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11/24/2019 Temesgen T.Gm 1

• Staffing is filling and keeping filled positions in
the organizational structure through the right
man power.
• staffing involves managing the organization
structure through proper and effective
selection, appraisal, and development of
personnel to fill the roles designed into the
• It is human resource management functions.
• Management in all areas of life implies
achieving goals with effective and efficient use
of organizational resources.
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Organizational resources can be
grouped into major categories: these r
Human resources
Financial resources
Physical resource
Time resource
Information resources
Technological resources

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• Human resource management (HRM) is a part
of the field of management.

HRM, can be defined as the utilization of

human resources to achieve organizational

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The human resource is said to be the most
important (or critical) element in an
organization since people make the decisions
concerning all other organizational resources.

Therefore, getting and keeping good people is

critical to the success of every organization,
whether profit or non-profit, public or private.
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• The human resource manager is primarily
responsible for coordinating the management
of human resources to help the organization
achieve its goals.
• Some authors in the field and other
management people may use such names as
"personnel", "personnel management",
"manpower management", and "employee
relations" to say the same thing: human
resource management.

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Major Human Resource Management
Human resource management functions are
the set of activities performed in utilizing
human resources for better achievement of
organizational objectives.

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Following are the major elements (Mondy &
Noe, 1990):
1. Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning (HRP) is the process
of systematically reviewing human resource
requirements to ensure that the required
numbers of employees, with the required
skills, are available when they are needed.
• Human resource planning is the forecasting
of human resource needs and the projected
matching of individuals with expected
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2. Recruitment
• Recruitment is the process of attracting
individuals in sufficient numbers and
encouraging them to apply for jobs with the
• It is the process of identifying and attracting a
collection of candidates.

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3. Selection
• Selection is the process of choosing from a group of
applicants the individuals best suited for a particular
• Whereas recruitment encourages individuals to seek
employment with a firm,
• the purpose of the selection process is to identify and
employ the best qualified individuals for specific

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4. Orientation
• Orientation is the formal process of familiarizing
new employees with the organization, their job,
and their work unit.
• Through orientation (also called socialization or
induction) new employees will acquire the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that make them
successful members of the organization.

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5. Training and Development
• Training and development aim to increase
employee's ability to contribute to
organizational effectiveness.
• Training is a process designed to maintain or
improve performance (and skills) in the present
• Development is a programme designed to
develop skills necessary for future work
activities. It is designed to prepare employees
for promotion.
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6. Compensation Administration

• Compensation administration refers to the

administration of every type of reward that
individuals receive in return for their services.

• In its boarder sense, compensation

represents all sorts of rewards that individuals
receive as a result of their employment.
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7. Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation is a formal system of

periodic review and evaluation of an

individual's job performance

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8. Safety and Health
• Safety involves protecting employees from
injuries caused by work-related accidents.
• Health refers to the employees freedom from
illness and their general physical and mental
• These aspects of the job are important
because employees who work in a safe
environment and enjoy good health are more
likely to be productive and yield long-term
benefits to the organization.

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9. Promotions, transfers, demotions and
• Promotions, transfers, demotions, and
separations reflect an employee's value to
the organization.
High performers may be promoted or
transferred to help them develop their
while low performers may be demoted,
transferred to less important positions, or
even separated.
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10. Human Resource Research
• Human resource research is a systematic
gathering, recording, analyzing, and
interpretation of data for guiding human resource
management decisions.
• Every human resource management function
needs effective research.

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The Human Resource Management Model

The Human Resource Management Model includes four

interrelated phases (Milkovich & Boudreau, 1991):

 Assess human resource conditions,

 Set objective based on the assessment,

 Choose a course of action from alternatives generated

to achieve objectives, and

 Evaluate the results (evaluating the results provides

feedback on the success of the actions).

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The Diagnostic Model


Employee/Labour Relations

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Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training
and Development

• It is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulates them to apply for
jobs in the organization.
• The purpose of recruitment is to attract
potential employees

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Sources of recruitment
Internal source : through
External source : through
Employment agencies
Educational institutions
Recommendations by other people
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• Selection involves screening or evaluation of

Categorizes applicants as

1. Those who will be employed.

2. Those who will not be employed.

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• ORIENTATION: is a socializing process by

which new employee is provided with
information about work environment and
operating realities.

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• The term "training" and "development"
considered as synonymous :
Training: It is the process of increasing the
knowledge and skills of an employee for
doing a particular job especially current job.
Development: It refers to the growth of an
individual in all respects - physically,
intellectually, and socially.

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Methods of training
On-the-job Training
Off- the -Job Training
Apprenticeship Training

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The end!

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