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European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Orbital pathology
W. Müller-Forell a,∗ , S. Pitz b
a Institute of Neuroradiology, Medical School University of Mainz, Langenbeckstrasse 1, D-55101 Mainz, Germany
b Department of Ophthalmology, Medical School University of Mainz, Langenbeckstrasse 1, D-55101 Mainz, Germany

Received 7 October 2003; received in revised form 8 October 2003; accepted 10 October 2003


This overview of orbital pathology deals with different kinds of tumors, inflammatory, vascular, and traumatic diseases, which may involve
the orbit. Depending on the respective orbital compartment of the globe, the intrakonal, extrakonal and optic nerve the most important and
most frequent lesions are presented with their specific clinical symptoms. Their specific presentation on CT- and MR-imaging is discussed in
detail, including the most important differential diagnosis.
© 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Idiopathic orbital inflammation; Retinoblastoma; Rhabdomyosarcoma; Metastasis; CT; MRI

1. Orbital pathology case of leucocoria or cataract MR-imaging (MRI) may be

required. Its high resolution is able to visualize not only the
Although more than 100 different clinical pathologies pathology itself but accompanying retinal detachment and/or
may affect the orbit [1] only some require diagnostic imag- effusion.
ing. The knowledge of clinical signs and symptoms plays
a crucial role in determining the appropriate investigation. 2.1. Inflammatory disorders
The age of the patient may lead to the diagnosis, as in
children the most frequent orbital diseases constitute in Although rare, the posterior scleritis represents the local
inflammatory processes, trauma or malignant tumors (e.g. form of the idiopathic orbital inflammation, predominantly
rhabdomyosarcoma or neuroblastoma), while in the group affecting females [2]. Clinical presentation is characterized
of elderly patients neoplasms represent the main patholo- by a slowly progressing, painful proptosis accompanied
gies. As already mentioned in the anatomical section, the by decreased vision, due to thickening of the sclera and
consideration of the four compartments of the orbit (the choroidal folds. Histologically the inflammation presents
globe, the intrakonal and the extrakonal space and the optic diffuse or localized, necrotic or granulomatous, and scleral
nerve itself with its menigeal layers) may help in differential sequesters are found with leakage of proteinaceous edema
diagnosis of the different diseases. In this short overview we fluid into the interstice of the uvea and Tenon’s capsule [3,2].
will present the most frequent inflammatory and tumorous CT- and MR-imaging of scleritis is characterized by dif-
diseases and some characteristic traumatic lesions of each fuse scleral thickening of different extent and infiltration of
of these compartments. the adjacent tissue with contrast enhancement, depending on
the extent of the inflammatory process (Fig. 1a–c). Nodular
scleritis does not show contrast enhancement [2,4], an im-
2. Globe portant criterion in differential diagnosis to uveal melanoma.

The majority of the diseases of the globe are assessed by 2.2. Tumors
ophthalmologic methods and do not need imaging, but in
The neoplastic diseases of the globe may arise from
∗ Tel.: +49-6131-17-7139; fax: +49-6131-17-6643.
different layers, the most significant diagnosis are the
E-mail address: retinoblastoma in childhood and the uveal melanoma in the
(W. Müller-Forell). adult patients.

0720-048X/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
106 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 1. MR of a 48-year-old man with right hemicrania, orbital pain and edema of the right eyelid. Diagnosis: posterior scleritis of the right eye. (a)
Axial T2w view demonstrating the retrobulbar inflammation (plus edema) of the right side. (b) Corresponding T1w native view with isointense signal
of the retrobulbar infiltration. (c) Corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced (fat suppressed: FS) view with bright signal enhancement (white arrow).
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 107

Fig. 3. A 2-year-old boy presenting with leukokoria and complete reti-

nal detachment of the left eye. Diagnosis: Coat’s disease. (a) Axial CT
with only slight hyperdensity of the entire left globe, which also demon-
Fig. 2. A 2-year-old boy with leukokoria of the left eye. Diagnosis: strates a diminution, compared to the right. (b) Corresponding IR view,
retinoblastoma. (a) The axial CT demonstrates not only spots of calcifica- where the characteristic V-shaped, bilateral retinal detachment is seen.
tion but slight hyperdensity of the left vitreous body. (b) Corresponding The hyperintensity represent some hemorrhage, the arrow indicates the
proton density (PDw) MR, where the tumor itself (white star) looks isoin- remaining vitreous body. (c) The corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced
tense, while bilateral retinal detachment show bright signal (white arrows). (FS) image demonstrates only slight enhancement of the detached retina,
(c) Corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced (FS) view. Note the intensive and lack of enhancement of the remaining vitreous body behind the lens
enhancement of the tumor, but intermediate signal of the subretinal fluid. (white arrow) (with permission of Müller-Forell [15]).
108 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

2.2.1. Retinoblastoma toma with or without pinealoma (trilateral retinoblastoma)

Retinoblastoma, a highly malignant tumor arising from are found in about 25–35% of the cases [10].
neuroectodermal cells of the retina, represents the most com- Consequently MRI is the method of choice as it has not
mon intraocular tumor in childhood, striking more than 90% only the diagnostic potential concerning small intraocular
children younger than 5 years of age, at an equal sex contri- lesions (especially when surface coils are used), but the abil-
bution [5,6]. There are non-heritable and inherited forms, the ity of three dimensional examination, combined with the
latter are autosomal dominant. A chromosome 13q14 band high resolution of potential intracranial pathology, especially
mutation is seen in all patients with bilateral occurrence and after injection of paramagnetic gadolinium [11–13], leav-
in 15% with unilateral disease [7–9]. ing CT-examination with its demonstration of calcification
Leukokoria is the most common clinical sign, found in (Fig. 2a) only for cases of differential diagnostic problems.
60% of the patients, followed by strabismus, and (rather rare) MR is able to define the different growth patterns of endo-
pain caused by secondary glaucoma [5]. Imaging should be phytic, exophytic of diffuse retinoblastoma [14,12]. On T1w
used in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma, although ophthal- and proton density images retinoblastoma appears slightly
moscopy may confirm tumors as small as 0.002 mm. Espe- hyperintense compared to normal vitreous, the latter en-
cially MR is able to define tumor extension in all aspects abling a better visualisation of accompanying retinal detach-
of the globe, an eventually extraocular extension, intracra- ment, while on T2w images the tumor is seen as an area
nial metastasis, and/or a second tumor. Bilateral retinoblas- of low signal intensity. After injection of contrast medium

Fig. 4. MR of a 74-year-old man with progressive visual deficit of the left eye. Diagnosis: Choroidal melanoma. (a) Axial T2w view with hypointense
tumor of the medial circumference of the left globe. Note bilateral retinal detachment (white arrows). (b) Corresponding T1w native view where the
tumor demonstrates a hyperintense signal. (c) Corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced view with bright signal of the enhancing tumor.
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 109

retinoblastoma exhibit a moderate to marked enhancement, angiography and ultrasound, but imaging is required in
especially on fat-suppressed sequences (Fig. 2a–c) [6,13]. case of opaque lens or extensive subretinal effusion [2,6].
The most important differential diagnosis of retinoblas- Uveal melanoma may arise from benign choroidal nevi,
toma are lesions also presenting with leucocoria like per- not demanding imaging, but regular ophthalmoscopic con-
sistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV), and Coat’s trol. The most common starting-point is the choroid (85%)
disease (Fig. 3) [15] while endophthalmitis, retinal detach- (Fig. 4), while the ciliary body (9%), and the iris (6%) are
ment, toxocaria and choroidal hemangioma are rather rare rather rare locations (6). Uveal melanoma present with dif-
[12,16,17]. ferent growth patterns: the most common is circumscribed
nodular, a diffuse growth is seen rather rare. In case of
2.2.2. Malignant uveal melanoma a mushroom-like appearance the tumor progression into
The incidence of malignant uveal melanoma, the most the orbit is caused by the rupture of Bruch’s membrane
common primary intraocular tumor in adults, increases [6,19], a finding to direct one’s attention especially in early
with age and ranges from 5.2 to 7.5 cases per million per stages (Fig. 5), as the therapy is different from that of ex-
year at a mean age of 53 years [6,18]. Usually diagnosis of clusively intraocular melanoma. As in retinoblastoma, MR
uveal melanoma is made by ophthalmoscopy, fluorescein is the imaging of choice, although the elevated, primarily

