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Expressing Certainty and

Uncertainty in English
 If you are sure or not sure about something, you can use below phrases and
expressions to express your Certainty/Uncertainty.

Asking for Certainty:

 Are you sure?
 Are you sure about it?
 Are you certain about it?
 Do you think it is true?
 Do you think so?
 How sure are you?

Expressing Certainty:
 Yes, I am certain.
 I’m a hundred percent certain …
 I’m absolutely sure.
 I have no doubt about it.
 I’m sure about it.
 I don’t think there can be any doubt about ….
 Of course.
 I’m positive.
 I’m quite sure about it.
 I’m no doubt about it.
 I’m absolutely certain that…

Expressing Uncertainty:
 I’m not sure about it.
 I doubt it.
 I’m not really sure about…
 I don’t know for sure…
 It’s very unlikely.
 I have my own doubts.
 I don’t think so.
 I don’t believe this is true.
 There’s some doubt in my mind that …
 I’m not a hundred percent sure.
 I don’t know yet.
Making Requests in English

Making requests:
Will/Would/Can/Could you please…
Do you mind…?
Do you think you could…?
Do you think it would be possible to…?
Would it be possible for you to…?
Would there be any possibility of…
Would you be kind enough to…?
Would you mind…?
Can/could you… for me, please?
Could you possibly…
I’d appreciate it if you could…
Can/Could I ask you to…?
You couldn’t… could you?

 Can you give me the book?
 Could you please take off your raincoat?
 Could you please take me to the dentist?
 Would you mind opening the window for me, please?
 Would you be kind enough to repair my computer?
 Do you think you could take me to the supermarket?
 Could I ask you to take me home?
 Can you tell me what happened?
 Would you come to my birthday party?
 Would it be possible for you to come here at 8 A.M?

Accepting Requests:
 Sure, I’d be glad to…
 I’d be happy to …
 Sure. Just a moment.
 No problem.
 Of course
 All right.
Refusing Requests:
 I’m sorry, I can’t.
 I’m sorry, but …
 I’d loved to, but …
 Sorry to say that …
 It sounds great, but …

Making Offers in English

If you want to offer something or to do something for another person in
English, you can use below phrases and expressions:

Making Offers:
Can I…?
Shall I…?
Would you like me to…(do something)?
Would you like…(something)?
Do you want me to…(do something)?
Do you want…(something)?
Let me…(do something)
I can…If you’d like
I’d be happy to…(do something)
May I offer you… (something)?
I will…If you’d like

 Would you like something to drink?
 Would you like me to open the door?
 Can I help you?
 Can I give you a hand?
 Let me help you.
 Would you like me to answer the phone?
 Do you want some more tea?
 Do you want me to turn down the TV?
 I’d happy to take you to the airport.
 May I offer you a cup of coffee.

Accepting Offers:
 Yes, please.
 Yes, I’d love to.
 Yes. That would be great.
 Yes please, that would be lovely.
 Yes, If you wouldn’t mind.
 That’s very kind of you.
 That sounds nice.
 Thank you. I’d like to.

Refusing Offers:
 No, thanks.
 It’s Ok. I can do it myself.
 Thank you for your kindness but I can do it myself.
 Don’t worry. I can do it.
 I appreciate that but I can do it myself.

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