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Elite Batch 2012

Histology – First Exam Questions – Elite Batch


Bone :

Q1-What do you expect to see in a section of bone in a menopusal women:

-Osteoblast without ruffle border.
-Normal bone structure.
-Increase number of osteoblast.
-Thick bone outer plate.
-All of the listed

Q2-Mark the Wrong statement in regard to repair of bone fracture:

-Intact periosteum is essential for healing of bone fracture.
-The first bone tissue to be formed is lamellated bone.
-Bone repair is a continous processes throughout life.
-Lamellated bone is formed only after woven bone formation.
-Osteoblasts secret new bone matrix.

Q3-Where do you expect to find primary bone in an adult:

-Teeth sockets.
-End of long bones.
-End of short bones.
-Flat bones.

Q4-The premature bone cell that laydown bone tissue is:

-Mesenchymal cells.

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Q5-The function of canaliculi in the compact bone is:

-Diffusion of nutrition from blood capillaries.
-Connection of Haverian canals.
-Connection of Volkmann’s canals.
-Transmit blood capillaries.

Q6-Regarding compact bone, MARK the WRONG statement:

-Collagen fibers arranged in lamellae.
-Harvesian canal is placed along the central axis of the bone.
-Volkmann’s canal connects harvesian canals transversely
-Younger harvesian canal has smaller diameter than Old ones.
-Osteocytes are placed within lacunae.

Q7- the osteoclast is derived from:

-monocyet or macrophage

Q8-Regarding osteoclasts, Mark the Wrong statement:

-Inhibited by parathyroid hormone.
-May have upto 50 nuclei.
-Present within a space called Howship lacunae.
-Contain powerful lysosomes that digest bone matrix.
-Have sereveral mambranous projections called ruffled border.


Q1-Keratinized stratified columnar epithelium is present in:

-Nasal cavity.
-Sole of foot.
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-Large ducts of sweat gland.

-Small ducts of sweat gland.

Q2-Glandular tissue is of:

-Epithelial origin.
-Ectodermal origin.
-Musclcular origin.
-Stratified cuboidal epithelium.
-Pseudostratified epthelium.

Q3-The endothelium of veins and arteries and capillaries is:

-Simple squamous endothelium.
-Simple cuboidal epithelium.
-Simple columnar epithelium.
-Stratified cuboidal epithelium.
-Pseudo stratified epithelium.

Q4-Which of the followings are present on lateral wall of cells:

-Desmosome and gap junctions.
-Cilia and microvilli.
-Hemisemosome and tight junction.
-All of the listed.
-Only Gap junctions.

Q5-The basal layer in stratified squamous epithelium takes dark basophilic stain
-Basal cells undergoe continuous cell division.
-Basal cell are cuboidal.
-Basal cells have more organelles.
-Basal cell have columnar shape.
-Basal cells are close to basement

Q6-The shape of top layer in relaxed transitional epithelium is:


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-Both cuboidal and columnar

Q7-Epithelium has all the following characteristic features, EXCEPT:

-Cells are tightly packed and arranged in layers.
-Cells may have intercellular junctions.
-Cells are continuously renewed.
-It has nerve supply.
-It has blood capillaries.

Q8- The type of epithelia that is found in large ducts

- stratified columnar epithelium
-stratified cuboidal epithelium
-stratified squamous epithelium
- simple columnar epithelium\

Q10-The epithelium that surrounds follicles of the thyroid gland is :

-simple cuboidal epithelium
- Transitional epithelium
-stratified columnar epithelium
-stratified cuboidal epithelium

Q- Which junction prevent leakage of into intercellular fluid?

- Gap junction
- Tight junction
- Desmosome
-. hemi desmosome
- All of the above

Q12-which prevent leakage of ECF between cells :

- tight junctions
-Gap junction
- Tight junction
- Desmosome
-. hemi desmosome

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The Cell & Cell Division :


Q1-Which of the following have a G-1 phase in the cell cycle?

