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Aripiprazole ■E ■ (1) Elderly clients with dementia-re- A

lated psychosis treated with atypical an-
(a h- r ih -PI P- ra h- z o hl) tipsychotic drugs are at an increased
risk of death, compared with placebo.
CLASSIFICATION(S): Analyses of placebo-controlled trials
Antipsychotic (modal duration, 10 weeks), in these in-
PREGNANCY CATEGORY: C dividuals revealed a risk of death in the
Rx: Abilify, Abilify Discmelt. drug-treated clients of between 1.6 to
1.7 times that seen in placebo-treated
USES clients. Over the course of a typical 10-
PO. (1) Acute and maintenance treat- week controlled trial, the rate of death
ment of schizophrenia in adults and ad- in drug-treated clients was about 4.5%
olescents 13-17 years of age. (2) Mono- compared with a rate of about 2.6% in
therapy in adults and children 10-17 the placebo group. Although the causes
years of age for acute and maintenance of death were varied, most of the
treatment of manic and mixed episodes deaths appeared to be either cardiovas-
with bipolar I disorder with or without cular (e.g., heart failure, sudden death)
psychotic features. (3) Adjunctive ther- or infections (e.g., pneumonia) in na-
apy to either lithium or valproate in ture. Aripiprazole is not approved for
adults and children 10-17 years of age the treatment of clients with dementia-
for acute treatment of manic and mixed related psychosis. (2) Compared with
episodes associated with bipolar I disor- placebo, antidepressants increased the
der with or without psychotic features. risk of suicidal thinking and behavior
(4) Adjunctive treatment to antidepres- (suicidality) in children, adolescents,
sants for major depressive disorder. In- and young adults in short-term studies
vestigational: Restless legs syndrome. of major depressive disorder and other
IM only. Acute treatment of agita- psychiatric disorders. Anyone consider-
tion associated with schizophrenia or ing the use of adjunctive aripiprazole or
biopolar disorder (manic or mixed) in any other antidepressant in a child, ad-
adults. olescent, or young adult must balance
ACTION/KINETICS this risk with the clinical need. Short-
Action term studies did not show an increase
Mechanism not known with certainty in the risk of suicidality with antidepres-
but likely due to high affinity for dop- sants compared with placebo in adults
amine D2 (partial agonist) and D3 recep- older than 24 years of age; there was a
tors as well as 5-HT1A (partial agonist) reduction in the risk with antidepres-
and antagonist activity at 5-HT2A recep- sants compared with placebo in adults
tors. Low incidence of sedation and or- 65 years of age and older. Depression
thostatic hypotension. and certain other psychiatric disorders
Pharmacokinetics are themselves associated with in-
Well absorbed (87% bioavailable). Peak creases in the risk of suicide. Clients of
plasma levels: 3–5 hr. A high fat meal all ages who are started on antidepres-
will delay the Tmax. t /2, elimination: 75 sant therapy should be monitored ap-
hr for extensive metabolizers and 146 propriately and observed closely for
hr for poor metabolizers. Metabolized clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusu-
by CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 enzymes in the al changes in behavior. Families and
liver. Excreted through both the feces caregivers should be advised of the
(about 55%) and urine (about 25%). need for close observation and commu-
Plasma protein binding: >99% bound nication with the prescriber. Aripipra-
to plasma proteins. zole is not approved for use in children
CONTRAINDICATIONS with depression.■ Long-term efficacy
Lactation. Use in those with dementia- has not been established. Use with cau-
related psychosis. Use of alcohol. tion in history of MI, ischemic heart dis-

