Inglés Técnico (Rose)

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Rose Mary inoa mejia.


1- Don"t shut yourself up. Not to silence that feeling and those emotions that pain
that the persón feels when he is going though a duel.

2-. Start an exercise routine You chould exercise as this helps You relax and feel a
mucho better.

3- keep an emotional diary . To write down the things You see that make You feel
better what You can change yo feel good.

4 -. Eat healty. Having a healthy diet Will help You with your mood therefore Your
Will feel much better .

5-. Change the way to perceive the Word. If changes the way of perceivering the
Word . Let 's get something Nice out of the bad things that happen to us in our lives.
The good side of each diffculty however painful it is.

6- keep Your mind distractid . If You wanted to do something that You are passionate
about if feels good to do it so You can forget a litte about the Bad moment.

7- accept the duel. Accept the duel with resignation and aceept that live on earth for
only a wile.

8-. Go for a walk outdoors. go a walk un the fresh air. Where there are trees to walk
on the beach shore You would relax and feel beeter.

9- be surrounded by people who love and support then. From your friends and family
who make You feel love and help You overcome the pain and desolation that
10-. Seek help from a professional (psychologist) . Many times the grief we can not
accept it or overcome them alone and it is Best top seek help and support from a
health professional to get out of and feel better.

11-. Remember the good and beatiful moments that You liveds nexts to the loved one
that You Lost .

12- kepping mind that despite the sadness life continúes . To think that although we
have hard moments life is how we are born we reproduce and we die. Law of life that
god Made everything perfect and someday we Will die . That now she Will not feel
weel but that she Will overcome it and Will be fine.

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