Horizon Vol II, Issue 2

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signed between the Dominion or Recognition must be given to the fact

Union of India and the indigenous that it has been so far, processes and June
peoples/nation of Manipur must be pressures of international organisations,
considered invalid by all prevalent such as the Working Group of the 2018
norms of international justice and United Nations that are contributing
customary law and according to the effectively, intrinsically and sometimes Volume II, Issue 2
provisions of Articles 49 and 52 of the solely, to the recognition and restoration
Vienna Convention on the Law of of indigenous peoples’ rights and INDIA’S CLANDESTINE WAR TACTICS AND
Treaties (1969). Recommendations fundamental freedoms.
pertinent to such cases, not described 144. The conclusions and
in the study as a whole and therefore recommendations of the study, There has been a war, in Manipur, for some decades now, waged between Govern-
absent from the conclusions and therefore, need to be consistent with all ment and armed revolutionary forces. The former defends a capitalist empire and
recommendations of this study must be findings as well as lacunae the latter advocates liberation. In this war, to wipe out armed revolutionaries,
developed with participation of acknowledged by the Special Government seems to have authorised various overt and covert tactics. Covert
representatives of indigenous peoples Rapporteur. tactics possibly include propaganda
and included. and funding to distract revolutionary India’s Clandestine War Tactics
to be continued
143. The recommendations must course by way of creating confusion, and Growing Frustration.... 1
include reference to the need for just demoralisation and submission. Lots of Renewed Oil Exploration in
and effective international platforms fund are reportedly sanctioned to com- Manipur..., Jiten Yumnam... 5
for negotiation and arbitration. manding officers to pursue clandestine Roads after the Companies,
actions that may subsequently win away G. Amarjit Sharma.............. 8
For a Self Reliant Textile
potential revolutionary mass bases and
Economy of Manipur...
destroy legitimacy of armed liberation Bhubol Sougrakpam........... 12
movement. Many self-proclaimed revo- Terrorising and Humiliating
beyond the horizon lutionary cadres succumbed to it, they Nagas..., Veilou Veino......... 18
surrendered and became enemy of their Indian Racism Prevails on
Economic, Political and Social Views former comrades who are taking refuge Northeast…,
somewhere beyond the immediate reach Pfokrelo Kapesa.................. 21
of the Government. Interestingly, the A Pre-Decided Case..., PUDR.... 24
Editor policy of the Government and indi- CPDE Statement on the 5
Dr. Malem Ningthouja APFSD.................................. 30
vidual opportunism by certain com-
Successful session of the PPT
manding officers appear to be serving on Turkey and the Kurds,
Editorial Team one another. In other words, counter- Fidan Unlubayir................... 33
Chitaranjan Thoudam, Dr. Malem Ningthouja, revolution became lucrative for some Condemn Missile Attack by US
Somorendro Khangembam and Tiken Laishram opportunist sections who could utilise and its allies on Syria,
fund in any manner to fulfil twin objec- CPI(ML)-New Democracy.... 34
Views expressed in the articles are those of authors and not necessarily of tives of enforcing governance and ac- XXVI International Camp of
the Editorial Team cumulating personal prospects. A con- Democratic, Anti-Fascist
fession by Naib Subedar Ramesh Chand and Anti-Imperialist Youth.. 37
Published by Nileema Khangembam from Chingmeirong, Maning leikai, near Vodafone Criticism and Constructive
tower, Imphal East, Manipur 795005, and printed by her at Progressive Printers, A-21, Sharma of 30 Assam Rifles (attached
Submission … Part IV,
Jhilmil Industrial Area, G.T. Road, Delhi- 95. E-mail: editorbeyondthehorizon@gmail.com below), if holds true, would substanti- CORE.................................... 38
beyond the horizon June 2018 ate
point. The confession, published
beyond the horizon
Rs. 20
by Imphal Free Press (IFP) in two edi- How Unregistered to 1st Naga Group and was the com- drinks for all of them. Afterwards,
tions, exposes victimisation of innocents mandant of 30th AR, Adjutant Major Laichonba intimated that they should
on one hand and a clandestine tendency
Weapons Were Pro- PM Tekhrwade belonging to 290 Ar- head for 26 sector camp located at
of building up auxiliary fifth columnists cured For Fake Encoun- tillery, Subedar Major KD Bhotia, Pallel. On reaching, they met the com-
to win the war. The confession, at the ters And Surrender Subedar Ganga Singh, Naib Subedar pany commander of 42 AR ‘B com-
same times, exposes self-inflicting frus- Dramas, Naib Subedar Jaibir Singh, BHM Danesh Sharma, pany’ Major Brajesh. The surrendered
tration gradually penetrating deeper CHM Ramananda. The said personnel team met Brajesh in private at his of-
into amongst ranks and files, as a re-
Ramesh Reveals All were standing by the road near the CO fice as Ramesh and the Ghatak team
sult of disproportionate sharing of war office located at Mantripukhri, Ramesh went to eat a late lunch.
