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Quantum Tao:

Transmissions from the High Self

Downloaded from the Akasha Circa 2018-2020
By Tim “Dao” Perrilliat

Copyright 2020
Intro: This is an unfiltered stream of consciousness writing of several philosophical, metaphysical,
practical and existential passages gifted to me by the creator once I spontaneously made contact with
my high self due to passing several tests of the hidden masters. I was not able to complete and put
these into an organized fashion because as the Tao gaveth, the Tao tooketh, due to my breaking
several spiritual precepts and not being enlightened and vigilant enough to know the true implications
of partaking and seeing into the mind of God also known as “Tao”. May the Tao have mercy on my
soul as I was trusted with the science and failed to embody it. May these writings be passed down for
generations to come to those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear the truth and cautionary
tales interspersed within. These are the timeless tales with no beginning or end, it is only up to the
reader what they will do with these teachings to enlighten themselves and others and leave the world
a better place than when they arrived. I was here, I will be gone, and then return over and over again,
until we are all freed from the wheel of samsara, the realm of illusion, also known as Maya, which is
the temptress we must all overcome to transcend this 3rd dimensional reality we all know as Earth.
Tim Dao Perrilliat

Each statement is a topic, each topic an elaboration, each elaboration a recurring theme, each recurring
theme, a pattern, each pattern, a lifetime, each lifetime a cycle, each cycle an opportunity.
The Dalai Lama, said not to be considered morbid, but as a bit excited or happy when he thinks about his
own death as an opportunity to confirm the levels of experience in the Bardo afterlife but also to see if
the process and methods in Tibetan Book of the Dead were valid, in essence he’d be able to put his life
long training to the test.
The goal is to enter the light directly without wandering into the highways and byways of the confused
deluded and unawakened soul states that are under the spell or drink of forgetfulness since the last
incarnation. They are held back in limbo, easily distracted by attachments, yearning for past good times
and loved ones, unfinished business or seeking justice, revenge, and retribution, for supposed
wrongdoings and deeds against the wanderer.

Don’t talk it, walk it, if you believe it, be it.

Shang- Di
Shang Dao
Mt. Shas-ta

Cancellations, neutralizations, skepticism, negativity, and doubt are the five devils of the true magickal
Gamble on man and loose. Gamble on God and win every time.
The place where rebirth is feared and death revered is the true Utopia.
To intuit, is to get “in to it” to receive the answer.
To wish without worry is key. To worry while you wish blocks the wish with worry because the
subconscious is being impressed or fed with a continual supply of more worry and not more wish.
So the receiving is the asking, and what you're asking your receiving. In other words the law works
without fail, whether you consciously or unconsciously get what you asked for.
What you align, with you combine with.

Mudra boxing and the syncing of powers.

Mudra boxing is the focusing the totality of all of one's senses and coordination into the completion of
an urgent task. The mudra finger focusing movement can actually hone and dial one into hidden
channels of energy, movement and power that will all flow together into precise automatic reflex action.
This can be done for any fast paced, energetic, locomotive, or accelerated personal maneuvering
however it is also essential for stationary sitting meditations, yoga poses, and one leg standing and
The mudra finger positions create bio-pranic circuit connections that are unique according to what the
person is doing and intending for that mundra finger position.

Focusing, concentrating, circulating, transmitting and storing.

See a miracle mind on miracle ground is where miracles are found.

Sacred space with sacred sounds is where great healing is found.

Welcome to our world where there is no suffering sickness or pain.

In God's name I thank thee I praise thee, in God's grace I praise and thank. I receive downloads and
deposits everyday.

There is always an x factor of one probability to all phenomena and that's the unknown miracle factor.

Dr Stephen Chang said that the most intelligent person can do 1000 calculations and will miss at least
one detail, and the most un-intelligent person can come up with at least one good idea.

Are you the part or playing the part , art is three fourths the part, and the last part is the fourth and
they're the fool.

The permanent happiness place is the place of no judgment no vanity no hate no ego no face no time
only pure expansive space.

There's nothing worse than wasted talent,

there's nothing worse than wasted gifts.

When your life is preoccupied with mind numbing routine actions and movement 100% predictable with
non dynamic interaction with no method or reasoning behind the action other than previous rehearsed
rote routine behavior what shell of a person would then be available to accommodate this hollowing out
of the soul. It's like the worm in the apple, oh so beautiful, shiny and lucious on the outside, until you
take a bite and withdraw the mandible full of the squirming offeasance.
Denounce one denounce all denounce none and you will never fall.
Negative thoughts people and environments are like a contagious disease. If you don't have a good
psychic immune system all it takes is for you to drop your autoimmune psychic guard before the
infection can take place.
Praise when I know what I want, and thanks giving when I receive it.
See, I believed it before I saw it, and so received, now I see it, that's why I get to see it, I recieved, when I
believed it.
There should be no talk of Magick unless one has a magickal mindstate. There should be lots of artwork
to illustrate a concept. A picture is worth a thousand words a symbol is worth a thousand pictures but
there's only one big picture, you. That big picture my friends and family is you are the big picture just
look in the mirror who do you see? Is it invisible or indivisible what you are?
As soon as it disappears it just reappears, this is what is called permanent tears. Are you putting wind in
my sails or trying to anchor me down? They say that depression is anger unexpressed. On the inside, if
there is anger with no action sometimes one may feel locked or blocked in as if in sleep paralysis. If this
pinning in or blocking was from the outside this would be intentional spiritual oppression.
The Dalai Lama said that anger is pain not met with compassion. So what are the actionable ways to
alleviate the pain? There must be some form of release or deliverance, cathartic, psychic or spirit wise.
The faster I tried to run out the entanglements the tighter I was bound to creeping vines of my
problems. This is like a chinese finger trap, by trying to pull the fingers out by both sides you rip the toy
in panic, however if you just relax and push both fingers towards the middle, the fingers can be released.
This is the secret, to relax and let the vines fall away as you step out the slacked pile that are now at
your feet, then you can excavate the vine by the root of the issue. The root must be addressed or the
trees and leaves of worry will canopy the jungle floor with confusion and block the clarity of decisive
action that’s clearly seen if one can gain a bird's eye view above the treeline.
Some have the features of animals however their heart is very humane, some look like normal humans
but their hearts and minds are savage. They’re fine when all material supplies are met, but soon as
there’s inconvenience, the neolithic genes activate, and the reptilian limbic system overrides all
thoughts of consideration and compassion and the energy is now ruthless nihilism.
The magickal mind state is the lantern in the night, the valley of the shadow of death in psalm 23 was
the metaphor for the darkness in the tunnel of no light. The light can be in the imagination before the
manifestation, so where did this light come from? This light in the mind, is the light inherent within.
There can be no mind without the light to illuminate it.
The mantra akasha dalai lama Krishna Issa Shiva Buddha Mandala Shambala Inca Sri Yantra Yah Jah Allah
all consciousness.

Some people retire or lose their jobs or resign and then feel empty, despondent and without purpose.
Some even go to beg for their old jobs back.
They were the prisoners who have been in jail so long that the walls of the prison disappeared, and they
thought they were free.
When they left, the prison walls reappeared but with them now on the outside looking in, wanting, as if
missing out on something important, or having the feeling of importance or purpose.
They could never wander freely without a care in the world strictly for the enjoyment of doing and being
exactly nothing, not even for one day. That is true invisible bondage.

the root of the cancer is the answer

people hate the truth because it hurts
if they see it, its ugly
if they hear it, they laugh
if they smell it, it stinks
and if they think it, they don't believe it.
A fellow path walker said: “you never know what you’ll find on the path, what you’re looking for is
looking for you.” I later found out this was a quote from the late Florence Scovel Shinn.
So when you find yourself, do you ask 100 questions, or is there a silent knowing of the presence. Do
you need to inspect, to know if this is you or not? Do you need to hear the voice, touch the skin, look
into the eyes, to know it’s you who you’ve been looking for? But it's been there the whole time, I see
myself everyday in the mirror you say, but what part did you or not see? The blemish on the face, the
teeth you brushed maybe, but you know as well as I, you never said aha! There you are! Because you
took yourself for granted, all you thought you were, was in that mirror and that's it. The thoughts, the
hopes, the wants, the dreams, oh that is something that was fabricated from the imagination, a fantasy,
the pictures that I have conjured in the mind's eye, I couldn’t ever possibly be...and so it is.
Feng Shui postulates that sick environments can make sick people by blockages of stagnated chi. This
foul chi can be blocked and damned up in urban dense populations such as in sewage pipes, condemned
and slum buildings, homeless encampments, under road underpasses, alleyways, abandoned
warehouses, drainage systems and defunct machinery. Life is movement, rigidity or non-ventilated
inaction is death. Pockets of collected turbid chi can become potential dark cluster pathogen if low
vibration psychic energy induces negative thought formulation, these can actually come to real 3d life
and do harm.

I'm going to the place where the voice gets heard,

with a freedom of voice, I sing words like birds.

Junk food is bad for your health, like junk in your home is bad for your wealth.

I never believed in old age, sickness, and death and still don’t.
I have never been old, I have never been sick, and I have never died. I am living proof of this.
So let's now invigorate, rejuvenate, regenerate, and reintegrate, basking in the radiance of the light
healing energy.
Trust is a subjective force that can be used over others with loving kindness and wisdom.

If one is forcing, one is not sourcing, which is the true act of sorcery, going straight to the source (of the
power, for the power).

If one is forcing, one is not sourcing, or relying on the source for all fulfillment. This is the true act of
sorcery, going to the source for the force. Stepping back and watching the power and glory of that force
to bring about the perfect idea or plan of the perfect design that you align with, is the pure force
channeled by source. The source is the force.

Wealth doesn't give health, health gives wealth as a vehicle of the source.
Source is the supply and the substance. Substance is the supply of source.
Wisdom is the application of the using the Sources force.
Ignorance is the misapplication of the force source.

I alchemize that resistance and baptize to upliftment.

One is depressed and one is refreshed, yet both are in one condition.
If I said I was moving into the Big Sur mindstate, what would that mean? People would want a perfect
description of that, for others the image is immediate.

I don't celebrate "happy death day", every morning I wake up happy re-birthday.

You make my life a holy heaven!

Don't be the most powerful in the world, be the most thoughtful in the world.

In the previous life, service was commanded, now service is demanded. If I said in this lifetime, "let me
pay what I owe", all debts would be due immediately before the ascension. So when it's time to pay,
give joyously with thanks that you are finally paying off that debt due, and getting in return that which is
due who hopefully in the debtors case is payment in full of all outstanding balances. So say what else do
I owe who else can I pay until there are no more bill collectors banging at the door of consciousness
demanding compensation.

How does the word "amaze"represent something dazzling or exciting when in fact you are lost in the
corridors of “a maze” in the mind.

Why do you say it is too good to be true when you are not true to your own good or you would express

If there's no reservation and no hesitation then there's no devastation.

The thought is like one stroke of the samurai sword.

Which one do you put faith in, the physical supply or the miracle supply?
Is it the faith of the Prince or the peasant?

The Principal, the Prince and the Principality.

A magick song for a magick spirit,

with a magickal ears for magickal lyrics.

Don't ask for what you're going to get if you don't want it.

Bless them with healing and God's light revealing.

To keep up the healing, keep that good feeling.

Don't stray no delays right away!

I give you the gift of self reliance and non defiance.

Life is for living, the gift for the giving.

The ball of tension's been released now we make the madness cease.
What are you preparing for? Nothing less than success!

I feel great, my mind at peace, I've escaped from the belly of the Beast,
I feel great, my mind at peace, I've escaped from the belly of the Beast.

Sometimes we go backwards too familiar terrain just to feel the pain. It could be found intertwound that
means your Spellbound. The tighter the grip you have on money the tighter the grip money has on you.

The Iching said that the root of all evil is indifference this you can well see in the ku figure in which there
is depicted a rotten bowl of worms. When left unattended to the apple of the fruit of knowledge falls to
the floor of indifference and thus acquires the worms of apathetic inaction in the face of rampant and
incessant decay.

sometimes it's better to do extra than not enough then say there he goes he's way too much. Speak the
word, feel the faith, not under law but under grace.

All dimensions interpenetrate one stacking onto the next building more layer texture and complexity to
the Frameworks of these realities. Dimensions one 3579 R yang Dimensions to 468 are you in. The prime
number or the indivisible realms are tangible, the even number dimensions are intangible or ephemeral
at best. It's aspect is mental, spiritual and physical to revise this to more of a triplicate construct as in
the 369 pattern layer applied to the specific.

You spoke the word now watch the bird fly! High in the sky, with no taking it back.

What do you know about a moon ring or moonbow the magickal rainbow crystal Legacy.

The unplugged atrix network is a paradoxical statement. On the one hand we want you to be engaged
and start the process but if you’re watching this right now, you’re not unplugged which is exactly where
you should be right now, in the natural organic real world matrix that the creator intended for us all.

We can only make contact by the level at which our consciousness can rise to the occasion. If our intent
is little or curious that’s what the demonstration will be, very small and inconspicuous. The larger our
unafraid acceptance of the imminent contact, the higher the form of the life, and the higher the form of
communication, information exchange and even psychic conductivity or alien symbolic language
transmission and translation.

One is depressed and one is refreshed, yet both are in one condition.

If I said I was moving into the Big Sur mindstate, what would that mean? People would want a perfect
description of that, for others the image is immediate. Does the Esalen Institute ring any bells?

Wealth doesn't give health, health gives wealth as a vehicle of source.

Source is the supply and the substance. Substance is the supply of source.
Wisdom is the application of the Source force.
Ignorance, misapplication of the force Source.

What do you do with a forest of drums banging with no ear to hear it?

What is there to hear with no ear to hear it? Visual: A tall forest tree falls but there is no sound just an
utter blank emptiness.

Lightning strikes right before you, boom! There’s the blow back of the wind and the tingling burn of
electric fire, if there wasn’t a deaf ear before, it’ll surely be there now.

I am agreeing with the divine being of the all eye seeing.

We banish malevolent spirit entities to the infinite wu ji void to find themselves and realize the error of
their ways.

You will need a reboot from the manufactured man to the natural.

There's no end to carnal desires that's exactly why it must end, the sannyasins would wrap their penis
around a stick in a knot to prevent this in their yoga.

Go to that place that is untouchable incorruptible within.

There will be a time in the future where we will be apologizing for being human.

Moonstruck sunstruck Starstruck hard Luck.

New show for Corporate says sorry your hired it should have said congratulations! Your fired! Now that
would be cause for celebration.

To celebrate our successes we will be going to the freedom festival.

I was sent here to study alien human cohabitation and I find it is easier for the public to start to
recognize the new reality.

Retreating into the recesses of our own mind to find sanctuary time.

Waking up is kind of like the bad psychedelic trip where you realized that your total concept of reality
has just shattered and there is no possible escape from the sensory chaotic experience but as we know
from experience the more you resist it the more horror dying it becomes be the more you accept and
immerse yourself further into the trip you then can begin to objective and analyze exactly what's going
on with you. So the way out is like the wave to escape or get out is to go through.

Once you are woke you are at your own wake to say goodbye to the old self and say hello to the reborn

What are the mysteries of the crucible offerings?

Don't analyze the Tao, be surprised by the Tao.

There's soul choice and karmic allocation.

I am a man made in God's image a God hologram. A fellow God Particle on the path.

The Magic of Believing It Works! The Law of Psychic phenomenon and the adverse effects that a skeptic
has on the magickal outcome or result. It's the way we walk it's the way we talk it's the way we look it's
the way we live the only way positive.

Can't you see how you dig your own grave as a debt and material slave.

Something plus something will usually equal something.

Something plus nothing will sometimes get you something.
However, nothing plus nothing will get you absolutely nothing.

Producing creative works will open unknown doors that normally would stay shut due to inaction and
over analysis paralysis.

Yang entity male and female

_____ __ __
__ __ _____
_____ _____
Man Woman
Yin entity
__ __
Continue this…
Let me tell you about a double bind conundrum: We have to eat, even though they poison our food.
We all need water, although they spike our drink. We all need movement, but they keep us in waiting.
We all need air, but they burn it up with fossils fuels for the progress of man THEY say. We all need
sunshine, but they say it’s too cancerous. We all need sleep, but there’s just not enough time for that.
Who runs the crazy house is it the madmen the wardens or the psychiatrists? The madmen think it’s a
crime to be crazy, the wardens think this is the craziest job ever, and the psychiatrists think everybody’s
crazy except themselves. The bottom line: there all stuck in the crazy house.
Indigenous peoples and cultures that are at harmony and peace with their personal natures and
environment have no need for organized religion. Their conscience is not at war with itself needing to
embark upon worldwide crusades to convert heathens to justify their own morally corrupt actions.
Conquistadors ruled by the sword while Jesus ruled by the heart, how can we follow the example?
Dao is free, Dao is me, Dao is Dharma, can’t you see?
If the all is one, then there is no compari“son”, or “compare I son” which would the offspring of the all,
the aquifer reservoir droplet. Anything beyond the one is a conceptual void which is your own
separation from the source which returns you with a sum total of absolute zero. This would be the
abyss, the former would be the life waters of the living cosmic ocean.


The 7 Realms:
There used to be a time when the master elders had full dominion over the elements.
My energy is like a tiger behind the bars of a zoo, pacing back and forth, glaring up and down looking for
an escape, no one dares to even get eye contact with me.
Are you a student? Yes. What school do you attend? Mystery. Is it a UC? Yes, Universal Consciousness.
What state? Mental. What's your major? Tao. Are you going for your masters? I'm already a Master. In
what field? Knock down, Get Up. Are you going for your doctorate? Yes a Witch Doctor. Are you going
for your professorship? Yes I profess that I am possessor of a ship that I would call a Merkaba.
Abiding means to subsist as if, ones whole existence depends on this. So when you get down and
depressed ask what's really left?
One of the biggest misnomers that you'll hear is that yoga meditation or internal cultivation practices
are lazy, vain and self indulgent. The contrary, the practitioner is at war with their inner selves using
herculean effort to eradicate multiple lifetimes of ingrained conditioned patterns of false learning, reflex
actions, and neurotic habitual behavior.
(Spiritual) Tao philosophy is food for the dragons.
After money, what's next... Power...When power fails, what's left...Magick...When Magick fails, what’s
left...Chaos Magick...the worst magick ever.
Where magick ends, religion begins. Where religions end, science begins. Where science ends, magick
begins, etc. ad infinitum.
There's the asking and the agreeing, you might not have asked for this reality that you know of, but you
accepted and agreed with it, that much is apparent.
Another message of truth, another truth massage for the brain, this could be compared to a tele-tactile
neurofeedback stimulation bringing peace of knowing, all circuits are now at rest able to relax.
A treasure finds the seeker like a trove is pleased for the finder.
All technology are replication of nature and all vehicles mimic the physics of animals. You could call cars
planes trains and buses mechanical animals. The horse the bird the fish the whale the crane, the
caterpillar, the spider, the dragonfly and the surfer.
With words of power that I put together, I could even change the weather.
Weather you believe me or not, is not an issue, I can float on the wind like tissue.

