Auto Tic Auto Tic ' TRO Auto Tic Auto Tic ' TRO: Collec O Collec O

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Michel Jacoub
Chief Engineer
Compagni e Generale d'Automatisme
Paris, Fr an ce

ABSTRACT Beside s describing the Pa ris ~etro System the

r epo rt outlin es the design pr oced ur e to meet the
The paper describes the Automatic Far e Co llection basic requir ements and i llu s tr ates how differen t
System designed f or the Paris urban Metro netwo r k. opera tin g co ndit i on s have l ed to different designs
The system performs ticket sale , ticket checking for systems performing s imil ar t asks.
and gate contro l at e ntran ce and exit o f stations
as well as statistical and acco unt an cy functions. GENERA.L

The system is fully ce ntr alized with two levels The role of a fare co ll ect ion system is t o co ll ec t
of processing and includ es i n th e prese nt stage Lhe "t oll " which has to be paid fo r the partial
about 2000 station pe riph era ls. and personal use of a utility built for a co l lec ti-
vity. Thi s utility may be a transporta ti on mea ns ,
The system has been progressively put ln opera tion a road o r eve n a ca r park . ~ostly the co ll ect i on
since the end of 1973 . of th e toll or fa r e i s coup l ed t o the emission of
a ticket whose validity will be checked at entr an ce
Besides des c ribing the Paris Metro Syst em th e t o and/or ex it from th e utility, the fare co ll ec -
rep ort o utlines the design procedure t o meet the tion proper t aking place eithe r at en tr ance or a t
basic requirements and illustr ates how different exi t.
operating co nditi ons have l ed to different des igns
for systems per f o rming similar t asks . Aut oma ti o n nf fare colle c tion systems is generally
jus tified for economic reasons involving both eco -
SUMMARY nomy on personnel and fraud prevention and in most
cases such a ut oma ti c sys t ems perform, besides their
The Paris Metro Aut oma tic Fare Collec ti on System essential functions, accounting operatio ns and
provides for th e sale of transp o rtation tickets, statistical functions.
ticket checking and gate control in all the
stations of the urban rail way ne two r k . It perfo rms There is no fundamental theoret i cal difference bet -
sales and r ecei pts accountancy and stati s ti ca l ween au t oma tic fare collec ti on systems as app li ed
operations and checks station personnel clock-in to different typ es of "uti li ti es " such as an urban
and c lo ck- out. tr an spo rt a ti on ne two rk, an int ercity transportation
netwo rk, a t o ll road o r a car par k . Ye t the sys t em
The system is organized in a three leve l hi e r a rchy. design may be very different acco r ding t o the par-
Ticket vending ma chines and automatic ga t e s wi th t icu lar cha r acte ri st i cs and operational rules of
ticket readers f orm the peripheral level . The the ut ilit y concerned .
peripherals ope r ate in a s lave mode and are fully
controlled by AFC processors which consti tut e the These characterist ic s may be c lassifi ed in five
second level. Acco untin g , sta ti stica l and general general grou ps
data a re centra li zed and processed by the third, - geogra phi ca l structure charac teri zing the space
data col l ection pro cessing level. distribution of ticket dispensers and access
and/or exit ga t es ,
The periph erals , which number abo ut 2000 at present, - functional complexity wh i ch is def ined by the
but may be ex tended to about 4000, are distributed fare structure and ope rati ona l ru les . Fare
over the tr ansp o rtation ne twork. The 10 normal AFC s tru cture may range from s t rictly flat fare to
processors and t hei r 2 stand - bys and the 2 da ta d iff e r ential fare f un ct i on of origi n and des ti-
co ll ection pro cesso rs are centralized on the same na ti on, but a simple f a re structure may cor r es -
site. pond t o comp l ex opera ti onal rules,
- required ease of adap t a ti on to va ri ations of fare
The system has been progre ss i ve ly put in operation structures and oper atio nal rules,
between end of 19 73 and 1974. ava il abi lit y constraints,