Fig. 5. MR of a 60-year-old female with visual deficit of the right eye. Diagnosis: choroidal melanoma with initial destruction of Bruch’s membrane.
(a) Axial T2w view of the inferior orbit, where the tumor of the right globe demonstrates a hypointense signal. (b) Corresponding T1w native view.
(c) Corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced (FS) view of the inferior globe, where the melanoma demonstrates a characteristic bright enhancement. (d)
Coronal T1w contrast-enhanced (FS) view, where a slight irregularity of the inferior circumference (white arrow) indicates the extraocular growth of the
tumor (confirmed by histology).
110 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

hyperdense, sharply circumscribed enhancing tumors are disciform degeneration of the macula, and metastasis
seen on CT. Melanin produces stable free radicals, which [2].
cause a paramagnetic proton relaxation enhancement, that
shortens both T1- and T2-relaxation times, and resulting in 2.2.3. Different retinal and choroidal lesions
a moderately high signal in T1w and PDw images, while Choroidal hemangioma is a congenital vascular hamar-
signal reduction is seen on T2w images (Figs. 4 and 5) [20]. toma seen in middle-aged to elderly patients with neu-
The well defined tumor present in up to 95% hyperintense rocutaneous syndromes, which may present solitary or
(with respect to the vitreous) in T1w, and hypointense in diffuse [2,22]. On CT/MR they present as lenticular, hy-
T2w images, and demonstrate a bright signal enhancement perdense/hyperintense (in both T1- and T2w-images) well
after gadolinium injection, especially in fat-suppressed im- circumscribed structure in the juxtapapillary or macu-
ages, which enables the detection of small tumors as well as lar region with a marked/intense contrast enhancement
an additional differentiation to retinal detachment (Fig. 4) [2,6,15]. It should not be mistaken with the capillary he-
[3,12,19,21]. mangioma in Hippel-Lindau syndrome, where imaging is
Differential diagnosis should include choroidal heman- indicated in order to confirm/rule out cerebellar or spinal
gioma, choroidal nevi, choroidal detachment, neurofibroma, cord hemangioma, as diagnosis of retinal hemangioma is

Fig. 6. A 19-year-old male car accident victim (no seat belts worn at the time of the accident!). At the follow-up (6 months after the accident), the patient
presented with suspicion of endophtahlmitis. Diagnosis: right globe rupture with vitreous body hemorrhage, multiple orbital wall fractures, developing
posttraumatic phthisis. (a) Axial CT, showing multiple fractures of all orbital walls, with penetrating fragment into the globe, vitreous hemorrhage, and
post-bulbar hematoma (black arrow). (b) Corresponding T1w native view 6 months later with shrunken right bulb in the inferior orbit, and dislocation of
the medial external muscle and fat into the fractured ethmoidal sinus. (c) Corresponding contrast enhanced (FS) view with enhancement of the fibrous
scar tissue as intense as the enhancement of the external muscles (with permission of Müller-Forell [15]).
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 111

Fig. 7. Axial CT of a 78-year-old woman, who fell in the course of a basal ganglia infarction. Diagnosis: acute vitreous hemorrhage. Note the hyperdensity
of the left vitreous body compared to the right, combined with a slight swelling of the left eyelid.

based on its typical ophthalmoscopic appearance [23,24]. variety of lesions, ranging from rupture of the globe to dis-
The rather rare choroidal osteoma is typically seen in location of the lens, from vitreous (Fig. 7), subretinal, retro-
young females before completion of the third decade of hyaloid hematoma to retroocular hemorrhages. In the sequel
life. This benign ossifying tumor contains marrow, mast of severe ocular trauma, phthisis bulbi refers to a scarred,
cells, loose fibrovascular elements, and mesenchymal shrunken globe, possibly associated with dystrophic calcifi-
cells. On imaging it presents as a sharply demarcated, cation, as a type of developmental microphthalmia (Fig. 6)
lentiform calcification on CT, on MR with a high signal [4].
on non-enhanced T1w and low signal on T2w images, and
a marked signal enhancement after gadolinium injection,
simulating both retinoblastoma and choroidal melanoma 3. Konal/intrakonal area
3.1. Inflammatory lesions
2.3. Traumatic lesions
With more than 60% inflammation is the far most common
Although the globe, its neurovascular structures and mus- disease of the orbit, the majority of which are related to
cles are protected by the bony orbit and the shock-absorbing thyroid orbitopathy [1].
fat the ocular bulb as the most anterior structure of the visual
system is extremely vulnerable. In case of impaired ophthal- 3.1.1. Idiopathic orbital inflammation
moscopy (e.g. extreme swelling of the eyelid) CT can visu- Since the commentary of ROOTMAN [28] the term
alize rapidly and accurately the full extent of the injury. On orbital pseudotumor, routinely used for a diversity of dis-
the other hand, after a trauma, the external integrity of the orders, which represent the most frequent pathologic pro-
globe and orbit should never lead to the assumption of intact cess of the orbit, should be discontinued. As this term
retroglobal structures, since innocuous orbital trauma may has contributed to diagnostic confusion both clinically and
produce devastating functional deficits. Injury of the globe pathologically, it should be replaced by a more specific
may occur as a component of major facial trauma (Fig. 6) or definition regarding the underlying pathophysiological and
as an isolated event (Fig. 7). Orbital injuries may be caused clinical patterns. Idiopathic orbital inflammation is one of
by blunt and penetrating trauma [26,27]. While the former the four major intraconal disorders, the other include infil-
is due to an impact with low-velocity forces, the latter is a trative, mass effect and vascular disorders. They all present
result of impact at proportionally high energy with penetrat- with different but specific clinical symptoms, requiring the
ing of the object (Fig. 8). individual diagnosis in an individual case, following con-
In case of orbital trauma, CT is the method of choice, sideration of specific finding on imaging, the age of the
as, beside the readily availability it enables both accurate patient, systemic evaluation and the result of biopsy [28].
visibility of bony and soft-tissue lesions and exact localiza- Though, systemic steroid therapy may be regarded as a
tion of (mostly ferromagnetic) foreign bodies without risk pragmatic therapeutic strategy in the majority of inflamma-
of dislocation. The scope of ocular injuries includes a great tory cases, but histological confirmation of the underlying
112 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 8. CT of a 35-year-old male with foreign body accident 3 days before, presenting awake but with hemiparesis of the left side. Diagnosis: perforation
of the right globe by a nail, with intracranial penetration and basal ganglia hemorrhage. (a) Axial midorbital view, showing the shrunken right globe,
and some air bubbles in the right orbit. (b) Axial view of the brain at the level of the basal ganglia, where the hemorrhage of the lateral basal ganglia is
seen, in combination with some small air inclusions. The metallic artifacts are caused by the nail in the occipital lobe. (c) Lateral scout, demonstrating
the intracranial position of the nail.