I am consecrated in the spirit of the origins not the end.

The end times is the end of their sin time.
As a permanent fixture I am sign post pointer of the way.
They say I'm a natural, what I do well at, and excel at, is my nature.
The bird excels at flying, the fish excels at swimming, the goal is to excel at a comprehensive
understanding of this nature.
The Tao is natural, that alone is worth striving toward.
The nature is what is apparent, a parent is one who rears, are we all not the offspring of nature?
Why do they want us to be ashamed of that as if the earth is an unclean pagan thing not to be revered
as the Mother of all known things?
Most children don't stay away to far from home that's why we keep returning to the familiar. We take
comfort in the recognizable.
We need magnetism not scepticism, one pulls in the other pushes away.
The utterly trustworthy truth.
When parents argue the children will not remember who paid the bills or who made the most money
they will only remember the words that do harm with hate.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin very difficult to walk the fine line as the penny rolls.
Look at the monsters, pointing the claw at the other monsters, calling them all monsters.
The prostitute professes that she is a professional at her profession to the Professor who is receiving the
professed service.
I say no to the construct and yes to the Tao.
Most people before doing anything are looking for certification validation and authorization before
lifting a finger.
There's the Divine selection appointment and certification and then there's man's appointment selection
and certification which ones more valid? Maybe we would have to be more industry specific from clergy
to civil office.
The urgent rate in which you see the clamping down of freedoms and liberties is in step with the rate at
which people are waking up to the truth of our natural reality and the exposure of the false power
brokers and fiat gods and their ultimate annihilation.

I'm not invincible, I'm indivisible.

Just give me the master code praise and bless

I've seen some things, neglectful things, disrespectful things, regretful things.
Humbling by force is humiliation, humans are humane but there are not many humane humans.

You can't be done with the cycles until Tao is done with you, paid your debts, then you have be done
with you like the Buddha.

My son said the other day that heaven is further than space.

I see the light of God, the face of God,

The grace of God, when I’m facing the odds.

Man’s word is like the creation of the universe,

It only takes one word to bless or curse.

One finds, the others search,

A planet forms, a star bursts.

Writing is the timeless task.

When life is like a chore, life is such a bore.

Must be another bad case of the “must's”, “I gotta's”, and "have to's".
You say you have rights, you say you have a voice, can you say the word futility?

I pay hard cash for my laziness everyday, at what point does it end? There seems to be no end in sight,
except in the "insight".

Force is the opposite of grace, like fear is the opposite of faith.

Did you know you erase your God given natural beauty by your own ugly thoughts and actions?

Some people think they are dying from a heart attack when really it's an attack on the heart.

There will be a time in the future when art will be a crime.

The futile error is the feudal society. Feudalism make your efforts futile.

Happy house sad house mad house which one do you live in?

When I sun gaze, and then walk into a dark room, and close my eyes,
I see the sun burned into my minds eye, bright as day.

When I walk towards a lighted area, and close my eyes,

I see the sun black as night burned against the bright background.

Backward light, forward dark.

This is the polarization of yin and yang.

The sun is one, and the one is Tao.

This will always be the Way.

Consecrated and consummated in the Tao means completed.

Tao has been attained, the skin of the snake has been sloughed off.
Most Taoists are not criminals but for some reason always find themselves in some type of criminal
element, in the company of thieves.
I'm rolling out of that specific paradigm "where there is no time".
“Where there is no time” is what imprisons the mind as if there was a dispenser of minutiae and not
enough to go around.
When I go to the place where there is "no time" that's when I'm sitting and forgetting and don't know
what time of day it is.
Immersion in Tao doesn't mean your "in" Tao, a fish breathes water but is not in the oxygen

What's more valuable the diamond or the crystal, and let's talk about why…

A vacation for you, is a vacation for me, another day from you I am free.

We wake up in death the same way we dream while we sleep.

If you say you have nothing, that's probably a lie,

bless what you got, and watch it multiply.

Insomniacs, count backward from 1000, trust me you will fall asleep, if you lose track, start over again.

I call synchronicity advanced de-ja-vu or dejavu-jitsu, if you can wrap your head around it, you might be
able to put time into a stranglehold.
Father time, your scythe is mine!
Don't think for a second, that the life and death gate passages that the billions of hominids have passed
through, will be any different for you unless you can believe, conceive, and achieve the possibility of
God talks directly to me through people.
The Tao is change, and change, is the only constant.

The Tao of the Tao

The path, the way, the Qi, the work,
the principle, the energy, the energy work,
the Consciousness, Creator, the Omniverse
the power, the word, the Om, the universe
the all, the one, the mind, the force
the deity, infinity, the pathway, source
the path work, the great way,
the great path, the great works.

The Om of the Universe is the Omniverse, the universe means one word, and that one word means Om.

Omnimity of the omnibus, is anonymity of the anonymous,
When infinity is onto us, ponder, trust your wanderlust.

The Dirty Dao 11

Say goodbye to man and hello Dao!
In Dao, out of man. In man, out of Dao.
Did you Dao then, or Dao later?
Or only Dao, every now and then?
Or do you only do Dao with a friend?
Or only use Dao to mend relationships that end?
Save up a little Dao, and with some Dao save up to spend?
The Dao, only now, is what we vow, until the end.
My shaolin friends are only Chan(meditation), Wu(tao), and Chen(tai chi).
We’re all Wu Dang Tao to the end, until the Dang Tao ends with a Wu!
Every day Dao is unpacking, resolving and dissolving, not adding, formulating and entangling.
Quantum time is real time or eternal now time linked with all time or forward and backward time. All
souls are time locked to the signature wave pattern of their local solar system, synchronized with the
galactic heart of the galaxy. This is the secret to tesla's time travel, you must be synced up with the
galactic core. This core actually looks bright but in fact is the demiurge or a black hole sun engulfing and
devouring dying and turbid light. This signature pattern is one time and unique based upon the previous
flow and catch up flow of previous and yet to come quantitative existence.
Something will just have to come from nothing, because the everything can't just be something. It would
crowd everything out, be full of itself. If the everything was nothing, than you wouldn't know it, because
you would need something to compare it to.
In the beginning there was nothing (potential kinetic energy) and then there was....something! (The big
bang, chain reactive fusion energy) Quantus scattered and superstrings ejected, threads of reality are
weaved into existence as connective webs of entanglement. The red hourglass stomach, on the black
widow spider, is the symbol of the gestational bagua reality, of a newly formed yin yang realm.
Time, space, reality, the hour glass, the stomach, the ba gua...continue this topic…
Happy Winter Soulstice!
I feel the warmth melt the ice!
Happy Spring, Equinox Greetings!
I can hear the spring bird singing!
Happy Summertime Soulstice!
No more wind and rainy coldness!
Happy Fall, Equinox Harvest!
A brighter day after night that's darkest!

If I gave you the secret, gave you the key, would you ask a hundred questions before you let them set
you free?
Everybody has to be famous or known for something, let me be known by the Tao and nothing else.

What I align with, I combine with.

Energy discovered is energy clarified.

Energy uncovered is energy rarified.
As caretaker of the earth I'm here to regenerate the "Garden".

You get a response from the Tao by genuine sincerity the same way a man sublimates himself under a
woman in courtship to win her hand in marriage.
Your involution is your energy containment and your evolution is your energy expansion. The Magus is
set to return and they are all deathly afraid.

When your friend is happy we celebrate that, when they’re sad we empathize with that. Your friends
happiness is your own and so is their sadness. How could it be otherwise if your truly friends?
How many people can you honestly say, have friends that would die for them?
You know what to know what cops do sometimes? The will try to pull someone over and when that
person takes off quicker than they can pursue they will pull the car over that was next to it, just so they
don't lose face, say that you could be associated with the car.
When there's trickery in there sometimes it's psychic and sometimes synchronistic the ultimate is
psychic synchronistic.
Were all homeless until we go back home. Where can you go that is safe from change? Where can you
go that is permanent? There is only long abiding and long sleep with activity in between, where is the
final resting place?

Timothy, Thotmiy, Thothmes, Hermes, Trismegistus, Timotheus, Theus, Thoth, Tehuti, Tuo’ Te’
(Chinese), Theos, Theology.
Timothy was a saint and Thoth was a god, so Thoth is the god of saints.

My lips are sealed and my heart is open, to the closed minded, and star blinded.

What I align with, I combine with, what I pay attention to, increases.
Because I “paid it” attention, I get the reward of intention.

If it rhymes with, it aligns with.

The blood moon, the blue moon,

the harvest moon, the super moon,
the quarter moon, the half moon,
the old moon, the new moon.

There’s many things I can do without, but not without Tao.

It’s very concerning that a family member would rather suffer, than believe there are close quarter
members who can heal them.
The three fox spirits of doubt, non-belief, and skepticism are the enemy of the healer sage.
Demagnetized, demoralized, and devalued, the very people he (loves and) wants to save, would rather
dig their early graves.
My final thesis, dissertation and ultimate graduation, will be the magna cum laude of my own swan
song. A final curtain call at the Magnum Opus Theater of Great Works called the Alchemical Canon Dao
Rites and passages for the life of savages.

They say when the student is ready the master appears,

but when the master appeared, the student disappeared.

I know longer think, I know, I no longer talk, I do.

What I do, is what I am, and what I am, is what you see.
What you see, is not all of me, but part of me,
or part of eternity, that eternal infinity.

Affinity means the likeness and quality of matching energies.

The energy of entities you feel connected to.
Your like me, I’m like you.
Like attracts like. It takes one to know one too.

Birds of a feather flock together, but fair weather friends, will leave you in the wind.
The wind is more your friend, than a friend that sins, and wants you to follow him, just on a whim.

Infinite sparks of divine parsecs,

parsed out as particulate participants,
in a participatory party, for particular partners,
partitioned in parlors, parascoped and paragoned.

The souls of the original hybrids are now the deities if the underworld casting souls through the same
judgement that they had been victim to repeating the cycle. This is not new information but a new
presentation. As an infinite spark of unitary consciousness we understand that each entity incarnates for
their highest learning and growth and to clear karmic debt. My convictions are sealed and cemented by
first hand experience.
Quantum Tao. it's not only the Killswitch there's the mental switch the disable switch the cancer switch
the DNA on and off switch to initiate the benign or malignant states. There also the gates of heaven and
hell on the body, healing and exorcistic ghost points or gates.
My body broke before my spirit broke, my mind also broke before my spirit broke, I thought my spirit
was broke too until spirit came back to save me (through others). That's when I decided not to identify
with the mind or the body, but the spirit that animates the two.
Stop putting experiential template overlays onto other people. have you ever seen a double exposure
photo, or multiple xerox copies of pix, skewed over multiple passes of accidental juxtapositions?

Piscean- Perseus, person of Zeus, Perseus, Son of Zeus, the Sun of Zeus, the light of Zeus, the offspring or
Zeus, heredity or heir to the lineage, the blood line, the descendants of a god or gods. Also persecution.

Piscean, Pis, the plural for Pi, the letter π, used as a symbol for the ratio of circumference of a circle to
its diameter. The ratio 3.141592+. Vivesca Pisces, to circles interlocked into a figure eight and is the first
division in the flower of life.

Darshan, Dao Zhan, Darshi, Dashi (Grand Master), Dar, Dao, Da Mo, Pu-Ti-Ta-Mo, Bo-dhi-dhar-ma.

Tao asked me if I wanted wisdom or riches, I humbly asked for wisdom and Tao was pleased, agreed,
and gave it. Now I get the wisdom as the riches, and all the riches received, are from the good wisdom

I have family that had aspirations for me to be a healer, and I said, if the pen is mightier than the sword,
then the word is mightier than the sword, if I remove the “s”. Let thine words be used to heal and
Choose ye whom you shall serve today, fear or faith: Quote from FSS
Don’t try to speed up your reality through sheer force of will, to make things happen faster than the
heart clock, or your heart stops. The heart clock is heart locked, to the center of the earth, who is in turn
locked to the solar system, that is locked to the binary and trinary star systems, that’s locked onto other
quaternary, and quintuple solar systems, that are all time locked to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy,
that is time locked to the Andromeda Galaxy, that is time locked to the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy…

Tao in Japanese is Do, like Oh! Do in English is do, like oo!...Oh! So the Tao, is to “do”.
Don’t judge, but quietly absorb to gain overview and insights. Don’t resist a new idea or presentation,
just suspend judgement until you’ve fully assimilated the resonant energy of the messenger’s intent.

They say faith moves mountains, but negative charged thought forms and emotions can destroy whole
planets. Why do you think dark clouds can linger for days, weeks, months even years over certain areas.

No one is my friend, no one is my enemy, everyone is my teacher.

So if everyone is your teacher, will you do, believe, or act in any old way that a person teaches you?

...Yes, in that situation they would be teaching me what not to do.

Real time quantum drive downloads and transcription are what I would consider cloud or air writing.

Taoism is the first natural philosophical religion where I didn’t feel like there was one singular
authoritarian assigned by the religion it’s named after, to enforce the moral and ethical conduct of the
times. Like who is Tao, and what’s its origin story...Impossible I say!!! Wait, isn’t anything possible with
Tao? Yes with Tao, but what of those without Tao? Those who question Tao with skepticism?...Nothing.

From word we get world and worship, we also get worst and worry, so how should we work this out?

FSS said words don't return void when you feel like taking your words to lightly.
Not feeling to adventurous? Where has the adventure went?
To be a dragon you must be a rule breaker and a risk-taker.
Some people give small facts and details for retail, while others go tell wholesale.
My story of depression Alan watts inverted mystical experience and Carl Jung dark night of the soul.
The God body is the krystos Corpus.
The dark clouds and the earthquakes are man made in two ways...HelL.A.

You do your part and Tao will do it's part, but that's the thing Tao always does its part,
it's man that has a problem doing his part.

One of the most difficult tasks is practicing the science of golden silence.
it might be wonderful but it won't be comfortable.
Magickal money magickal gifts, unexpected money, gives me a lift!
It's not for me to know, but for Tao to show!
Very dangerous! Deliberate Tao resistance training.
The utter feeling of happiness I asked to go away is exactly what I got back when I accepted that man
has a right to feel happy for absolutely no good reason.
They say the spoken Tao is not the true Tao, so does that mean we can't talk about it? Maybe we can get
the feeling or the sprint of what the ancients original statement meant by this and use that as the
diagnostic gauge of whether we are in range of the energy of the sentiment. If I spoke of Tao in the
realm of improvement, how do you improve upon the perfected principle? So thus, this is not new
information just a new presentation. They say there is nothing new under the sun, to this I say yes to the
new day, the new energy and the new way. Yea! There's an old jail house saying that goes: Use the time,
don't let the time use you. The unified field theory is operating in unison one sun or one sound the son
being the root of sonic. The softness and pliancy of a baby is life and the hardness and rigidity of a
corpse is death.
You ruin your own good energy when you interface with the vulgarity of the outer world. Temptations
abound, that’s why God created the devil to weed out those easily tempted and seduced by the senses.
Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil, very Buddhist in nature, pretty sure this is the origin.
We are addicted, hooked to the same umbilicus that feeds us the never ending supply of emotional
trigger points to milk us for the adrenalchrome dumped due to the traumatic assault on the senses.
Just stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Society is built to break you down, they are trying to fix you where you are
not broken. That’s what they say in the military “we break you down, to build you up”, yes to be a killer.
I’ll take the nothing of Tao over the something of man any day of the week.
A lot of mysterious things happen in Tao, pay attention to the mystery and then you will see it.
The mystery is mystic mastery.
Natural Magick is the living interactive response of the universe. It’s the very life breathe of existence
When you touch the quantum wave, which is the connection to your super conscious state, the
sensation you get is not anything less than indescribable happiness.
Watch out for the evil programmed water, Dr. Emoto said that praying and cursing can change water
molecules just by the act into harmonious and crystalline images or morbid globular and blob like
A touter is a sales pointer looking for a retail sale. Analogue oceans and digital potions. Don't take my
words for granite because what I say is hard as diamonds. The Buddha is the only one that we know of
that has reached full Diamond body status there are others who have as well but they chose the path of
power instead of enlightenment and must return. Man made in the image of God and the Taoist
interpretation starting with man as the microcosm of the universe and show how starting with man
being a total containment of the one.
Zero expectation zero let down.

Chosen and gifted risen and lifted.

Words fall like rain through ill thatched roofs.

How many times do you go off the deep end before you realize that the end is too deep to recover from.
If you already went off and lost it it won't be found. It's OK to use the Tao because the Tao is getting
good use of you, believe that. You know I don't want to go Satori this and Simhadhi that but you gotta
do it to get through it. This is called dying to live instead of living to die. Live, die, repeat…

Thoughts don't just make things, thoughts ARE things look at the quantum particle collapse conundrum
and Dr Emoto's water molecule work. When people sometimes sit down to write they make a ritual or a
formal arrangement of it, this is an unspontaneous contrivance, is not your formalized style of writing a
result of overly formalized settings? People are tired of old financial models and the cyclical collapse of
economic poli-tricks, which are parlor tricks, to keep you from seeing the sleight of hand they use to
If you cursed it out, bless it back in. Everybody loses their patience now and then, bless it again, and
withhold knee jerk reactions to practice the habit of self control.
Remember, every opportunity is a test, every test a challenge to pass with flying colors.
Nothing can be destroyed, everything is transformed.
If it’s yours, you can't lose it, if it’s not meant to be, you can’t keep it.
Force is fakeness, to be natural is authentic. Your strength is your uniqueness.
I'm still trying to figure out what the big draw is for fine drink and expensive dining.
We drink, we eat, we p***, we s***, we should pay more respect to the bladder and bowel than the
fancy restaurants we eat at.
When you do Google searches for the facts, your words start to sound algorithmic.
Wise, wiz, wiz kid, wizard, wise bard, wise lizard, li-zard, light shard, fire chard, wild card.

