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Above the Sequence


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“There are some things that make it easier to be ‘infected’ the more you know.’”

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I like to refer to that level as ‘Above the Sequences.’ There are also a number of true deities who name it
in other ways. Some call it ‘Great Old Ones,’ others refer to it as ‘Outer Deities’ or ‘Cosmos.’

— Amon

on Chapter 1223

Amon uses the word "Above the Sequence" to refer to a level above sequence 0. Other gods have given
it other names such as 'Great Old Ones', 'Outer Deities', and 'Cosmos'. Currently, we are using 'Great Old
Ones' to refer to those that resided on earth, and 'Outer Deities' or 'Cosmos' for those that come from
The Cosmos.

According to Second Blasphemy Slate, to reach this level, one needs to become sequence 0 of one of the
pathway groups, accommodate the corresponding Sefirot, and accommodate the uniqueness and at
least one sequence 1 characteristic of each pathway. Because there are 9 Sefirot on earth, there can be
9 "Above the Sequence" on earth.

There are countless Outer Deities in the cosmos, and nine of them are casting gazes on Earth. How outer
gods reach this level is currently unknown, except a few that were directly born from The Original
Creator, including Mother Goddess of Depravity, Mother Tree of Desire, and Son of Chaos. Based on
Seven Pure Lights' description, the pathway groups and Sefirot that were attracted to Earth are only a
part of their power.

Advancement Condition

Titles of the 9 Above the Sequences

The Three Pillars

List of "Above the Sequence" Gods


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Advancement Condition

There is no advancement ritual required to become an Above the Sequence and no ritual can change the
awakening of The Original Creator's will, but the Ancient Sun God believes that the order of
accommodation can improve self-awareness to some extent and enhance the success rate:[1]

Become the God of one pathway, then control and accommodate the Sefirot, and, lastly
accommodate the additional uniqueness. This is the best method.

Become the God of two pathways, then control and accommodate the Sefirot, and, lastly,
accommodate the uniqueness. This approach is neither the best nor the worst option.

Accommodate the Sefirot last. This is the worst option.

Titles of the 9 Above the Sequences

№ Full Title Pathways Sefirot

1 Lord of the Mysteries, King of Space-Time, Beacon of Destiny, Embodiment of Sefirah Castle,
Dominator of the Spirit World




Sefirah Castle

2 God Almighty, Creator, Maker, The Omnipotent and Omniscient, Lord of the Astral World




White Tower

Hanged Man

Chaos Sea

3 Eternal Darkness, Singularity of All, Space-Time-in-One

[Note 1]



Twilight Giant

River of Eternal Darkness

4 Goddess of Origin, Mother of All, Brood Hive of Filth



Brood Hive

5 The Anarchy, Shadow of Order

[Note 2]

Black Emperor


Nation of Disorder

6 Calamity of Destruction, Origins of Disaster

[Note 3]


Red Priest

City of Calamity

7 Father of Devils, Lord of Deviants, Source of Curses



Tenebrous World

8 Demon of Knowledge, Arcana of Madness



Knowledge Moor

9 Key of Light, Endless Disorder, Incarnation of Fate

Wheel of Fortune

Key of Light


This Above the Sequence is not pure, only half of it. And the rest of it can't be merge unless the end of
the universe is approaching.

This Above the Sequence is not pure. Most of it is in the depth of the universe, which is one of the Outer
Deity, Indefinite Fog, the remaining part of the Son of Chaos.

The second-level gods and dominators belong to the rest of the Eternal Darkness.

The Three Pillars

After the Original Creator split into pieces, the Three Pillars stood above all the Great Old Ones, namely:

God Almighty, The Omnipotent and Omniscient

Lord of the Mysteries, King of Space-Time

Mother Goddess of Depravity, Origin of Evil

The number of authorities has a certain connection to level and status, but not entirely. The
corresponding characteristics, power, and symbols are equally important.
Currently, the first two Pillars still exist in the form of Sefirot. The Outer Deity Mother Goddess of
Depravity was once the third Pillar, but the Original Creator's fission and convergence were powerful
enough to break the Sefirot into pieces. Part of the Sefirot was torn from her and became the Brood
Hive, which was attracted to Earth along with the Mother Pathway and Moon Pathway. Then Mother
Goddess of Depravity became no much different from the other Outer Deities, only her symbol as a
pillar remains.