technological and ergonomic co nst raints depending Due to t he complex it y of the opera ti ona l rul es and
in particul ar on type of co nt act betwee n eq uip - fare s tru c ture a nd t he necessi t y of being able
ment and public . easily t o implement modifications it was no t feasi-
ble with the technology exis tin g at the ti me t o
In 19 70 t he Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens design gates and vending machines as stand - alone
(R.A.T.P. - Paris Tr anspor t ation Au th or it y) decided equipme nt. On the o ther hand the requirement of
to implement an int egra ted a ut omatic far e collection practically real time information gathering f o r
system f or its urb an network, the Par is ~etro. accounting and statisti cal purposes a nd general
system monitoring made a data ce ntr a lising link
Th i s decision followed on t he first year o f opera- necessary eve n in the case of s t a nd - a l one equip -
tion of a somewhat similar sys t em develope d by ment. Th us it was found necessary t o link both
Compagnie Gene r a l e d'Automatisme for the rapid gates and vending machines t o more o r less ce ntra-
transit system o f R.A.T .P . lized logic and da t a hand ling processors perfo r-
ming decision taking , check ing and data gathering
The system for the urban netwo rk had to pe r fo rm o perations. This link being necessary it was deci-
the followi ng tasks ded for eco nom i ca l reasons to res tri ct t he inter -
- Sale of all types of tickets used both on the nal log i c of the station peripherals (gates a nd
urban ne two rk and through booked t o th e rapid vending mach ines) to th e min imum necessary for the
transit system. This sale invo lv es a t present performance of s t rictly l ocal f unctions and have
booking office vending machines and ca n be ex- them work in a purely s l ave mode .
tended to passenger operated vending machines,
Checking of tickets at entrance and (in (ertain The opera tion of a cer tain number of peripherals
cases) at exit and operation of automa ti c gates , as s l aves t o a common logic processor has th e d r aw -
Full accoun t ing of sales and cash received, back of reflecting a ny failure of this processor
Sales and tr affic sta t istics , on all the periphera ls concerned . Thus a cer t a in
Cl ock in and out of s t ati on personne l, amount of redundance on the common processors l evel
- Transmission to the s t ations of miscellaneous and p r ovis i on of automatic sw it chover from f ai led
information, to stand by equipment was necessary. \~ere one
- Reporting on t he genera l operation of the system processor i s installed on a given si t e this redun-
itself . dance results in a doubling of equipme nt. If, on
the other hand several processors are installed
The sys tem in its pr ese nt stage involves 350 sta- on th e same site a lesser amount of redundanc y may
t io ns in an a rea of about 11 0 sq km. It comprises be sufficient to meet the ava il ab ility requirements .
1600 ga t es and 360 booking office vending machines
and is expandable t o a t o tal of over 4500 gates The number of peripherals which can be tied to the
and vending machines. same processor is limit ed by the existence of a
maximum response time to peripheral cal ls. Taking
The fare struc ture of the urban netwo r k is essen- in accoun t maximum passenger flow and expec ted
t ia ll y flat fare but covers a number of different processing time per t icket it is possible to compu te
ti cket t ypes in cluding a weekly ti cke t wit h r a t he r the max i mum number of s t a ti on peripherals f o r a
comp lex opera ti on rules. In add it ion th e system given type of computer.
has to p r ocess t hr ough tickets f r om the urban zone
to the rapid transit zo ne with a zonal fare s tru c- Obviously t he total processor cos t will be minimi -
tur e . zed by tying the maximum possib l e number of peri-
pherals t o the same processor. This effect i s e n-
The ti cke t processed by the system is magnetically hanced by the fact that usually larger processors
encoded ib a ceutral track and exis t s in two forms, are of a l esser relativ e cost than smaller ones .
light ca rdb oar d ticket for shor t time use (up to I On the other hand the reduction of the number of
week ) and plastic card for seasons and passes processors results in an i ncrease of the length of
(fig. I). The codi ng inc lud es 64 significant bits the i nt e r con nection lines between processor and
and heading and end sequences. This ticket is id en- peripherals and thus in an in crease of the cabling
ti ca l to the ti cke t used o n the r apid transit cos t.
system .
A further point to take in account is the mainte-
The system had t o meet the foll owing cha r acteris - nance cos t of the pr ocessors as t he necessary main-
tics or constra int s : tenance manpower is a function not on l y of pr oces -
- the gates and vend ing machi nes are d i strib ut ed so r number bu t also of the number of the processor
in a la r ge number of stations wit h a re l at i vely si t es.
small number of equipment per s tati on ,
t he f are s tructure and opera ting ru les o f th e Based on th e above considerations, and taking in
ti ckets are relatively comp l ex , account first install a ti on cost inc luding cabling,
the system has t o be easily adaptab le to modifi- mainte nance costs and ease of mai nt ena nce and ope -
ca ti on of fares, opera t i ng rules and a ll ow intr o - ration, a cos t efficiency optimization procedure
duction of new ty pes of tickets, led to a globa l system design where all the neces-
the system has t o operate 20 hours a day with a sary processo rs are concen trat ed on the same s ite,
very high level of availability . each station peripheral being connec ted to a proces -
sor couple r by a single t e le pho ne pair .
System design and cos t /performance op ti miza ti on

