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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP/MTs

Mata Pelajaran : Program Unggulan Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX/2 (dua)
Waktu :
Hari/Tanggal :

Nama :
Kelas : No Absen :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D

1. Tasya : I don't have any pen. ………… please?

Rudy : Sure. Here you are.
a. What is this c. May I have one
b. Take me the pen d. Give me the pen

2. Budi : May I borrow your book, please?

Citra : …………
a. Thank you. c. I'm sorry I'm using it now.
b. Yes, I do. d. What?

3. Tiara : How many classrooms are there in the school?

Fika : ………… twenty four classrooms.
a. It is c. These are
b. They are d. There are

4. Risa : Hey, there is a new computer in the living room.

Rudy : …………
Risa : Absolutely.
a. That's great. c. Are you sure?
b. I think so. d. I like computers.

5. Aris : My house is big. There is a large garden in front of my house.

Dina : …………
a. Really? d. It is a nice garden.
b. May I borrow it? d. It is a nice garden.

6. Via : Where are the books, Dony?

Dony : …………
a. They are on the shelves c. They are in the cupboards
b. They are on the tables d. They are on the chairs

7. Adi : Angelina, do you think a pilot is a good job?

Angelina : ...
a. I think so. c. He flies a plane.
b. Really? d. He is handsome.

8. Citra : ………… me that eraser, please.

Edi : This eraser? Here you are.
Citra : Thanks.
a. Pass c. Borrow
b. Put d. Throw

9. Hani : Do you have a spare ruler, Nita?

Nita : Yes. I have got two.
Hani : …………
Nita : Certainly.
a. Can I have one of the rulers, please? c. Where do you put them?
b. Are you using them? d. Where are your rulers?
10. Adi : What fruits do you like?
Laila : …………
a. I like soup very much c. Yes, I do. I like fruits
b. I like pizza d. I like apples and oranges

11. Tina : How do you record on this tape recorder, Ali?

Ali : Just ………… the record button and then speak into the microphone.
a. pull c. plug
b. dial d. push

12. Weni : Do you go jogging ? It’s good for your health, you know.
Puti : I know, but I don’t have a friend to go jogging with.
Weni : Why don’t you join me tomorrow ?
Does Puti Go Jogging ?
a. Yes, she does c. She usually does
b. No, she doesn’t d. She certainly does

13. Selly : Where is the biology book?

Librarian : It's over there
Selly : …………
a. It’s okay c. Never mind
b. Thank you d. You’re welcome

14. Shiva : You are Lia, aren’t you? Hi …………

Lia : Hi, Shiva. Oh I am just fine. How about yourself?
Shiva : I am fine, too. I am working for that office now.
Lia : Really? How lucky you are!
a. Where do you live now? c. Do you remember me?
b. How have you been? d. Do I look great?

15. The following are expressing to ask for opinion, except …………
a. What do you think about this? c. Do I look good in this?
b. What do you mean by this? d. Does this suit me?

16. Mr. Handoyo : Anton, what is the matter with you? You do not look well this morning.
Anton : You are right, Sir. ………… I think I get cold.
Mr. Handoyo : You’d better take a rest at home, then.
a. I do not feel too well this morning c. I am okay
b. I am just fine d. I do not feel bad

17. Ruly : Hello, I am Ruly. ………… ?

Adi : Hello. My name is Adi. Pleased to meet you.
Ruly : Pleased to meet you too, Adi.
a. What is the matter with you c. How are you
b. What is your name d. Are you a new student

18. Ferly : Romy, this is my sister, Vivian.

Romy : ………… ?
Vivian : How do you do. I have heard so much about you.
a. How do you do c. How is your life
b. How are you d. What is up

19. Citra : Excuse me, where are the students?

Dita : …………
Citra : Thank you.
a. They are in the library c. They are in the canteen
b. They are in the language laboratory d. They are in the classroom

20. Sinta : ………… Ratna?

Ratna : She is a nurse.
a. Who is your mother c. What does your mother do
b. Where is your mother d. What does your father do
21. Neni : Would you like to accompany me to the shop?
Rina : ………… I want to buy some snack too.
Neni : OK, then. Let’s go!
a. I’m not sure c. certainly
b. Sorry d. I have doubt

22. Anang : Did you do the test very well, Andi?

Andi : ………… I don’t have a hope of getting even 50.
Anang : But are you sure?
Andi : Absolutely. Not a hope!
Anang : Don’t worry too much. Next time better.
a. Sorry c. I’m sure
b. Certainly d. I’m not so sure

23. Doni : I see that you bring so many books Elsa, may I help you?
Elsa : ………… You are very kind, Don.
a. Certainly c. No, thanks
b. Really? d. I’m sorry

24. Hilya : I am hungry mom, ………… please ?

Mother : Sure. The delicious meals are ready on the table for you, dear.
a. Can you give me a drink c. Will you have to eat
b. Could you give me some meals d. Do you want to eat

25. Nando : …………a glass of coffee?

Early : Yes, please. That’s very kind of you
a. Could you help me c. Can you make
b. Would you like d. Shall I have

-o0( GOOD LUCK )0o-

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