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Baroque Garden for Concentration (MM)

Jardín Barroco para concentración (También apropiado para Niños)

El Jardín Barroco para concentración contiene música de los grandes compositores barrocos: Bach, Vivaldi,
Correlli y Albinoni. La estructura de la música barroca ("música inteligente"), combinada con la tecnología de
sonido de Hemi-Sync®, crea un ambiente óptimo para el aprendizaje y la concentración. Mediante la
exquisita interpretación del conjunto de música de cámara The Archengelos, la grabación del Jardín Barroco
combina arte clásico y alta tecnología para ofrecer horas de concentración. Ideal para usar en el hogar, la
oficina o en la sala de estudio. Aumenta la atención y concentración, evita distracciones mentales
como "soñar despierto", y estimula la creatividad e imaginación.

To achieve maximum benefit from Hemi-sync CDs for improving memory and learning,
listen to the CD with stereo headphones. The vibration or oscillation (the entraining beat)
happens inside your brain as opposed to in the air around you. The use of headphones
acts as a "Direct Line" to the command center of your body.

An optional method is to position yourself directly between two stereo speakers. The
binaural beats will be vibrating in the air. Do not use with Dolby or other noise reduction
systems. To prepare, adjust the volume to an appropriate listening level. Begin
concentrating or working on a specific purpose and let the Hemi-sync CD play as
background. Your conscious desire to allow Hemi-Sync to work will be sufficient to achieve
and sustain a highly focused whole-brain state.

Baroque Garden for Concentration Suitable for Children: 

Enjoy Baroque classics performed by the Arcangelos Chamber
Ensemble combined with Hemi Sync concentration frequencies to
make mental tasks easier and more efficient. Delight in music that
has stood the test of time, from composers like Bach, Vivaldi,
Corelli, and Albinoni. Use Baroque Garden at home, work, or
school while studying, reading working on a computer or
balancing a checkbook. Produced by Richard Lawrence and
Joshua Leeds. Play in the background or use with
headphones to enhance mental capabilities while stimulating
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creativity and imagination.
CD $19.95 On Sale $15.95   Plus S&H mind music memory
music   Available Now

Seasons At Roberts Mountain.  This 'classical-crossover' piece, a

contemporary presentation of Vivaldi's Four Seasons performed by
Scott Bucklin, is ideal to focus attention for super-learning and creative
flow, and may be helpful to those with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, and
other learning challenges. (67 min)
Perfect for any mental task requiring focus and
concentration. Reported to be helpful for Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder.
CD $19.95  On Sale $15.95 Plus S&H ---------------------------- 
Available Now
Einstein's Dream:  Suitable for Children  Music that induces
relaxation while heightening mental anilities produces what is
commonly known as the "Mozart Effect.” You can benefit from
the "Mozart Effect" and the remarkable brain synchronizing Principio del
effects of Hemi-Sync with this performance by J. S. Epperson. formulario
Perfect for any mental task requiring focus and
concentration. Reported to be helpful for Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder. 
CD $19.95  On Sale $15.95 Plus S&H --------------------------- 
Available Now

Remembrance: - Suitable for Children - Focus - with powerful

Hemi-sync and electronic music designed for quantum learning, Principio del
peak performance and creative flow. Remembrance is perfect formulario
for any mental task requiring focus and concentration. This
composition, by J. S. Epperson, is reported to be helpful for
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder. Metamusic    
CD $19.95  On Sale $15.95  Plus S&H----------------------- 
Available Now

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