The processors themsel ves are or gan ized in a two unnecessary buffering, th e messagffia re sent on the
l evel hierar chy the lower level being devoted t o line a t th e normal r ead ing speed of the ticket
the handling of the individual peripheral opera- r eade r which is abo ut 800 bits/second . The special-
tions, th e higher l evel performing i nformat i on ga- ly designed line modems allow a tr a nsmissi£~ rang e
th ering , account ing and statistics. of about 20 km with an e rr or of about 1.10 per
bit on standard telepho ne cables in railway tunnels.
The message exchange sequences are shown fig.s.
As outlined above the global system is co mpri sed
of three l eve ls of equipmen t (cf. fig. 2). AFC pr ocesso rs
- A peripheral level consisting of the station pe-
ri?herals, Each AFC processor group includes as stated above
A fa re col l ec ti on pr ocess ing level co nsisting of an AFC computer, a coupling interface system and
the fare collec ti on pr ocesso r gro up s , each group as many peripheral buffers as there are connected
including a computer , interface and perip heral peripherals .
A data co lle c ti on processing le ve l. The buffer performs th e following functions :
- ~essage che cking by heading and end flag detec-
The connection bet ween station peripherals and th e tion,
fare co ll ect i on processor level proceeds via de d i- - Buffering the interchanged messages to allow for
cated telephone pairs group ed in standard tel e phone difference in speeds between line transmissi on
cables la id in the r ailway tunnels. and computer input,
- Transmitting the message t o th e comp uter ~n a
The connect i on between th e fare collect i on proces - constan t or der irrespective of inse rti on sense
sors and the data collection process ing le ve l is of ticke t int o th e reader.
made through a specially designed multip l exe r wor -
king o n a compute r channel t o chan nel link . The coupl ing interf ace inco rp orates a hardware
scanner wh i ch continuously scans a ll the buffer
Station per iphera ls addresses . Each time a buffer contai ning an inco-
ming message is found the scanner stops and th e
At the prese nt stage the station peripherals com- buffered data are tr a ns fered into the co mputer
prise booking office vending machines and automa - which performs the ne cessary processing and outputs
tic gates . Provisio n is made for future in co rp ora- the an swer message t o be rel oade d into the buf fe r.
tion of pass enge r operated vending machi ne s.
The booking office vending mach ine (fig.3) per- The AFC comp u t er is a standard 16 bit word computer
forms the following functions : wi th 8K words memo r y a nd a memo r y cycle of 0,9/us.
Cu tti ng, encoding and printing of cardboard
ti cke t s from roll stock wi t h non encoded Data co ll ec ting pro cessor
Encod in g of season plastic tickets , The data col lect i ng processor is a standard machine
Reading and printout of content of controver - of the same ty pe as t he AFC processors but with a
sial ti ckets , 40K words memory and a com pr ehensive set of stan-
Personnel bagde r ead i ng for clock in and clock dard peripherals including disc, t ape, line prin-
ou t, ter and CRT display and keyboard .
Prin t out of mi sce ll anous information.
The int erc hange between the data co ll ec tion proces-
Both ti cke t price and ticket code are sent by th e sor and th e AFC pro cessors takes place through a
AFC processor in resp onse t o a se l ec tion message channel multiplexer working under the control of
coming f r om the vend ing machine. the data collection processor. The latter interro-
ga t es cyc licall y all th e AFC pr ocessors (in c luding
The au t omatic ga te consists of ga t e mechanism and stand - bys) by individual addressing and also trans-
assoc i ated ticket r eade r (fig.4). The reader mits necessary in formatio n to these.
reads the magnet ic code on an inse rt ed ticket,
reencodes the ticket if va li d and reads the newly STAND-BYS AND AUTO~~TIC SWITCHOVER
encoded message. The code check ing bot h before a nd
afte r r ee ncod ing and the tr ans mi ssion of the new None of th e equipment spec i fic to a given periphe-
message to be encoded are performed by the AFC ral is redundant as the multiplicity of equipment
processo r. If the ti cket was or i gi na ll y va lid and in a given station is in itself sufficient to cater
has been cor rectly reen coded th e compu ter trans- for passenger flow in case of an individual failure.
mi t s t o th e reader a gate unl ock ing order, if not
the ga te r emai ns l ocked. On th e o ther hand all equipment common to a number
of peripherals has built in redundancy with provi-
Each ope r at ion cycle of the station pe r iphe r a ls sion fo r automatic switchover from failed t o stand -
thus involves a sequ ence of bilateral int e rchan- by .
ges between pe riph era l and processors. The messa-
ges are fixed for ma t and normally include a 64 The block diagram of t he switchover system is shown
b it da t a sequence and a 10 bit status o r order fig . 6.
sequence plus starting a nd e nd ing f lags . To avoid