The temple of God is also the house of excrement.

We take the sacrament and quell the temperment.
The sacrament is the sacred nourishment.
The excrement is the indulgent indifferent.
Stagnant pockets of deadpool congregates fill the pews of the churches.
Churches rhymes with lurches, curses, purses, searches, and hearse’s.
Cathedral rhymes with lethal, evil, fecal, people, and ego.
Temple rhymes with simple and dimples.

Why does sacred mean good and sacrilegious mean bad? Both are at the root of sacrifice, one sacrifices
their own life for the sake of others, and the other draws sacrificial blood in exchange for power.
Evil likes to burn, peace likes to smoke. If I have an opinion I'm being negative if I agree with the culled
group mass consensus than I'm being positive. So I am supposed to lie that I like something so I don't
receive the wrath of the mass and lie When I pass graveyards I create portals to cross over with and say
don't don't stay don't delay don't stay don't delay.
To talk about fairness is careless. Sometimes you gotta hold heat in these cold streets.
Expectant faces have pallets that's tasteless. Feed them drivel and they say it's sweet, feed them food,
and they say it stinks.

Tao accredits man, man accredits man, but the man who accredits Tao, gets all the credit.

The homeless man that looks with a vacuous blank stare is in Tao.
He smiles, points, and laughs at nothing, and speaks to people that aren’t there.
Happy in the rain, mad in the sun, the homeless man's work is just pure fun.
This is a fish immersed in water (Tao) and doesn’t even know it.

left and right

up and down
in and out
loss and gain
love and hate
pleasure and pain
good and bad
yin and yang
Don't forget that once you walk through Tao's door, you are a man no more. You might walk backwards
to check back in, and that's when you have to start all over again.
Nowadays there's no need to be cryptic, everybodies already a know it all, so even if they heard a
mystery or secret, they would still confuse a dragon pearl for a ping pong ball.

White sage black sage

white page black page,
white ink black ink
white think black think.

The whitefly plant disease contagion.

My only duty as scribe of the gods is the report the findings of the Tao, all gods are in anticipation for
The secret is to believe it before you see it to receive it. It's those who never believe it, until they see it,
that don't receive it.
Why does a yes no question turn into a story?
Why do people like to hear themselves speak? It's as if there can't be one moment of a quiet interlude
or everyone becomes uncomfortable.

Off with the wind ya bugger.

When I say Dao with a D that would be small actions or little practices if I say Tao with a T that just
means the way of the Great.
I have accepted abundance as a known fact in my life. We coexist to insist that we only support those
that assist.
The full standing Quantum wave means you made contact with the superconscious.
As you get older your approach to money should be the least amount of effort for the maximum return.
Here I am running around town looking for the perfect lemons, when they are growing in my own
backyard. Don't be fooled by appearances, good fortune doesn't mean go and burn it up. Now who was
it that said they had some "karma to burn"? That's why your tank is alway running on fumes. Why is
organized religion not fun? All the hands in the cookie jar turned them into crumbs.
Do not wish want crave hope or desire... Have you read the book of ive heard and they say? For the
realm of code it's total data overload. You got a problem Tao's got a soulution, Tao is the soulution. The
solution, the sun re volution, Soul solution...
Emerald tablets of thoth Dao DE Tuo te. my power is indirect goal accomplishments, capitalizing on
mistakes and turning losses to wins, negatives to positives that's a true alchemist.
I used to say where am I going to get my money honor and riches from when I know blessed well the
origin of all manifests. Those concepts are actually rather vague, if I was a bit more specific I might get
what I ask for, and when I do don't be surprised. Watch for what you wish for, it might come true.

For true magick, the mind must be magickal,

not desperate and tragical, but calm and gradual.
We focus on Tao, to make things actual,
We practice the truth, the Magick that's factual.

I took a step toward Tao and something hit me,

overwhelmed with it all, I stood in utter awe.

The mystic is the mystery, if you missed, then your history

I'm only energy, I can't be destroyed, by your iniquity.

The ass is the upside down face, the inverted focal point.
Imagine sh** going in, and fresh food coming out,
this would be the reason we have ass backwards priorities.

Looking down and not looking up, your bound to see sh**, looking up and not looking down, your bound
to step in it.

It's amazing how when you are forced to go to work,

you wake up with no energy, like just another day in the life,
but soon as you you call in sick or take a day to yourself,
it’s like boom! A mushroom cloud of positive energy explodes!
Osho likens this to the silent explosion of peaceful energy
coming to perfect point of light and stability after catharsis.

May the words of Tao, be proof of Tao.

The Tao can be proven, so go out and prove it for yourself...start with yin and yang, like everything else.

If I say something, let it only be truth.

The Tao is the gemstone, diamonds, and gold we've been panning for.

There's always a price for the cropping of a bamboo forest,

blood drawn from the cuts, cutting bamboo is the payment.
Praise and thank with them, praise and thank within.

My mind is like an oyster that filters sand for the pearls of truth.

Let my eulogy be (if i have one) to be the Great Book of Tao.

I have affinity with those whom I'm linked, by a non local mind soul group.

Who is Utu? Who's ogo?

I do the extra because the rest do bare minimal,

I do the extra because its never enough,
it's never enough, because we do just enough.
Don’t just do enough,because enough, will never be perfection.

The heartfelt work is the true soul searching.

How can you enjoy an Ill gotten gain? That's why those who take the oath self implode.

Cosmogony, theogony, philogony

The demon with the big belly and straw like mouth of the lower petta realm.

A little yoga goes a long way that's why we should do so much, much, more.

There is no place in this society for me in the regular workplace.

My power is found outside of here,

their power is inside of there,
so if I’m in here, I’m in their power,
If I am out of there, I’m in my own power.

Sometimes not saying something, says everything.

Quantify yourself, so no one else can quantify yourself for you.

All beings want the greatest good for their own, how much the more so does God.

You woke up this morning, you wouldn't know the difference if you didn't, things might be different but
then again you wouldn't be conscious, you would be unconscious, but you would have memory, you
would remember you had a life like your do now so… have you ever woke up from a dream that your
swore was real?

Wounded animals always attack those closest,

biting at the hand trying to free it from the trap.

Tut-Anhk-Amun, a man-boy made of gold that reflects the moon.

I no longer turn myself over to the unpeopled land of no return.

Keep writing about it, keep exciting about it,

Keep rhyming on it, keep refining on it.

Miracle rhyme powers causes spontaneous healing.

May those who find these writings be the trailblazers,

the ones with the true starfire of passionate purpose.

You went and got on my wrong side,

now there's no making it right.

The miracle, the magic, and the mystery, happen all at once.

The only medium of recording that will stand the test of time will be the analogue book.

Things of the earth require blood payment,

things of heaven require spirit payment.
If your not putting energy medicine into your practices than your works will be dead.
I don't live just to write about things, I write about things to bring them to life.
When you’re defiled it’s as if everybody knows it, like there’s some form of a gelatinous sticky mass
stuck to you that everybody can see, except you.

Atum, (A tomb), Atom, Adam (Shazam), A man, Amon, Amun, A moon

We came from the freedom land to structure because we had to much freedom, now that we’ve had
structure, we can’t wait to get back to the freedom land.

The mind is powerful, the same part of the brain that feels pleasure from the winning of the lottery, and
attributes it to the fantasy of what you could do with all the money the internet scammer is hoping
you’ll help him with.

They say there are no perfect writers, but there are those who write about perfection.

I told the security at my building, you better open the door for that lady, she might put a gypsy curse on
you, he said he wasn’t superstitious. I said you don’t need to be superstitious to feel guilty.

People staring blankly at parks unpacking lifetimes,

have you ever heard of a pre-life review?

Review one’d lifetime in advance of the panoramic review?

Some people decide to stay back, some decide to go,

Some think it’s payback, for the opportunity to grow.

Being at work is like being stuck in traffic at a red light for years on end.

My story of hitting the quantum wave and how it happened with the portals and organite and Dolores
Cannon's theory on the wave incarnations, purpose and reasons for actions.

Some people are natural orgone generators and are needed by people for positive and healing

Unfortunately, there are some people who know the power of your mind more than you do, in this
situation they are not worried. When you do know the true power of your own mind, they kill you.

If excessive wordiness is not Tao, why do the Taoist masters use so many words to describe the simple
complex way. The sound of the ocean is in the hallow seashell, the usefulness of the seashell is its
hollowness. The home of the hermit crab is not a home if you have to carry it on your back, luckily the
water makes things light, and nature's perfection makes things right, so don’t interfere.
low vibe attitude low vibe gratitude.
The truth and falseness of religion and how even if your religion is manipulated for geo-political
ambitions with adherents who’ve taken the true spirit of the religion and apply it to themselves
wholeheartedly, will still get a spiritual response from heaven.
QW channel identity with its own unique bandwidth wave frequency and vibration setting.
There's the mouth boxer the ghost boxer and the thought boxer each think they are experts in their
chosen field of expertise and will debate and argue you down to receive outside or societal support
finance and validation especially if it's a lobbyist for special interest groups, they get paid big dollars to
do this.
I am 3 people the person I am at work the person at home and the true person within. If I showed them
who I was, they would say that's not the person that I know.
For every new technology there is a spiritual equivalent or ramification such as the brain implant and
instant access of knowledge and the bypassing of the natural channels.
If I'm in the undescribable of the qw that means now i take that everywhere with me.
What is the salve for the slave, is it elavs or avels ? I think maybe savel or laves. The slave just needs to
lift the vales.
Back to the Tao I go back to the Tao I stay always always always.
Here we go again another day to flow with the wind.
Research Rumi and Kundalini.
Get into my quantum chronology of passages when they started and how they developed over time.
My understanding of the quantum wave was after it happened I had to learn about it post experience.
What I received was a personal experience and translation of what it means to hit the QW, this is my
personal story.
Everybody's waiting for eternity that's why I'm in the eternal now of eternalism.

I'm going to the place of happy hearts and happy new starts.
I am immune and oblivious to the anger contagion.

RTQD is not looking for good fortune or bad fortune, but using the is light of God to shine light on the
problem for further clarity and resolution. Right now we are looking through the problematic lens of
man, we need to look through the absolving lens of the spirit to deal with what's hidden and not readily
apparent to the plain sight.
Fully autonomous self contained unit of the one.
Mundra Boxing...
...Is not what you think, alot of the hand positions and finger movements are delicate and complicated.
They are used to focus the mind upon a specific energtic thought form which will be used to accomplish
a specific task. be used as program triggers for short energy burst release conjurations for specific tasks.
Those who hit the right sequence of neuro feedback mundra movements can unlock every secret of the
mind and body, those who are master of this are incorporeal, some of them are here and there
simultaneously and can step in out of worlds with this mundra yoga. These are the scenes that you see
depicted with Krishna, Shiva, and Vishu and the Pantheon of Hindu Gods with blue skin, heavenly
landscapes, and backdrops.

Ying Yang Reincarnation Chart of Return

1. Major fear (Claustrophobia, trapped, locked up, close quarter constraints.)
2. Strong love and passion for...(All things of the Chinese culture, Tao)
3. Physical characteristic, birthmark, or deformity. ) (Back of the neck)
4. Temperament (No nonsense, fun lighthearted yet serious. Can get angry quick)
5. Generous or Greedy (Mostly generous, more covetous of quality of time than material)
6. Loving, warm, or cold (Warm and loving, can have a firm streak though.)
7. Yearning for a place a person a time (The eternal now Tao, the ancestral home)
8. What's your favorite Halloween costume (kung fu uniform)
9. What kind of movies, art, music or games do you like to play?
10. Do you like nature or a city kid?
11. What do you identify as?

The Orbital Universe...

...A place where orbs are free to fly through organized patterns of energy waves and thread like
pathways of light. This orbs are disembodied spirits who've passed on and are traveling through the
intermediate world until their next destination incarnation. The orbs go through a butterfly life cycle and
are hence closely related to the earth and its magnetic ley lines of energy. Realization is the only method
available unto the spirit for self salvation. This activates its inner core fusion process and a vortex opens
with the beloved and angel guides channeling through to chaperone the orb to the homecoming.

The Albert and Mikey story. There are thousands of mantis species all with their own unique physics
characteristics, do you think their way of expression has been exhausted? If you think so you haven't
studied 100 of millions of years of evolutionary change and progression, nature only saves what's useful
and advantageous in the development of its species so we can consider a mantis a highly refined vehicle
of marital success.
What is apotheosis?
When people want to extract more than I'm willing to give, they get cut off and get nothing, and will
have to wait until what I have to offer is good enough. Two mirrors face to face, I am a reflection of you,
you are a reflection of me, and all are reflections of the Tao, this is Infinite Tao. Energetic Pace
controllers are of the saturnian energy the whole backers the stallers the resistors the obstructors to the
One of my favorite super heroes when I was a kid was the Silver Surfer, gliding through the eternity of
space through black holes, nebulas, galaxies and stars and was unharmed by anything, this reminds me
of our spirit.
The fitness in the forms is in the forgetfulness of it, this is Chuang tzu. The fitness in the function of a
shoe is you forget about it. This frees the mind for higher and higher pursuits, fitness of form,
forgetfulness, higher pursuit.
You can never get more than your subconscious knows your supposed to have. The shadow knows. If it
thinks its supposed to have more it goes out and gets more. Hurry I say with no delay! So we have the
one energy with infinite variations, so the energy is, infinite variation. Do a whole chapter on haunted
hollywood, the psychically charged vortex of every wanna be stars hope wants dreams and desires. We
can't talk about hw occult if we don't address the spiritual ramifications to the the total person when
involving oneself with these energies and principalities. The dangerous archon Pipeline Supply Breakers.
The conspiracy Godfather Pantheon black and white. Discovering in using the energy cheese that the ant
eyes used to keep us under control of their power. The shen is particle and wave the halo, the chi is
wave and particle the thunder bolt.
Bob Marley Muhammed Ali Bruce Lee all spoke on behalf of humanity, so you can probably say they
died for us. The devil is the loan shark and the sports bookie for loaned God power. It's not about what I
believe it's about what the person believed they experienced and how it affected them. The law of the
dragon is the science of reversals. The dragon is a law unto itself.they want to turn this planet into their
own world wide safari where the elite are the gods of the planet and will decide who will love and who
will die. Decide insecticide suicide infanticide, genocide, all rhymes with died.lets do some math how
many people how many languages how many religions? I only have one godspell the truth. All the
symbols of the brotherhood.
Of its coming from a pure place that place has an origin. I was a fish that saw the water. The secret has a
sequence and anomaly in algorithm. The algorithmic convergence is the indraw (indra) of all channels of
information into a singular point of condensed light. this is the singularity the spirit baby embryo, that
will give birth to an autonomous living being after a full gestation of the trueThe Dalles the science of
reverse operations. The frequency activated bioagent chemical activated bioagent gas activated
bioagent mortis activated tone activated light activated. When I say Magick that means to get an real
result based upon a righteous attitude toward the source of all manifestation, which is Tao.the best
mental boxers or swordsman are writers, the pen is the deadliest. The stress tension and frustration
comes from the mind trying to force it's surroundings to bend to its will with supposed to's and formal
privileges. Privileged means private vile ledgers with names allocated to their rights of imposition.
Bejamin freidland, somewhere over the rainbow, is the positive side of hollywood, there will be a whole
chapter devoted to the fact that if I was all positive we would only see the pretty green bay k of the
snake and not the light deprived albino belly that is hidden in the mud that it drags it's body through, a
water snake is the best glider so let's clean our act up and ride this out into the sunset. I there was no
juice no drama no sensationalism no mystery no intrigue no hidden hand and orchestrate then we
would just be seeing what's on front of the stage which is illusionary magic and not the real Magick of
what happens behind stage at the shooting wrap up or the after parties or the casting couches or the
temples rituals and and contemporary occultism and what they believe and practice in our times. ESP
Magick psi ball Magick shen Tao ghost Magick and exorcism ghost point acupressure purging and
The secret algorithm is the unknown factor the Higson Boggs quantum wave particle. Synchronized spirit
will inject a sequence of code that corresponds to the intention of the consciousness field. Alchemy
Magick rhyme magic lucid dream MAGICK out of body or spirit travel magick. Quantum download
magick. Kundalini Magick. Every topic will get a historical breakdown to introduce I will let the concepts.
Man is the archetype for all the animal species like the animal is the archetype and descendant of man.
Writing Magick Talismanic Magick script Magick automatic writing Magick number Magick gematria
numerology Astrology magick. Skrying dowsing gazing Magick mirror magick candle Magick tarot Magick
Iching Magick Martial Magick. Internal and external boxing. Cultivation practices private and public
standing sitting at ease at attention in relaxed for or posture can be used to cultivate the third eye of
universal consciousness show a guy standing near a bank wall in the sun eyes half closed with third eye
like a diamond head back against wall one knee up getting sunshine or leaning against a stone plant pot
standing legs crossed relaxed. Taoist Alchemy magick golden flower spirit baby magick thunder magick
rain dance magick. Magick animals and insects and ku animals and insects. Omens and Signs Magick
Synchronicity Crow Magick Spider Magick. Seed magick Effigy and shadow magick
The post apocalyptic predictive programming look at the new Lego movies... racism as the ultimate form
of conformity all people of color must conform to those of the right persuasion when immersed or you
will be eaten alive. OK some of us are a little ahead and some of us are a little behind but all of us are
right on time. Start a chapter with occult or hw occult 101. Manley maxwell cooper are the 3 kings
following the night star that our awakened consciousness was on the verge of being a boon to creation. I
will only show the positive aspects of a technique with a warning that if you reverse or invert any of the
processes you are consciously aligning oneself with the king of death and will have to pay the penalty
which partial or total soul loss. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking thru water and other times light as air
this is the passage through the portals of energetic cosmic waves. Portal magic thru people places and
things. man plants and plant animals let's compare the sex organs. Bruce Lee dragon family curse for
exposing Chinese secrets to the gwai lo. 3 Bruce Lee dreams.give everybody their due props respect and
credit find out rules about quotes from other books and limitations. The conspiracy Godfather Pantheon
black and white.
Hollywood catch phrases, hurry up and wait the Hollywood stop, show don't , show don't tell so don't
tell you're only you're only as hot as your last get it while the getting is good got the acting chops feast
or famine the starving actor always unemployed until the next gig the casting couch the the modeling
agency the dancer the entertaining the dancer the entertaining agency the spa the masseuse the
massage agency. agency. If this is As Above So Below then if this is As Above So Below then I'm the
galactic core Central amen God bless give thanks Dow. Dial rhymes with now pow how Lao child also
sow also cow and ow. Emptiness plus emptiness equals emptiness.
Double crosses the iron cross the double headed eagle
The Las Vegas residency is the retirement home of the has been popstar rock group and entertainer.
The ant the aphid insect milking domestication and true zombism, all examples. Dream interpretation
using symbolic metaphor analogy. Artificial synchronicity to urge one to by new products. The simplest
and most elementary is the cell phone game, which doubles as a weaponized surveillance tool and real
time data recorder, and backdoor social media monitor and ad word aggregator. The practices of the
great Tao are ideals unexpressed to become embodied as actuals when all accommodatable potentials
vector into the sustained practice or actualization.
The midi chlorine the mud bloods muggles and the royal bloodlines of the wizards. Sacha baron Cohen
the dufus dingle berry of Israeli humor and agenda promotion. The rules of the Devils dance and there
may be more chance Advance sacred. The godfather conspiracy pantheon are lifetime achievers not
lifetime deceivers. Mo pai fist or Lei chuan is thing of myths legends and the power of the gods. Arco
mobile Chevron blue and red cornerstones. Coupling and fusion of wisdom and power. Hollywood ghost
buildings pacific on wilcox. The secret symbolic language used to communicate with their order or
Brotherhood. See what's bad is good and what's good is bad that's how they weaponize your own
technology against you you said it was good it was for Progress they said it has a wireless connection
that's Flawless must be powerful seamless now tonight your sleep will be dreamless.