There is also a fourth pillar, representing the end of everything, including the Great Old Ones and the
cosmos itself. It corresponds to the River of Eternal Darkness and the City of Calamity. If the Great Old
One became the fourth pillar, He will either fall into a deep slumber, be forced to split up or cause the
end of the whole cosmos including Himself. Due to the existence of the fourth pillar, pathways of the
Eternal Darkness group and the Scourge of Destruction group are exchangeable.[3]

The Evernight Goddess learned from the Ancient Sun God that a Pillar is the highest level where an
individual can remain stable. However, if even one extra Sefira was contained, the individual would
inevitably be controlled by the instinct of Convergence and seek to merge with others. This process
cannot be reversed.[4]

List of "Above the Sequence" Gods

Great Old Ones

✞ God Almighty

✞ The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth

Outer Deities

Mother Goddess of Depravity

Mother Tree of Desire

Son of Chaos

Indefinite Fog (The remaining part of the Son of Chaos)

Primordial Hunger

Ring of Comeuppance

Supernova Dominator

Inextinguishable Ravings
Monarch of Decay

High-Dimensional Overseer


Chapter 1387

From Author's Note:

Chapter 1347

Chapter 1369


Above the Sequence



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A Fandom user


Do the Great Old Ones need faith?

A Fandom user


No, They do not need faith if they are at their top condition
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A Fandom user


So if theres an Above the Sequence, there can be no Sequence 0 and Sequence 1 in all affected
pathways right?

A Fandom user


The lack of uniqueness means no Sequence 0 but the Sequence 1 of the neiboring pathways still exist,
Above the Sequence need 1 Sequence 0(3 of the same Sequence 1) e 1 Sequence 1 of each neiboring
pathways to accomodate the uniqueness.

For example Zaratul wanted to help Amon because he would keep his sequence 1.


“To ‘Him,’ you becoming a Great Old One means that ‘He’ will definitely perish. However, if Amon
becomes one, as long as ‘He’ expresses ‘His’ loyalty, ‘He’ can still retain ‘His’ present level and status. A
Lord of the Mysteries still requires an Attendant of Mysteries.

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A Fandom user


Klein: LoTM

Evernight: Eternal Darkness

Roselle: Anarchy
Adam (ASG): GA

Above the Seq will be dominated by modern time people.

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A Fandom user


My brain went boom reading all this

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A Fandom user


Are the Outer Deities from pathways other than the 22 pathways ?

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Don't include Mother Goddess of Depravity, Mother Tree of Desire and Child of Chaos. Since they are
created by the Original Creator. As for the other, yes maybe. As explained, Outer God cast their eyes on
earth because of law of convergence but it affect Mother Goddess of Depravity, Mother Tree of Desire
and Child of Chaos more than the other Outer God. Presumably the other outer God is of other pathway
but the authority they wield has some similarities with some of Earth Pathway hence law of

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A Fandom user


so if evernight goddess became fourth pillar it would be gg to cosmos?

A Fandom user

Not clear but my speculation is that her power will be incomplete

A Fandom user


It would be a reset !

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Something I'm a bit curious about regarding the old ones..we know of the three pillars, but are there
others that may relate to the western continent?

Not sure if I'm remembering this right but I vaguely recall hearing somewhere that the sealed off
western continent had different beyonder pathways. Wouldn't it then, presumably, have different
above the sequence figures?

Though I'm not sure how that would work or why we haven't heard about them in that case. Potential
sequel fodder if it's true but did I misunderstand something about the beyonders of the western

A Fandom user


In the last Author's Word (it's on the wiki, so you can look it up), Cuttlefish states that the Western
Continent doesn't have Sequence 1 Characteristics (which means that they don't have Sequence 0 since
you need three Sequence 1 Characteristics), and that the presence of the Sefirots changed things.

Apparently, the Western Continent has Orthodox Cultivator Sect that are centered on the Sefirot and
Demonic Sects that uses the Sequence 9 through 2 Characteristics.

And this is my speculation, but since the Western Continent never found the Blasphemy Slates (one was
made when God died and was with ASG, while the other was made when ASG died), it's likely that the
reason those Sects are Demonic is that they are making the wrong potions and mixing Characteristics of
non-neighboring Pathways.



Thanks for the reply and intriguing speculation. Also for the info about the author's note, a lot of
interesting information there. Really looking foward to the sequel

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A Fandom user


So when Klein becomes LoTM, he become a pillar, right ???

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Giovanni Saccilotto


Did Klein becomes the Lotm by the end of the novel?

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No clear indication, still unknown

A Fandom user


He became half of the LOTM before he went to sleep. He has all the authorities, but hasn't
accommodated the Sefirot Castle.

