Prelim Handout-STS

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Science, Technology and Society (STS)

[01 Readings 1]

The fallibility of inductive inferences is often referred to as Hume’s problem of induction, after the philosopher David Hume.

Karl Hempel argues that the scientific method begins not with observations but with hypotheses. According to his hypothetico-deductive method
one deduces certain observational predictions from the hypothesis and then rigorously tests them further observation and experimentation.

Karl popper- theory of falsifications

[01 Readings 3]


 Prehistory
o Bronze age (between the use of stone tools, invention of writings)
o Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal age
o No ICTs
 History
o Individual and social well-being related to ICTs
o They record and transmit data, but human societies depend on other kinds of technologies concerning primary resources
 Hyperhistory – Individual and social well-being dependent on ICTs

@ means unit price

COBOL – stands for ?


Renaissance largely defined by four new ideas  Transition from medieval top modern civilization.

 Secularism – belief this world and life are worth studying and living for now, not just as preparation for afterlife.
 Humanism – belief that humans are not helpless pawns in the divine plans, but capable of their own great accomplishments.
 Individualism – belief that the individual alone, not just groups of people (e.g., guild), can accomplish great things on their own.
 – belief in the need to challenge accepted authorities’ views.( doubt as truth of something)


 Medicine
 Fabric
 Solar cells/ fuel cells
 Batteries
 Electronics
 Food
 Space
 Cleaner water/ better air quality


 Replication
 Transcription
 Translation

Glass- materials best describes greenhouse gases in global warming

Agroecological Practices are : ( ENVIRONMENT)

 Permaculture- an agricultural philosopy that allows us to use the resources that we have around us to their fullest potential
 Agroforestry- incorporate tress into the farmi g system so that the same piece of lands is used for trees, crops
 Forest Gardening- a low maintenance sustainable food production system based on combining plants and trees in a natural
woodland like pattern

Role of scientific culture to modern society was science should harbour superstitions to its content and its truth

DNA composed of Adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine

RNA composed of Adenine, cytosine, guanine, and Uracyl

 Please read albert einsten theory (special and general)

 AI that has created its own progeny that is far advanced than humans (search it on your own)

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