C = see color insert H = Herbal IV = Intravenous

E = sound alike drug
ease, heart failure, conduction abnor- ris, extrasystoles. Hematologic: Ecchy-
A malities, cerebrovascular disease, or mosis, anemia, hypochromic anemia,
conditions that predispose to hypoten- leukopenia, leukocytosis, lymphade-
sion (e.g., dehydration, hypovolemia, nopathy, thrombocytopenia, iron defi-
antihypertensive drug treatment). ciency anemia. Musculoskeletal: Mus-
There is an increased risk of hyperglyce- cle cramps, arthralgia, bone pain, myas-
mia and diabetes. Use with caution in thenia, arthritis, arthrosis, muscle weak-
conditions that may contribute to an ness, spasm, bursitis. Body as a whole:
increase in body temperature and in Asthenia, fever, weight gain or loss, flu
those at risk for aspiration pneumonia. syndrome, peripheral edema, chills,
Safety and efficacy in psychosis associ- bloating, diabetes mellitus, edema, de-
ated with dementia, in psychosis associ- hydration, thirst. Metabolic: Hypergly-
ated with Alzheimer’s disease, or in chil- cemia, sometimes associated with ke-
dren and adolescents have not been toacidosis, hyperosmolar coma, or
evaluated. death. Respiratory: Rhinitis, coughing,
SIDE EFFECTS chest tightness, dyspnea, pneumonia,
Most Common asthma, epistaxis, hiccup, laryngitis.
Headache, agitation, insomnia, dyspep- Dermatologic: Dry skin, rash, pruritus,
sia, constipation, N&V, drowsiness/seda- sweating, skin ulcer, acne, vesiculobul-
tion/somnolence. lous rash, eczema, alopecia, psoriasis,
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: Hyper- seborrhea. GU: Urinary incontinence,
pyrexia, muscle rigidity, altered mental cystitis, leukorrhea, urinary frequency/
status, autonomic instability, rhabdo- urgency/retention, hematuria, dysuria,
myolysis, acute renal failure. CNS: Tar- amenorrhea, abnormal ejaculation, va-
dive dyskinesia, seizures, somnolence, ginal hemorrhage, vaginal moniliasis,
headache, anxiety, insomnia, lighthead- kidney failure, uterine hemorrhage, me-
edness, akathisia, dyskinesia, tremor, norrhagia, kidney calculus, nocturia,
depression, nervousness, hostility, man- polyuria. Ophthalmic: Blurred vision,
ic reaction, abnormal gait, confusion, conjunctivitis, dry eye, eye pain, cata-
cogwheel rigidity, dystonia, twitch, im- ract, blepharitis. Otic: Ear pain, tinnitus,
potence, bradykinesia, decreased or in- otitis media. Miscellaneous: Accidental
creased libido, panic attack, impaired injury, chest/neck/jaw pain, jaw
memory, stupor, amnesia, hyperactivity, tightness, enlarged abdomen, neck ri-
depersonalization, hypokinesia, restless gidity, pelvic pain, hypothyroidism, al-
leg syndrome, dysphoria, neuropathy, tered taste.
increased reflexes, slowed thinking, hy- LABORATORY TEST CONSIDERATIONS
perkinesia, hyperesthesia, hypotonia, 앖 CPK, AST, ALT, BUN, alkaline phos-
oculogyric crisis, suicidal thought, sui- phatase, creatinine, LDH. Hypercholes-
cide. GI: N&V, constipation, increased terolemia, hyper-/hypoglycemia, hypo-
salivation, anorexia, gastroenteritis, dys- kalemia, hyperlipemia, hyponatremia,
phagia, flatulence, gastritis, tooth caries, bilirubinemia.
gingivitis, hemorrhoids, gastroesopha- DRUG INTERACTIONS
geal reflux, GI hemorrhage, periodontal Carbamazepine / 앖 Aripiprazole clear-
abscess, tongue edema, fecal inconti- ance 씮 앗 blood levels R/T induction of
nence, colitis, rectal hemorrhage, sto- CYP3A4 enzymes; double the aripipra-
matitis, mouth ulcer, cholecystitis, fecal zole dose
impaction, oral moniliasis, cholelithiasis, Clarithromycin / 앗 Aripiprazole metab-
eructation, intestinal obstruction, peptic olism 씮 앖 blood levels R/T inhibition
ulcer. CV: Hypertension, tachycardia, of CYP3A4 enzymes; reduce aripipra-
hypotension, bradycardia, palpitation, zole to one-half the usual dose
hemorrhage, MI, CVA, cardiac arrest, Fluoxetine / 앗 Aripiprazole metabolism
heart failure, prolonged QT interval, 씮 앖 blood levels R/T inhibition of
atrial fibrillation, AV block, myocardial CYP2D6 enzymes; reduce aripiprazole
ischemia, phlebitis, DVT, angina pecto- dose to at least one-half the usual dose