pathologic process should be mandatory, since some tu- lateral involvement is considered to be a manifestation
mors, especially lymphomas are characterized by similar of chronic progressive immune-mediated generalized fi-
presentation and therapeutic answer [29]. Histological cel- brosis, observed in cases with additional retroperitoneal
lular components of idiopathic orbital inflammation present fibrosis (M. Ormond) or in Erdheim-Chester disease
extremely variable, consisting of mature lymphocytes, lym- [32–34].
phoid follicles, plasma cells, neutrophil and eosinophil A classification into non-specific infections and infes-
granulocytes, histocytes and macrophages [29–31]. Bi- tations, and specific non-infectious inflammation [1] is
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 113

Fig. 9. Axial CT of a 14-year-old girl with painful, progressive exophthalmos of the right eye. Diagnosis: diffuse idiopathic orbital inflammation. There is
a diffuse scleral thickening of the entire circumference, distinct, hazy hyperdensity of the retrobulbar fat, diffuse swelling of the external rectus muscles,
including the tendinous insertion.

helpful on pathological purposes, but in clinical practice a tissue, especially in extraocular muscles, TSH-receptors
morphologic classification of idiopathic orbital inflamma- and thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) are found,
tion according to a (1) diffuse and (2) local form seems to these compartments seem to be the main target of this
be useful [4,6,35]. In diffuse idiopathic orbital inflamma- inflammatory process [39]. Lymphocyte inflammation, mu-
tion every orbital structure may be involved (Fig. 9), while copolysaccharid and plasma cell infiltration lead to tissue
in the localized form only one of the different parts of the edema of all orbital structures, demonstrating not only
orbit is affected (Fig. 10). enlargement of extraocular muscles, but corresponding in-
CT- and MR-imaging characteristics are unspecific, in- crease of retrobulbar fat volume [40], while in more chronic
cluding contrast enhancement, due to high vascularity of stages, collagen deposition in the effected muscles result
the inflammatory process, infiltration of the fat, proptosis, in fibrosis, and may be associated with fat deposition [41].
and an isolated or general, uni- or bilateral extraocular Apart from the classical clinical and ophthalmological
muscle enlargement [3]. Differential diagnosis to true or- symptoms, and endocrinological findings, where elevated
bital tumors may be difficult, but clinical characteristics thyroid hormone levels were found even in clinical absence
with painful acute to subacute, mostly unilateral propto- of hypderthyroidism [39] imaging is indicated for primary
sis may help, especially in the acute form. If only one diagnosis as well as for control examination in the course
muscle is affected, diagnosis of myositis, the local presen- of the disease. Spindle shaped spreading of typically more
tation of an idiopathic orbital inflammation is most likely than one of the extraocular muscles (>4 mm) without in-
(Fig. 10). Beside the mainly single muscle involvement, volvement of the corresponding tendon (Fig. 12a–c) [42],
another characteristic sign, helping in differential diagnosis and the preferential affection of the inferior and medial
of myositis versus Graves’ disease, is the involvement of rectus muscles, followed by the superior and lateral ex-
the tendon into the inflammatory process, demonstrating on traocular muscles, and the compression of the optic nerve
imaging as additional (or only) swelling and enlargement in the orbital apex (“crowded orbital apex syndrome” [43])
(Fig. 11). are the most important morphological diagnostic criteria of
endocrine orbitopathy. Although the morphological accu-
3.1.2. Graves’ disease (syn. thyroid orbitopathy, racy of CT is similar to MR, the latter is the most effective
M. Basedow) tool not only in establishing the initial diagnosis but also
Dysthyroid endocrine orbitopathy is the most frequent in the course of endocrine orbitopathy. MR enables the
cause of uni- or bilateral proptosis in adults, mainly associ- calculation of T2-relaxation time (Fig. 12h) [44,45], thus
ated with the autoimmune hyperthyroidism (synonym: M. allowing the differentiation between an acute and chronic,
Basedow or Graves’ disease) [36–38]. As in the retroorbital fibrosing form, which is of greatest interest with regard to
114 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 10. MR of a 20-year-old female presenting with acute, painful proptosis of the left eye. Diagnosis: myositis of the left lateral rectus muscle. (a)
Axial T1w midorbital view, where a swelling of the entire lateral rectus muscle is seen. (b) Corresponding T2w view with bright signal enhancement
of the affected muscle. (c) The coronal T2 view shows an additional involvement of the superior rectus muscle and levator palpebrae complex (note the
bright signal enhancement of both maxillary sinus mucosa as a sign of acute sinusitis).

the decision whether the patient may or may not benefit bromas and schwannomas as the orbit is host of a great
from immunosuppressive and/or radiation therapy [46,47]. number of nerves including the motor branches of the cra-
Surgical decompression with removal of different orbital nial nerves III, IV and VI, and the sensorial branches of
walls is indicated in case of optic neuropathy and provides cranial nerve V, as well as sympathetic and parasympa-
space for the enlarged muscles as well (Fig. 12f and g) [48]. thetic nerves [50]. On imaging schwannomas demonstrate
Differential diagnosis of Graves’ orbitopathy includes a well-defined intra- or extrakonal ovoid mass with vary-
lymphoma, metastasis, diffuse or focal idiopathic orbital ing degree of contrast enhancement [51], while (plexiform)
inflammation with mass effect, and vascular diseases like neurofibroma present with an irregular, often infiltrating
carotid-sinus cavernosus-fistula (CCF) [49]. As already mass with marked enhancement, due to the high vascular
mentioned, the most important differential diagnosis is component [52].
myositis, especially in rare cases of unilateral involvement
of thyroid orbitopathy. 3.2.1. Lymphoma
Orbital lymphoma accounts for up to 55% of all ma-
3.2. Solid tumors lignant orbital tumors [53], including a heterogeneous
group of neoplasms of the lymphoproliterative system
Peripheral nerve tumors account for about 4% of all with distinct entities defined by clinical, histological, im-
orbital tumors with a preference to (plexiform) neurofi- munological, molecular, and genetic characteristics [54].
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 115

Fig. 11. MR of a 53-year-old female, suffering from painful double vision of the right eye. Diagnosis: myositis of the right superior oblique muscle.
(a) Coronal PDw view with hyperintensity of the tendon of the right superior oblique muscle (black arrow), adjacent to the trochlea. (b) Corresponding
T1w view, demonstrating the slight swelling of the right tendon (black arrow), compared to the left. (c) Axial T1w, confirming the thickening of the
affected tendon (black arrow).

They include benign, atypical and malignant lesions, 3.3. Vascular lesions
and most of those involving the orbit are B-cell lym-
phoma, although orbital lymphoma primarily belong to Vascular lesions are an important and substantial compo-
low-grade non-Hodgkin-lymphoma (NHL) or extranodal nent of orbital anomalies, but their classification, whether
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) they are vascular tumors or vascular malformation is dis-
[55]. The patients, mainly older than 50 years, present with cussed controversially [56,57].
painless, mostly unilateral proptosis and with or without
motility disturbances or decrease of visual acuity, but dis- 3.3.1. Hemangioma
placement of the globe. The methods for the assessment of Hemangiomas are the most frequent vascular tumors of
orbital lymphoma include ultrasound, CT and MR. As any the orbit. Capillary hemangioma, which consist of plump,
orbital compartment may be involved (with predilection for rapidly dividing endothelial cells with lumina of varying
the lacrimal gland), there is a wide spectrum of imaging size, pericytes and multi-laminated basement membranes,
findings from well defined, round or lobulated, but not en- are seen in young children [56]. Present at birth they show
capsulated mass to less defined infiltrative process (Fig. 13) a tendency of spontaneous involution, sometimes with com-
[55]. plete disappearance within the first 5 years of life [58].
116 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

