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Saria Merriweather
STUDENT NAME______________________________________
Atopic Dermatitis
DISORDER/DISEASE PROCESS___________________________________________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER__31

Alterations in Pathophysiology Related Health Promotion and

Health (Diagnosis) to Client Problem Disease Prevention
Impaired skin integrity r/t type of eczema-characterized by Can't be cured, but can be well
pruritus, assoc w/ hx of allergies w/
contact w/ irritants inherited tendency (atopy), tends to be
Risk for infections chronic and flares (eczema is a Control flare ups by limiting
category of integumentary dx, not a exposure to irritants, decreasing
specific dx w/ determine etiology) emotional stress
ASSESSMENT classified based on the child's age, SAFETY
lesion appearance and distribution CONSIDERATIONS
Risk Factors Expected Findings
monitor for sx of
Presence of allergic condition and family recent exposure to any irritant (med, food, infection (redness,
hx of atopy (tendency to dev allergic soap, contact w/ animals) Intense pruritus, swelling, increased
conditions) Unaffected skin can be dry and rough,
hypopigmentations of skin can occur in small
Prev skin dx and exacerbation of present sedation from
diffuse areas, pallor around nose mouth
skin dx wears, bluish discoloration under eyes, antihistamines
exposure to irritating or causative agents numerous infx of nails, lymphadenopathy triggers for flare-ups
around affected areas, sx of wound infx, allergic reactions
Laboratory Tests Diagnostic
erythema, Procedures
vesicles, papules

Lab tests aren't generally done skin examination and past med hc,
fam hx- onset of sx can be 2-6 mo
S- erythema, vesicles, papules,
oozing, scaling, dry, thick aras,
distribution can be gernalized, in
felxuara areas, wristis ankles, feet,


Nursing Care Medications Client Education Infections- caused
by breaks in the skin
Keep skin hydrated w/ tepid baths, Antihistamines- for Sx of infx, avoid irritants, avoid from scratching
apply emollients w/in 3 min of antipruritic effect, overheating, use room
bathing (may bath 2-3x/day), Side effects of meds
monitor for humidifier, admin/side fx of
dress in cotton clothing, avoid meds, cotton clothing, trim risk for disturbed
excessive heat and perspiration,
Antibiotics- treats nails, change soiled diapers, body image
avoid irritants, provide support to
secondary mild detergents, support
child and fam, wash skin folds,
and genital area freq w/ water, infections groups, follow up w/ PCP
assist in identifying causative Topical
Therapeutic Procedures
agent corticosteroids- Interprofessional Care
intermittently to
Tepid baths, room control/decrease Dermatologist- helps with
humdifier, cotton clothing flare ups controlling itching, reducing
topical skin inflamm, clearing infx,
immunomodulators loosening/removing scaly
(nonsteroidal)- to lesions, reducing new
dec inflamm during lesions form forming


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