Condictional 1

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 If his friends ________ (come), he __________ (be) extremely


2. If I _________ (save) enough money this year, I ________ (go) to

New York. 

3. You _______ (stay) at my place if you _________ (come) to my


4. His parents _________ (be) upset if he _________ (not/pass) the


5. If I________ (pay) today, you _________ (owe) me some money


First Conditional
The first conditional (also called conditional type 1) is a structure used for talking about
possibilities in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the first conditional
is formed, and when to use it. 

1. The structure of a first conditional sentence 

A first conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause:

if clause main clause 

If you study
you will pass the test.

If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if" clause comes second,
there is no need for a comma:

main clause  if clause

You will pass the

if you study hard.

We use different verb forms in each part of a first conditional:

if clause if + subject + simple present verb

main clause subject + will + verb

2. Using the first conditional 

The first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the
future — things which may happen:

Example  Explanation

If it's sunny, we'll go to the park. Maybe it will be sunny — that's possible.

Paula will be sad if Juan leaves. Maybe Juan will leave — that's possible.

If you cook the supper, I'll wash the Maybe you will cook the supper — that's
dishes. possible.
Patient: Good morning
Nurse: Hello good morning, what can I do for you?
Patient: Well, I need to complain about the service in this hospital, i've been calling since
yesterday night and nobody has been answer me
Nurse: I'm so sorry, we had a problem with the guy that used to answer the cellphone, he
quit yesterday and we haven´t found someone yet.
Patient: I understand that, but you can't permmit all of that, most of those calls are very
Nurse: You are right, we will solve that as soon as possible
Patient: thanks.

Patient: Good morning Doctor Smith.

Doctor: Good morning Nelson. How can I help you?
Patient: Well, I’ve been feeling dizzy and weak and right now I have a headache.
Doctor: Do you eat a lot of candy?
Patient: Yes, I love it!
Doctor: You should eat less sugar. Do you have any other symptoms?
Patient: Actually, I wanted to tell that I feel sleepy all the time.
Doctor: I’m going to take your pulse.
Patient: Perfect.
Doctor: Your pulse is fine.
Doctor: Are you allergic to any medications?
Patient: No, I’m not.
Doctor: So, meanwhile I’m going to prescribe you some painkillers. Take 1 tablet for 3
days. You also need to have a blood test and rest for some days.
Patient: I promise I will.
Doctor: Come back with the results and I’ll give you a diagnosis and a treatment.
Patient:  Thank you doctor. Have a good day. 
At the entrance
Debra: Good afternoon, a table for one please
Host: Certainly, Madam. Please follow me!

Ordering food
Waiter: Can I take your order, Madam?
Debra: I’ll have the Grilled Steak and a side order of fries.
Waiter: OK, steak and fries. What would you like to drink?
Debra: Can I see the drinks menu?
Waiter: Of course, here you are
Debra: I’ll have a glass of wine.

After the meal

Waiter: Would you like some coffee or dessert?
Debra: A cup of coffee would be nice thank you.

Asking for the bill/check

Debra: Could a have the bill, please?
Waiter: Certainly, Madam. Here you are
Debra: Can I pay by credit card?
Waiter: I’m afraid you can’t. Only cash
Debra: OK. Here you are 50 dollars. Keep the change
Waiter: Thank you, Madam. Have a good day

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