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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 2

Unit 1 • Lesson B: Things in common

cat (n)
dog (n)
pet (n)

Free-time activities
eat out (v)
go to a club (v)
play sports (v)
sleep late (v)

Other words
allergic to (adj)
animal lover (n)
cartoons (n)
documentaries (n)
fan (football fan) (n)
laptop (n)
the news (n)
pro(fessional) football (n)
talk shows (n)
weekend activity (n)
anything new (pron)
both (pron)
can (v)
can't (v)

Time expressions
all day

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson B, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 2

Responses with too and either
You can use responses with too and either to show that you have something in common with

Present of be

In responses to affirmative statements, use I am too:

A I'm allergic to cats.

B I am too.

In responses to negative statements, use I'm not either:

A I'm not an animal lover.

B I'm not either.

Simple present

In responses to affirmative statements, use I do too:

A I watch pro football.

B I do too.

In responses to negative statements, use I don't either:

A I don't watch much television.

B I don't either.

can / can't

In responses to affirmative statements, use I can too:

A I can shop for hours.

B I can too.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson B, Page 2

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 2
In responses to negative statements, use I can't either:

A I can't afford anything new.

B I can't either.

Me too and Me neither

You can use Me too or Me neither to show you have something in common with someone.

Use Me too in responses to affirmative statements:

A I'm allergic to cats.

B Me too.

You can use Me neither in responses to negative statements:

A I'm not an animal lover.

B Me neither.

You can also use Me either in responses to negative statements:

A I'm not an animal lover.

B Me either.

Remember, you can use Really? to show that you disagree with someone:

A I don't watch a lot of sports on TV.

B Really? I watch all the basketball games.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson B, Page 3

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