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Volume 69, Issue 7 September, 2020

Pastor’s Letter
For those able, we will tentatively offer worship in the sanctuary on October
4th, Worldwide Communion Sunday. The details can be found within this issue of the
Quiver. We will also continue to broadcast the service to the parking lots at FM 93.7
and using Zoom via smart devices and traditional phones. As your pastor, I
encourage all who are at risk from the virus to continue to worship remotely; in fact,
since I’m also in this category, I will be leading worship live, via an Internet
connection. There will come a time when a vaccine will be readily available, and
at that point, we will all be able to gather again in one place. Until then, we will
continue to worship the Lord as one congregation in many different locations.
This month will also see us talk about One Great Hour of Sharing, which was put
on hold back in March, when the pandemic first took hold. Sadly, the needs
addressed by this offering have only gotten worse. As I write this, the Gulf is still
picking up from the devastation caused by a hurricane, and In California, wildfires
continue to burn – many of which – burn out of control. In both these cases,
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (one of the groups that benefit from the offering) is
at work, serving Christ by serving people in need. I encourage you to consider
supporting this excellent ministry of the Presbyterian Church.
September also marks the beginning of a number of sermons exploring the
Holy Spirit at work in the life of one of the lesser-known leaders within the Early
Church. Given his relative lack of fame, I decided to call it, “Finding Barnabas.” His
life and ministry are a sorely needed breath of fresh air.
In many ways, this month will be different than Septembers of past years, but
what’s important will not change: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today
and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, NRSV).
As always, love and enjoy God forever, Matt


Monday: 8:30 – 12:30
Tuesday – Friday: 1:00 – 6:00 pm
Prayer Concerns & Joys:
Dennis Baker, Tim Walker (Friend of
Andy & Kathy Lellio), Brooklyn (5
years old-healing from what was
first thought to be a tumor behind
her eye, but is now responding to
treatment for an inflammation),
Karen H.’s cousin Amy, Baby Alessia’s
health improvements, Peter (son of
Pastor Matt’s college friend), Matt
Sheronovich’s grandmother, Ron
Wright, Laura and John Haas, Paige
& Tony Lape’s friend Mike and his family, Bud (Roger’s ex brother in law), Bob (Sue
Deasey’s brother), Jesse (Tonya Divito’s brother in law), Bayus Family, Sam Belden
(friend of Beth), Leanne (friend of Sue Deasey), Mike Paroleno (6 years old) & his
disease, Karen H.’s coworker who is recovering from a heart attack, Fred Harrison
(Bonnie’s husband), Mia in NICU, Pastor Matt & Carol’s friends Jeff & Carol (who lost
their homes to the wildfires in California), the Wright family and their loss of Sheryl’s
nephew Garrett, Maralee Lelio, Noreen Scott & Kathy Totani (mother & daughter),
Chelsea Humaney, Mae Kroner, Wendell & Don Alcorn (West’s cousins), Tracita
Wilson, Dottie Jones (V. Fell’s Family), Joanne, Roger, Randy, Ricky, & Ronald
Kroner. David (Spike) Bayus, Jr. (H. Bayus’s Grandson), Jill Agler (T. Howard’s sister),
Angie Ondo (Ondo’s Sister-in-law), Margaret Duda (E. Thompson’s friend), Herman
Jackson (brother of Mae Kroner), Caden Bayus, Logan Nicholas, Jenn Doughton (S.
Trumphour’s Daughter), The Plaskett’s, Bob Chismar (Lenzi’s friend), Chuck Dobbins,
Bud Cunningham, Pat Daniels, Margaret & Fritz Houy (J. Ondo’s Parents), Steve
Gleydura, Doris & Art Spence, Organizations fighting against human trafficking
and the safe rescue of so many children taken and sold into sex slavery, all who have
been affected by Covid 19 in any way, All churches around the world, Prayers for
those who have no one to pray for them and for those who have not been mentioned.

Please Remember Our Homebound:

Doris Ryser, Esther Thompson (Home), Fred West (Home), and Helen Bayus

Please Remember Our Servicemen:

Roth Quednau, Kyle Jamieson, & Cory Ward
that is not a residence.
Collection of offering can be done by

*Do you feel as a church member and congregation that we should return to the sanctuary for Sunday services?
If so, what would you like or expect to see?
Please email ( ) or call the church office at 330-534-9721 (leave a message if needed) with
your answers. This will help us plan accordingly. Thank you ~ Session
First Presbyterian Church
of Hubbard
22 Westview Ave
Hubbard, OH 44425

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