In case of extended orbital involvement there is a high gressing, painless, axial exophthalmos, occasionally with
risk of visual acuity deficits as well as distortion of the mild visual deficits, due to optic nerve compression or exten-
orbital contents, eventually demanding more aggressive sion by stretching; choroidal folds or papilledema are found
therapy [57], as surgery, laser treatment and/or adminis- in some 25% of patients. Imaging characteristics consist of
tration of intralesional steroid or interferon therapy. On a well outlined, round or oval, mainly intrakonal mass, that
imaging they present as lobulated, irregularly marginated usually (but not always) spares the orbital apex (Fig. 15).
parenchymal mass, demonstrating a bright contrast en- Calcification, due to phlebolits are well detected by CT, on
hancement (Fig. 14), especially on fat suppressed T1w MR MR cavernoma present iso- to hypointense on T1w images
images. with a generally extensive, but delayed contrast enhance-
Cavernous hemangiomas of the adult, predominantly aris- ment, while on T2w series the lesions exhibit a hyperintense
ing in the intrakonal space, consist of enlarged, ectatic (cav- homogeneous at times irregular signal. The main differential
ernous) venous spaces, surrounded by a capsule of fibrous diagnosis is an orbital varix, which may also demonstrate a
tissue [59]. The leading clinical symptoms are slowly pro- well-delineated mass, but may present with an intermittent

Fig. 12. A 61-year-old female presenting with bilateral axial proptosis and chemosis. Diagnosis: Graves’ disease. (a) Axial CT of the midorbital region,
demonstrating the bilateral extraorbital location of both globes, and the lacrimal glands. Note the spindle-shaped enlargement of the medial and lateral
external rectus muscles, but slim tendons. (b) Corresponding PDw view with moderate signal enhancement of the medial rectus muscles, corresponding
to intramuscular edema. (c) Corresponding T1w view. (d) Coronal CT, where the involvement of all external muscles is apparent, including the superior
oblique muscle. (e) Corresponding T1w MR. (f) Axial CT after surgical decompression. Note the increased size of the muscles, invaginating the entire
former ethmoidal sinus. (g) Corresponding coronal view. (h) T2-time calculation in coronal view with bright signal of the external rectus muscles,
indicating a recurrent inflammation with edema (corresponding to the clinical presentation).
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 117

Fig. 12. (Continued ).

proptosis on Valsalva maneuver. Hemangiopericytoma, fi- 3.3.3. Venous lymphatic malformation

brous histiocytoma and neurinoma should also be consid- Occurring in the head and neck, predominantly in chil-
ered [60]. dren and young adults, the venous lymphatic malformation
(until recently called lymphangioma) is considered to be
3.3.2. Orbital venous anomaly a vascular anomaly of unknown origin [57]. It contains
The nomenclature of “orbital varix” is discussed con- abortive vessels, which spread among normal structures
troversially, since it is thought to be the same underlying and present as an unencapsulated, primarily thin-walled
abnormality as the venous lymphatic malformation, propos- mass with numerous cystic spaces of different size. It
ing the term orbital venous anomaly [61]. As orbital veins shows a tendency to spontaneous hemorrhages, resulting
do not have valves, these abnormally dilated veins enlarge in a sudden onset of proptosis combined with perior-
during systemic pressure changes, as coughing, forced ex- bital swelling and reduced eye motility, at times leading
piration, or bending forward, resulting in variable proptosis, to optic nerve compression [62], thus indicating prompt
the main clinical symptom. On imaging, orbital venous imaging as clinical symptoms may be similar to rhab-
malformation present as intrakonal, well-defined, triangu- domyosarcoma. On imaging they present as an infiltrative,
lar configured mass, tapering toward the apex, with highly multilobulated mass with poor encapsulation, found as
intensive, homogeneous contrast enhancement (Fig. 16) well intra- as extraconal, harbouring sometimes calcifica-
[57]. tion, seen on CT. Due to slowly growth, an asymmetric
118 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 14. CT old, a 3-month-old boy with progressive exophthalmos devel-

oping in the second and third month of life, accentuated when screaming.
Diagnosis: juvenile capillary hemangioma. (a) Axial contrast-enhanced
view, where a homogeneous irregular mass is seen in the retrobulbar
compartment of right orbit, involving the external muscles, but sparing
Fig. 13. CT of an 82-year-old woman with slowly progressing painless, the apex region. (b) The coronal view delineates the mainly inferior and
unilateral, extra-axial proptosis of the left eye. Diagnosis: lymphoma: (a) medial location.
axial and (b) coronal view with a clearly defined retro-and supra-bulbar
mass, presenting slight enhancement. No separation of the external mus-
cles is seen, but adaptation to the contour of the globe; the latter finding
excludes the presence of hemangioma as a specific diagnostic criterion vein. Depending on the imaging technique used, on CT, a
(with permission of Müller-Forell [15]). primarily hyperdense, dilated vessel is seen without any con-
trast enhancement, while on MR, the appearance depends on
the age of the thrombosis and the paramagnetic properties
enlargement of the effected orbit may be seen (Fig. 17). of haemoglobin [6].
The most important differential diagnostic criterion, de- Carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) represents an arteriove-
marcating it from cavernous hemangioma and/or idiopathic nous shunt of the internal carotid artery in its cavernous
orbital inflammation is the lack of contrast enhancement segment to the superior ophthalmic vein (respectively arteri-
[63]. alized). The resulting venous congestion of the orbit causes
hypervolemia, clinically manifesting as pulsatile exophthal-
3.4. Miscellaneous mos, combined with dilated episcleral vessels, chemosis
of different extent, secondary glaucoma, eventually pa-
Thrombosis of orbital veins is characterized by an in- pilledema, ocular pain, and ophthalmoplegia [64], which
travasal mass in the dilated (mostly) superior ophthalmic may lead to vision loss as a result of increased intraorbital
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 119

Fig. 15. MR of a 53-year-old man with slowly progressing proptosis of the right eye, and a retrobulbar mass seen on ultrasound. Diagnosis: cavernoma.
(a) Axial T2w midorbital view, demonstrating a hyperintense, solid, well defined mass in the right lateral intrakonal compartment. (b) Corresponding T1w
native view, where a slight impression of the globe is seen, responsible for the development of choroidal folds. (c) Corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced
view, where the impression of the posterior circumference of the globe is apparent (white arrow). (d) Midsagittal image of the right orbit, presenting the
intraconal location, inferior to the optic nerve.

pressure. The etiology may be traumatic or spontaneous, the type-A-fistula an interventional therapy can be performed.
latter occurring primarily in diabetic older women. Patho- Differential diagnosis of a dilated superior ophthalmic vein
physiological classification of CCF into high-flow (type A) should include cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
and low-flow (type B) fistula (Fig. 18) is crucial in determin- with atypical venous drainage [66].
ing the definite therapy [65]. Color-coded ultrasound can
definitely demonstrate reversal blood flow. The mentioned
4. Extrakonal area
clinical symptoms with (mostly) unilateral proptosis, com-
bined with imaging features of enlarged external muscles 4.1. Inflammatory lesions
and widening of the superior ophthalmic vein is indicative
for CCF. Although on both, CT- and MR-angiography a di- 4.1.1. Orbital infections
agnosis can be done, digital subtraction angiography (DSA) Orbital infections, relatively common in children as
remains the examination of choice, especially since in a complication of paranasal sinusitis, are classified as
120 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 16. T1w contrast-enhanced (FS) MR of a 42-year-old man with recurrent exophthalmos. Diagnosis: orbital venous anomaly. A sharply defined,
hyperintense lobulated mass is seen medial and lateral to the optic nerve, with some extension into the orbital apex (black arrow).

