Script For Direct Examination Of: Doctor For The Accused

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Script for Direct Examination of Doctor for

the accused.

Q1 Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?
A1. I do, Sir.

Q2. Are you aware that you may face criminal liability for false
testimony or perjury if you will not tell the truth?
A2. Yes, Sir.

Q3. Please state your name, age, address and occupation.

A3. I am Dr. Seuss S. Jenova, 47 years old, married, residing at
Barangay Lipata, Surigao City, resident physician of Surigao
Medical Center at Rizal National Road, Surigao City,

Q4. Do you know the accused in this instant case, Mr. Virgil
A4. Yes, sir.

Q5. Why do you know him?

A5. He is one the patients I attended to while at work at Surigao
Medical Center.

Q6. When was that?

A6. It was on the early morning of August 3, 2014 at about 4

Q7. Why were you there?

A7. Because it was my night shift from 11 in the evening until 7
in the morning.

Q8. Why was he around on that day?

A8. Because presented himself to be in need of medical

Q9. Was he alone when he arrived in need of medical attention?

A9. No sir. He was with a companion in the name of Mr.
Dionesio M. Tangol.

Q10.What happened then when he arrived?

A10. I examined him.

Q11.What was your initial diagnosis upon examining him?

A11. He had difficulty of walking resulting from an injury he
sustained in his right thigh.

Q12.What else if there is any?

A12. He also sustained cuts in his right hand.

Q13.What happened next?

A13. I administered first aid treatment by applying an ice bag on
his right thigh and disinfected his hand and ordered the on-duty
nurse to dress the cut.

Q14.Thereafter what did you do?

Q14.I ordered for the discharged of the patient since he can fully
recover without need of confinement in the hospital.

Q15.Did the accused asked assistance from the medical staff

when he left?
A15. Yes Sir. He asked that he be placed in a wheel chair until he
can charter a tricycle back to their residence.

Q16.This happened on what time?

A16. It was already 4:50 in the morning.
Q17.Did the patient asked for a medical certificate to be issued in
his name?
A17. Yes, Sir.

Q18.If shown to you the said medical certificate can you identify
A18. Yes, Sir.

(Showing the medical certificate)

Q19.Is this the medical certificate you have issued?

A19. Yes, Sir.

Q20.In the bottom portion there appears your name and a

signature, will you affirm that the signature appearing therein is
your signature?
A20. Yes Sir. That is my signature.


1. Graduated Medicine at the Saint Paul University Philippines.

2. Took and passed the board examination for medicine of the
Professional Regulatory Board.
3. Practicing medicine for already 15 years since 2005.
4. Primarily assigned in the emergency section of the hospital.
5. I have examined cases involving physical injuries for the
past 12 years.
6. I have attended seminars, workshops, and undergone the
required CPD for doctors for the renewal of my license.

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