I can teach about having good character, but can't give good character to the person.

If I'm giving my grown adult child advice, and there is a loss of patience on their side, then my work is
done. If what I had to offer falls on deaf ears, than those ears have heard in advance, what it wants to
hear well before the asking of the advice.

It's when you know and show is when they want to stop your flow. They are intimidated by the truth.
They know their false appearance will fall apart under careful scrutiny.

Because were all in prison we perpetuate our imprisonment, with more prisoners.

If I quit my job, have to find a new job, is the new job, better than the old job, did I trade the old job, for
a new prob-lem? Is it bedlam or mayhem, or pet friends and playpens?

Some people want their old jobs back, some sit back and relax to the max, and some never get not one
minute slack.

When I think of my job, there's no where to go, there's just the owners and the owned.

To the winds of the Tao we set our sails,

when we sail with the Tao we cannot fail.
I owe Tao everything, so everything goes to Tao now.

dont look if your not ready to see.

dont listen if your not ready to hear.
dont move if you have any fear.
dont live if you just can't be.

one must be constantly mindful of the zero focal point, this is your self contained energy, drop your
attention for one second and your focal point jumps outside of your orbital self into Maya.

i dont worry about the how,

i just know Tao!
TAo TAo Tao!!!Whooo!!!

When it happens, I won't know how, but I'll still say thank you Tao!

The doctrine of the Tao is to forget self and pray for others.

Representation means re-presentation

When you have music that wakes the dead you know you got a good thing going.

Make music to wake the dead! I make music to wake the dead!

They see us like the fantastic Planet like little tiny resistant units of ohms ohms. The more mental force
the less martial force the more martial force the less peaceful force the more peaceful force, the more
harmonious action and response. Hollywood billboard space is prime advertising real estate that is first
reserved for the elite marketing channels they always get the front and center first billboard you see
when you exit the freeway market monopolization. Hollywood is the premier portal into and out of your
consciousness used as the main tool for mass conditioning, imprinting your alpha wave entrained
psyche, from the day you are born to the day you die. Haunted Hollywood and ahs hotel and the new all
female Ghostbusters movie. Another spoof of the paranormal like MIB taking important fields of
research and study like the quantum physics of the land of the lost and reduce it down to comedic drivel
to to demagnetize its importance to your life and attention. The interdimensional reptilian or hybrid
creatures Tutenstein, the slee stax.the bay area is groupthink and group sync. Everyone is so strong
willed and a fierce free thinker that this mind set is the new collective group think of the region. If you
don't group sync you won't group link. The group link sync is the all on board mentality, you will be
forced into this mentality at the risk of losing one's valuable social standing that everything now rest
upon once one realizes ones place in the intelligencia pecking class and caste strata.
Power phrase packet potential each phrase is a potential power packet to be unpacked used as needed.
The ghost or holographic imprints on the living organism that shows cosmic principles and patterns of
the as above so below correspondence such as the galaxy spiral on the head and the fibonacci sequence
in the flower and seashell or the 9 square lo shu on the Dragon turtle who climbed out the yangtze river.
Moles spots and markings could have several implications. The confused are many the enlightened are
few just like the living are few in the dead are many. The praised are few the blessed are many just like
many are called and few are chosen. I don't like preaching but I do like embodying the principles. Happy
is the root of happen, you have to be happy to make it happen. You have to charge it to enlarge it. The
ultra normalists the masters of mundanity.
Animal actions behaviors and copulation as are beyond thought and intellect, things just seem to
happen without any conscious intention behind as if the hand in nature is guiding everything for its own
needs and purposes of the propagation of life. This is Gaia. Show the new energy and universe models
how the souks dip in and out on a cyclical basis into and out of soul group and great groups back down
to the singular orb and the painting of prestige and one hope a that the title rank or association. Follows
one to open the exclusive doors of access to elevate of one the false position of power which is always
dependant upon someone else. I'm self realized not self certified. A thought form is a concept spoken
kind of like a word. You have to attach images to the word to make it actively charged there are no
empty words if there is a word there is a meaning. So a word is a cluster of images produced to
communicate a form in the mind with thoughts. Imagination, has the word magi in it…
T.A.O. The Alpha Omega, there are more people that are in Christ than they are in Tao or God. They
reached for the image and alas found it was water and it tumbled from their hands. Now that we have
more information to draw from within and without we would need to interpret the new information in
context to a more contemporary pattern of arrangement to better understand our position in space and
time. The deeper your commerce the more shallow your meditation. The quantus nothing can be added
to it, nothing to be subtracted from it. Tao's early Kemetic origins with the Ankh Tau Cross of the male
and female yin and yang principle. The Dance of Life the Taoist Dance the Dragon Dance the Tai Chi
Dance Freestyle Dance Urban Martial Buc Dance. The garden of eden and the neuropathy of self
consciousness of sex and race. All sports events are life force harvesting rituals, everyone below the all
seeing eye of the arena and the team owners represent a unit expenditure and they are the tool of
extraction. Tell them the concept of Taoist fishing.
What I have to offer is what I'm willing to give not necessarily what is requested demanded or asked of
me. can you please for a moment set aside all of your previous preconceived notions of reality and begin
to let sink in and understand that it has never been what you think it is.
The low energy people want to manipulate high energy people with to do all their work for them.
The yin yang algorithm one is organic and one is synthetic. The synthetic is bold but not indestructible or
air tight the organic has extensions that are non local, this is the q flux.
So to all the privileged out there, let me show you what a privilege get to inhale deep and
breathe air, you get to move any direction earthly possible, you get to eat and drink and not know
where the food or water was sourced from....

A spider operates by infinite patience waiting waiting waiting for the right moment to swoop on the
victim entangled in the web, same with the spider venom as it slowly paralyzes, this is also like the slow-
release leaching of contaminants into all areas of permeable membrane all areas of permeable soluble
fiber all areas of cellulose water or fluid retention.
Who in recent history has faked their own death? DMV chicks standing there doing the twisty toes.
Forces have been set in motion that there is no turning back, all there is left is survival and navigation,
let this book be a compass to help your life find direction. Let us explore the true ramifications of the
parasite and the zombie host and all the behaviors expected from their symbiosis. The lizard proboscis
the hidden controlling parasite and any other examples of miniature archonic invasive mind control. MIB
electronic remote control of creatures and insects for spying. This was done in the movie 5th element
with a roach. The Chinese were the first to codify lexicon and label the Tao. As we all should know, Tao is
not limited to the Chinese language. All language comes from Tao, and all people come from Tao, so
there is not one race, culture, or creed that the Tao is exclusive to. If you want to come to inspect my
spiritual tech × 3 my spirit tech make you introspect my spirit tech let's see how deep these rhymes can
get my spirit tech quicker than a fighter jet squeal! from the eagle squeal from the fighter jet..
When my body collapsed from exhaustion, I realized I had been running running running from tyranny.
The tyrants were after me, the tyrants were after me! The psychic self policers, the task masters and PC
intelligence agents have all been trying to recruit my energy for their mundane madness.
In the Tao, we avoid saying good or bad, we say smooth or course, rough or refined, mannerly or
The Tao is one energy not two, just variable fluctuation between the duel yin yang extremities. That's
why in the wild west there was a duel, didn't they say that, "This town ain't big enough for the both of
us". Two yangs face off and one gets transformed to a yin ghost, sometimes both, whenever a pole
reaches its extremity it flips to the opposite pole. Your close quarter all male law of the jungle state
prison pecking orders are a perfect example of men making other men their wives. Remember Tom
Jones? in his role in half baked when he had to go to jail and cursed the dirty jungle of love?
Hip hop get ready spirit is coming back for you...a juxtaposition with Classic rappers with a spinning
witch doctor in trance in full mask and costume while our heroes are rapping on the stage, king sunny
ade sample from x clan will play in the background, maybe some Zulu shouts and female tribal African
calls and tongue an echoey background...hip hop spirit is coming back for a finger
pointing from a witch doctor as the camera pulls in...eyes crazy. The sacred science. Digital notions on
organic quotients. The forgotten ones were the real heroes.
The Hollywood culture film notifications heavy traffic roscoe waffle and chicken a Starbucks on every
corner in a writer on a laptop trying to bang out a script in at least each one of them. Hollywood is how
they keep us marching to the same tune but who is guiding this brigade? Let's talk about who is guiding
and you guessed it as in produce and directing this shared scripted movie we all live in. A scribe with pen
can be venom, a scribe with pen can be better than heaven, the first is the poison arrow dart, the
second would be the transcendental pen.
I'm not going to wait to make a move after something bad happens, I'm going to make a move now
because it's already bad. I will weep I will mourn but I will be reborn. The cry of the spirit bird and the
wu siren are the worst to a devil. The ultimate archonic trigger is the baphomet pentagram and any
inverted symbolic variation thereof. Remember the inverted pentagram is the devil swinging its horns
two testicles and a dick at you. To a person of truth and righteousness whom may be in an emotional
charged compromised state might react to the image and argue confront or otherwise assault the
promoter which is exactly what the demon wants, for you to destroy yourself that way they don't have
to pay for it karmically they were just your temptors I mean they just triggered the option for you to be
able to react in anger or bottle it up. They already know your energy is full that's why they want it, but a
reaction creates a chain of events there's no pulling back. Death will be your best friend when your mind
starts to go there.
The spiritual people are non material fixated. When I'm angry I do a disservice to the planet and
everybody suffers around me.when you've seen venom heard venom felt venom you've got to then ask
yourself where is the antidote?FSS was the gift of the giver to help us realize the giver of the gift. I only
seek relationships of spirit, period. Let's look at the pie of energy investments with relationships with
family coworkers fellowships and random or civil duty obligation. Let's look at hygiene bathing eating
relieving sleeping, hobbies or preoccupations like sports and social media or episodic binging again
another reference toward digital addiction by intentional give the kids the keys to the candy store all
episode available seasons of big budget and think tank smart streaming for all hand held or electronic
stored media. Energy medicine is energetic science.
Now why would someone provoke you? To get a rise and get you to engage and entangle, they want
you to calibrate in and down and not out and up. I've now come to realize that the most powerful
martial arts, are the games that people play. They are deadly serious about their material supply and will
go down with a death grip to get it. This is an in built reptilian feature that makes one territorial and
ritualistic, this would be called the rite of the duel mystic the divided one. The book of mixed races and
interspecies commingling. I once met a domestitician...We are in a time economy. They said time was
money, but time is health, and money can't buy that back. You don't have to believe in aliens but trust
me they believe in you. The spiritual banking system and the balancing of karmic accounts.
What is this negative entropic inverse operation? The internal collapse or implosion due to extreme
atmospheric pressures to the zero point?

Are you a blessing or a curse to someone? are you doing this on purpose or by accident, which is it?

Empty, Empire, Emperor, emporium, empath, imperial, empowered, impressed, empirical truth.

Is it an existential crisis or a paranormal freak out?

I am far removed from the anger drama and psychic entanglements.

So, tell me, Dr. Theologian, what is the meaning of Tao?...

...If you received an answer, they already missed the point.

If the fruit doesn’t fall to far from the tree let’s see what the character is by its content.

God uses people as portals and conduits of its work and as biofeedback instruments of experience so it
can get to know itself, God knows itself through us, we’re the offspring and it’s the whole unto itself.

Some people like to be overwhelmed with technical data, I’m going to overwhelm you with conceptual

I cry in thanks for the realized ones and cry in sorrow for the lost souls.

Controlled folly is a method of psychically hiding in plain site.

If everywhere is Tao then everyone is my teacher.

The spiritual state is the mercurial state. The spiritual state is the miracle state.
The miracle state is spiritual fate. Spiritual love over empirical hate.

Crucified on the cross of spirit, my sacrifice is service to others instead of self.

The spirit of the Tao is unspeakable connection, a silent agreement, inner knowing, and understanding.
The mind extracts resources from the body when it's needs are not met.
We want substance and they want material.
My friend the other day said that we got so many religions but only one God, can we get an amen?
My guy Lavert said that the answer to your problem is already predicated in the question. In other
words you already know the answer to your own questions, you just want someone else to validate the
truth that you already know to get you off the fence of your own indecision.

Tension is created due to reaction we get when we try to mentally force things in our environment to
bend in conformity with what they believe they should be able to control around them, or should just
naturally occur in response to their willful thoughts.

Scholar, warrior, monk, healer, sage.

Whatever material supply I do have I ask to magnify and multiply that with God's perfect abundance.

Does your mind carry you your body carry you or your energy carry? How do you feel right now and how
do you feel at midnight?

It feels good to be one of Tao's infinite chosen children.

I'm only an expert in as much as the information I have received is correct and true.

Do you cross the street because the light changed or there's no car there?

Anal retentive means to analyze with incentive.

Halitosis is the smell of your bowels coming back up through your mouth. I have smelled feces that smell
like halitosis, so that’s the proof in the pudding right there.

You have to get to get from a and b to get to have to get from "a beast" to get to someone with
"character", if no character, then stay a beast.

To understand ku you have to understand the evil that people are capable of. Hollywood is just like the
military compartmentalised from the top down with an all seeing eye at the top. Hollywood used to be
the best of the best when it came to cinematic masterpieces, now it is reduced to algorithms,
demographic surveys, and savvy target marketing to the various strata of society to milk. You see the
average non thinking consumer is a cash cow that needs to be cultivated like cattle. Secret is at the root
of the word secretion, and the secret is the substance that is created through the glandular action which
is a process in which a substance is made, in other words our glands organs and cells produce
substances directly from the etheric and chemical catalyzing agents which means that we are the
temples of the alchemical workshop. The Real Secret and where Rhonda Byrnes got her information
from. The showboat antics are products of it's protective environment.

To try implies a struggle you either do it or not, either an action or a thought. In Hollywood 3 is the
magic number. New Hollywood reality show called how far will you go.... what is a Hollywood vanity
project? Movies like Valerian and John Carter. But let me tell you about one company that will never
ever have to worry about a movie sale yep you guessed It Disney. If you really think about the
Kardashian Legacy it's just a collection of images nothing substantial to leave for the posterity of the
future generations to come.

Don't forget about Yaldabaoth and the purpose of the Internet to calibrate us to the same cyber portal
or hub or paradigm to the world on the same page and once again control the flow of information and
how they can use each person as a node of free enterprise mental real estate. Some of the foul training
is being subjected to beastial images against one's will, we would never seek this imagery out yet we are
subjected to it by force. A lot if Disney's portrayals of the prince and princess is the worship of royalty,
when you do this everybody is taught to fall in line with the feudal fiefdoms as Lord's and Kings of the
land with all under its ownership and taxation. That's why Matt Groening has covered all three timelines
with the modern day Simpsons to Futurama and now back to the medieval times to reinforce
everybody's place in their reality. Hollywood ghost bikes and the car culture of Los Angeles.

Interesting how you have a family friendly brand like a Disney that will take a culture that we are
currently at war with like Isis and make remake after remake after remake of a movie like Aladdin clearly
a movie based in Baghdad which is currently what we consider as Iraq and a Muslim country and further
capitalize off their culture romance and yes you guessed it magick, let's talk about that.... everyone will
need to use their own tools of diagnostic prognostication.dictators tyrants and devils are in heaven on
earth when at war...another name is unholywood or ungodly wood whichever one you say is good.
people are like rice krispies now a days, they snap they crack and they pop!

God Loves.

We use coded speech and language to to be discreet and not so outloud and in your face. We also got to
keep this fun because I don't to be labeled an extremist, a zealot or a bruised ego fanatic so you can
consider this a deep dive or exposition of the inner workings of this blonde haired blue eye sex bot that
we call Holly-would you now or would you later?

Rastafarianism is very close to my true sentiment.

Abundance does not equal take for granted.

If the foundation of the polarity is black and white, red and blue then that would be the colors of the
hollywood police cop car, black and white car red and blue lights and the yellow as the cautionary
middle there is the 5 star pentacle. The cop uniform is black with yellow stripes for rank, the Saturian
uniform. From the European druids to the Greek philosophers to the Roman Inquisition all have been in
Hot Pursuit Of The Mysteries of Egypt. One of the best examples I've seen of pp has been in the Eyei
card game. Interstitial how it begin and ends with I as in I am the beginning and the end and I got both
my eyes on you, big brother is watching you because you accepted the terms and conditions of have all
of their electronic devices record every word video text and action on your cell phone or tablet device
and monetize all of your personal data to any of the four tech giants for the highest price. These are the
four horsemen of the ai apocalypse. Encounters with the Archon in everyday life.

