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Date: August 16, 2020

Name: Kyla Jean L. Castrodes

Reading Review Entry #: 1
Title of the Article(s) or Author(s): Revival of GMRC a must these days by Itchie G.
Cabayan and Revival of Subject Good Manners And Right Conduct by Epi Fabonan III


Revival of GMRC(Good Manners and Right Conduct) is a must these days. A discussion as to

the proposal of reviving the teaching of GMRC and its full inclusion to the K to 12 curriculum.

Personal Reflection:

In Itchie G. Cabayan’s article Revival of GMRC a must these days talks about how she

wanted GMRC to be revived. She pointed out many reasons why GMRC’s revival is a must. In

her article, she gave examples of her own observation of how younger generations are today. She

pointed put the difference between the kind of generation we have now to the generation before.

She said that today’s generation had lacked the sense of respect and proper etiquette. She

mentioned that today’s younger generation’s level of discipline and behavior is unquestionably is

in its all-time low resulting her to agree on the revival of the GMRC.

In my perspective, I think her article has laid why GMRC should be revived. It is because

she had observed and believed that the attitude and behavior of the younger generation have

shifted to something that is not acceptable if we base it on the society’s standard of good

behavior. I agree that the younger generation of today have slowly lost the values that were long

formed and practiced. They have become too adaptive on what they see on social media and to
other people to the point that they had let it consume them. Their lenience towards those

influences has brought them to become individuals with no sense of courtesy. They have grown

to be somewhat acquainted with having no care towards other people which I think is not


In Epi Fabonan III’s article, Revival of Subject on Good Manners and Right Conduct, He

pointed how some people like Senator. Joel Villanueva and Batangas 5th District Representative.

Marvey Marino insist on integrating GMRC in the ESP (Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao) subject in

the K to 12 basic education curriculum. It is because they have observed the deteriorating state of

the Filipino values and manners among the generations of today.

Senator. Joel Villanueva who authored and sponsored Senate Bill (SB) No. 860 also

known as the Comprehensive Values Education Act said in his sponsorship for the bill, “We

can’t discount the fact that values education or ESP is already included in the DepEd

(Department of Education) curriculum, yet there is a clamor for the revival of (GMRC) in the

curriculum, and this clamor is indeed proper, given the realities that we observe in our manners

of conducting the affairs of various aspects of our daily lives as Filipinos.” Villanueva’s bill

mandates the Department of Education to revise its curriculum for ESP subject to include GMRC

as well as “clear, distinct, specific and concrete character building activities.” The said bill also

wants the curriculum expanded to completely cover all the grade levels because under the K to

12 curriculum for ESP the subject is only taught from kindergarten to Grade 10. He insist on this

because he wanted to end the deteriorating values among Filipinos.

Meanwhile, Batangas 5th District Representative. Marvey Marino filed a House Bill

(HB) No. 4681, also known as the Cumpolsory Teaching of Ethics Act. His bill wishes to

mandate both DepEd and CHED (Commission on Higher Education) to craft a separate subject
on ethics from elementary to college. It is for the same reason that he sees it very important

given the realities of how Filipinos now have lost the good manners and behavior that was once


In my opinion, the initiatives of these men are to be recognize for. It is for reasons that

they were able to allot some of their time observing the changes that has happened with our

culture and practices that has highly affected the younger generations as well as us Filipinos in

general. It just feel so satisfying that there are still people who still gives attention to these kind

of problems amidst other prevalent problems that our country is facing. As an individual, who’s

witnessed these changes, I feel that if more people would just pay attention to this, the danger of

losing the culture and practice we have would not foster.

As a future teacher someday, instilling good manners would a great challenge for me

specially that learners come from different background. However, it is my duty to help my

learners to at least develop good manners and behavior because it is what is right. I cannot just

be passive towards this. I am an instrument and I am given this mission therefore I will do my

best to teach my future learners the importance to respect as well as having good manner and

behavior. Respect not only towards people but towards things that also should be respected such

as food, belief, culture and traditions as well as other living things like animals. My role as a

teacher is significant especially that I will be part of the formation of my learners in becoming

well rounded individuals who will rule and soon continue my duties. That is why I want to

emphasize that GMRC is a subject that far more important than other subjects. Having good

manners is something more important than being good in math or science. Reviving GMRC as a

subject will be a step in hoping to educate the future younger generation of a lesson that they

surely bring forever in their life.

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