-Epithelial cell.
-Cancerous cell.
-All types of cells.
-Mature neuron.
-Cardiac muscle cell.

Q2-The contribution of phospholipids to cell membrane is about:


Q3-The functional aspect of G-Proteins in cell membrane is:

-Stabilizes membrane.
-Increases surface absorptive area.
-Forms gap junction.
-Act as channel.
-Act as a receptor

Q4-Telophase in cell cycle in normal dividing cell is followed by:

-G1 phase.
-G2 phase.

Q5- which of the following is not a fixed cell ?

-mast cell
- plasma cell
-adipose cell

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Q6- The main reason why cancerous cells do not perform a normal
function is/are:
-They do not duplicate.
-They do not pass via G1 phase.
-They do have a G0 phase.
-They have a faster rate of division.
-All of the listed.

Q7-The process by which fluid passes out side the cell is called:
-Pinocytosis and exocytosis.
-Non of the listed.

Q8-Protein targeted destruction occurs within:

-Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
-Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Q9-Cellular protection from oxidizing agents is the function of:


Q10-Electron transport system is present within:

-Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
-Rough endoplasmic reticulum.

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Q11-Chiasmata formation due to genetic recombination is evident during:

-Prometaphase I.

Q12-Which types of cells never undergoemitotic division:

-Non of the listed.
-Nervous cells
-Cardiac muscle cells.
-Sexual cells.
-All of the listed

-Consist of three types of rRNA
-Are synthesized in the nucleus and cytoplasm.
-Their basophilia is due to their protein content.
-Individual ones are held together by DNA strands.
-Are attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum via small subunit.

Q14-Functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum include the following EXCEPT:

-Steroid synthesis.
-Phospholopid synthesis for cell membrane.
-Calcium synthesis.
-Glycogen metabolism
-Oxidation, conjugation processes to degrade drugs

Q15-The cellular structure that build up mitotic spindle is:

-All of the listed except collagen.

Q16- Chronic smoking may affect which plasmalemella specialization :

-cilia of respiratory system

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-cilia of respiratory and female fallopian tubes

-Microvilli of GIT system
-Steriocelial of male reproductive system

Q17- In the treatment of cancerous cells , which events in the cycle the drugs block ?
-synthesis of cell wall
-Assembly of microtubules
-Synthesis of DNA during S-phase
-Basement membrane
- Both Assembly of microtubules and DNA synthesis

Q18- Cells which are present within connective tissue and contain granules of histamine
and other inflammatory mediators
-Mast cells
-Plasma cell.

Cartilage :

Q1-The hyaline cartilage is present in the following EXCEPT:

-Articular surfaces of synovial joints.
-Respiratory tract
-Epiphyseal plate.

Q2-If injury occurred to central portion of knee menisci (cartilage plate), what is the
expected response :
-Complete regeneration and repair
-Replacement of damage part by fibrotic tissue.
-Appearance of zone of hypertrophy.
-Appearance of zone of proliferation.
-Non of the listed.

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Q3-Regarding fibrocartilage, Mark the Wrong statement::

-Made of chondrocytes within lacunae.
-Chonrdocytes are arranged in pairs within the matrix.
-It is present in articular discs of bone joints.
-It is present in intervertebral discs.
-All of the listed.

Q4-The most common type of cartilage in our body is:

-Hyaline cartilage.
-Elastc cartilage.
-Both Elastic and fibro types.
-All of the listed.

Q5-The oldest generation of chondrocyte are present at:

-The center of a cartilage plate.
-The periphery.
-Both center and periphery

Q6-The main structural difference between fibrocartilage and elastic cartilage is/are:
-Fibrocartilage has elastic fibers within its matrix.
-Elastic cartilage has perichondrium
-Fibrocartilage is present at articular discs.
-All of the listed.
-Chonrdocytes in Fibrocartilage are arranged in rows.

Q7-The type of collagen fiber in fibrocatrilage and bone matrices is:

-Collagen type 1.
-Collagen type 2.
-Collagen type 4.
-Collagen type 7.
-Collagen type 9.