Am I reaching am i chasing am I code Crack freebasing? To the everyday folk this is a non order
to wake up u need to stop time. Eugenics singularity. We are all hair's breadth away from death. The
number of the fool is four, four year old, the four colors of the queen, the four suits, the four seasons,
the 4/4 beat that is the heart beat doubled which is 22 grace, what is catch 22? The four legged dog
(their favorite), the four legged animal, The soldiers marching into war and the stuccatto hit hat sounds
or like drum rolls or machine gun fire, these are considered wartime or battle drums, that's why there is
always brass in the trap song and stuccatto like firing replicating exchanges of fire. The four bells of the
jesters crown, the four shapes, the number four of the i ching. Number four is evil per Feng shui. The
four corners of the square.i told Hollywood is a bitch and her ass is a black widow spider krull, IT,
charlotte's web, the spider woman, the thing, any other black widow references, wicked city. the
Addams family theme and the waltz. the black pearls of holly. The lower 4th dimension archon and the
12 rays of light and the 12 rays of darkness. The three flashy metals, copper red and black, gold yellow
and black, and silver white and black. The blood the spirit and the soul. There's also low yellow black like
fool's gold and brass, like there's tin aluminum and iron for white and black, and bronze or rusted iron.
All threes. The maze, maze runners the labyrinth the minotaur, the shining, the 18 bronze men, inner
earth, the vril, dreamland, island of Dr Muroa, jurassic park the hunger games Shannara chronicles has a
spider. Adventure time spider love story.

I saw a lady who had an end dog meat shirt, what about all meat? Because guess who's next on the
menu? How Hollywood sold it's soul to sex drugs and rock and roll. A match made in heaven can be a
marriage or a death match. If you ask if I'm a Bruce Lee fan I would say, "are you a fan of your friends, or
your brother? If any of your family members became famous, would you then become a fan of theirs, or
still be a family member? Why is it called a church with the word science in it it should be called
spiritology if that's what the basis but no its more on the scientific. Don't attach don't claim to any one
thing don't attach don't clean to any one thing don't attach don't claim don't clean to any one thing
don't attach don't claim to any one thing don't attach don't cling to anyone thing don't attach don't cling
to any one thing. unattached we sing and dream unattached we thank and bring x 3 unattached we think
of things unattached I go cha ching unattached I go cha ching.
Prove the spiritual science philosophy or theory with a corresponding proof in nature. So these would be
called science facts. Humans are curious creatures, there's nothing that you can hide, that they won't
want to see. Met Gala equals metropolitan galaxy of celebrity stars which equals ill luma costume show
to amuse their hidden puppet master owner handlers with their faux pet clothes pageantry. This like the
scene in fantastic planet when the giant kid aliens are dressing up their little plaything people in foofi
foofi clothes and costumes to fight amongst themselves. Your body can be the canvas of your own
creation, but your body is the image of God's true imagination. Today is star day like astarte. I've come-
to equate the Dow as the all-pervasive energy of that is. The Hollywood star and the five platonic solids
building blocks of our reality and the 5 elements of nature.

The Magick in Hollywood is that Hollywood is obsessed with Magick. Why is Hollywood so obsessed with
Magick? The answer is in the origin of the name Hollywood itself, now give all cinematic magical
reference. The Magick of Disney and Movie magic and what's the difference. one can stop and stand
locked in the quantum field with everything moving around around me while dialed within to
timelessness. If there was ever a deed to be done dirt cheap it would be on the Hollywood streets.
George Lucas is a master archetypist. Stormtroopers white backgrounds with black foregrounds like
thx1138 and the THX silver cops. Attack of the killer clowns!!!black lightning the yellow submarine. Just
another day in Hollywood JADIH. I'm not obsessed with Hollywood, I'm obsessed with the truth.

What I will need to check: spelling Grammar, sentences structure and punctuations, fact checking,
context, alphabetical listing, glossary or key legend mapping planning. Hollywood has a worldwide cult
following and monopoly. tie in the black sun into the Saturnian explanation. Alesso and meet me u the
middle. Chuck e cheese and pizza culture, pizzagate.jim Henson the puppet masters and the little
creatures of the world wide animal farm. Tom and Jerry and the cat and mouse game, the moon Joan jet
and the blackhearts and the silver bullet. Silver and black are a stand in for the white black but they are
gender or role reversed. Yang is white and yin is black. In the metal silver is yin and black is yin which...

The dream eaters dream is to eat the dreams of others. The color ranks with numeric and frequency
bandwidth gematria. The monads the dyads, the triads, the quadrads, the quintads, the hextads, the
setads, the octads, and the ninads and decads. Wow. There always one odd that rules over an even rank
like one over two is three one over four is five one over 6 is 7 on up to 1 over 12 is the 13 one over the
32 is the 3rd one over the 72 is the 73. Hollywood only shares the pot with its own lot. When it comes to
martial arts some like to get lost in the details and I just like to get lost in the movements.the karmic
banking system one karma coin is worth one dollar. You've got your yin yang accounts and where they
stand which is called your spiritual standing which is calculated on an xyz planer chart which must be
computated on a four corner axis of 4 tables with the void sides pointing toward the middle. This can be
seen in an L shape room mirror where all 4 side show up from just the two angles.

So what happened to this artisan craftsmanship of yesteryear? Oh, it's still here, but different. There is
just no uniformity of style like in art deco. There is also the Standard Hollywood Asset Uniform.

If you start to think that your crazy then the Gaslamp method has taken effect, this would be called the

The majority of those who call you crazy will be from your closest relatives and loved ones if you speak
the truth, if you think about it, why would they want to admit anything outside of a safe supply of
security? This is understandable.
Everyone is so resistant to waking up because this new light exposure reinforces their previous
misconceptions of reality and shatters all fragile doll images they portray to the world.

If I say I'm a master I'm boasting, if you say I'm a master your flattering, let's celebrate the works that
come out of self mastery.

Be the fully empowered personage you were meant to be. Hollywood is all about portals...your phone
your TV your home your children your eyes your ears your skin your mind your consciousness your soul
inside of your body outside or your body, into your job, into your school, through the air, through the
walls, through the illusion of light, through the confusion of darkness, through the internet, through the
cinema, through the education, through the injection, through the appetites of the 2nd brain in the
stomach. Through the birth canal, the nasal canal, and any and all canals that lead to your inner space.
They even want to get into your bloodstream like the movie Inner space and fantastic voyage. Through
the wormhole through the secret portal through the chambers of initiation through the Stonehenge
through the rite of passage. Through the camera on the hero's journey. Through your books toys
collectibles and comics...the doors to your perception like aldous Huxley and Jim morrison. The cave the
labyrinth, inner earth the Stargate of Peru and the Bermuda triangle Cern spiderman and the
Philadelphia experiment. The portal to your pocket and the eye is the window of the soul. Routine
patterns cycles and behaviors, on a routine repetitive cycle. The boob tube YouTube stranger things
totally tubular surf the internet like tube city, like the teletubbies do what your told when you hear the
announcement, as infants should. Do total teletubbies break down. The cyberspace universe web portal.
The eye in Jupiter Neptune the eye of the hurricane the tempest the whirlpool the tornado to the land
of oz. The dust devil. The tesseract the wrinkle in time the land of the lost the time machine 2001 space
odyssey the black hole, birth death, breath and sex clock work orange, bedknobs and broom.

The pecking order is set up through blanket social critical assessments closely related to an aggressive
form of mental or psychic inventory extraction to gauge social class allegiances, races, traditions, castes,
ranks standings, territories neighborhoods and/or national sports, mascot or team based inclinations.
New topic. Why do they seed the background with subliminal cues symbols shapes color patterns and
Easter eggs. They do this to reinforce their position as the dominant force running and culture creating
your reality paradigm if you buy into the Hollywood universe and all its subsidiary offshoot industries.
The root of culture is cult, to follow, live, identify or subscribe to a lifestyle that is your culture.
Rockabilly's and Punk rockers didn't create punk rock only a handful of trail blazers the rest jumped on
board, same thing.

The conditioned, those who think in practical and tangible terms, the unconditioned, those who think
spiritual and are expectantly open to all options as the only option.

There’s a statement that goes: the subconscious mind is a great servant but a horrible master.
It is raw power without direction so it is checked by the unconsciousness of itself, a blank slate as the
eternal unconditioned or innocent servile self, you ask, you receive, it doesn’t believe, so it doesn’t
judge or reason.

It has no preference so it holds no assumptions, since there’s no reasoning or irony, there’s also no
humor in it.

F.S.S. said that, “If you ask for success but prepare for failure, you will get what you have prepared for.”

This implies the subconscious mind is more “impressed” by actions than words, in other words, what the
subconscious needs to be effective, is words backed by action which to it is proof of the plan in action,
hence that's when it kicks in and joins the fun like a wide eyed innocent child that registers all that it
sees and hears and mimics the behavior. This is called creating your own internal actionable change
which is proving (to your subc.) by doing. Many people have their hands out with grand ideas, but a true
investor wants a proof of concept, business plan, rough sketch, draft, or storyboard before they will
even consider any great ideas, why? This is called show, don’t tell. This is literally a commandment when
it comes to Hollywood script writing. Quote here what Lao Tzu said about flowery words...

the acts of faiths with no apparent hint of result.

your words are commands that are always recorded, but not always acted upon,

they go into a cue of priority and importance. Some are fulfilled, and some dissipate.

The command that repeats the loudest (charged with emotion), clearest (specific image) and most
repetitive (will get the first privilege of attention because thats what youre telling the servant (subc.
mind) of the command (conc. mind), you can say that words are symbols for the laws of return.

When we say “ if it's too good to be true, it probably is” well there you go again, done, to good to be
true, end of story with no alternate outcome. That’s the closed parachute where you fall to the ground
after jumping the plane. You have to believe, (jump from the plane, as an act of faith) fall without fear
(praising and thanking in the face of utter doom or peril) and prepare for the landing (by pulling the cord
of faith in action) and just before imminent impact (fear and doubt kicks in, faith in action overrides this)
the parachute pops open (the relief as in the receiving) and one glides into a safe landing. Note the
emphasis, not struggles to land safely but glides in. That’s the way the return happens, either for the
good or bad except the bad is usually the unexpected.

Then there’s the statement, “It’s always something”. Of course it is, do we live in a world of nothing?
That's an observation not even a commandment, like saying it's another nice day out today! But as we
now know, it's the recklessness of words that we make a wreck out of our lives.

If you curse, the curse is what is returned. If you unjustifiably initiate an attack,

the victim (if vigilant) could deflect the curse back like shooting a laser at a mirror.
Call, response, giving, taking, reaping, sowing are all plows for the playing fields in the minds of men.

God is one power, and man is two. God is whole, man is divided. God’s production is two, but God’s
substance is one. This is called the yin yang realm of the Tao. Count on man and it’s 50/50, count on God
and it’s 100% sure. Because God’s ways are sure, it's always man that wavers. The word waver really
means vacillate, oscillating back and forth, weighing and deliberating because unsure. Now the one
unsure, gambles, using the law of chance (the wheel of fortune) instead of the sure ways of the “Source”
(the bullseye). Master Ni said when you overextend your will, the arrow overshoots the target, when it’s
not effective it falls short. To be emotionally balanced is to “be on the money”. Now “on the money”
your approach to money will flow through natural channels that are in accordance with your proper
place in the currents, that's the real reason money is called “currency”. Holding to this current is what
gives you “value”, the extent at which you are true to yourself, your family and relationships and is your
“current value system” by which you categorize what is important in your life.

The price of negative (divisive) thoughts (of others and self) are always at the expense of the harmony of
the whole.

If you had a negative thought (judgement) of another, it could be exactly what they're thinking about
you. (through the law of returns) The question is are you picking this up through induction (outside), or
conduction (coming from inside), and is the thought (they have of you) justified? In other words, who
thought first, self or other? Search your heart in the matter and the truth is revealed. If it's from the
other, it's justified as you being the first cause of the condition, or the seed of the potential for ill repute
sprouting in the fertile soils (conditions) that you sowed (prepared) them in. If it's from you, you’re
perpetuating a trend that’s returning a result that you initially thought of, in this case you being the
object that set in motion the wheel of the subject (of the matter), which subjected you back to a reverse
objectification, the end result of the law return at work.

An interview with the watchman at the gate of the mind:

Who installed you as a helper?

An awakened one.

what does the watchman at the gate do?

watches thoughts come and go...

What kind of thoughts?

Positive, negative, and neutral.

What is the difference between the three?

One promotes, one detracts, and the other is inert like a detached observation.

What happens when you catch one?

I turn the negative thought away and accept the positive one, and encourage the neutral to always see
and hear the positive when appearances are to the contrary.

Why do you discriminate between them?

Each has their own quality and place in the scheme of life, as each teaches us what to do, what not to do
and the encouragement of fulfilling the best possible outcome for all.

Why is it important for you to stand guard there?

Because the moment I am off duty the foreign invaders attack and take advantage of our lapse of

Audit is short for audition. Taking an inventory of the total package presented.

Now more than ever people are becoming more money minded and prosperity conscious yet some of
us wonder why does it seem that money falls into somes laps and the others must slave through hard
labor to eek a living, these disparities are due to a one word concept called Karma. So whether it's the
lotto or an inheritance tiu need to believe that you had it coming. Karma comes to fruition when the
conditions are ripe. Money is nothing but symbolic energy exchange. That's why love is one of the
hottest commodities on the market. Everything that's bought and sold is mercantile and dealing in goods
is trafficking. Your minister's richness is symbolic of your own sickness. Companies capitalize on your
ignorance. Reckless words are like wreckless birds flying out of control, a disaster waiting to happen. Yin
money and yang money and impressing the subconscious with physical stimulus. To have one slander
and humiliate and ridicule you without reaction is paying off debts. To quietly absorb any blows to the
ego or repetition without any provocation is a good sign you're coming close to absolving and should
recognize this process with fervor. You want a clean wipe with no lingering loose ends to come back and
get you when least expected. Sanity is seeking the sacred, and insanity the desecrated. The
subconscious mind is the storehouse of all memories and beliefs. Mastery is not for the sage to say but
to show, what man says about mastery, is the only mastery he will know. Living the metaphysical double
life. Success in the US is who conforms best. When faith is on the wane confusion is on the rise.

Everybody wants money but don't think about the quality, only the quantity. What is the energy by
which you procure your acquisition of goods?
Don't be the type of person where your body is slow but your mouth is quick. That would be an ego
boxer. They would call that a pissing contest in the wild wild west. Oh boy, when the viceroy comes,
there's no more the intro tell the difference between the c and the k. The I ching is the Ying yang
3rd dimensional playbook of the Tao.

I don't need to suffer to exist no interaction no problem.Some people pan for gold while others mine the
quanta for gemstones. The disclaimer: the information is not for everyone but for those who have eyes
to see with ears to hear with and minds to think with. There's action in Stillness and Stillness in action
the fa shi coordinates each step with the movement of breath if there is a failure to make sure that all
details are perfect all steps are in alignment and errant thoughts in check then there may be a missed
opportunity for a universal response confirmation of spirit. If I'm trying then I am forcing if I am being
then I'm just doing. The price we pay for progress...left hand path versus the right-hand path mental left
right brain hemisphere, approaches. The new energy requires a recalibration process from the old
energy. Wow they set it up so that we would be become dependant upon the false grid network. The
ultimate spell bound entanglement. Heart based societies vs. Ego based societies, all heart based
cultures have monuments that transcend time, the ego based building and monuments were built to
break down, built with the inherent weakness of superficial utility. Even the false grid would eventually
crumble because it's not based or interfaced with the earth grid ley line system.
Spirit pathology centers need to be just as prolific as church's and liquor stores because create problems
that loop together and no fixing. Imagine all the starlets socialites celebrities of their time people
gathered together like Marilyn monroe, Humphrey bogart frank Sinatra George burns Charlie Chaplin all
in attendance to join in the spirit cook feast of feast and golden goblet pass around with the blood if the
offering to their leader, is it a woman astoroth? Is it the beast leviathan? Which babylonian god do they
supplicate to. Is it Baal? Molech the owl? If you ever want people to leave you alone just pay them off
until they bother again. If it came from the heart and not from the mind then everything is the
alien Mc this is what I see mumble rappers high in extasy. The wu wei ritual step is the martial art, there'
sitting and forgetting, moving and forgetting. Ah the blessed joy of forgetfulness.fill up the strata of
energy bodies...archetypal language and cosmic humor.
When is the last time you have dramatically expressed yourself? When is last time you've had a good
cry? A good laugh? Can you remember any scene in a movie that made you cry recently or have an
emotional outburst? What was it about? Do you pride yourself on being able to control your emotions?
What do you think about kids? Do you think you'll have any one day? Do think you'll live a solitary life
with no spouse? Do you feel like you could be a husband? Does any of what has happened to you affect
you decision in these areas? Do you spend a lot of time in the mirror obsessing over anything? Are you a
picker? Are you ocd? What do you feel about Feng shui? Does your environment have any affect on you
or are you immune from such inconveniences as noise smell hygiene or condition? If you enjoy the
natural life could u unplug and live in the woods or mountains?master ni said that the Tao was for all not
just for native born Chinese, they just so happened to call it that and the rest of the world tried to
followed their path in context with it. I ran others, now others run me , until the extent in which I ran
them, runs out.
Beware of the vertical blink. Do you honestly know what people could be capable of? Think back in
history...are u lonely isolated? How is your ability to h available have relationships? Are u currently
medicated? Are u on drugs or alcohol? Do you drink coffee or soft drinks? Are u taking any
supplements? Do you have any allergies? Any phobias or sources of anxiety attack? Noticed anything
weird in your life? Anything paranormal? Any dreams or family visitations? Any nightmares or ufo
abductions? Are you dealing with emotions, I noticed you you don't show much emotion, nor express it
in a relieving way. When is the last time you've dramatically expressed yourself. When is the last time
you had good cry? A good laugh? Do you remember any scenes in amovie Do you believe emotions
should be contained, expressed, or surpressed? What does the word cathartism mean to you. Have you
ever spiritually purged yourself of thoughts or negative entities or attachments? Do you know what
these are? Have you ever had you or your house spiritually cleansed? What does all this mean to you?
Now we start getting permission to enter the physical psychical and auricular field of the patient. What
we are looking for are compliance and resistances and what questions or comments creates a dramatic,
rebellious or sheepish response...time to show the faces of God twkk the rules of engagement: don't
engage. almost time for words of power. They talking loud ain't saying shit, cause the more you say the
less they pay when you try to make a hit. Interpenetrative mind and pervasive awareness, quantum
conciousness. God doesn't get in its own way it is the way, no thought yet nothing unthought of.the
quantum wave resurrects the conciousness to an upright energy. Maggots in the mouth worms in the
brain more ku conditions flesh eating disease bacteria morgellons electro moss and inorganic tendril
curcuit spinning and invasive cyborganic growths and conditions with the the techno flesh melding
It's a race for activation they are reducing the integrity of the genetic activation with gmo everything
while we are activating the junk DNA potentials until we are at full on throttle all codes complete. Being
that they wanted to take more than I was willing to give ( that is theft by the emotional blackmail of
love) now they must be content with which I am able to give which means that will be far less than what
they would be accustomed to taking. If that's not enough then you get zero nothing and actually will
start to accumulate and owe me a karmic debt for interfering with the peaceful path. There must be
balance and recompense for all distorted expenditure of luxury negative false sense of self and
indulgence in inflated thoughts and flights of fancy. What do you know about synchronicity overriding
the algorithm. Originally the algorithm was designed to…
The 5 stages of lower 4D Astral attack or Auric Invasive Parasitic Infestation: They first make contact by
monkey backing on strangers and familiar faces, prompting archonic (inverted force of the antigen)
cyclical returns and reoccurring patterns mostly 90 angles to instill a sense of wandering, forgetfulness,
and losing a sense of time and spatial orientation which weakens ones psychic self defense and will
power making one suspectible to further wormhole spiral burrowing. The susceptibility comes from
those elements that weaken weaken the natural self defense mechanism that allows un natural
elements to invade to get a foot hold. Get ready for your full frequency and energy vibration calibration
to full elation world celebration culture exchange with all nations. Twilight time zoop. There are some
who prefer to go thru life with blinders, it's OK stay on course your reign masters will whip and guide
you. Dave text: True that, also what may we may think is coming from a good place could be an ego
deception to flatter you with opportunity but the reality is always much different because you turned
your self over to their whims, if you get out of your circle of familiarity of friends and family and go into
the random Tao which of course is right on time a new energetic portal of possibility may open up right
now I am seeing cyclical repeat patterns of stagnation and waiting games, what is going to the energy
moving? Movement period.

isnt it amazing how all land creatures sneeze?

even a sea iguana will dramatically sneeze out salt deposits
that accumulate in their nostrils as they dry out and sun bathe.
What is the association with the sneeze and the ghost though?
Are the sensitive olfactory senses picking up an energetic irritant
and the sneeze is the natural response to the membrane tickle?

