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AMERICAN REVOLUTION ORY iW 8. W000 ER PRIZE m0 00 i BIBLIOTECA CIDE Gorpon S. Woop THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION A History rom the ime royal authority hd begun to dsinegeate in 1774, Americans began thinking about erating new gor ‘ernments. They knew as John Jay of New York delared, that they were “the ist people whom heaven has favoured with ‘an opportunity of deliberating upon and choosing forms of government uader which they should live” And ehey aimed {0 male the most of this opportunity: Dusing the summer of 1775, Samuel Adan and John Adam of Massachusetts, together with the Virginia delegation to the Continental Congress led by Richard Heaney Lee, worked ovt a program for independence. ‘They made plans ea negotiate foreign alliances, to create « confederation o¢ union for common porposes, and, most important, to establish new state gover ‘THE STATE CONSTITUTIONS ‘The climax oftheir efforts came with he congressional reso Iutions of May 1776 advising the colonies o adapt new pov- cernments “under the authority of the people” and declring “at the exercise of every kind of euthorcy under the, Crown should betray suppressed" Even belore the Dec ration of Independence the Congress had created a commit- {ee to form a confederation, and some of the states—New Hampshire, Sout Carolina, and Virginis—ad begun work- ing on new consctuions. With the May resolves and che Dec- laration of Independence, the other states also began to form new governments. By the end of 1776, New Jersey Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Noreh Carolina bad adopted new constiutions. Because they were corporate charered ‘colonies, Rhode Island and Connecticut were already re Publics infact, and thus chey simply contined themselves to DIATE ame

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