Paojel Chaoba
spoils, funds and prospects. Ramesh said.At that time, Ramesh was called At around 6.30 pm, Major Brajesh
never registered an open protest when IMPHAL | Apr 23: Naib Subedar on by colonel Ved Pal Yadav and called for Ramesh and handed over two
he was directly or indirectly involved Ramesh Chand Sharma of 30th Assam handed over a sum of Rs. 3 lakh to him. unregistered pistols and a lethod gun.
in the charges that he would expose sev- Rifles revealed how weapons were pro- Later, adjutant Tekhrwade had told Ramesh got the ‘move order’ to head
eral years later this year. His frustra- cured clandestinely by the military and Ramesh to hand over the amount to a back to AR Mantripukhri headquarters
tion and courage of confession also para-military to get promotions, many person who would be standing at the when along the way, adjutant
suggest certain conflict of interest be- officers took advantage in the name of main gate of the Assam Rifles at Tekbrwade relayed order that first, the
tween paramilitary and military forces counter insurgency operations to stage Mantripukhri. Then, Ramesh was surrendered cadres should be taken
on the issue of command or superior- various alleged encounters and surren- joined by a ‘Ghatak’ party (special back to Khabeisoi MR camp. It was
ity. But such confession needs to be con- der dramas and planting weapons where forces team) consisting of 13 armed complied and they (five cadres) were
sidered seriously and addressed prop- suited them most. persons to accompany him in the bul- dropped first. They later dropped
erly by the concerned authorities, as In an exclusive interview with letproof vehicle. Ramesh said that no Laichonba at the same Mantripukhri
built up frustrations could burst out in Imphal Free Press, Ramesh implicated briefing was done except for the said AR gate where he was picked up. Af-
the form of a tendency of individual many officers of the security forces for orders. He complied and found a per- terwards they reached the Mantripukri
mutiny and series of similar confession gathering weapons from unauthorised son identified as one Laichonba at the camp where the Ghatak team dispersed.
could provide food for popular mistrust sources. Naib Subedar Ramesh Chand main gate, who was a surrendered mili- Ramesh was called by the CO Ved Pal
against governance and invite interna- Sharma, number JC 3000449 of 30th tant. He handed over the amount to him in his office where adjutant Tekbrwade
tional condemnation. If the military are Assam Rifles was stationed at ‘B com- and made him sign a receipt acknowl- and a photographer joined them. At the
desired to come up with a clean image pany’ at Khurkhul Spinning Mills in edging that the amount was handed office, the two pistols and the lathod
of their own, despite all clandestine tac- 2013. On February 3 that year, a call over in a formal manner and informed gun were photographed.
tics that of course needed to be covered came from the second in command of his adjutant through mobile phone that Later, Ramesh was handed over
up, it had to openly point fingers to B company namely Mahavir Singh, that the money was handed over. (The with the weapons which he took back
those offending officers and take action a junior commissioned officer (JCO) be signed receipt is available at IFP). Af- to Khurkhul AR post. He handed over
for individual misuse of war fund, il- sent to the Mantripukhri headquarters. ter that, Laichonba, who is a surren- the unmarked weapons to his second in
licit weapon trading, fake surrender and As per the directive, Ramesh went dered UNLF cadre, took over and told command Mahavir Singh and deposited
false implication of an innocent girl. to Mantripukhri Assam Rifles head- Ramesh that the team should head for at the arms kote.
