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OZx Extras

Your “Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\OZx\Extras” folder contains several extra
pieces of free software that will further add to your FSX experience.

These additions are recommended by the OZx team, but are not required for the OZx scenery to
function properly.

OZx Extras Folder Contents:

• Aeronauta’s Air Race Tracks

• Aerotow Glider Utility
• OZx AI Shipping - East Coast
• OZx EXTRAS tc Landclasses
• Andy Strukowski’s Piper Pawnee

This information is current at the time of release of the OZx3.3 Upgrade. (November 2010)
Aeronauta’s Air Race Tracks

This is a small scenery addition that adds fictitious “Red Bull” style race-course pylons to
the ocean off the coasts of Aldinga in South Australia and also to Lord Howe Island. This
scenery was made by OZx developer Jorge (aeronauta).

It requires FSX Acceleration to function.

To install:
• Unzip the “” file and save the
“aeronauta_Air_Race_Tracks” folder to your “Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight
Simulator X\Addon Scenery” folder.
• Start FSX and activate this new scenery by using the “Add New Scenery” function
(For more help with this, search the OZx forum).
This is an outstanding utility program by Paavo Pihelgas. It is a must have for glider pilots, and
is very FSX friendly. Aerotow allows you to replace the default FSX Maule towplane with any
aircraft you choose. It will also establish the tow in a circuit, rather than just tracking out from the
airfield in a straight line forever.
To install, unzip the file, and follow the instructions in the included
Readme.txt file.

A screenshot of the Aerotow user interface.

Being towed skyward by a piper Pawnee using the Aerotow program.

OZx AI Shipping - East Coast
This excellent package by Matt Levi adds AI (Artificial Intelligence) ships to the waters off
Australia’s Coast.
It includes Naval Shipping for the entire country, and Merchant and Cruise shipping for the
Eastern and Southern Coasts.
To install, unzip the “” file and follow the
instructions in the included readme.txt file.
These landclass files by Terry Carr add missing towns into the landscape. The package is
located in the "Extras" folder, rather than in the main body of OZx because the towns don't
exactly match the FTX scenery. Additionally there may be graphical clashes in the future if
ORBX were to patch these areas. OZx recommends their use because they make navigation
easier. We believe that they are a worthwhile addition.

To install:
• Extract the “” file and save the
“OZx_EXTRAs_tc_Landclasses” folder to your “Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight
Simulator X\Addon Scenery” folder.
• Start FSX and activate the new scenery by using the “Add New Scenery” function
(For more help with this, search the OZx forums).

The town of Bracknell, Near Launceston, Tasmania - after tc’s landclass update.
Andy Strukowski’s Piper PA-25 Pawnee
This is a complete freeware aircraft.

This model is FS2004 native. It has been modified as best as possible to work in FSX SP2.
There are known issues with the propeller, lights and Virtual Cockpit floor not displaying
correctly when operating under FSX SP2.

It is perfect for use with “Aerotow” as a glider tug.

There are three liveries included that represent real-world Australian glider tug Pawnees:

• VH-MLR (Operated by the Darling Downs Soaring Club in Queensland)

• VH-CSN (Operated by the Beverly Soaring Society in Western Australia)
• VH-BMF (Operated by the Beverly Soaring Society in Western Australia)

To install:
• Unzip the “OZx_EXTRAS_Andy” file.
• Place the "Piper PA25 Pawnee" folder in your "Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator
X\SimObjects\Airplanes" folder.

Pawnee VH-CSN towing a glider ay Beverly (YBEV) in Western Australia.

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