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English Emphasis Exercise September 1st Deadline September 4 th

1.Listen the track # 8 .Look at the pictures and read the descriptions. What is
happening in each picture? Listen and check your ideas.

A. The fan club B. community first C. the tutoring cooperative

2.Listen the track # 8 again and answer the questions.
a. Who is the Fun Club for?
b. When can you go to the Fun Club?
c. How does Community First want to change the neighbourhood?
d. When is the first meeting?
e. How does the Tutoring Cooperative work?
f. How often can you go to it?

3.Look at the adjectives in the box. Which of them have a positive meaning, and which
of them have a negative meaning? For Write P for positive and N for negative
Annoying___ busy___ friendly___ boring___ active____ generous____
mean____ interesting____ fun____

4.Complete the sentences with the adjectives in

exercise 10.
a. Jenny is a really____________ person. She knows so much about everything.
b. Brandy is really______________ . She never has any free time!
c. The Community First meeting will be____________. Everyone wants to go.
d. Some of my lessons are really _____________and I can’t concentrate.
e. I don’t like Laura – she’s really ______________ to me and says horrible things.

Useful language
Descriptive adjectives are words that describe a person, place or thing.
▪▪ Adjectives can go before a noun.
John is the kind boy who lives next door.
▪▪ Adjectives can go after the verb be.
Susana is beautiful.
adjective + noun
verb + adjective

complete the tapescript of the listening:

conversation A.
Sandra and kim: Hi________
Sandra: ________________
Kim: and _______________
Sandra : if _______bored and have____________, you___________ our
________: the fun club. We __________________ and _______________
______________ to do__________________and before or____________
Kim : so, if_________, along. We’d love______________. We __________
____________ . Get__________ and _________us!

Conversation B.
Brandy: Hi, _________________, and ___________________ community
first. We ________________for ___________ with plenty of_________
about our_________________we know we ____________________ now,
but _________________our neighbourhood a _______________ and a __
Place__________._____ you____________ and you___________to make a
__________, this ________________. _________ to our_____________
on ___________________________.

Conversation C.
Tutor: Are___________________ with maths, ________ or ___________
______________?then _______________to ___________ to_______
tutoring cooperative. What is a ______________________________? Well
it’s __________ you _________________ that you__________________
And other________________________. And ______________________
Other_____________ when they_________________ in the subjects
_________at . _____you ________________________, come _________
Classroom_____________ everyday_________________.

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