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Cabanatuan City, Philippines


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Problem Set A

Direction : Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Choose the letter
that corresponds to the letter of your best choice. Present your complete solutions in order
and clearly. Provide separate sheet (Letter size bond paper) for your solution. Correct
letter with wrong or no solutions shall be nullified. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.
Situation A Properties of Fluids

A 325L of carbon tetrachloride weights 500 kg

1. Calculate its density
a. 1850 kg/m3 c. 1538 kg/m 3
b. 2010 kg/m3 d. 1774 kg/m 3
2. Calculate its specific weight
a. 14.5 kN/m3 c. 16 kN/m 3
b. 15.1 kN/m3 d. 15.7 kN/m 3
3. Calculate its specific gravity
a. 1.85 c. 1.54
b. 2.1 d. 1.7

Situation B Properties of Fluids

If natural gas has a specific gravity of 0.6 relative to air at 14.7 psia and 68°F.
4. What is the density of the gas at constant pressure and temperature?
a. 0.00234 slug/ft 3 c. 0.00210 slug/ft 3
b. 0.00140 slug/ft d. 0.00168 slug/ft 3
5. What is the specific weight?
a. 0.0753 lb/ft3 c. 0.0676 lb/ft 3
b. 0.0563 lb/ft d. 0.0541 lb/ft 3
6. What is the value of R for the gas? (Use R air = 1715 ft2/s2-°R)
a. 2858.33 ft2/s2-°R c. 2683.46 ft 2/s2-°R
2 2
b. 2143.75 ft /s -°R d. 2286.67 ft 2/s2-°R

Situation C Properties of Fluids

The velocity distribution of a various liquid (dynamic viscosity µ = 0.9 N.s/m2) flowing over a
fixed plate is given by u = 0.68y – y 2 ( u is velocity in m/s and y is the distance from the plate in
7. What is the shear stress at the plate surface?
a. 0.342 Pa c. 0.612 Pa
b. 0.415 Pa d. 0.507 Pa
8. What is the shear stress at y = 0.15m?
a. 0.342 Pa c. 0.612 Pa
b. 0.415 Pa d. 0.507 Pa
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Situation D Variation of Pressure

A pressure gage at elevation 18’ on a side of an industrial tank containing a certain liquid
reads 11.4 psi. Another gage at elevation 12’ reads 13.7 psi.
9. Compute the density of the liquid?
a. 1.63 slug/ft3 c. 1.71 slug/ft 3
b. 1.37 slug/ft d. 1.25 slug/ft 3

Situation E Variation of Pressure

A piezometer column, mercury-manometer and a pressure gage are connected to a tank of

water. The top of the water is pressurized air.

10. If the pressure at A is 85 kPa, how high will the water rise in the piezometer
column at the left?
a. 4 m c. 5.5 m
b. 6.23 m d. 8.66 m
11. What will be the reading in the pressure gage?
a. 35 kPa c. 45.76 kPa
b. 35.23 kPa d. 39.24 kPa
12. What will be the deflection of mercury in the manometer?
a. 0.7 m c. 0.5 m
b. 0.6 m d. 0.4 m
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Situation F Hydrostatic Force on General Submerged Plane

A rectangular gate, 6 m x 4 m, supports static water on its left side as shown in the figure. The
gate is inclined 30° with the vertical and is hinged at the top. To prevent opening, a stop is
placed across the bottom of the gate.

13. Determine the hydrostatic force acting on the gate.

a. 1,177 kN c. 879 kN
b. 824 kN d. 1,318 kN
14. What is the location of the force measured from the hinge?
a. 3.464 m c. 2.732 m
b. 3.268 m d. 2.536 m
15. Calculate the reaction on the stop.
a. 557.07 kN c. 760.93 kN
b. 717.87 kN d. 600.13 kN

Situation G Hydrostatic Force on General Submerged Curved Surface

Refer to the figure below;

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16. Determine the hydrostatic force acting on the radial gate if the gate is 40 ft long
(normal to the page).
a. 3120 kips c. 3170.81 kips
b. 565.34 kips d. 5650.2 kips
17. Determine also the line of action of the hydrostatic force with respect to the
a. 10.27° c. 30°
b. 79.73° d. 60°

Situation H Archimede’s Principle (Buoyancy)

The solid steel ball shown in the figure is submerged between the interface of two liquids. The
ball has a diameter of 225 mm and specific gravity of 7.4.

18. Determine the weight of the ball in N.

a. 485 c. 402
b. 433 d. 387
19. Determine the buoyant force acting on the ball in N.
a. 44 c. 79
b. 87 d. 35
20. Determine the tension in the rope in N.
a. 354 c. 315
b. 398 d. 371
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Situation I Hydraulic Dam

The section of a concrete gravity is shown in the figure below. The depth of water at the
upstream side is 6m. Neglect hydrostatic uplift and use unit weight of concrete 23.5 kN/m.
Coefficient of friction between the base of the dam and the foundation is 0.6.

21. Which of the following is closest to the value of the factor of safety against
a. 2.54 c. 1.75
b. 1.54 d. 1.92
22. Which of the following is closest to the value of the factor of safety against
a. 2.4 c. 3.9
b. 2.8 d. 3.3
23. Which of the following is closest to the overturning moment acting against the
dam in kN-m.
a. 353.16 c. 285.63
b. 324.12 d. 398.75

Situation J Horizontal Translation of Liquid Mass

An open tank 1.82 m square contains 1 m of water. It is translated horizontally to the right at
an acceleration of 3m/s2.

24. How high should the tank be such that no water will be spilled?
a. 1.202 m c. 1.413 m
b. 1.278 m d. 1.159 m
25. If the acceleration is increased to 5 m/s2, how much water will be spilled? ( use
the answer above for the height of the vessel).
a. 3.31 m3 c. 0.62 m 3
b. 2.70 m3 d. none
26. If the vessel is initially closed at the top and accelerated to the right at 5 m/s 2,
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what will be the hydrostatic force acting on the left side of the vessel?
a. 19. 35 kN c. 13.62 kN
b. 20.45 kN d. 17.21 kN

Situation K Rotational Translation of Liquid Mass

A 1.2-m-diameter open vessel, 2 m high is filled with oil (S=0.85) at a depth of 1.6 m and
rotated at 45 rpm.

27. What is the pressure at the center of the vessel?

a. 9.92 kPa c. 11.63 kPa
b. 13.68 kPa d. 15.05 kPa
28. What will be the pressure difference between the circumference and the center
of the vessel?
a. 4.02 kPa c. 4.73 kPa
b. 3.42 kPa d. 3.94 kPa
29. If the vessel is closed, the space occupied with air, then rotated at 75 rpm, how
deep will the liquid at the center of the vessel be?
a. 0.96 m c. 0.64 m
b. 1.05 m d. 1.28 m

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