Bold Italic = life threatening side effect

■ = black box warning W = Available in Canada
Ketoconazole / 앗 Aripiprazole metabo- to support treatment beyond 6 weeks.
lism 씮 앖 blood levels R/T inhibition of
CYP3A4 enzymes; reduce aripiprazole
Children, 10–17 years of age, initial: A
2 mg/day; titrate to 5 mg/day after 2
to one-half the usual dose days and to the target dose of 10
Paroxetine / 앗 Aripiprazole metabolism mg/day after 2 additional days when
씮 앖 blood levels R/T inhibition of used as monotherapy or as adjunctive
CYP2D6 enzymes; reduce aripiprazole therapy. Make subsequent dose in-
to one-half the usual dose creases in increments of 5 mg/day.
Quinidine / 앗 Aripiprazole metabolism Maintenance: Responding clients can
씮 앖 blood levels R/T inhibition of be continued beyond the acute re-
CYP2D6 enzymes; reduce aripiprazole sponse but at the lowest dose needed
to one-half the usual dose to maintain remission. Periodically ass-
HOW SUPPLIED ess to determine the need for mainte-
Injection: 7.5 mg/mL; Oral Solution: 1 nance therapy.
mg/mL; Tablets: 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 Adjunct to antidepressants for major
mg, 20 mg, 30 mg; Tablets, Orally Disin- depressive disorder.
tegrating (Discmelt): 10 mg, 15 mg. Adults, initial: 2-5 mg/day. Adjust dos-
DOSAGE age of up to 5 mg/day gradually, at
• ORAL SOLUTION; TABLETS; TAB- intervals of no less than 1 week; doses
LETS, ORALLY DISINTEGRATING up to 15 mg/day have been used. Long-
Schizophrenia, adults. term efficacy has not been determined;
Initial and target dose: 10 or 15 periodically assess to determine the
mg/day given on a once-a-day sched- need for maintenance treatment. Effica-
ule. Effective dose range: 10–30 cy has not been determined for adjunc-
mg/day. Do not make dosage increases tive treatment of major depressive dis-
before 2 weeks, the time required to order in children.
reach steady state. Maintenance: Has • INJECTION (IM ONLY)
been used for periods up to 6 months. Agitation associated with schizophre-
Periodically assess to determine the nia or bipolar mania.
need for maintenance treatment.
Adults, initial: 9.75 mg; dose range:
Schizophrenia, adolescents.
5.25–15 mg. If agitation persists follow-
Initial: 2 mg. Usually titrated to 5 mg
ing the initial dose, cumulative doses
after 2 days and to the target dose of 10
up to 30 mg/day may be given. The
mg/day after 2 additional days. Give
safety of total daily doses greater than
subsequent dose increases in 5-mg in-
30 mg or injections given more fre-
crements. A 30 mg/day dose is not
quently than q 2 hr have not been ade-
more effective than a 10 mg/day dose.
quately evaluated. If ongoing therapy is
Can be given without regard to meals.
Maintenance: Those responding can indicated, PO aripiprazole in a dose
be continued beyond the acute re- range from 10–30 mg/day should re-
sponse; ue the lowest dose needed to place the injection as soon as possible.
maintain remission. Periodically assess The injection has not been evaluated in
to determine the need for maintenance children.
Adults, initial and target dose: 15 mg E Do not confuse aripiprazole with lan-
as monotherapy or as adjunctive ther- soprazole (proton pump inhibitor).
apy with lithium or valproate given ADMINISTRATION/STORAGE
once a day without regard to meals. 1. If switching from other antipsychot-
The dose may be increased to 30 ics, minimize period of overlapping an-
mg/day based on clinical response. tipsychotic administration.
Doses above 30 mg/day have not been 2. Oral solution can be given on a mg-
evaluated. Maintenance: May be used per-mg basis in place of the 5, 10, 15, or
for up to 6 weeks; data are not available 20 mg tablets strengths. Clients receiv-