Fig. 17. CT of a 2-year-old boy, who suffered from an acute hemorrhagic exophthalmos of the right eye, suspicious for rhabdomyosarcoma. Diagnosis:
venous lymphatic malformation. (a) Axial view of the midorbital region. A multilobulated mass is seen mainly in the medial superior orbit, with inferior
dislocation of the globe and some calcification (not shown). Note the enlargement of the right orbit, compared to the left, due to long lasting intraorbital
mass. (b) Corresponding contrast-enhanced view, where the choroid, basilar and carotid artery, and the cavernous sinus are seen hyperdense, but not the
mass itself.
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 121

Fig. 18. A 84-year-old diabetic woman presented with progressive exophthalmos and vision loss of the right eye. Diagnosis: low-flow carotis-sinus
cavernosus fistula (CCF). (a) Axial T1w contrast-enhanced (FS) midorbital view, where the protrusion of the right globe is apparent, as well as the
thickening of the external muscles, and additional retinal detachment (white arrow), all due to venous congestion. (b) Axial T1w native view of the upper
orbit, demonstrating the massive enlargement of the right superior ophthalmic vein (black arrow) compared to the left (white arrow). (c) Coronal PDw
view with high signal intensity of the dilated right superior ophthalmic vein (black arrow). (d) Lateral view of the right internal carotid artery (ICA)
(arterial phase) with digital subtraction angiography (DSA), with filling of the inferior part of the cavernous sinus (black arrow). (e) Corresponding early
venous phase with the dilated superior ophthalmic vein, normally not seen.
122 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 19. Axial contrast-enhanced CT of a 2.5-year-old boy with febrile state and reddish swollen left eye and face. Diagnosis: preseptal cellulitis. The
soft tissue inflammation respects the orbital septum (small white arrow).

Fig. 20. Contrast-enhanced CT of a 4-year-old girl, suffering from chronic nasal sinusitis, acute presenting with febrile state and suspicion of infected
mucocele. Diagnosis: subperiostal abscess of the left orbit. (a) Axial midorbital view, demonstrating the necrotic abscess between the lamina papyracea
and the dislocated, swollen periorbita. Note the normal hypodensity of extraconal fat (white arrow) and the infection of the ispilateral ethmoid sinus. (b)
The coronal view shows the infection of the entire ipsilateral sinuses, but no muco- or pyocele.
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 123

Fig. 21. Contrast-enhanced CT of a 7-year-old boy with chronic sinusitis, actual presenting with progressive loss of consciousness and a febrile state.
Diagnosis: subperiostal orbital and epidural intracranial abscess as orbital complication of nasal sinusitis. (a) Coronal view of the orbit, showing
the irregular enhancing intraorbital extraconal soft tissue mass, and abscess of the left frontal sinus. (b) Axial view of the brain demonstrating an
extraparenchymal fluid with enhancing capsule (dura), with typical biconvex configuration of epidural mass. Some intracranial air confirms the connection
with the extracranial space.

bacterial preseptal cellulitis, subperiostal abscess, orbital effective barrier against intraorbital infection, as does the
abscess, and cavernous sinus thrombosis [67]. Preseptal periorbita at the lamina papyracea [67]. In an advanced
cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous stage postseptal soft tissue infiltration along the orbital wall,
tissue, clinically presents as an erythema with severe pain, and replacement of the fat and subperiostal space may lead
lid edema, chemosis, and pseudo-proptosis (Fig. 19). The to orbital phlegmone. Subperiostal abscess is mainly due to
orbital septum as a reflection of the periorbita provides an the spread of infection through the congenital dehiscences
124 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 22. A 25-year-old man presenting with unspecified pressure of the left orbit persisting for several months and a recent onset of double vision.
Diagnosis: mucocele of the left ethmoid sinus. MR. (a) Axial PDw view with a hyperintense, well delineated, cystic structure of the left middle ethmoid
region. (b) Corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced image, demonstrating pressure exerted on the periorbita and an attenuated, impressed, and dislocated
medial rectus muscle. Note the hyperintense line of the wall of the mucocele in combination with the periorbita (small black arrow). (c) Coronal T1w
view with intraorbital expansion and flattening of the medial rectus muscle (black arrows), and dislocation of the superior oblique muscle (white arrow).
CT: (d) corresponding coronal CT (bone window) with characteristic biconvex configuration of the ethmoid cell and thinned bony cortex (white arrows)
((b) and (d) with permission of Müller-Forell [15]).

and foramina of the thin orbital bones (Fig. 20) [67]. On the ostium of an affected sinus (primary mucocele), or as a
contrast-enhanced CT, a sharply defined, extrakonal, space result of posttraumatic, postoperative or neoplastic obstruc-
occupying mass with marginal ring-enhancement is seen. tion (secondary mucocele). They act as space occupying le-
On MR, the subperiostal abscess is characterized by an sions, containing a mucous sac lined by mucous membrane.
intermediate signal on T1-weighted and proton density In case of superinfection the mucous retention is referred
images, with marked rim enhancement on the correspond- to as pyocele, presenting with a marginal contrast enhance-
ing contrast enhanced views. Intracranial extension may ment [4]. The characteristic presentation of a mucocele on
lead to severe complications as, e.g., epidural or subdural imaging is the crescent-shaped, sharp and thinned remod-
abscess (Fig. 21), purulent meningitis, or cavernous sinus eling of the bony wall of the affected sinus, combined with
thrombosis. the mass effect to the extrakonal space (Fig. 22). The ap-
pearance of mucocele on MR may present in different ways,
4.1.2. Muco-/pyocele depending on the extent of hydration of the sinus secretion.
Mucoceles are inflammatory lesions of the nasal sinuses, A high signal of the sinus on T2w images (corresponding
most commonly resulting from inflammatory obstruction of low signal on T1w) may be due to high free water content.
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 125

Fig. 23. MR of a 14-year-old boy with initial complaint of double vision, followed by painless protrusion of the left eye after 1 week. Diagnosis:
rhabdomyosarcoma. (a) Axial PDw image of the inferior orbit, showing slight hyperintensity of the tumor lateral to the left inferior rectus muscle. (b)
Coronal T1w native view with only slight hypointensity of the tumor, compared to the inferior rectus muscle (black arrow).

Fig. 24. CT of a 60-year-old man with extra-axial proptosis of the right eye. Diagnosis: hemangiopericytoma. Spherical tumor of the right extraconal
space, dislocating, but not infiltrating the medial rectus muscle up to the optic nerve. Medially extension into the ethmoid sinus with bony destruction.
126 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 25. A 65-year-old woman, presenting with slight proptosis of the right eye, diffuse pressure in the orbital region, and difficulty in nasal breathing
for a period of several months. Diagnosis: esthesioneuroblastoma. (a) Axial contrast-enhanced CT, showing a large tumor occupying predominantly
the right ethmoid and sphenoid sinus, and crossing the midline. Although the medial orbital wall is destroyed (black star), and intraorbital extraconal
tumor expansion with medial dislocation of the normal sized medial rectus muscle is visualized, the presence of a small fat border (white arrow)
indicates sparing of the periorbita. (b) Corresponding T1w native MR demonstrating the thin periorbita (small white arrow) and the extraconal fat
(white arrow). Note the expansion to the bony optic canal. (c) Coronal contrast-enhanced CT, where the intracranial expansion is apparent, because
of destruction of the frontal skull base. (d) T1w contrast-enhanced (FS) view demonstrating the entire cranio-caudal extension of the tumor not only
with solid tumor part, reaching the endocranium, but inferior necrotic area in the nasal cavity. Note the hypointensity of the right maxillary sinus,
simulating air in the sinus, but compared with the corresponding CT it contains inspisated mucous retention ((b) with permission of Müller-Forell

