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Solar Power Bank Using Old Laptop Batteries

by Amit_Jain

Hi All,

In this instructable, I will share how to make a Solar Power Bank using a Kit and old Laptop batteries

This kit was bought from Aliexpress. The power bank has a led panel that can be used for camping. so good builtin
power bank and light combination

Step 1: What Do We Need ?

Solar Power Bank Using Old Laptop Batteries: Page 1

Solar Power bank kit from Aliexpress ( )
Old Laptop Battery
Multi meter
Soldering Iron

Step 2: Extract Batteries

I have extracted my batteries from old laptop battery

Gently break open the outer shell

Carefully disconnect batteries from circuit and each other
Test battery voltage, it should be above 3v

I have used batteries that were around 2.5 v and yet worked ne

Solar Power Bank Using Old Laptop Batteries: Page 2

Step 3: Battery Pack

To make the battery pack we need 4 cells connected in parallel

Remember to use thick copper wire
Do not overheat the batteries while soldering, take breaks if needs

Solar Power Bank Using Old Laptop Batteries: Page 3

Step 4: Assembly

On the main PCB, we have following, clearly marked

Battery ( B+ and B-)
Solar+ and Solar -
Led+ and LED-

This makes is extremely simple.

Just solder the respective wires on the PCB
You may have to secure panels and batteries using tape or hot glue
Always before closing, test every thing

Solar Power Bank Using Old Laptop Batteries: Page 4

Step 5: Close It Up

The outer case needs to be secured with extremely tiny screws..

Once done, charge the power bank full and then using USB doctor to test the actual capacity
Solar Panel, does not really do much
The LED panel is good for camping or emergencies

Solar Power Bank Using Old Laptop Batteries: Page 5

Solar Power Bank Using Old Laptop Batteries: Page 6

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