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In this assignment, you are expected to create your own personal website with HTML and CSS.
You have to define at least 3 pages with the minimum requirements below
a) Index.html: Simply introduce yourself on this page which will be also your home page.
You must locate your CV somewhere on this page in HTML and it must contain your
photo. This CV must be downloadable as a PDF document. Your home page must also
include your contact address including e-mail address as a “mailto” link.
b) myDept.html: In this page, it is expected to supply information about your department
and put your weekly schedule in a table on this page.
c) Links.html: Here it is expected to list some useful links (Hint: use anchor tags). Your
links must be opened in new tabs or windows.
All pages must contain a simple horizontal menu bar. A menu is a page selection part on the web
page for jumping to other pages. Furthermore, menu parts have items (e. g Home, Contact,).
Traditionally, almost all web pages have a default Home button for redirecting the user to
index.html page. Therefore, your menu items can be name as “Home”, “My Department”,
There are some obligations:
 Character encoding must be UTF-8
 You must use title, author and description meta-tags.
 You must use CSS file/s to make your web page more attractive
 Do not miss the deadline.
 The assignment must be original, individual work. Duplicate or very similar assignments
are both going to be considered as cheating.
 You will submit your work folder with the file hierarchy as below:
 < student id>
 Index.html
 myDep.html
 links.html
 *.html (optional)
 *.css
 *.pdf
 *.jpg, *.jpeg
 Etc
The file hierarchy must be zipped before submitted (Not .rar, only .zip files will be accepted).



Homepage Detailed and Some details, Consists of Sparse; almost No
specific; is somewhat undeveloped no details or biographical
  professionally specific; details and is specific description;
  presented. professionally not specific; information Not
presented. somewhat appears; professionally
20 pts. professionally Minimal presented.
presented. professional

Presentation of All One Two Three or more No
assignments requirements requirement is requirements requirements requirements
are included. missing. are missing. are missing. are included.
20 pts.

  Website has Website has Website has a Website is Website has
an an attractive usable layout, cluttered or no usable or
   exceptionally and usable but it may confusing. It is coherent
20 pts. attractive and layout. It is appear busy often difficult to layout.
usable layout. easy to locate or boring. It is locate
It is easy to all important easy to locate important
locate all elements. most of the elements.
important important
elements. elements.
White space,
alignment are
effectively to

Writing Fluency Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Writing fluency No writing
skillful writing reasonable minimal is lacking. fluency—
  fluency. writing writing unreadable.
fluency. fluency.

20 pts.

Navigation Navigation is Navigation is Navigation Navigation Navigation is

clearly clearly takes the does not take not functional
labeled, labeled, reader where the reader to and webpage
consistently allows the s/he expects the sites difficult to
placed, allows reader to to go, but described. A maneuver
the reader to move easily some links user typically around.
move easily from a page seem to be feels lost.
from a page to related missing. A
to related pages, and user
pages and internal links sometimes
take the take the gets lost.
reader where reader where
s/he expects s/he expects
to go. A user to go. A user
does not rarely
become lost. becomes lost.
20 pts.

Rubrics are subject to minor revisions. Students will be notified of changes

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