Isn’t it a shame when other people want to inflict their traumas on you, like you must feel their pain in
order to understand, lacking the faith that the other may not be able to have compassion and
understanding in advance.
What is sane energy? What is insane energy?

You have to be a dream spirit traveler to know true hell. Heaven and hell, mind states.
Whenever you see an artist being promoted with a black box or background, this lets you know who is
behind them.
To much opportunity and you are a generalist who may fly off into the oblivion of possibility. Not
enough opportunity and the creative life juices of the original spirit intent is choked off.
No creative outlet creates a back log of tension due to unresolved urges and desires to express the
energy. A tree that isn’t watered withers and a tree that has fences barriers and sidewalks as obstacles
will eventually grow through them until they crack and shift the weak foundation of whatever superficial
coverage, block or artifice is trying to halt their cosmic pre-determined organic growth pattern.
The oriental dragon is a composite creature of all the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac.
Archonic energy is attracted to creatures like a hummingbird or honey bee to nectar. The flower is your
aura that advertises whether or not you have excess nectar to supply. Actually it’s more like a moth
towards the flame. The brighter the burn the more orgone to siphon. This is also a beacon of sorts or a
call to attention or action that there is a surplus energy overage leaking from the open portals of ones
auric cracks. They say let’s gets some hooks and lines in there to secure the supply then we will milk the
orgone by triggers and conscious overrides of behavior to steer the host victim toward their supply so
they can get their won vicarious supply.

We wear thoughts on our face like garments dressed for the holiday occasion. Holiday means “Holy
Day”, yet during this time we are victims of the most abhorrent extremely vile unholy behavior during
the desperate “holiday” season.
Some people are serious about their business, I’m serious about my energy.
Lets not become the monsters and demons we try to escape.Once I got rid of the anti's they went and
sicked their dogs on me. Magick metallurgy soul crafting.why is the concept of spliced beings and hybrid
creatures so foreign to us when as you can see from our 21st century 100 years of medical breakthrough
discovery the next logical step of any developing technological society is to try to attempt to improve
their bio condition with genetic manipulation as is our current society. Now take that development and
multiply it by 10000 and this could very well be the level of demigod creation.the closer to the galactic
core the closer to 5 density. Magic science and religion where does one end and the next begin. Kemetic
and Taoist comparative to study. Buildings built on evil feng shui.
Don't call my medicine poison and then force your poison on me and call it medicine. What is the black
man sacrifice death ritual in movies? mirroring, parroting and emulating, perfect mimicry, all hallmarks
of archonic energy. When your not straight in your course or firm in your purpose you vacillate this is
vacillation of the heart, 7 heart rainbow Chakra three on each side the heart at the top, that's why the
Buddha created the diamond heart sutra.germans “schadenfreude”. Check out also magical coin
technique. Magickal money glitter coins cash confetti. More of Saturn's cubes are the empire symbol of
star wars spaces office Ritz crackers and urinal deodorizers. Also magick sleeping skill, postures,
stretches meditations and fighting method. Tao yin aka Do in equals Taoist Yoga.look at stunning
mathematics of races and species qty come and gone incalculable.

We take the left and the right and merge it into a new synthesis and call this the energy of Infinite light,
the fusion of yin yang into the crystallized elixir of the path. Cold fusion the and the cold fire are the
same, a harmonious and stabilized powerful force from the center of truth called the way. Why is there
this obsession with the concept of soul consumption. Don't look for merits in baseless action 5d is a
superimposition of spirit into matter. When you see the true Tao energy it will be a manifestation of
natural effortless movement that is full of power.the cleansing action of nature can take the most vile
substance and turn it sweet through composting and mulching actions on the ground. In the
atmosphere constant movement keeps any one energy from becoming stagnant. I'm in a great mood
that no dollar amount can touch. The power of music will have people marching in to their own deaths.

All the normal people are saying that people are getting crazier, while the crazy people say...

Have an open ear and heart for compassion and understanding.

A swine pearl is an unvalued gift. Thrown at the mouth of the pig, its passed through the bowel to the
slop bed(of dead works).You seem energetic your movements are pathetic mouth moving with rhetoric
better get some etiquette more like a tourniquet twisted around your neck necktie loose fly. People got
sepsis a death wish a fetish with the necromancer, a death eater serenades ya at the grave a private
dancer. Now what's the answer to the cancer that's run amok. Ravage you mind body soul as they tear
shit up.A fall from grace is not a loss of face or faith. A fall from faith is a question of grace and where it
went.they are totally vested overly nerfew said it best we let the music get away from us.
What can we learn from this, what do we call the music "Turn and Twist" we can't call it hip hop no
more we got to burn this shit, got this in choke hold like a tourniquet, now we solidify the turn and twist
and make this shit permanent. As we travel cross the firmament, not concerned wit the subservient.
Vanity Vanity Vanity such a Calamity of humanity more sanity more Insanity more insanity a tragedy
tragedy tragedy is it comedy or a cavity. There has to be a better way to chastity.
Being a person of perfection that can communicate that perfection perfectly. Inorganic is non negotiable
energy.See those who do devilry are alway watching their back because they know they've done wrong
under the guidance of their hermaphro father wondering when are all contractual soul debt is due,
some agree to specific amount of time then forget, the others signed up for the open ended timeline as
long as they have made their sacrificial offering they are good but sometimes they don't calculate the
loss into the cost. Some rule with an iron fist and some ule with a golden heart which one are you? The
more talk the less yoga the more talk the less kung fu the more talk the less training stop talking to
cover up your weakness or have people sympathize with your personal issues the talking the incessant
dialogue is in fact the barrier to success don't think do don't talk just be.A fall from grace is not a loss of
face or faith. A fall from faith is a question of grace and where it went.they are totally vested overly nerfew said it best we let the music get away from us. What can we learn from this, what
do we call the music "Turn and Twist" we can't call it hip hop no more we gotta burn this shit, got this in
choke hold like a tourniquet, now we solidify the turn and twist and make this shit permanent. As we
travel cross the firmament, not concerned with the subservient. Vanity Vanity Vanity such a Calamity of
humanity more sanity more Insanity more insanity a tragedy tragedy tragedy is it comedy or a cavity.
There has to be a better way to chastity.See the powerless seek power your energy they devour the
scour the earth looking for afterbirth to chew on. We counter-react with a MOJO for the devilry they put
on blacks. And even that ain't the color that were called were blue black purple black orange black all of
that.augment supplement don't go against. Negative entropy is the contraction positive creative release
is the expansion this is never permanent and always cyclical how does the dragon ride the wave? Puts
one wing to wind to sail and the other to relax and recover. Kids now a days is clueless they say I'm
ready to do this, but don't understand the ruthless the way they can get knocked toothless who is this
that will slay me at the drop of a dime in other words you could die from petty crime.Imagine that A race
a cultural a people got to watch your back imagine that....the five animals birds and reptiles of the beast
children... I said it was all over before it began let's start the s*** all over again. We're taking the music
back from the reptilians and give it back to the people not for the Millions. The old energy is ready for
retirement and the new energy is ready for excitement. Just because ya made to quarter century or
even to 50 cents it doesn't mean ya halfway there it just means ya half don't want to be on
some bitch shit when the shit hits.anger anger danger danger watch out stranger they got a bogey in the
hanger. The five venom daughters are the black jade snake the pink jade lizard the white jade water
snake, asia black, and the fox kitten. Where does the magickal energy end and the martial movement
begin, where does the mystery school begin and the spirit science end? Tao permission is firm
recognition. What we're missing is the tactile experience here, no touch no feel how do you gain
sensitivity if there is no biofeedback reciprocal loop confirmation of the energetic condition. Do you
mean to tell me that all must suffer for the luxury of a few? Let me know how that adds up for you.the
masses are facing death so they are gasping for breath. Spiritual Pathology needs Energy Medicine. This
is what I want to say thank you for today thank you for tomorrow and thank you for yesterday. Yeahee
Yeahee.Thank you Earth for allowing me to be a part of your primitive society. No not your technology,
we know who you have got that from. Those are only the pieces of machines, it takes disciplined
personal development in order to understand interspatial, interfaceable, quantum mechanical, space
time, components. It's just Human nature nothing compares x 5 nothing can change ya nothing
compares x 5 is there anybody in there nothing compares x 5 no one said that life has been fair nothing
compares x 5 to this life ya living. Yo get ya girl hold her tight, cuz she might take off into the night on
The Late Night tweek on the late-night creep cuz she's a late-night freak. I'm outta here not outta fear
it's strict strictly for my health let's shift the shift into a higher gear don't quit your daydream that's ya
real day job don't ya know what I mean?the matter the mater the maternal material.Whoosh there goes
the candle in the wind, the relationship, the friendship, the end of the love boat, the end of the kinship.
The Omicron are the pace controllers The Gatekeepers the ones who block the flow and stop the flow
keeping you fenced in condensed in stacked and packed low and jacked for all of that good good. The
agents and minions of Kronos the omikron. My own particular style is called Martial Magick a mixture of
illusory, suggestive and energetic disturbance technique. Qualified authorized verified called to rise.
Looking to be discovered, there is no discovery of self, preoccupied with the looking for the discovery by
the othe. Those who discover, discovered truth in themselves first, having a truth, there’s a reference
point of what to discover in the other, as the great discovery. We're not easy to pull the wool over we've
seen through the lies the disguise the lies the people that we despise it's time to rise to rise like a bagel
but for a shekel the Babylonians like to play heckle and jeckle. They say there's a rabbit in the moon and
a raven in the Sun I've only just begun. It takes two to tangle, one removes itself from the field
consciously and the quantum field collapses. There a song thats says there's the dream police that's in
my head. Don't be a moth that's attracted to the light and then complain about the heat cuz you're ass
got burnt.

Yes I yes I am a Rastaman a Rastafarian I and I Arie yes I am.

Don't give a funk if you don't know who I am the blue eyed black a half breed african. You got to check
ital yric Ital lyric Italian spirit, bust shot from the chalice when I lick it to that's the ticket I ride my own I'll
fight my own clone if he's over grown tries to pull chrome and blow my dome. See you ain't showing us
what we need to see you eat it regurgitate it and try to feed it back to me.i like to say yeah mon jam on.
I'm not a promotional piece I'm a devotional to peace. While your talking the rest are walking, last I
heard your two lips don't walk you around town, maybe if you kiss two ass cheeks there's a possibility.
The mouth likes to box, like an armchair analyst, curbside commentator, but it can’t walk the way it talks
because it would be an octopus. The mouth is a noise maker acting like it can actually do what it
describes, that's like you being able to do anything that comes to mind casually. Now wouldn’t that be
an orderly universe, yes the objective does seem to have a continuity and logical symmetry, but the
subjective realm is totally moldable, foldable, amendable and bendable at will if only you could just see
what their thinking or saying, then you would know then you would understand, that's why everybody
says “Do you see what i’m saying?” “Do you know what I'm saying” Do you see what I’m saying, do you
feel what I’m saying” Just because I can see the lines of energy, the infinite extension of filaments, the
endless, nerve fiber tendrils of interwoven coexistence. The luminous beings and bodies are the same,
the law of correspondence is same here as well.
Antarctica, the anti-archonic region, “ant” or “anti” meaning against, arc as in archon or over you, arctic
as in the cold realm. The cold realm that is against the archon that feeds on the warmth of life is the
Antarctic region. Very interesting that this is the reputed Nazi base of the escaped German criminals of
WWII. They were well aware of the influence of the archonic are well as vrillian energies and would
harness and use it as needed. Archaic, old and ancient. Architect, master builder of the arches. Arches
are the bridges where archons walk from their world to ours. The arc is the direction of anything that
travels or launches from one point to another. A plane, a bird, a jump, an insect, a ballistic missile. So
this is a bridge that connects two dots in a straight line from above and an arc from below. A flea is the
perfect metaphor for the archon because its small, strong, predatory, invasive, and jumps in an arc to
feed off others as a parasite. A flea can also harbor, incubate and spread the contagion and continue
cycles of pestilence, plague, death and decay. The flea is also a ku bug indicator that shows the extent of
the infestation. If too many fleas overwhelm the organism, they can kill the host body and will have to
jump to a new source. This is exactly how the antigen continues to spread and proliferate through the
auric field of unwitting low vibratory Torsion fields. There’s also the arcane which is associated with the
dark arts or arcana and arcanum which are the secrets and mysteries. Let’s take a loom at all the arc
words, archaic and archeology, archetypes, to archimedes. Archive, the archive. Anarchist, one who
wants to overthrow the hierarchy. Archimedes

Occult geometry and the master builder architects of your reality. The shape perspective and intention
is how they perform the craft of sacred geometry as a consecration ritual. The 3 x 3 trinity of the Tao is
the religion of no religion which is the religion of all religions.

Quantum: There have been many masters before me and many more to come but to the master we only
pay homage to the one. We are all quantum units influx "quifs" trying to synchronize our energies to
accomplish common goals. One of the highest forms of gong fu is called transcendental boxing or
heavenly fist which means your in a heavenly bliss in the midst of the violent mist. New word syner-chi
Which is the synergy of when spirit and chi breath work. Quips, quantum unit intelligence packets.

Sometimes in order to get out you must go thru, this is the example of not turning your back to the
wave or running from the wild animal, you must face down whatever fears you the most.

To crack the Hollywood code get ready to do some math. It's all about the numbers game, numbers ya
hear? Bookies, gamblers, finance, algorithms, stats, probabilities, formulas, deep data analysis drill
downs, audits, contracts, agreements, endorsements all come down to when and how much, period...
Loose translation time is money, so if time is Kronos, then money is Maleficent.

The hollywood hunt the harvest and the end game.

The God wave frequency and spectrum from low gutteral astral form to high deity show the full
frequency vibratorational pattern.

It is my imperative duty to be of service to others and help people, if you are willing to change there
may be hope, if you do not change you will be utterly vanquished in this life in preparation for the next.
My commitment to you is that I will be fully present, I will be fully truthful, and I will be fully sincere with
my findings.

Which one do you want the ugly truth or the beautiful lie?

The law of energy is to see it through the energy equation. The energy of the situation is not the actual
phenomenon your facing.

At the center of the infinity symbol is the x of the cross roads, with all roads leading back to Kansas the
false world of illusion as opposed to real world of Oz. the four diamonds are the heart of the devil at the
crossroads, where all roads lead back if one is caught in the cycle of the eight. There was a time when
there was a figure 8 track with electric triggers that would push the hot wheels around the track and we
would just stare at it go around and around that figure eight endlessly until one of the cars jumped the
track. That's the goal of spirit to jump the track of the magnetic van allen belts that keep us tethered to
the cycle of the spheres or the sphere of Pangaea specifically. If the home is where the heart is

When everything is in its proper place is when everyone is at peace.

Our goal is to find the voice of reason in a world of insanity.

Taoist have an understanding of the phenomenal world and the ways and methods by which things

I'm not here to sell you the proof but to tell you the truth.

A therapeutic touch is much more effective than a violent punch as someone is bound to get harmed in
the process, whereas a healing touch are equally beneficial to the giver and the recipient.

There's nothing that a man despises more than another man that's operating outside the standard
(channels of operations) conventional way that things work, for some this would be considered sorcery
or witchcraft but this is actually considered as soulcraft.

I'm worth myself which is health plus wealth. Health plus wealth equals self.

The extent to which I have no peace is in direct proportion to the peace that I withheld from others in
previous lives.

Did you know that most people would rather you die than manifest your truth, because in essence your
truth is a death to them, and your subsequent rebirth, is a stranger that they no longer recognize.

I never asked anyone to believe in me, I only ask that you believe in yourself.

The sex craving must end because there is no end to the craving of sex.

Does your cup runneth over is it half full or half empty, what is the best use for the receptacle? It’s the
Trauma makes people disassociate.

Effortlessness is natural and effort is forced contrivance. The reason for the absence of the spirit clinic
modality is due to the empire of three cities, research this more.