With increasing dehydration a high signal is seen on both (nasal/paranasal) orbital tumors invade on their way to
T1w and T2w images, while in case of inspisated secretion deeper orbital or even intracranial structures.
the signal may decrease in both weightings, simulating nor-
mal air content (Fig. 25). In order to avoid false negative 4.2.1. Rhabdomyosarcoma
findings, CT should be performed in clinically suspected Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common, highly
mucocele [4]. malignant, soft-tissue tumor in childhood with up to
4–8% of all children less than 15 years of age, and a
4.2. Tumors slight predilection for boys (5:3) [68,22]. Arising from
primitive mesenchymal cells, four different subgroups of
The extrakonal space is the first orbital compartment that rhabdomyosarcoma can be divided histopathologically:
primary (e.g. osteoma, hemangiopericytoma) or secondary (a) the embryonal rms, mainly arising in childhood, and
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 127

Fig. 26. A 78-year-old man presenting with epistaxis and numbness of the left check. Diagnosis: carcinoma of the left maxillary sinus. (a) Axial native
CT showing soft tissue in the inferior left orbit with poor distinction from the lateral rectus muscle. (b) Corresponding T2w MR, where necrotic tumor
parts present with high signal. (c) Coronal T2w view. Although destruction of the orbital floor (including infraorbital canal (V2), responsible for the
numbness of the left cheek) is apparent, the inferior rectus muscle (black arrow) is only dislocated but not infiltrated. Note the big maxillary cyst of the
right side. (d) Corresponding T1w native view identifying additional pronounced destruction of the maxillary sinus floor (white arrow) ((a), (c) and (d),
with permission of Müller-Forell [15]).

representing the most malignant variant, (b) the pleomor- survival rate of 93% [70]. Differential diagnosis should
phic rms, the tumor type of the adult, (c) the alveolar type include venous lymphatic malformation, lymphoma, and
of young adults, and (d) the botryoide rhabdomyosarcoma intraorbital neuroblastoma as well as idiopathic orbital
[69]. The characteristic clinical presentation is an extremely inflammation.
rapidly progressing exophthalmos in an otherwise healthy
child, with dislocation of the eye, disturbance of motility, 4.2.2. Various tumors (hemangiopericytoma, olfactory
sometimes combined with unilateral ptosis and/or subcu- neuroblastoma, sinunasal malignancies, Langerhans-cell
taneous hematoma. On imaging the usually well-defined histiocytosis)
tumor is isodense/isointense to the orbital external muscles Hemangiopericytoma, consisting of numerous sinu-
on CT/T1w images, demonstrating a marked enhance- soidal vascular spaces, lined by endothelial cells, and
ment, due to its high vascularisation, more prominent on surrounded by proliferating pericytes are very rare and
fat-suppressed MR (Fig. 23) [6,35]. Rapid histopatholog- uncommon orbital tumors [57], which recommend com-
ical confirmation is mandatory, as modern chemotherapy plete surgical excision, because of frequent recurrence
was demonstrated to lead to successful remission and a [71]. Imaging demonstrates a circumscribed, generally
128 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 27. CT of a 74-year-old man with known lung-carcinoma presented with progressing exophthalmos of the right side. Diagnosis: metastasis of lung
carcinoma. (a) Axial, contrast enhanced midorbital view, demonstrating the medial protrusion of the right globe due to a soft tissue mass in the lateral
extra- and intraconal compartment with poor distinction of the lateral rectus muscle and/or lacrimal gland. The enhancing mass extends into the ispilateral
temporal fossa. (b) The coronal view shows the inferior dislocation of the right globe, the tumor invades the endocranium with destruction of the orbital
roof including the frontal bone. (c) The coronal view in bone window of the posterior orbital region exhibits the extended tumor infiltration of the
zygomatic, sphenoid, and fronto-temporal bone.

encapsulated markedly enhancing mass, in case of infiltra- most common sinunasal neoplasms may not only infiltrate
tion of adjacent tissue, bone erosion is best seen on CT the orbit, but extend to the endocranium (Fig. 26). Metastasis
(Fig. 24). involvement of the orbit is known to be the first manifestation
Olfactory neuroblastoma (syn. esthesioneuroblastoma) of an occult primary malignancy, accounting for 1.5–8%
represent an uncommon malignant ectodermal tumor orig- of all orbital tumors [1], with preference of breast, lung
inating from bipolar olfactory receptor cells high in the (Fig. 27), and prostate carcinoma.
mucosa of the nasal cavity, affecting both sexes with an Langerhans-cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a disease of un-
approximately equal frequency at any age [72]. After long known origin with variable clinical manifestation, rang-
standing symptoms of nasal obstruction and anosmia, re- ing from non-progressive solitary eosinophilic granuloma
current epistaxis leads to imaging, where the involvement to progressive and aggressive multisystemic involvement
of the orbit, and sometimes the endocranium represents an [73]. Solitary or monostotic eosinophilic granuloma is the
already advanced stage (Fig. 25). most common presentation of LCH in children. Typically
The orbit may be involved secondarily by any sinus lesion affecting the skull vault and presenting as well defined cir-
that is inflammatory or neoplastic. Especially carcinoma, the cumscribed mass, the lesion presents isodense/isointense to
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 129

Fig. 28. MR of a 6-year-old boy who presented with slight proptosis and a rapidly growing mass of the left temporal region. Diagnosis: Langerhans-cell
histiocytosis (LCH). (a) Axial T2w image with a hypo- to isointense mass in the temporal fossa and adjacent bone. (b) Corresponding T1w native view,
where the infiltration of the cortex of the sphenoid and temporal bone and intracranial, but extracerebral extension of the lesion is apparent (black arrow).
Note the normal size of the left lateral rectus muscle. (c) Corresponding contrast-enhanced view with marked enhancement of the tumor. Note that parts
of the periorbita (black arrow) are respected. (d) Coronal T1w native view, demonstrating the infiltration of the temporal muscle (white star), explaining
the suspected first diagnosis of a rhabdomyosarcoma.

cortical gray matter on CT/T1w MR, with a marked con- processes, and demanding imaging only in some case of
trast enhancement, while on T2w images it appears with a tumors, rarely in case of inflammatory diseases. The most
hypointense signal (Fig. 28) [22]. common congenital lesion is the dermoid cyst, arising from
epithelial remnants of embryonal epithelial tissue, charac-
4.3. Lacrimal gland terized by a slowly, painless growth. Containing fat, skin
appendices (hair) or sebaceus gland [74], they present on
Lacrimal gland lesions mainly present as unspecific en- imaging as well-circumscribed, round to ovoid encapsu-
largement of the gland, and can be divided into epithelial and lated mass in the upper lateral orbit (Fig. 29). On CT the
non-epithelial lesions, the former including largely neoplas- fatty components result in hypodensity, calcification may be
tic disorders, while the latter consist of mostly congenital, seen. Sometimes a shallow impression of the bone, adjacent
inflammatory, but also neoplastic disorders. to the frontozygomatic suture, is apparent, where in some
(rare) cases a small portion may extent into the temporal
4.3.1. Congenital lesions fossa, causing a so-called dumbbell-shaped orbital dermoid.
The lacrimal gland represents the only “organ” of the On MR, the significant content of fat results in a hyper-
extrakonal compartment, giving rise to different pathologic intense signal both on T1w and T2w images, and distinct
130 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 29. CT of a 32-year-old woman with slight painless protrusion of the right eye. Diagnosis: dermoid of the right lacrimal gland. Slight enlargement
of the right lacrimal gland, compared to the left side, with hypodense (fat) area (white arrow) in the anterior part.