The interface system of each AFC processor group is the pilot controlling switchover to the stand - by
fully doubled , each of the interfaces feed ing a se- multiplexer. If transfer failure still occurs on
parate bus to the buffers . the same AFC computer address the normal interro-
The operation of the int erface is monitored by the gating cycle is resumed the correspondi ng AFC com-
AFC compu t e r and the latter controls the sw i tch - puter being considered as failed.
over in case an alarm is detected .
At both the AFC and DCP level all elements common
The AFC processor level includes 2 stand -by compu- to normal and stand - by equipment (ie opera ti on mo-
ters which are fully banalized so that they are nitoring and switching) have been designed for ma-
able to r eplace any of the ten normal AFC compu- ximal reliability . In addition switch - over l inks
ters and also each other . Th e operation of each are galvanical ly isolated by using sealed reed
compu ter is monitored by an externa l watch dog relays.
and any failure is reported to the two stand - bys
which control interface switch- over f rom failed The switch-over times are of the order of 1 second
to stand-by computer. Once a stand-by processor for AFC computer switch-over, about 300 ms for AFC
has taken th e role of a no rmal processor it also interface switch - over , 5 ms for multiplexer switch-
moni t ors and controls the operation of the corres - over and 1 second for transfer of pi l ot operation
ponding interfaces. of DCP.

