6. Read the chart and match the nutrients (1–5) with the types of food (a–e). Lee el
cuadro y une los nutrientes con el tipo de alimento
7. Answer the following question.

a. Which foods give you protein?

b. How many portions of protein do you need a day?
c. What nutrients are in vegetables and fruit?
d. How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you need a day?
e. Which foods give you fiber?
f. How many portions of fiber do you need a day?
g. Which foods contain carbohydrates?
h. How many servings of carbohydrates do you need a day?
i. What nutrients are in some fish and vegetables?

8. Write about the nutrients in your favorite typical dish and why they are good for you. Draw.
Escribe un texto en inglés sobre tu comida tradicional favorita. Escribe sobre los nutrientes que
tiene y por qué es bueno para ti. Dibújalo. Mira el ejemplo.
Be Smart: Do EXERCISe!
9. Read the slogans (1-6) and match them with the photos

10. Match what the peson can do (1-4) with the sport he/she plays (a-d) and answer the
questions (a-f). unir lo que las personas pueden hacer con el deporte y responder las

11. Complete the chart so it is true for you. Completa el cuadro on información verdadera sobre
ti con lo que puedes, no puedes hacer y lo que quieres aprender. Recuerda can: puede, can’t:
no puede.
12. Follow the instructions and design a slogan noticeboard to motivate you and your
classmates to do more exercise. Sigue las instrucciones para crear un slogan para
motivar a tus amigos a hacer ejercicio y ser saludable,
1. Write some slogans, for example, ‘Be smart: Do Exercise!’
2. Decorate your poster with the magazine pictures. Or draw your own.

Being Clean is Cool and Fun!
13. Read the infographic about personal hygiene and complete it (1–7) with the headings
(a–g). Complete los espacios 1-7 con los encabezados a-g

a. Use deodorant d. Dental care g. Keep your

b. Change your clothes e. Wash your hands fingernails clean and
c. Wash your hair f. Have a shower short
14. Label the hygiene products (a–f) and then answer the questions (1–6) so they are true
for you. Une los elementos de higiene personal a-f y responde las preguntas 1-6 según
tu información.
15. Prepare a hygiene exhibit. Follow the instructions (1–5). See the example. Diseña un
poster de un hábito de higiene en inglés. Sigue las instrucciones 1-5 y mira el

1. Choose one personal hygiene habit: for example, how to wash your hands properly.
2. Make a list of the steps to follow: for example, Step 1. Get some soap. Step 2. …
3. Design a picture collage to indicate the steps: you can draw or paint pictures or use photos
from magazines.

Getting to Know YOURSELF

16. Read the reasons why people feel stressed (a–f). Which ones make you feel stressed?
Rank them: frequently, sometimes, never. Lee las razones por las que las personas sienten
estresadas. ¿Cuáles te hacen sentir estresado? Calificalas con frequently, sometimes, never.

17. Read the story of a student who is stressed because of pressure in school. Underline
the ways his body reacts to stress. Lee la historia de un estudiante que está estresado por la
presión escolar. Subraya en el texto las formas en que su cuerpo reacciona.
18. Read the stressful situations (1–6). Choose one and give some recommendations. Lee
las situaciones 1-6, escoge una y escribe algunas recomendaciones para el manejo del

Stressful Situations
1. Too much homework 2. Arguments with parents 3. Arguments with friends
4. Not enough free time to relax 5. Money problems: parents lost their job
6. Moving to a new house


It’s a Matter of Communication

19. Read the blog. Decide if the statements (1–7) are true or false according to the
information in the blog.

1. It’s possible to talk in a positive way about negative feelings.

2. It’s OK to express our negative feelings when we aren’t calm.
3. Only compliments are positive, criticism is always negative.
4. Both listening and speaking are equally important.
5. If you don’t have the same opinion as someone, you can’t be friends.
6. It’s OK to say ‘no’.
7. Mobile phones always have advantages.
20. Match the situations (1-5) with the aggressive or rude responses (a-e). Unir la situación 1-5
con la respuesta agresiva a-e.
21. Imagine you are in the situations in exercise 21. Write positive assertive replies. Ahora
imagina que estás en las situaciones anteriores, con ayuda de las Useful Expressions escribe respuestas
asertivas. Mira el ejemplo.


EVALUATION 1. Recuerda lo aprendido y resuelve la evaluación. El tiempo estimado son 60 minutos
para resolverla. Éxitos!
Circle the correct question for each answer. There is one example.