Fig. 30. A 86-year-old woman with a long history of extra-axial proptosis of the left eye. Diagnosis: pleomorphic adenoma of the left lacrimal gland. (a)
Axial contrast-enhanced CT with a predominantly solid, partly calcified encapsulated tumor of the left upper extraconal space, with significant depression
and flattening of the anterior dislocated globe. (b) Corresponding T1w contrast-enhanced view with more distinct differentiation of the capsule and the
cystic tumor parts (with permission of Müller-Forell [15]).
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 131

Fig. 31. MR of a 35-year-old woman, who presented with painful protrusion of the right eye. Diagnosis: adenoidcystic carcinoma. (a) Axial T2w image
of the upper orbit, demonstrating a hyperintense signal of the slightly enlarged right lacrimal gland with moderate impression of the upper globe. (b)
Corresponding T1w native view, where an initial destruction of the fronto-zygomatic suture is seen (white arrow). (c) The coronal T1w, contrast-enhanced
(FS) view demonstrates the marked contrast enhancement of the affected gland, compared to the left side. Note the impression of the globe (white arrow).

signal enhancement on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) lacrimal gland tumors [77], affecting patients of any age
[75]. with a peak in the fourth decade and patients of either sex.
They present with a hard mass in the upper lid, often as-
4.3.2. Tumors sociated with persistent pain, due to infiltrative perineural
The most common benign tumor of the lacrimal gland, growth, even in small tumors [1]. On CT or MR, a less
producing an inferior and medially dislocation of the globe circumscribed, nodular mass in the lacrimal fossa with
is the pleomorphic adenoma, affecting mainly middle-aged additional bone erosion suggests adenoidcystic carcinoma
to old patients. This benign mixed, slowly growing tu- (Fig. 31).
mor, originates mainly from the inner lobe of the lacrimal The lacrimal gland is the at most touched intraorbital
gland. Imaging features represent the histological con- structure affected by the wide spectrum of lymphomatous
ditions, as the tumor presents as a well circumscribed, lesions that range from reactive lymphoid hyperplasia,
encapsulated mass with heterogeneous densities/signals, low-grade mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
due to myxoid, chondroid, or mucinous areas [76] lymphoma, to malignant lymphoma of various types, in-
(Fig. 30). cluding the malignant NHL [78]. Mainly older patients
The adenoidcystic carcinoma as the most malignant tu- present with a painless, slowly growing mass in the up-
mor of the lacrimal gland, account for 29% of all epithelial per lid, leading to an inferior displacement of the globe.
132 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 32. CT of a 86-year-old woman with chronic blepharo-conjunctivitis of the left eye, known NHL for the past 9 years, actually presenting with
progressing exophthalmos of the left eye. Diagnosis: non-Hodgkin-lymphoma (NHL). (a) Axial native midorbital view with diffuse involvement of the
extraconal space, but no distinction of the lateral rectus muscle. (b) Axial contrast-enhanced view of the upper orbit, showing the involvement of the
entire upper orbit, laterally and medially to the compressed superior rectus muscle, which presents slightly hypodense.

In some cases combined with conjunctival redness and/or severe osseous destructions. Certain orbital fractures occur
visual impairment [76], a palpable smooth mass is seen in with greater frequency: the most common are fractures
50% of the patients, appearing as a pink, “salmon-colored” of the orbital floor and medial walls (lamina papyracea)
lesion. Lymphoma present on imaging as an infiltrative, ho- (Fig. 33), while those of the orbital roof (about 5%)
mogeneous mass of the lacrimal gland (Fig. 32), moulding (Fig. 34), lateral wall (Fig. 35) or complex orbital rim frac-
adjacent structures without causing indentation. On MR, tures are rather rare [79]. As already mentioned biplanar
they show a moderate to marked hypointensity on T2w im- high-resolution/multislice CT with secondary reconstruc-
ages, while on T1w views hyperintense signal compared to tions is the imaging modality of choice in orbital trauma,
extraocular muscles is demonstrated with a marked contrast while MR is required in evaluating vessel injuries or in the
enhancement, especially in fat-suppressed images [6,54]. detection of non-metallic foreign bodies [79]. In blow-out
Infiltration of the adjacent bones and intracranial extension fractures (isolated orbital wall fractures without involve-
is seen in malignant variants [6,76]. ment of the orbital rim) a sudden increase in intraorbital
pressure from a traumatic impact to the orbital soft tissue
4.4. Traumatic lesions result in expansion and outward displacement of the thin
orbital floor and/or fragile lamina papyracea. Restricted eye
Traumatic orbital lesions are manifold, reaching from motility is due to incarceration of parts the fine network
small fissures, presenting only with orbital emphysema, to of fibrous septa that functionally unites the periosteum
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 133

Fig. 33. CT of a 69-year-old man, who was involved in a free fight, presented with monocular hematoma and severe exophthalmos of the right eye.
Diagnosis: orbital and subconjunctival emphysema, due to fracture of the lamina papyracea. (a) Axial view of the midorbital region demonstrates the
subconjunctival emphysema. (b) Axial view of the upper orbit, where the orbital structures are fading over by the extreme intraorbital emphysema. (c)
The coronal view shows the site of the fracture of the lamina papyracea (white arrow), as source of the connection of the nasal/paranasal cavity with the

of the orbital floor, the inferior fibrofatty tissue, and the and an afferent pupillary defect with or without associated
sheaths of the inferior and oblique rectus muscle (Fig. 36). retroocular pain on eye movement and pathologic visual
The so-called “hanging drop” represents a small local evoked potential (VEP) [80]. The most common underlying
hematoma or fibrofatty displacement at the fracture site pathologies are multiple sclerosis, with optic neuritis as the
(Fig. 36). first symptom, and acute disseminating encephalomyelitis
(ADEM). Infections, caused by various agents (e.g. cy-
tomegalovirus, varicella zoster, mycosis or tuberculosis),
5. Optic nerve and different autoimmune diseases (e.g. lupus erythemato-
sus, autoimmune vasculitis) may also be responsible for
5.1. Inflammatory lesions optic neuritis [81].
Again, the imaging method of choice in optic neuri-
The term optic neuritis includes a variety of idiopathic, tis as an intrinsic lesion is MR, as it demonstrates on
infectious or demyelinating diseases, clinically presenting one side the localization of the affected area, with pref-
(among others) with an acute uni- or bilateral loss of cen- erence to the intraorbital and intracanalicular portions of
tral visual acuity, central scotoma, loss of colour vision, the optic nerve (Fig. 37), on the other hand, MR is able
134 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 34. CT of a 22-year-old man with state after a free fight and thrust with a knife-injury. Diagnosis: traumatic frontal encephalocele. (a) Axial view
of the upper orbit, where a soft tissue mass is seen in the medial upper orbit, and defect (black arrow) with bony fragment of the medial orbital
roof. (b) Coronal view, where the drop-like mass of the encephalocele (white arrow) dislocates the medial rectus muscle. (c) Corresponding bone
window, demonstrating the wide defect of the skull base. (d) Axial view of the basal brain, showing a small intraparenchymal hematoma in the frontal

to define the underlying cerebral pathology. In addition 5.2. Tumors

to increased signal intensity of the affected area on T2w-
and FLAIR-images, focal contrast enhancement is seen As the optic nerve is part of the central nervous system,
in the majority of patients after gadolinium not only in two different types of optic nerve tumors should be differ-
acute, but in even persistent neuritis, as an expression of entiated, the intrinsic optic nerve glioma, and the extrinsic
blood-optic-nerve-barrier (BOB) disruption [81]. optic nerve sheath meningeoma.
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 135