They purpose to make us fear the spiritual realm and institute a state mediator to go through as an
authority of empirical spiritual truth, is this not the essence of Rome and the Vatican? For the rest of the
spiritual medicine traditions they are to be wiped out and wholesale by the might of the sword back by
the authority of Pope acting as arbitrator and interpreter of God's will for the masses.

A non-secular modality that incorporates all secular religious paradigms.

Is quitting giving up of knowing there's something better for you?

The difference between quanta (units) and quantos (sum totals).

15 minutes of fame or a lifetime of shame which one is it?

A lot of times when people are confronted with the truth they laugh it off, change the subject, or behave
in an odd manner to distract and hide their uncomfortability with the topic.

I am here to announce the change not be the change that's announced.

Don’t be a defector of your protector.

Topical dilution is the soft serving of hard topics and narrowing it down to easy to understand salient
bullet points, over simplifying complex issues, using preemptive profiling of the truth or alternative
probability, to steer the narrative into easy compartments of explanation. This is like making and serving
lemonade to the taste tests of the audience, it might be sweet, it might be watery, it might be sour, but
not the hard bitter truth of the rind of the lemon because for the most part, this is an unused ingredient.

Clinging to the spiritual words and truths of others is like the other taking a hit of smoke and blowing
into your mouth for a contact high, because you refuse to believe you can go to the source of the plant
(for a supply of your own).

The golden flowers the seat of the soul planted in the part of your body vessel this is what flowers and
blossoms out of the pot when the kids dishes are just ride. The quantum download can be equated to a
total state of a fixed stable unilateral omni-comprehension. A fixed state of omni comprehension, this is
the true chrysalis manifest, the iron butterfly made flesh. If I play a part in a production it will be a role
that I create for myself and not be an "act" in a scene. This is called the authentic theater. Those who
are farthest removed from nature are farthest removed from their own nature. What is your nature?
Whatever was natural before the unnatural conditioning. The extent at which you kill nature is the
extent in which you kill your own nature. Whats the difference between watching animals have sex
watching people have sex with animals and watching people have sex with people?...Absolutely no
difference...this is the same for insects snails fish and amphibians as well as aliens. If there is a
fascination with the mind an attraction with the heart and a stir in the loins then you are now entangled
with the act through the quantum visual field. There is now no difference between the act and the
observation as they are now one and the same and form a reciprocal feedback loop. Going into
infinitude. I build temples in the hearts of men.

First your triggered into a beastial low vibrational behavior then you are traumatized by the action and
guilt ridden after effect that you couldn't stop yourself in the midst of the act. Let's not chase the
symptoms of their sickness let's get to the root of our own dis-ease. Just remember that without you
theres no them, that's how much power you have and dont know it. Never dinegrate your nature and
call that progress. How can you talk about the sacred with the unsanctified?

I don't wait for opportunity, I create opportunity. Bruce Lee

You create opportunities by preparing for them. Tim

(P + O = S) Dr. Stephen Chang

Managing people is like watching fishing poles. All you have to do is look at the slackness of the line to
know the character of the person you’re working with. Let me give you an example of the
temperaments of 10 different fishing Poles.
Humans have the wonderful ability to choose what side of nature they want to be on.

People wear their emotions on their faces like masks at halloween.

The real meaning of the ouroboros is the dragon energy eating itself up from the inside out when there
is no outlet for the energy, it self-consumes. The animal inside, eats itself alive.

They want weeble wobble teeter totter vacillators and oscillators those who are always divided by the
vicissitudes of this or that.

Now it is time I expose the laws of the jungle and the nature of the predatory universe.

JAJ said you don't have to believe in the concept for the concept to hurt you.

The guilt complex and worthiness under law or under grace? You are what you speak.

Before every movement a decision after every action a consequence.

The occult symbols of today were the hieroglyphics of yesterday.

The elusive quantum flux factors Are in a figure 8 pattern of reality In Buddhism they would call this the
8 conditions. Corresponding with each point on the will of Dharma. Corresponding each with a petta
realm and the 8 trigram bagua.
If you are constantly thinking about what you want and success, then the success that you want will
track you down and pounce on you when you least expect it, you have to believe your success is stalking
you in the shadows while you stand in the light of your truth. But you must stay under the spotlight or
else your success can't find you right before it gets to you.

How do you get rich or acquire riches in tune with strict ethical value systems to be authentically
wealthy? To be wholesome in health and wealth, soundness of mind and body. How do you become
pliant without becoming compliant. The luck that was bestowed upon me is the luck that I can bestow
upon others. To me a friend in Tao is a friend from the origin or the source of the Tao which is the heart
of the Tao. Your dimensions of existence are the planes of your consciousness.

These are the real spiderman, the fabricators of your reality that spin webs of deception and weave
multi patterned elaborate tapestries of lies and corruption. They use the right hand magic to sell the
illusion and you know what they do with the left...I must admit I grow weary of when people say oh it's
just samsara or oh it's just the illusion of maya, yes but in an observational sense the illusion we say is
not there is in fact an indicator of the quality or conditions of the energy of that illusory state. Those that
have identified with this state hold it together, as soon as they remove their attention from it, it falls
apart. Fake news or fear porn which one? Reversion or inversion, what's good is bad what's bad is good.

Inverted Christianity is satanism, inverted Kemetic Egypt is masonry, inverted Buddhism is Theosophical
Nazism, and inverted Taoism is black magic.

The rate at which I am distracted and at a deficit of time and patience, are the same rates at which I had
imposed in a previous life my demands on others. These previously impacted lives are now the same
souls that have come back to collect on their prior inconveniences.

You have to see what you want before you know that you want it.

What is going with Tao? It means going with those beneficial forces that are already working in your

Alot of us forget we were once gods that were robbed of our memory and powers strictly for our own
protection. To protect us from ourselves. What I write I no longer research but comes straight from the
source. Find the hidden forces at work in the background of your life influencing the foreground results
in your life. Humans were the first random number generators and prognosticators of their fate. All
around the world people are receiving downloads, no not the kind from the internet but the kind from
the non local universe, the direct downloads of non local information of subject matters one may not
have prior knowledge on, these are the recipients of the super downloads. Physiognomy is bodily
astronomy. When the predominant themes in the music or the media reflect, promote and are in
alignment with any of the playbook agendas then what you have is an artist or celebrity endorsement.
These are the best influencers that money can buy and every single one of them is obligated by oath to
perform their pre-assigned parts. Celebrities are some of the most influential people on the planet for a
reason...easy to be used as tools for the season.

I don't need to chase people down to offer my services, they will be chasing me down for the services I
offer. I don't need to chase money, money will chase me, find me and land in my bank account in large
monetary form.

Can you recognize your place in perfection as a perfected part of that creation?

Hazardous materials like venereal on testicles get the oil of minerals with dark green vegetableS…

Your void is valuable. People love to try to find use for your idle time, especially when you don't know
what to do with it yourself.

In the spirit of service I can now be of service to all spirits.

A messiah would never try to convince you of the reality of God through miracles but may appeal to
your reason by their message.

A messiah isn't a miracle maker but a messenger, your ability to grasp this message would be the

Lets talk about the difference between the garden and the jungle and the metaphysical meaning of each

Never live your life like a den of thieves. Thieves of the mind thieves if the senses thieves of smells and
sensual indulgences thieves of apathy and inertia all very expensive purveyors of indolent fine tastes.

Tao is elucidation. The mystery of God is that there will be very few that get to know this mystery.

The journey that ends to the eyes of man continues in the eyes of God.

Your soul will be seen through from beginning to end which there is none.

Clarity to the confused and consolation to the bereaved, you won't have to believe it to feel it.

There will be a battalion of children coming to collect due to digital neglect. This is a sickness of future

My character is meritorious deed and virtuous action.

The oblivious happy man is frowned upon because no one can see the origin of his happiness.
One of the most dangerous indulgences you can partake in are "energy games". There are also word
tricks and traps like missing the fine print.

Karma is proven by the fact that you are existing in a closed loop. We live in a pattern, few are
unpredictable and spontaneous.

“Petty men put their money down, bright sages offer their money up.”

Man puts his money down on himself to indulge his appetites, sages offer their money up to support
high spiritual aspiration.

Man plays money games with himself at the expense of his health.

There is the story of the wilful disciple seeking wisdom from master whom in turn pours him some tea
that ran over the rim of the cup showing his fullness. This is from the outside in, When the true disciple
finds the true master within then it is a fountain that bubbles like a well Spring that never ends. The
magick man is the one who's at peace with the vicissitudes of life.

For the orthodox the price for freedom is the cost of a tribal exile banishment and symbolic death, they
have no use for you because you have no use for them and you are now dead to them, literally a ghost
non entity. There's nothing to crack now that all codes are exposed. The day that the sage attained the
way is the day the sage became the way. The chaotic homogeneity is the cacophony. The savage man is
a denatured man or debased man, which means he is lacking the inherent natural indeginous melanated
nature which is a reverential look at life, but instead finds himself in a hostile environment. The
alienated ones.

The treasure is always at the doorway of your own beck and call.

Heaven the doubled force of creative expansion is all pervasive. There is no where it is not, there is
nothing that it doesn't accomplish. In other words there is nothing that is not accomplished through

A Beautiful lie, tech is becoming more ubiquitous and pervasive and will be the very tool needed to
advance us in a progressive civilization. The ugly truth: if the tech that we have now cannot provide the
blanket relief and and solve the disparate socio economic and nutrient droughts world wide then our
current level of tech is a boon for the few and a colossal failure of tyranny and subjugation for the rest of
the 99%.

I don't fantasize I actualize.

Somebody asked me what language I speak and I said: "actions".

The best practical use for a business tie would be a chefs headband, a hanging noose, an emergency
belt, and a tourniquet.

You are the silo of your own self imprisonment.

The society of man will benumb you, dumb you, and gun you down.

The Dharma show misappropriated the word dharma and the Bagua symbol of the Tao, totally distorted
it for entertainment and free enterprise purposes.

The dragon’s claw or grip of the dragon is much different from the dragons bite, the grip is on your life
outlook and can be considered as a chronic muscle lock in limbic system fight flight or over vigilant
worry. The harder you work, the more you do, the sheer will power of overcoming is the very thing that
tightens the grip, tighter, now tighter, now tighter, until something snaps like a twig, it could even be a
pop like a bubble of reality. This is what is called a nervous breakdown or the psychotic break.

When I touched the q-wave, eternity came to me, now I no longer need to wait for eternity.

When I received the BIG one, I asked it to go away, and that’s exactly why now it’s permanent.

What would be the equivalent to Sun Tzu’s Art of War for spiritual warfare? This is where the levels of
effectiveness are delineated.

It’s called Tao Lyn’s Art of the Spirit Wars aka Yishu Shen Zhanzheng aka Spook Warfare

The quantum transmission and the effortless writing method. This form of writing does not come from
the intellect, the data access downloads are done via the superconscious self through contact with the
quantum wave known by the ancients as the Akashic Records.

The orbital universe and what it really means to get smoked by a gun and the separation of the soul and
the spirit.

The smoking gun is the metaphor for the after effect of the discharged bullet round and the separation
of the soul from the body after it’s been killed.

Once the bullet is shot, there’s no taking back the bullet. There is only one purpose that the bullet was
created for, to kill, kill, kill let’s not ever get that confused.

Not for sport, not for target practice, not for skeet shooting, killing, point blank like the close range that
one shoots from.
The bullet once released is the violent smashing orb. It is so hot and velose in trajectory it cuts through
all energetic layers, but will imbed it the densest cluster or mass that is denser than the lead projectile

The violent action either kills instantly or one consciously knows their dying or close to it, as the life
force essence and energy begins to drain from the body. The Jing leaks down and the spirit evaporates
up. All elements return to their proper origins as well as the manifold spirit bodies.

and is a traumatic experience that can’t be consciously comprehended unless one past this danger and
was able to reflect back on it.

5d will having you looking 5 deep.

We are in this incarnate opportunity.

End-of-life or Afterlife Magic Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Tibetan Book of the Dead the Bardo full.
I ching magick will be part of Magickal Tao or could be stand alone, The Tao book of purging
attachments and exorcisms. Quantum 4d iching vs the super iching. Iconic corporate logos their hidden
meaning, branding, and special interest group lobbying. The ways I approach a statement, is it complete,
is it a topic, is it cryptic, is it poetic or is it contrived?

Don’t forget to copyright the three tao faces.

My skin is black and white but my eyes see grey.

There will be a time in the future where there will be embargoes on the truth.

There will be a time in the future where this information will be unavailable though the world wide
intranet goggle search system, it will be filtered, censored, or blocked.

The only true and pure transmissions will be in analogue books or highly secure data containment drives
that are uncompromisable. If these are found on your person at any of the UN Interpol checkpoints, it
will be confiscated and you’ll be either executed on the spot, or kidnapped and incarcerated as an
enemy of the state and a heretic of the new one world religion.

This statement and many others will be part of The Future (Truth) Tao transmission prophecies.

There are galactic highways the same way there are super information highways, and these also have
roads, signs, markers and destinations. These are holographic overlays to the navigation screen of the
ship or to the augmented sight of the psychic rapport between the light ship and pilot.

All worth is self worth.

If you don't find worth in yourself, and turn yourself over to others to find your worth for you, they’ll sell
your worth at a premium, and you will accept less than your worth, because you really don't know what
your worth truly is.

Another level of seeing is seeing above the chaos of the masses into the strata of peace beyond human
entanglements. The symbol of this is the palm tree, you can only hear it in the wind when the mind is at
What are the practical methods of applying these principles everyday in your life? After 20 years of
martial arts I came to realize that the most dangerous energies are invisible and can work against you
whether you know they exist or not.

Who is certified in IC and what type of person would be looking for the credentials? IC online
certification course.

This is the foundation of the Tao interesting never mentioned once by Lao can anyone explain why if he
is the "founder" of tha Tao philosophy or is he just famous for the best encapsulation?

We must concur that if Lao said the True Tao is the unspoken Tao then how do you know when Tao
speaks? We all know when someone is speaking or trying to communicate as we have every sense to
report this, however God speaks through signs and wonders and patterns. An omen would be
anomalous to this pattern so we would have to then say the expression would be unique, again how
would we know if we were not the intended observer of the sign? The observer then is the target
destination for the message, because only by their emotional connection to the sign would the target
recipient receive as the Great Way designed it. There is personal interpretation and unanimous,
personal is specific and unanimous is a generalized agreement. Diamonds came out of crushed coal just

Man speaks in words and God speaks in numbers.

Through the methods you believe, are the ways you will receive (your influx of good). I refuse to become
the person this world wants to mold me into. The mold is only used for the purposes of containment,
but they only want to contain you for their own selfish purposes.

Kindred minds are kindred spirits, you can say they emanate from the same soul group incarnation.

Crisis brings out the true character of a person.

Power is not what can be displayed but what can be contained and restrained.

Advanced synchronicity is spirit and animal communications and the invisible tests of the masters. Also
receiving direct communications from weather or natural phenomena are omen communications of
what's to come. There is also what you call "synchronistic communication". Say you hit a dead end, you
say "Universe give me a specific sign of exactly what to do next and I will follow it..." Then you have to
send the message and "forget", right when you really forget, "reminders" will come back with specific
words or phrases that are the "answers" or clues to the problem at hand.
I was writing my bio for the music and then got stuck and all the keywords I used got thrown back at me
randomly while reading about other artists like "genre fluid" "breakout artist", "curated sound" these
were my markers or flags that let me know I was on the right path.

Buddha didn't achieve in opulence but did in self imposed poverty. The opulence he came from is what
he witnessed as spiritually impoverished, leading him to abandon the false kingdom, for the real
treasure of truth and genuine liberation.

Enter and center are at the root of the sentiment.

Breaking cycles is not done violently but by peaceful acceptance. Accepting that one was the cause of
the cycle and by not perpetuating the cycle, one's actions are no longer bound by the cycles.

You're only as pure as your connection to the source.

Purity equals clarity.

The 5 element assessment touch smell taste look and listen.

Phantom space and theory organic and non. This also equates to phantom limb syndrome.

There is a department in Tao for every life situation.

If home is where the heart is, then happiness starts in the home.

If one quotes a master, give him credit and embody the teachings, don’t be a parrot.

Mere words are not miracles but the effect they can have are miraculous.

The worst is the best when there's nothing.

VAPRDZ they smoke us like drugs because we are the best dope in the galaxy.

No time to eat no time to sleep, no time to think, no time drink, no time to live, no time die, no time
drive, no time to fly, x2
Because if now is not your time then you're living the lie.

If you have sinned and were forgiven then you have a moral obligation to make good on that grace by
not continuing to sin. When metal has been polished to perfection it can perfectly reflect the heavens.
That's you reflected along with the sky because it's in the same picture.
A demon is like a low human in the sense that if you take any gift or offering from them, they always and
I mean always give you something with an expectation of a return favor, this is to establish an obligation
to them that is indefinite. You will always "owe" them no matter how hard you try to pay off the debt.

Don't fight it, invite it, and if you're tested, bless it.

Most people don't think about what type of money they get is qty quality y dirty clean? Is it worth
getting at all costs?

Quantum equals non local unity.

Polarization and the occult clearing house and emotional triggering.

If the eyes are the windows of the soul then the face is the window to the mind. People even wear their
emotions on their face like a mask, and that mask can tell the whole story.

Describe the seven hells on earth starting with handicaps of deafness and blindness....

I am the richest man on the planet and i own this whole goddamned world I own you from womb to the
tomb and I document every boy and girl I know I have alot of enemies but if you havent figured it out, I
want your energy your energy your energy. I want it all your taxes your vaccinations your fascinations,
your animals pleasures, every bird of a feathers and every fish in the ocean, I rule your senses your mind
your religion and all your emotions, all kill you with my poisons and then make billions off the potions.
Whatever gets you sick is what gets me rich ill put you and the payroll to dig your own ditch your lifes a
bitch and I will pimp that hoe....i am on a mission to induce full cathartic movement.

Oh yeah you got it .... Fucha Syndrome oh yeah you caught Fucha Syndrome oh yeah you bought its ya
Fucha Syndrome, and thats why you lost its the Fucha....ya mind has been gone...Fucha Syndrome...ya
mind is blown Fucha syndrome...oh no ya mind is gone... First comes the beauty then comes the pain its
a perfect storm for a love hurricane, it's a whirlwind romance, she likes to twirl and spin when we go
dance, you can move try to advance, but if ya dont come correct then you got no chance.