1. Yes, he is going to join a sports club. 8. I can swim.

A. What does he do in his free time* A. What do you do in your free time*
B. What is he going to do in his free B. I can dance. What can you do?
time? does he like sports C. Is sport important for your health?
6. I pa nt. 9. I have too much schoolwork.
A. Can you paint? A. What can you do to reduce stress7
B. What are you going to do after B. How are you feeling*
C. Hey, what’s wrong?
C. What do you do in your free time*
10. Twice a week.
7. Yes, she can.
A. How often do you do sports?
A. Is bike riding a fun activity?
B. Are you an active person?
B. Can she ride a bike*
C. Can you dance?
C. Is she going to ride a bike?

Read the following passage. Choose True, False, or No Information according to the text.

Team UNICEF is a programme organized by UNICEF that promotes sports around

the world. Team UNICEF believes that every child has the right to play sports in a
safe and healthy environment. They work with schools, institutions and Physical
Education teachers in rural and urban areas to encourage children to play sports. Far
example, in France, they help refugees by givingthem the opportunity to play football.
That way, they make friends and don’t feel so stressed and alone. In a rural area of
Jamaica, coaches help elementary schools to do different sparts and play games.
Students are going to school more and feeling happy. Children learn communication and
teamwork, and they become confident and have better self-esteem. Team UNICEF
believes that everybody can participate and play!

1. Team UNICEF only helps refugees.

11. Team UNICEF promotes sports around the world.
12. Team UNICEF only works with schools in rural areas.
13. In France, Team UNICEF helps elementary school children
by giving them the opportunity to play football.
14. In Jamaica, children only learn how to play a sport.
15. Team UNICEF also provides load for the children.

On Your Marks!
22. This is an interview with some sports contestants. Complete what the speakers say (1–4)
with the words in the box. Completa lo que las personas dicen (1-4) con las palabras en el cuadro.
23. Match the people (1–4) to the adjectives (a–d) and reasons (A–D).Write complete
Sentences. Unir las personas (1-4) con los adjetivos (a-d) y las razones (A-D). Luego
escribe oraciones completas, mira el ejemplo.

24. Read the article and complete the table. Lee el artículo y complete el cuadro.
Fair Play

25. Read the article about the Paralympic Games and answer the questions (1–3). Lee el texto
sobre los juegos Paralimpicos y responde las preguntas 1-3.

2. How many Paralympic athletes competed in Italy? And in Rio?

3. What characteristic do these athletes have in common?
4. How many medals did the Colombian Paralympic athletes win in Rio?
26. Read the article in exercise 27 again. Work with a partner and complete the mind map
(1–12). Complete el Mapa mental según el texto anterior (1-12).

We Are the Champions!

Let’s learn
Recuerda que el verbo TO BE significa ser o estar. Y podemos conjugarlo en presente y en pasado.
Presta atención al siguiente cuadro, revísalo muy bien.

Pronouns Affirmative Negative Affirmative Negative
I (yo) I am I am not I was e I wasn’t
You weren’t
(Yo soy/ yo (Yo n soy/ yo no estoy) (Yo era/tú
estaba) (Yononoeras/
(tú era/tyo no estaba)
YOU (tú, you are You aren’t You wer
usted) (tú eres/ tu (tú no eres/ tú no estás) (tú eras/ ú no
estás) estabas)
HE (él) he is He isn’t He was He wasn’t
(él es/ él está) (él no es/ él no está) (él era/ él estaba) (él no era/ él no estaba)
SHE (ella) she is She isn’t She was She wasn’t
(Ella es/ ella (Ella no es/ ella no está) (Ella era/ ella (Ella no era/ ella
está) estaba) no estaba)
IT (eso) it is It isn’t It was It wasn’t
(Esto es / (Esto no es / esto no está) (Esto era/ (Esto no era/ esto
esto está) esto estaba) no estaba)
WE we are We aren’t We were We weren’t
(nosotros (Nosotros (Nosotros no somos/ (Nosotros (Nosotros no
) somos/ nosotros no estamos) eramos/ nosotros eramos/ nosotros no
nosotros estabamos) estabamos)
YOU you are You aren’t You were You weren’t
(ustedes) (ustedes (ustedes no son/ ustedes (Ustedes (Ustedes no eran/
son/ no están eran/ ustedes ustedes no estaban)
ustedes estaban)
THEY they are They aren’t They were They weren’t
(ellos) (ellos son/ (ellos no son/ ellos no están) (Ellos eran/ (Ellos no eran/ ellos
ellos están) ellos estaban) no estaban)

