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Key Takeaways from Reading Material 1
A brief outline

State of Modern Society

Industrial Sector
Healthcare Sector
National Security Sector
Environmental Protection Sector
The Necessity for Progress
State of Modern Society
Where we are today
Advances in science and its resulting technologies
have been a crucial lifeline of amelioration in our
modern society. It not just emerged in transforming
and making convenience to human lives but it also
helped in ameliorating some social issues and
concerns which consequently makes a continuous
improvement in society's four major sectors —
industry, healthcare, national security and
environmental protection.
Industrial Sector
Sci-Tech around the Industries
Most of the existing industries today
originated from new discoveries in science,
and creation of new technology. This
sector is heavily reliant on technology but
not all in industry depends on current
science. This suggests that not all in the
industry sector will be positively affected
by the continuous progress in science and
technology, in worse case some industries
might be threatened and die in the future.
Healthcare Sector
Sci-Tech in Medical Field
The improving quality of health services can be
considered as the major result of the intervention of
science and technology in the medical field.
Without science and technology, simple health
problems may bring anxiety to most of us. A very
timely example of the role of S&T in this sector is
what we are experiencing right now - the
formidable virus known an COVID-19. It has brought
thousands of deaths in a snap and the only escape
to this is through science (biotechnology in
particular) to develop a vaccine.
National Security Sector
Sci-Tech inside the Military
Making this sector benefit mostly from science and
technological advancements, has been a strategy of
the United States and other countries to strengthen
their power and gain dominion over war. Although
conflicts between countries arise rarely in our modern
world, most countries are still raising funds to upgrade
their national security through utilizing the current
science to create or innovate a new technology that
would help to defend their country to any civilian or
foreign threats.
Protection Sector
Sci-Tech in touch with Nature
Sadly, the environmental protection sector is the
one who usually faces threats & concerns as
consequences of the integration of science &
technology in human lives, and in other sectors of
society most especially in industries. In connection
with this, the modern researchers should consider in
their future studies the goal of creating or
innovating a new method or product that is more
cleaner,and more efficient — reducing the existing
ecological problems and preventing a new
environmental concern to arise.
Necessity for Progress
How far should we go

It is true that the existence of this sophisticated and

high level of technologies and knowledge in science
still does not resolve all the contemporary issues in
our society. In fact, some of these problems, most
specially in environmental concerns, are generated
and heightened by some products and methods
developed by science and technology. However, it
does not mean that we should stop or lessen our
support in making further study in these fields.
Instead, we should remember that science and
technology are still fundamental in making progress
which can possibly cover and lessen some of these
issues resulting in a better future society.
Nipas, Christian O.

Christian Onquit Nipas

0953 184 8157

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