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A Fandom user

Other than LOTM and GA, are the rest of the above the sequence titles merely theoretical in-universe or
have any of the other 7 ever been filled by someone? (Other than the Original Creator)



Aside from LOTM and GA, so far based on the information in the novel alone, there aren't any other
titles ever been filled by someone. They are all titles researched and eventually determined by ASG, in
terms of what pathways go together to be able to form an Old One.

Keep in mind aside from LOTM and GA, in Early 1-2 Epochs, there is literally no pathway systems, it's just
creatures instinctively converging and diverging trying to prolong their own life and stay away from
insanity (with most mythical creatures failing, and becoming insane).

It's only after ASG came along, became the closest to Old One (still almost woke up GA inside of him),
was he able to have the ability to actually research the Sefirot and pathways.

A Fandom user


So all this is merit of ASG !

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A Fandom user


From what I understand becoming the fourth pillar doesn't cause the calamity by itself does it?

It's the attraction to the pathways of Calamity of Destruction leading to one's eventual downfall.

And what's up with the stability of the individual? Does that mean that even if pillar dies further
generation will invevetably merge and resurrect the original?

Doesn't that confirm that the one to be eventually resurrected is the Original Creator (all original pillars
were His splinters), and not oneself?

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I think you have a slight misunderstanding. Once you become the 4th pillar, you become destruction
incarnate - it causes everything to be destroyed including yourself. You cannot be a 4th pillar and
remain. That's why it's a hidden one that no one should aim for.

4th pillar = unreversably unstable (once you become, there is no way to stop from destroying everything
whether you like it or not).

Example: When Evernight ascends to be an old one, there will be an attraction to "city of calamity" and
high level chars BUT no one can force her to take them in even if they are in front of her. She still has the
ability to ignore it and just leave it.

A Fandom user


Also, adding on to the answer above, symbolism is very important at high sequences. For example,
Sauron-Einhorn-Medici is a symbol of war, and so when he showed up, the war started in Backlund. So
you can see that when the Fourth Pillar comes into existence, it symbolizes the end of all things--which
will come about due to its existence.

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A Fandom user


which chapter is Above the sequence revealled



beginning of Volume 6. but the detail info wasn't revealed until later in volume 7 so it's still a long way
to go~

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A Fandom user

Can anyone explain the 3 or 4 pillars better? does the first pillar only include the GOD pathway or does
it also include the Phandom of Knowledge pathway? Where does the Key of Light pathway correspond
to? Are the Anarchy and Father of Devils groups also part of the 3rd pillar or do they not correspond to
any pillar?

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The three pillars are the strongest Above the Sequence. It corresponds to a single pathway group. All the
other six Above the Sequence are far beneath the three pillars.

The theoretical fourth pillar is assumed to be either an Eternal Darkness or Scourge of Destruction that
manages to accommodate the sefirot of the other as their second sefirot. So if Evernight becomes an
Old One, the Eternal Darkness, she could, theoretically, become the fourth pillar by accommodating the
sefirot of the Scouge of Destruction group, the City of Calamity.

(Edited by Schwarzsäule)

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A Fandom user


In which chapters were all these names of Above Sequence revealed ???

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I assume you ask because you don't read raw chapters... keep reading, you not there yet.

A Fandom user


is it translated or no if not then how soon?

A Fandom user


if you mean the official WN translate its still far man, ifyou reading it in webnovel or Your favorite
pirated website, then its still 3 months or more from now. These above seq revelaed around the end of
volume 7, the EN translation still havenot reached Klein liberated the peoples from forsaken land of god

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A Fandom user


So has Evernight Goddess become Above the Sequence Eternal Darkness now he got full 3 uniqueness

A Fandom user


I'm not sure. She'll have to absorb corresponding Sefirot to promote. Does she have it? It doesn't stated

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No. She needs full control of River of Eternal Darkness as the foundation first. And then filled the
foundation with the Uniqueness. Without foundation, she's still not an Above the Sequence.

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But why haven't we ever heard about someone from the Eternal Darkness and City of Calamity Group
exchanging pathways? It has never been mentioned up until now, all we know is that pathways within
the same group are interchangeable at high sequences.

A Fandom user

Don't you remember Salinger, the second Death? That is probablly how he went half-mad .

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A Fandom user


I wonder if after someone becomes an Old One, if they're then able to get rid of 2 of their seq-1
characteristics that they used to advance to seq-0 with.

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Entropy seems better than Disorder isn't it?

Though... Never mind

A Fandom user


or you could use The Anarch.

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