C = see color insert H = Herbal IV = Intravenous

E = sound alike drug
ing 30 mg tablets should receive 25 mg in older adults with dementia-related
A of the solution. conditions.
3. The dosing for the orally disintegrat- 4. Monitor VS, ECG, I&O, lipid panel, BS,
ing tablets is the same as for the oral electrolytes, CPK, renal, LFTs and for evi-
tablets. dence of diabetes.
4. To administer the injection, draw up 5. Aripiprazole has been given for up to
the required volume of solution as fol- 26 weeks, although it can be used for
lows: 0.7 mL for the 5.25 mg dose, 1.3 longer-term efficacy; assess clients peri-
mL for the 9.75 mg dose, and 2 mL for odically to determine need for mainte-
the 15 mg dose. Inject slowly deep in nance therapy.
the muscle mass. Discard any unused • DSM III/IV-TR criteria for schizophre-
portion. nia: delusions, conceptual disorgani-
5. Do not give the injection IV or SC. zation, hallucinatory behavior, ex-
6. Opened bottles of solution can be citement, grandiosity, suspi-
used for up to 6 months after opening ciousness/persecution, and hostility.
if refrigerated. • PANSS (Positive and Negative Syn-
7. Reduce the dose of aripiprazole to drome Scale) should include 7+
one-half the usual dose if given with symptoms of schizophrenia: blunted
CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., clarithromycin, affect, emotional withdrawal, poor
ketoconazole). When the CYP3A4 inhib- rapport, passive apathetic withdraw-
itor is withdrawn, increase the dose of al, difficulty with abstract thinking,
aripiprazole. lack of spontaneity/flow of conversa-
8. Reduce the dose of aripiprazole to at tion, stereotypical thinking).
least one-half the usual dose if given CLIENT/FAMILY TEACHING
with potential CYP2D6 inhibitors (e.g., 1. Take with or without food once daily
fluoxetine, paroxetine, quinidine). When with a full glass of water.
the CYP2D6 inhibitor is withdrawn, in- 2. Do not split the orally disintegrating
crease the dose of aripiprazole. tablets.
9. Double the dose of aripiprazole if 3. With diabetes, each mL of Abilify oral
given with a potential CYP3A4 inducers solution contains 400 mg of sucrose
(e.g., carbamazepine). Base additional and 200 mg of fructose.
increases in dose based on clinical eval- 4. Avoid activities that require mental
uation. When the CYP3A4 inducer is alertness until drug effects realized;
withdrawn, reduce the dose of aripipra- may impair judgment, thinking, or mo-
zole to 10 or 15 mg. tor skills.
10. Protect the injection from light by 5. Change positions slowly; prevents
storing in the original container. Keep sudden drop in BP.
in carton until time of use. 6. Practice reliable contraception, re-
11. Store the injection, tablets, and oral port if pregnancy suspected.
solution between 15–30°C (59–86°F). 7. Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, OTC
ASSESSMENT agents, strenuous exercise, exposure to
1. Identify behaviors/conditions requir- extreme heat, overheating, or dehydra-
ing management, other agents trialed tion.
and outcome. 8. May cause esophogeal dysmotility-
2. List drugs prescribed; ensure no in- may cause aspiration; use caution.
teractions or dosage adjustments need- 9. Do not add any medications or OTC
ed. agents without provider approval due
3. Assess mental status, evidence/histo- to the potential for strong drug interac-
ry of CAD, hypo-/hypertension. Use cau- tions.
tiously with CAD, seizure history, or 10. Immediately report any S&S of NMS
conditions that lower seizure threshold (neuroleptic malignant syndrome): in-
e.g., Alzheimer’s dementia. Use caution, creased temperature, muscle rigidity, ir-
has caused fatal heart attack and stroke regular heart rate/BP, arrhythmias or se-

Bold Italic = life threatening side effect

■ = black box warning W = Available in Canada
vere diaphoresis. Avoid becoming over- of treatment needed. Psychiatric ther-
heated or dehydrated. apy and evaluation should be regular A
11. Report any movements that be- and ongoing.
come involuntary, slow, repetitive, OUTCOMES/EVALUATE
rhythmical (tardive dyskinesia) in select • Improvement in PANSS and DSM III/
or groups of muscles; may become irre- IV-TR schizophrenia criteria
versible. • Evidence of improved behavioral and
12. Prescriptions will be for small emotional presentation
amounts to prevent overdose and for • 앗 Delusions/suspiciousness and
the smallest dose and shortest duration hostility

C = see color insert H = Herbal IV = Intravenous

E = sound alike drug

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