The living nightmare series...they say the living are few and the dead are many, so the question then
begs where did their souls go? Did you know that the nightmare you’re living is someone else’s twisted
idea of living the dream?

A virus can be mental, physical or digital, a corruption in the homeostasis or balance of a circuitous well

Is the future everything you dreamed it would be?

Before we saw it your way now ya gonna see it my way.

A "lie" is at the heart of the word "Alien". It also seems there may be “a lien” on the planet, as if we have
not paid our debts and they are here to collect.

Blade runna little people.

Guerilla ontology.

Rhyme traveler's.

I'm tired of letting my truth die, while others use my life to manifest their truth, because I'm not using
my own truth to live by.

Which vision are you living by, the one that you had for yourself or the vision someone else had for you?

You must be purpose driven to restore this planet back to the state of paradise it deserves to be in.

Paradise Planet.

I sometimes see people run about so fixated you would think they were possessed. It's as if the mind is
motivated by a phantasmagoria of image projections trying to reach some form of outer birth of
formative expression. So the question is, are they trying to give birth to a thought form, or are they
already the form of a thought that has given birth? (preconceived)

The Tao is enough.

Attitude is altitude in the sense that, if you are in a low inferior position yet are unconscious of this with
a happy and enthusiastic attitude, you have extended a friendly invisible lifeline to those above who will
unexpectedly lift you up by it. Conversely, you can have those at the pinnacle of position and power,
with poor low vibrational attitudes, that will inevitably sink under the weight of their own tyrannical

Your Utopia is my dystopia.

Neon dirt cyber trash.

Words are symbols of the mind.

Principles without actions are theories.

Even the blind can have vision.

Even the strongest men on the planet shrink from the conquest of self sufficiency.

Freedom always comes with a price.

Thieves love an open aperture, it's like an invitation, and nothing comes into your life uninvited.

What is the use of enlightenment if it's not perfect? It would just be hijacked by the conditioned mind
and to be exploited as another tool or device to advance the ego or the "I" exclusive agenda.

The constructs of gods are the constructs or the different states of man's psyche and their attributes.

You are your thoughts.

You are the improved version of every other incarnation where you vowed to live a life of self
improvement. How do you improve perfection?

Inspiration is useless if you have no way of expressing it.

Tao is peace exemplified, even its chaos looks peaceful.

The Tao needs to feel pain to know it's alive, and we are the extra sensory pain receptors of the organic
extensions of the universe. The symbolic imagery would be that of a blanket coral reef of hard matter
intertwined with a soft sea anemone throughout all of creation. This is the metaphor of the ocean being
the origin of all life. Turtles whales dolphins all transmigrate through the astral universal substance.

There is a saying in Taoism that goes: "yes and no both mean yes." That's why when Lao Tzu tasted the
wine of the three masters his was sweet, Confucius sour, and Buddha's bitter.

A record label is perpetuation of a sound. When you think of motown records, jive records, astralwerks
records, bad boy records, casablanca records , def jam records, elektra records, immediately artists start
coming to mind that define their sound.

If you speak of the Tao and someone laughs, that's how you know it's the truth.

This can be a cruel beautiful world.

Some people live in and Thrive off of drama as it gives their lives meaning and purpose. They are empty
and void inside and require artificially manufactured emotionally-charged entanglement to give them
fulfillment. This is where the word drama queen comes from the next dramatic person is the Diva these
are the Hollywood archetypes behind-the-scenes and Run This Town.
Drama is the void where peace belongs.

Ill use myself as the test subject of the musical experience to dip the toe in to get a feel for the
water...diving in is full immersion and one must be prepared to get wet.

From one to a million is the goal, 1 mil likes, share, subscribes, plays and sales to perfect permanent
financial security $and independence.

The realm of the relative universe.

Into the Vortex.

Its not about gaining power over the universe but getting the power of the universe behind you in all of
your affairs and endeavors.

The power three: synchronicity, affinity and infinity.

The four states are running, aloof, domineering and docility.

They say you can't change others you can only change yourself and if you change yourself you can
change the world. So you have yourself and the world that all must change together to stay together, or
change apart to fall apart.

Enlightenment is like a living rebirth, although a joyous occasion, done repeatedly can become painful
and fraught with difficulty, that's why the ancients said get it right the first time to avoid another rebirth.

A person who is negative has identified with their adverse condition.

I am the end result of all of my previous actions.

Thunder + lightning= exciting.

The spirit blueprint is the divine imprint or template of success of which thoughts, deeds and actions

Rectitude can lead you to the road of righteous riches. Act as if you are doing something without being
anything or anyone important.

Thus is the bliss of heaven that even the angels don't know they inhabit it. Thus is the confusion of the
underworld that one is dead and doesn't even know it. Thus is the attachment to the pleasures of this
world that one is reborn and doesnt even know it.
The opposite of an idle workshop is an actuary.

When you go solo in music, you will not get much support from a prior music group, because it was the
prior music group that only believed in itself, and not the solo artists.

Don't cry for me when I die, laugh and say wow he should really be getting rest now. When I was alive
no one cried for me when I was depressed, they laughed like business as usual.
When I was happy and elated after the depression no one came around to celebrate this happiness. So
don't celebrate my happiness with your sadness because happy is the day when one is liberated from
the wheel.

Your good will precede you if you give the universe the right of way.

Your desires are desirements, a desired requirement, your future is secured, that's why it rhymes with

A low sitting on earth is a high standing in heaven. Any plan that's against the divine, plays right into
hands of the divine plan.

How do you mix magic and religion? By being a metaphysician...the rings or concentric spheres of

The richest man on the planet is the most bankrupt in spirit if he cannot share his riches with a world
that’s suffering.

Whoever said that the brain was the strongest muscle in the body lied, it’s the heart.

They say home is where the heart is, so if the biggest muscle is your brain, then you’re living inside of
your head and not the body.

My return to sanity was when I realized I will not find any new results from doing the same things that
don’t produce any results.

The Partz Unknown claim of fame will be when it is revealed that this was the first underground hip hop
group that got their video played on a major network channel BET and dropped the word “Illuminati”

The Legend of the Emerald Tablets and the Cult of Amen Ra, who were the Amenist, the origin of Amen,
and the Halls of Amenti. What was the job of the scribe of the gods?

Cancer is a parasitic larval thought form generated into 3D bodily holographic space. This would be a
distortion of the Kahuna “aka” body energetic blueprint that has the perfect template map for the
growth pathways of tissue and organs for the body. Let’s include this with the spiritual pathology series.

Who are the pseudo-science heretics, the Wilhelm Reich’s, the Dr. Emoto’s? So let me get this right, you
have the scientific procedure…discuss here…
Domestication is the breaking of the will of a pioneering homesteader.

Bodhisattva warriors and the Buddhic Taoist Realms, this would be a merging of the Celestial Masters
and the Western Pure Land emancipated ones, and the purgatory of Feng Du Mountain, the Bardo, and
the Petta Realm Worlds.

What is Tibetan Magick, the good and the bad?

I sometimes shed more tear for strangers than I do for estranged family members. All blood is not family
all family is not blood. Some bonds are forged of spirit, but most connections are loose as rice noodle.

Silent agreement is complicity.

I stopped wearing black, but I was cold and out of clean clothes so wore a black sweater to work. The
one day I wore black again, I find out my good friend died. Was I mourning in advance?

Sometimes when you exhibit a surplus of energy, those with low, to no energy now want to recruit you
for their own personal low energy needs and activity.

The more you associate or allow the slow drain of the high vibration, youthful enthusiastic energy, to
the gutturally low, laconic, apathetic and lethargic, they will reap your supply like harvesting milk from a

This is your life force essence and they can see that in your aura and want to take it because the logic
being is that, “They got a lot of energy, they have enough for both of us.”

This would be considered a quiet conspiracy to extract from others what’s exhausted in oneself.
Twisted, old, and bent witches and warlocks are good at doing this with young virgin girls and boys.

This is due to going to the wrong source for the supply and scavenging like a condor buzzard. Circling
and waiting, waiting for an opening of attack or an opportunity where there will be zero effort required
for the object so desired.

This could also be related to a martial arts caged death match. The young buck will bounce with vigor,
while the wise predator waits to throw the death blow.

I can no longer live the nightmare, it's time to start having, being, and living the dream.

The movie MIB was actually a real MIB Op, think about it and explain.

The root of the word Morgellons’s as in the disease is morgue, who’s trying to kill us and why? Research

Those who pinch pennies get their hands cramped in that position.

If you ever tell yourself that you are being too sensitive, then you’re not being sensitive enough.

If you are only as good as your word, and you don’t honor that, what are you good for?

No voice is no choice and a closed mouth doesn’t get fed, so what’s on the menu?

Ah, finally the joy of nothingness!

When you get more concern from strangers and co-workers than you do from the people in your own
home, you know there’s got to be a problem in that house.

Little people need big things to make them feel adequate, secure, and special. This is what makes them
feel lifted up or elevated like a midget stepping out of a monster truck. This feeling doesn’t come from
short stature, but a small self-image on the inside.

Sometimes our own blessed loved ones are the unwitting agents of the archonic control parasite. Their
own personal low level 4d parasitic attachments can see a clear auric lucid field that is free of the
invasive elements and so triggers the relatives to put pressure on the target relative to drop their
defenses and make them more susceptible to the intrusive thoughts and negative coercive influence.

I would rather be the death of myself than to have someone else be the death of me.

People say, “you are going to be the death of me”, or “you make my life a living hell”! So the question is:
“Can you be the life of someone, and make their life a living heaven”? If the answer is no, then what
they say is true.

The power of a personality must be exhausted in order to get to the true person inside that was covered
by the mask of false pretenses.

I would rather go to find out and fail, than to fail without ever finding out.

Don’t look left or right, always keep the goal in sight.

Stay one pointed, like due north.

The compass is an instrument that does not lie.

The full human Daoist spectrum of experience is from vulgar to refined.

If you’re in a position to help, don’t withhold that help because people didn’t help you.

Sometimes helping others is actually helping yourself.

Help others to help themselves.

When you receive help, make sure to repay that help with kindness. (The Dalai Lama)

If you don’t have an offering, the least you can offer is a smile. (The Buddha)

It’s always nice to be nice. (My Mother)

Always use you own mind and never let anyone influence you. (My Mother)

“You’re a good kid, and I’m sorry I couldn’t have done more for you, and that’s the karma that I have to
live with…” (Last talk I had with my Dad before he passed).

Self-help is self-care.

Self-care is valuing health.

Health is your number one asset that is considered the richest wealth.

Show me one sick person that can enjoy their riches…I’m still waiting…

Wealth takes care of itself, when you take care of your health.

You can’t take respect…You can only get respect, by the respect that you give.

Illusory magic: Projecting fantasies of the mind to overstimulate and make blind.

Just because you feel you’re more than you are, doesn’t make you more than you are.

To know is to do, to do is to be (Ni, Hua Ching)…

…and when you are you, is when you are free. (Tao)

You feel it to reveal it.

Not even a white dress can redeem a woman defiled by her own actions.

Not even a shield of pure silver can hide the misdeeds of the inquisitor.

The rule of vertigo is stay focused on the center and never the peripheral. Vertigo is like a sleep deficit
small quanta of disorientation can accumulate until you reach the full vertigo state if you are not able to
stop "spinning", this is by external pressures that you are trying to overcome with the pure force of
movement, the other comes from the pure force of fixated intent that propel us into unconscious
actions. Megalomania perversions of power and the resultant twisted mindset.

For some their highest form of mastery is mastering the processes of no substance in other words they
place a high value on the manufacturing of no substantial value. For me to be realistic is to magically feel
it. what will be will be yours effortlessly. Sometimes you just need to make peace that you may never be
at peace. When does the madness cease? The day when that happens I'll be at peace. Where is this
madness? On the inside reflecting it outside, you can't go outside to tell everybody to go inside, they will
only go when its time for them.

New concept called escape the grid based off China and Japans social credit rating system if you dont
crack the code you will never get off the grid all sukiyo wants to do is find the island hermit to become a
disciple of the hermit way once he escapes he realizes the hermit is just an ai cyborg a myth, until he
realizes that he is now the hermit that everyone will seek. The ai hermit was created by an enslaved
coder as a means to vicariously live life off the grid; the yakunet is the only access point now that all
global portals have been consolidated.

The injection of light codes into the human auric field. The standard code of globalization is
standardization, making it the gold standard and there is no other way or option because these are the
only channels of operation. So when the committee of the 300 is convening these are the things they
discuss to enforce the standards. Algorithm ai and automation is the formula. The science of the
quantum wave download. Their inversion is your conversion.
The truth is not in the business of sparing feelings. None of you are bullet proof I don't care how
powerful or how cool none of you are bullet proof here let me show you the proof. You might have
plans for your life, but life might just have different plans for you.

Don't demand respect, command respect with the respect you give. Proactive is procreation. React is
recreation. I'm doing big thangs like the big bang.

To learn martial arts you need to have an honest perspective of where you're at in the martial arts
world. This is called proactive humility. If you have overestimated your ability at combat and have gotten
defeated this would be a forced humility or a humbling experience. Consider yourself lucky and blessed
if you get to live another day to tell the tale.

Ghost Realms are like electro-magnetic bombs, once a highly charged violent emotion explodes into the
surrounding ether, it creates a holographic crystallized snap shot or quantum field of occurrence that
loops indefinitely seeking infinite variations of new outcomes until there is some sort of satisfactory
resolution. After a quantity of attempts, all based upon previous karmic merits, the soul contract is
complete and can now lift up to join with its eternal spirit counterpart to abide in the heavenly realms
for healing and preparation for the next incarnation of learning.

A fatalist would rather die before they do the right thing.

We say “let go and let God”, that statement right there proves the love of God.

God is always ready and available to reach out for support, but out of grace and the gift of freewill does
not personally interfere unless asked to do so. The root of the good is God, your good comes from God,
you may not think you are worthy or undeserving of the perfect grace and so lose faith.

What makes an orange? Yes it would be made up of its cellulose structure, its juice, its color, but if we
removed all structure and even evaporated the water, what would be left? The essence, this essential
oily essence, the orange was a bio-organic cluster of distillatory processes that harnessed the elements
of the earth, air, water, and fire of the sun that produced and excreted a substance or life renewal and
vivification for other forms of life. A gift of the gods, a fruit and nectar of the gods, for the gods. This
would also be an orange chakra entity that has all the traits associated with the color orange. All of this
is manufactured or created in the genetic sequential code pattern that this bio organelle was divinely
designed or intended for.

The glands are the distillatory organs that catalyze etheric energy into jing essence substance through
cosmic electrolysis.

There is sibling rivalry is because one has a stomach that is bigger than their heart.

When one is carried by the quantum wave he grows wings on his ankles and becomes a wing-footed
messenger. Everywhere he goes he’s light on his toes and in the flow.

When we talk about weights and measures, it’s the burden and heaviness of the heart and conscience
not goods and materials.
I am not my name, my rank, my file, my wealth, my position, at some point we must transcend.

You never know what kind of effect you have on other people, and you never know what kind of effect
people have on you.

Just remember when you meditate, believe the daughters of Mara are coming for you.

Karma’s a son of a gun when you don’t know what you’ve done.

Ku are the forces or natural decay due to neglect or stagnated energies, the I Ching said that root of all
evil is indifference. Indifferent to your conditions, health and environment create all forms of decays and
insipid waste by products. These can then begin to negatively affect other nearby healthy organisms and
environments by nature of osmosis or virtue of contaminate contact.

Don’t do it, it’s a trap, that’s why it’s called the honey trap.

I asked Tao to tone it down, but Tao asked me to crank it up, so Tao’s request takes priority.

God is glad to be the giver, as the receiver is glad to receive the gift.

Communism is the price you pay for a free lunch.

Sometimes silence is louder than words. Sometimes silence says it all. Sometimes no answer, is the

Most people are quick to speak, but those that hesitate to gather their thoughts before speaking are
deep thinkers.

When the fear of death has struck you in the heart, can you stand there and stare it down?

I once heard a word from the wise, that said all your blessings were in disguise.

I don’t live in fear, I live in good cheer.

Check out the shaolin yi jin jing 12 exercise explanations on youtube.

The algorithm is the code,

the code is the program,

the program is the script or language,

the script is the executable,

the executable is the sequence.

The sequence works toward a result

The result is the intent or design of the program

Examples of spontaneous pole merging, androgyny as the metaphor for the merging of spiritual yin and
yang, the alchemical wedding of natural forces.

Shen Yang Gong

Yin Yang Gong

Jin Yang Gong

Androgenous Powerful Personality

The watchman is now at the gate. Only positive words will be allowed to enter the mind and exit
through the mouth.

If there is a negative slip, be an alchemist and transform lead into gold.

Write every positive thought or affirmation that will bring your new reality into fruition now:

There’s a reason I am here which are to find the clues to my success…

My presence alone is a blessing to the environment.

Your faith will be tested when hit with a tidal wave, stay on course like a captain at the wheel, this is
called weathering the storm.

The tropical paradise is just outside of view but it’s there waiting for the whole ship to arrive intact.

You are the titles you create for yourself, if you don’t create it, someone will for you, and you may not
like the one you get.

Don’t make preference, only choose your truth.

If you have something smart to say, be smart and don’t say it.

If someone asks you a question and you say “no comment”, that comment just spoke volumes.

All time is Tao time.

All projects, project into the future, as projectionson the screen of the mind.

Pure positivity means that one is positive they are coming from a pure place.

Whether one’s place is at home or at work, both places are equally valuable.

Money can’t buy you happiness but fulfilment through purpose can.

Man's will to live, has overridden the Tao’s will for our life. Tao’s will was for us to wake up to life, not
consume it.

Why even though one maintains the full vigilance with no slips, do the events stay relentless? It’s
because the events are relentlessly trying to tell you something and you’re not listening.

Your feelings are the compass of your life like feng shui is a compass for your home.
We can use books for guides, but how we feel about the guidance is how we will receive and use it.

The more we are “connected” by our devices, the more we are disconnected to ourselves and others.

Value is what people place on things if they can get something out of it. However, most people don’t
value your time or theirs because they’re busy decorating their idle workshops to feel valuable.

Drifters are the ones who work for the tools in their idle workshop, but never allow the tools to work for













(In other words if you're living a lie, a lie is what you will become, a falsehood or misappropriation of

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