Q8-All of the following cartilages have perichondrium EXCEPT:

-Costochondral cartilage.

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-Articular cartilage.
-Laryngeal cartilage.
-Trachial cartilage.
-Nasal cartilage.

Q9-Stem cells of cartilage tissue is present at.

-Extracellular matrix.
-None of the listed.

Q10-What cartilage and bones have in common:

-Both undergo continous remodelling.
-Both have similar architecture.
-Both are avascular.
-Both are innervated.
-Both tissues contain osteoclasts.

Connective Tissue & ECM :


Q1-Dense connective tissue is characterized by all the following EXCEPT:

-Abundant fibers.
-Abundant Collagen bundles.
-Abundant elastic fibers.
-Relatively less matrix
-Presence of blood vessels.

Q2-Which type of collagen is associated with basal lamina:

-Type I.
-Type II.
-Type III.
-Type IV.
-Type VIII.

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Q3-All the following are correct regarding mesenchymal cells EXCEPT:

-Considered as multipotent cell of connective tissue.
-Can differentiate into fibroblast or chondroblast.
-Are smaller in size than fibroblast.
-Are present within lacunae.

Q4-Regarding fibroblast/fibrocyte, Mark the Wrong statement:

-Fibroblasts have fusiform shape.
-Fibroblast present large nucleus and extensive rER.
-Fibrocytes can not transform into fibroblast if stimulated
-Fibroblast lay-down its own matrix and fibers.

Q5-Where we expect to find loose areolar connective tissue:

-Underneath the epithelial layer of the GIT.
-Within tendons of muscles.
-Within ligaments.
-Underneath the skin of eyelids.
-Underneath epithelial tissue and under the skin of eye lids.

Q6-Elastic fibers may be present in all the following structure EXCEPT:

-Bone tissue.
-Cartilage tissue
-Loose connective tissue.
-Lung tissue.
-Blood vessels.

Q7-Dermis of the skin is an example of tissue that contains:

-Dense irregular connective tissue.
-Loose connective tissue.
-Reticular fibers.
-Dense regular connective tissue.
-Non of the listed.

Q8-Regarding Brown adipose tissue, Mark the Wrong statement:

-Cells look multilocular.
-Nuclei are round and central.
-Many droplets of lipid occupy the cell cytoplasm.

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-Present more in infants than adults.

-Has similar number of mitochondria as white fat.

Q9-Collagen bundles can not be seen in light microscopy of loose connective tissue
-Collagen and ground substance have similar refractive indices.
-Collagen is not present in loose connective tissue
-Ground substance is not present in loose connective tissue.
-Collagen does not take stain.
-All of the listed.

Q10-Regarding the ground substance, they have all the following features EXCEPT:
-Formed of GAGs linked to a core protein.
-Polysaccharide chains constitute about 80% of proteoglycan’s weight.
-Proteins constitute about 5% of proteoglycans weight.
-The large amount of water absorbed is due to presence of sodium ions.
-Absorbed water acts as a shock observer.

Q11- Which of the following have a high absorption of water?

- glycosaminoglcan's (GAGs)
- glycoprotein
- prteoglycan
- both glycoprotein and prteoglycan

Q12-Body response to injury of epithelial in adults is:

-Both regeneration and fibrosis
-Formation of excessive (More) epithelial tissue.
-Formation of excessive (More) fibrotic tissue.

Q13 - Deficiency which of the following leads to rupture of the Aorta:

- Elastin
-Retiular fibers.
-Basement membrane
-Both Elastin and Basement membrane.

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Intercalated Disk of Cardiac Muscles Cross-section of Skeletal Muscles

Matrix of Hyaline Cartilage Volkmann’s Canal

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Pericardium of Elastic Cartilages Myelinated Axon

Osteoblast at the endosteum

Reticular Tissue

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The squamous cell that represents the Anaphase

top layer of stratified squamous tissue

Reticular Fibers
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