Methodology - 17th-Floor Tenant

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Methodology of Pipe-layout on the 17th-Floor Tenant’s Office

Phase 1
1. 17th floor's tenant's office needs to be inspected to verify location of the existing copper pipes.

2. Upon the office inspection, scaffolding will be used by the ac contractor and is to verify whether the
location of the pipes is on the open ceiling or on the acoustic type ceiling area. Two AC technicians are
to assist in the site inspection.

3. The final location of the pipes that went up into the 18th floor needs to be verified to finalize the
location of the fcu outdoor unit.

3. The as per actual location of the pipes needs to be reflected to the plan and have it approved by
the building admin.

Phase 2
1. Upon the approval of the work permit, we are going to proceed to the drilling of hangers for the
two 7/8 copper pipes to have easy layouting going to the 18th floor outdoor unit location.

2. Soldering of pipes after it is being layout is the next thing to be done the pipes. This is a hot work
activity and will require a hot work permit.

3. With all the pipes done, testing of it need to be performed by leak testing.

4. Lastly, covering the pipes of rubber insulation upon the successful leak testing is the last activity to
be done.

5. Kindly note that the use of scaffolding is going to be implemented as well as the used of personal
protective equipment such as face mask and face shield to ensure safety thru your office.

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