In normal operation th e stand-by AFC compu ter s are OPERATION OF THE SYSTE'1
idle and may be used to perform checking opera-
tions on any peripheral line by using an adress Following an order placed at the beginn ing of 19 7 1
through the stand- by interface and excluding this the system has been designed and prototype tested
address from the normal interface scan . by the middle of 197 2. The system design has been
done by Compagnie Generale d'Automatisme (C.G.A.)
Both in idle and switched condition the state of which has been responsible for the whole project
each stand-by is monitored by the other. on a turn - key contract basis. C.G.A. was assisted
by Societe Software et Engineering de Syst~mes
The data collecting processor level is fully re- d'Informatique et d'Automatique (S . E.S . A.) for the
dundant and comp ris es 2 identical computer systems. software part. The electron i cs of the system for
both station equipmen t and computer interfacing
\fuereas the operation cycles of station peripherals and coupling have been designed and built by
are completely independent so that switchover from C. G.A. while the mechan i ca l parts of station
normal to stand - by processor does not involve trans- equipment are by CAMP (Compagnie d ' Apparei ls
fer of past history this is not th e case for the ~ecaniques de Precision). The computers are
data co l lec tion pro cessing level since statistics C. I.I. model 10.020 throughout .
and , stil l more important, accounting are based on
past history. It is thus necessary that both data The automatic gates and the AFC processing l evel
collection compu t ers (DCP) possess at any time the have been installed and put in opera tion from
whole of the past history of operation . This is October 1973· to .Iu ly 1974. The DCP leve 1 has been
obtai ned by having both computers performing in progressively put in ope r ation from July to
parallel acquisition, processing and storage of September 1974 and is now fully operational. The
the data transferred from the AFC computers. booking office machines have been put in operation
The transfer is controlled by one of the DCP com- starting September 1974 .
puters operating as pilot and interrogating the
AFC computers. The second DCP computer operating The operation of the system is satisfactory, an
as slave performs its acquisition operations overall availabi lit y of 99,6 % per gate having been
following the tranfers tri ggered by the pilot. reached by July 1974 and it is expected to obtain
Synchronizing of both computers is effected by 99,9% in the future. The performance of redundancy
exchange of information on a computer to computer and automatic switch - over is very good and the ope -
link. ration of the processing levels is practically trou -
ble free.
Both computers are equipped with watch dog moni -
tors and these are cross connected to keep each GENE~~L DESIGN CONSIDE~~TIONS
computer informed of the state of the other . Any
failure of the pilot results in the slave taking As stated above the general design of the Paris
over pilot operation and continuing data acquisi - ~etro Urban Network System results essent iall y
tion and monitoring without any break . from important characteristics or requirements.
- Complex fare structure and operational rules
At restarting a DCP computer after a failure an - Dense distribution of relatively small stations
updating procedure enables the pilot to transf er - Requirement for real time data ga t hering
the past history data to th e restarted compu ter. - State of technol ogy at time of des i gn.

The mu ltiplexer system \~hich constitu tes the con- It is perfectly obvious that the preferred design
nection link between AFC and DCP compute rs is also might be quite different for a differen t set of
fully redundant and is comprised of t wo indepen- characteristics .
dent logic and switching units . The monitoring
of operation of t he multipl exer is performed by Thus the AFC system for the Paris Rap id Transit
the pilot DCP computer. System designed and built by Compagnie Generale
d'Automatisme in 1969, though fu ll y compatible for
Any transfer failure after two tri a ls results in .ho user with the Urban Ne t work , has a somewhat

different structure. This sys t em performing the
same AFC tasks is installed on a linear network of
l arge and more wide l y spaced sta ti ons, the fare
s tru c tur e being differential fare with ent r ance
and exit ticket checki ng . The structur e used is
s t atio n centra liz ed , the AFC processing being per -
formed by a commo n s t a ti on processor (two proces ·
sors in case of very large stat i ons). Redundancy
is obt ai ned by use of one s t and by processo r per
station. Inf orma tion gathering is t hro ugh a stan-
dard 40 K bits/second data l oop with intermediate
amplification at each station.

At th e o th er end of the spectrum th e Mon tr ea l AFC

System built by CAMP and C. G. A. in 1967 for a
purely flat fare ne t work with simple operat i onal
rules and no data cen t ralisati on is comprised of
entirely stand alone eq u ipment .

On the other hand the state of technology has chan-

ged drastically with the advent of microp r ocesso r s.
Th ese allow th e desi gn of stand alone peripheral
equipment with pr ogrammed l ogic for relatively
complex processing a t a cos t competi t ive with cen-
t ralized logic systems. But unfortunately the mi-
c r oprocessor does not so l ve all system problems.
The problem of data acquisition sti ll r equires a
c entralising link with its usu a l compe titi on
between automatic transmission (either re a l t ime
or deferred) and more or less manua l gathering of
local recordings.