27. Choose the correct option.Escoge la opción correcta

Irregular verbs
A continuación encuentras la lista de os verbos irregulares. Te los debes aprender todos. Parecen
muchos, pero si te vas aprendiendo dos por día, será muy fácil. Cuando estemos en grado octavo los
vas a necesitar mucho. Por eso invierte el tiempo en aprenderlos ahora. Además, ten presente que los
verbos son necesarios para aprender inglés.

Están divididos por colores para que te sea más fácil aprenderlos. Debes aprender cómo se escriben en
inglés, el pasado y el participio pasado. Por ejemplo:
Escribir = write – wrote – written
Irregular Verbs Colour Learning
rofesornativo ulares- df-facil-de-a

Green: Verb cloesn 't cltanoe mo cambia el verboJ

Significado 1st Col. 2nd Col. 3rd Columna

Apostar bet bet bet

Costar cost cost cost
Cortar cut cut cut
Golpear hit hit hit
Doler/Da ñar hurt hurt
hurt Dejar/Perm Stir let
let let Poner
put put
Cerrar shut shut shut
Blue: 2nd & 3rd a the (ya y 3a Columns son iouales)
re same
Significado 1st Col. 2nd 3rd Columna
Perder lose lost lost
Ganar win won won
Tumbar/Poner a Ago lay laid laid
Disparar/Chutar shoot shot shot
3 bte ner Llega r....”’ get got got
Encender/I lluminar I ight I it Iit
Sentarse sit sat sat
Guardar/Continuar keep kept kept
Dormir sleep slept slept
Sentir feel felt felt
Traer bring brough brought
Comprar buy bough bought
Pelear/Luchar fight fought fought
Pensar think though thought *“ "
?ocgei.”Atm apa i ”’ catch caugh caught *^^^*
Enseñar teach taught taught
Salir/Varchar/Dejar leave left left
E ncoiatra roe en a meet met met
Vender sell sold sold
Decirle a algn” tell told told
Pagar pay paid paid
Hacer” make made made
Estar de pie stand stood stood
Entender understan understood
Dejar/Prestar lend lent lent
Mandar/Enviar send sent sent
Gastar/Pasar tiempo spend spent spent
Construir build built built
Encontrar algo find found found
Tener/Tomar have had had
Oir hear heard heard
Tener en la mano hold held held
Leer read read (/red/) read
Decir” say said said
st rd
Red: Add ’-n’ or ‘-en’ from 1 to 3 (Anade 'n' o 'en' del 1a al 3a )
Significado 1st Col. 2nd Col. 3rd
Conducir/lr en coche drove
rode driven
drive Montar/Andar en... rose ridden
wrote risen
ride Alzarse/Levantarse blew written
rise Escribir grew blown
knew grown
write flew known
Soplar blow drew flown
Crecer/Cultivar showe drawn
d ate shown
grow Saber (de algn)* fell eaten
ga fallen
know Volar/lr en avion ve given
fly sa seen
Dibujar/Empatar..* w taken
draw Mostrar/Ensenar too
show Comer eat
Caer fall
Dar/Regalar give
Ver* see
Coger/LIevar/Tomar* take
Pin Add ’-n’ or -en’ 2 to 3r 'n' o 'en' del a 3
k: from " (Anade 2^ l ^
" )

SignIfICB@O 1st 2nd Col. 3rd Columna

Robar steal stol stolen
Elegir/Escoger e chosen
cho bitten
choose se hidden
Morder bite bit broken
Esconder(se) hide hid spoken
Romper break brok woken
Hablar ' speak e forgott
Despertar wake spo en
Olvidar ke worn
wok torn
e frozen
Llevar puesto forg
wear Rasgar/Romper ot
tela/papel tear Congelar wor
freeze tore

profesorna†ivogra† /Tu / gfés O hw!

Purple: Vowels change (Los vocales cambian): I - A — U

Empezar/Comenzar beg in began

begun Beber drink
drank drunk
Nadar swim swam
swum Timbrar/Sonar/Llamarring
rang rung Cantar sing
sang sung
Hundir(se) sink sank sunk

No rule No ha re Ir
go went gone
lie lay Iain)

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