Fig. 35. CT of a 24-year-old man with state after a car accident. He presented with extreme swelling and hematoma of the right eyelid. Diagnosis:
fracture of the lateral orbital wall. (a) Axial view of the midorbital region with severe swelling of the eyelid and subcutaneous area of the temporal fossa,
but no sign of retrobulbar hematoma. (b) Axial view of the upper orbit, showing several bony fragments in the lateral extraconal space, and hematoma in
the anterior part. (c) The coronal view in bone window demonstrates the intraorbital dislocation of the zygomatic bone fragments in the upper extraconal

5.2.1. Optic nerve glioma [84], but the incidence of symptomatic optic pathway tu-
Histopathologically proven as (juvenile) pilocytic astro- mors is less than 20% [22]. Although CT may define
cytoma, this benign, slow-growing tumor of low radiation asymmetric enlargement of the affected optic nerve, MR
sensibility, may affect the visual system at different loca- should be the method of choice, as it is able to define
tions in different extension: on the optic disc, intraorbital, the lesion with superior contrast resolution and clear mor-
and intracranial, the latter with or without involvement of phology. The question, whether the second optic nerve,
the chiasm. Optic nerve glioma account for 66% of all and/or the chiasm and optic tract are involved additionally
primary optic nerve tumors, and 4% of all orbital lesions is answered best by MR. On T2w images, the effected
[82], the preferred affected group are children and young nerve demonstrates homogeneous high signal compared to
adults, without any sex predilection [83]. The incidence the contralateral unaffected nerve, due to the intraneural
in patients suffering from NF1 is rather high, as about growth pattern with expansion of fibrovascular trabeculae
50% of patients with NF1 harbor optic nerve glioma, a by intra-axial astrocytic proliferation, combined with cys-
bilateral disease considered to be pathognomonic [6]. Vi- tic degeneration (Fig. 38a). Another hyperintense portion,
sual dysfunction is found in about 47% of the patients surrounding the isointense compressed nerve should not be
136 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 36. CT of a 20 year-old man with double vision and acute proptosis of the right eye after kick-box training. Diagnosis: blow-out fracture of the
orbital floor. (a) Axial view of the midorbital region, showing some small retrobulbar hematoma, without mass effect. (b) The coronal view demonstrates
the piercing of the inferior rectus muscle by a bony fragment (white arrow), lateral to a prolapsus of orbital fat into the maxillary sinus (so-called
“hanging drop”). Note the hyperdensities of small intraconal hematoma, compared to the left side. (c) Corresponding bone window, where the additional
hematosinus (with fluid level) is apparent.

Fig. 37. MR of a 21-year-old male with recurrent visual deficit of both eyes. Diagnosis: left optic nerve neuritis of unknown origin. (a) Axial T1w native
view. (b) Corresponding contrast-enhanced (FS) view with bright signal enhancement of the left pre-canalicular and canalicular optic nerve compartment
(white arrow).
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 137

Fig. 38. MR of a 4-year-old girl with known NF1, presenting with progressive proptosis of the left eye. Diagnosis: optic nerve glioma. (a) Ax-
ial T2w midorbital view with enlargement of the intraorbital compartment of the left optic nerve. The hyperintensity of the optic nerve sheath
complex represents a combination of subarachnoid space and arachnoidal gliomatosis. (b) Corresponding T1w native view. (c) Corresponding T1w
contrast-enhanced (FS) image, demonstrating the tumor expansion into the subarachnoid space. Note the impression of the optic disc (white ar-
row), visible expression of papilledema. (d) Coronal T1w native view with enlargement of the left optic nerve complex, compared to the right

mixed up with a widened subarachnoid space, as it rep- 5.2.2. Meningeoma of the optic nerve sheath
resents the perineural arachnoidal gliomatosis suggestive Unspecific clinical symptoms of slowly progressing,
for patients with NF1 [85] (Fig. 38a and c). T1w pre- and painless visual loss and unilateral proptosis or transient
postcontrast images, the latter with fats-suppression tech- visual obscuration in middle-aged adults (mean 40 years),
nique (Fig. 38c), delineate best subtle blood-brain-barrier with a female predominance, are seen in patients with
(BBB) disruption in the optic nerve itself and/or in the optic nerve sheath meningeoma. This primarily benign,
course of the visual pathway (chiasm, optic tract, and hy- slowly growing neoplasm arises from arachnoid cap cells
pothalamus). Additional intrinsic cerebral lesions, seen within the optic nerve sheath complex, or from some
in NF1-patients with optic nerve glioma are astrocytoma, intraorbital portion of sphenoid wing meningeoma [87]
with preference to the brainstem [86]. Differential diag- (Fig. 39).
nosis of optic nerve glioma should include demyelinating Optic nerve sheath meningeoma present in three different
optic neuritis, idiopathic inflammation of the optic nerve, patterns [6]: (1) diffuse, with thickening of the optic nerve
optic nerve sheath meningeoma, sarcoidosis, and even sheath complex (Fig. 39), sometimes with tubular calcifica-
metastasis. tion of the nerve sheath (the so-called “tram-track-sign”),
138 W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142

Fig. 39. MR of a 81-year-old woman with headache since years, known visual loss of the right eye, but progressive visual deficit of the left eye. Diagnosis:
optic nerve sheath and sphenoid wing meningeoma of the right side with compression of the chiasm. (a) Axial T1w native view of the midorbital region
with delineation of an enlargement of the right optic nerve sheath complex. (b) Corresponding contrast-enhanced (FS) image, demonstrating not only the
signal enhancement of the optic nerve sheath but an enlargement and enhancement of the ispilateral cavernous sinus too (white arrow). (c) Coronal T1w
native view of the midorbital region, showing the different diameter of both optic nerves. (d) Coronal T1w contrast-enhanced (FS) view of the region of
the optic canal. Note the enhancement of the right optic nerve in the canal (long white arrow), compared to the left (short black arrow), and the dural
enhancement of the sphenoid plane (black star). (e) Coronal T1w contrast-enhanced view at the level of the optic chiasm, demonstrating not only the
compressive dislocation of the chiasm to the left side (white arrow), but the tumor involvement of the right cavernous sinus and skull base.
W. Müller-Forell, S. Pitz / European Journal of Radiology 49 (2004) 105–142 139

Fig. 40. MR of a 73-year-old woman with progressive visual deficit of the right eye. Diagnosis: tubular optic nerve sheath meningeoma. (a) Axial T1w
contrast-enhanced (FS) view of the midorbital region, demonstrating the tubular growth of the meningeoma (so-called “tram-track-sign”) of the right
optic nerve sheath. (b) Corresponding coronal view, where the compressed optic nerve is seen as a centrally located hypointense area (white arrow) (with
permission of Radiologen am Brand, Mainz).

Fig. 41. MR of a 55-year-old woman with slowly progressing axial proptosis of the right eye, examined for possible endocrine orbitopathy. Diagnosis:
eccentric meningeoma of the optic nerve sheath. (a) Axial PDw midorbital view with a well-defined intraconal mass of isointense signal. (b) Corresponding
T1w native view, demonstrating a homogeneous, apparently encapsulated mass. (c) Corresponding contrast-enhanced (FS) view with homogeneous, but
intermediate signal enhancement. (d) Coronal T1w contrast-enhanced image demonstrating the encapsulation of the nearly normal sized optic nerve (with
permission of Müller-Forell [15]).
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