Possibly more important s till is the problem of

ease of modification of fare s tru ctu r e or opera-
tin g rules which in case of programmed stand alone
equipment e nt ai ls modification of local programs PARIS METRO AFC SYSTEM
on a very l arge number of geographica ll y wide l y
Bloc diagram (f i g 2)
distributed peripherals, a task made stil l more
formidable by the fact that the change has gene -
rally t o be effec ted overnight.
O;;ah; collection proc essing

Thus even with the advent of t his new and ve r y

powerful technology the a priori choice of a
sys tem st r uc tur e for a given network remai ns im-
possible and a detailed system study taking 1n
account all of the relevant characteristics re-
mains the necessary co nditi on of an optima l design . ~--------I~
- --- T -+-------,.--+-----r----~
2 stil nd- by AFC
I ~---~r---~ ~

=--=--= ~
10 Iden t ical
i-= -I
. +;>1 I
groups I ~'·_ -~l l group

I I1 I '0 normal A F C proc:.ssors

r+-- --l I
,-J-L, .-1-L,
I t I I
I '", I I IF2 I
L..rJ LfJ

" - - - - - - - - i e \.
L1El and
Automati c gat.
tidc et rudtr

Normal / Stand - by Switch over
( fig
(fig 6 )

Data collection
proc.ssors ==:-:;~T====:::jB
Mult ipl.xer switch


Shnd - by AFC

I r--
1-4., , ', .j 'j ' i r; I ,_", ' ,~I ! , " ";,,, I, ;-:> "I ' i p ~" ,'\f ( ~; r u(>·<.r,or

--rI- --------
1 i'l . " ,',.1,> ) '1 <1
----Tt 1- - - - rr---
--- --
-I- -----
--- - --
----- - 1-
('Ill lr·V;" .-I' I ! '1'1 i·;,, 1 1.,1) ,r -:lllf" j' !

)1 .. .
T I u - -


) ))

f rom gdto '· icl·,,~ t r l:dd~' r' 10/1 1 ( prO~'\ "~ ~;()r From 1\1 ;lI'()C, " :,<;(:r to 'l.-l~" t !C~ ,_· T r,' '": ,"

1 - I-.!'~Jd m~"_" ~dg" • ,).]1 ,' " Id!u >

l atch
-- --II
I ----I
." - ,' , ',\r
I .', ', I r 'J)" ·,·:'(j'i ' \ • ord · ·,'"
!= .I • ,J r--L~l-
- l."~~' k r Od d m. " l~"J'J"

,1 - 'or, !. ,! ,

Normall AFC
1'1:::1-' _. "

II ( ~r-I '.i!j!I:tjl ll·' ! :"/\TI ,~) ~ ! (\ll:r : 'f

A Fe Proc.ssors
I"rom ve nding
rrom vcnding m,j~hi
m,j ~ hi fl"
f\" jo Ail
to All p r o",·
o", I r o f'" At. :_r,-' ~~,' ,'~' ~/!' 10 v"' idi rfl. l el,

1 - I ic k el '_,v I 1 .'1: ! rrk'('~'~,)iJ\ ' • '.,j,:I t u,;:.

Periph.ral buffers
" - I-'ri(' " a ',v (,~P(~

- Cod i nq (,'quI}'; ! • pc i c ~' Ch.-·rh.

Periphera l bus
PeripheraL P.ripheral bus
·1 - (od i' ') 1"':""" '~' ;'1" 1 2 Data
Control _ _
- (n , ~ck codilHJ m ', '~'-,d')" r"qIJ,,<,t

" - I ":. '(: ~ ' ()(1 i ·" 1 ~: '" '-:1') ,-

7 - r rid of t r .)Il,--,,·l\;l i 011 rrh">',iHji'

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