Below is reproduction of a report pub- quarters in a bulletproof vehicle the 7th MR camp located at Khabeisoi, Ramesh stated that there were 23
lished by IFP on 24th April 2018. (MNO6-T/ 0773) along with 3 security Pangei. They reached the camp and unmarked weapons including chinese
personnel which included the driver. At another 5 surrendered cadres were also hand grenades kept at the arms kote to
Editor around 6.30 am, they met colonel Ved taken along with them from the camp. be used at surrendering occasions,
Pal Yadav, (Sena Medal) who belonged Ramesh at that time bought cold planting weapons at fake encounter in-

2 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 3
cidents and depositing weapons when trated by criminals in uniform and the RENEWED OIL EXPLORATION IN MANIPUR:
arresting unarmed cadres. According to public will helplessly bear without jus-
Ramesh, the surrendered cadre tice being done for them,” Ramesh said A TESTING TIME FOR PEOPLE
Laichonba is at the 2nd Manipur Rifles that he was not afraid to expose the truth
working as a cook. as he stands firm in belief that justice Jiten Yumnam
will be done. It may be mentioned that Recently oil companies such as Oil environment and social impact
Why? various military, state police and the India Limited (OIL), Asian Oilfield assessment before conducting 2D
Naib Subedar Ramesh Chandra para-military personnel are being inves- Survey Limited, Oil and Natural Gas seismic surveys—as done in
Sharma, presently serving with the tigated by the CBI at present following Corporation (ONGC), Jubilant Energy, Greenland and other countries.
Assam Rifles at Kohima states that the directive of the Supreme Court for Alphageo, and etcetera are pursuing Villagers, therefore, rose up and on
there are many instances where the high fake encounter incidents perpetrated in aggressive efforts to explore and drill 17th May 2017 stopped the company
ranking officers without following pro- the state. oil from Manipur. In January 2017 the from conducting the survey. A
tocol send out personnel to do their Ramesh gave documents which company Asian Oilfield Services community meeting, held on the
dirty work in order to get promotions. point that many unregistered arms and Limited had bagged a Rs 143-crore following day, resolved to impose a
Many officers who have served in ammunition were kept at the arms kote contract from the Oil India Ltd (OIL) stop to further exploration works. The
Manipur used the surrendered militants at Khurkhul Spinning Mills. He also for 2D seismic data. Since then the protest was not confined in Khaidem
to procure arms and stage surrender deposited 3 weapons himself. He al- company had begun to proceeding oil village alone. The villages of
dramas. They used various means to fill leged that the original documents were surveys in Jiribam, Tamenglong and Kambiron, Sibilong and Oinamlong
their own pockets too, he said. destroyed by CO Ved Pal Yadav to cover Imphal West districts. This survey is villages in Tamenglong District,
“The truth needs to be exposed as his track. But, Ramesh had made cop- envisaged to cover almost all of having experienced malpractices
their tainted work is an insult to those ies of the clandestine transactions and Manipur till Burma border. The survey indulged by Alphageo and Jubilant
in the armed forces who serve the na- are reproduced in the report. lines cuts through ecological sensitive Energy in 2012, opposed the efforts
tion and are ready to sacrifice their areas such as Loktak wetlands, Barak of Asian Oilfield to seek No Objection
lives, if I do not speak the truth, many 24th April, 2018 River system and Yaingangpokpi Certificates (NOC) for surveys
abhorrent crimes will still be perpe- Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary. From without providing satisfactory
around May 2017, clandestinely, information.
surveys have penetrated in Khaidem, There is no clear information as
Moidangpok and Sangaithel villages in to how Oil India Limited (OIL) was
Imphal West district. These surveys conferred with ownership of
were proceeded with providing detailed Manipur’s oil. We are unaware if any
information to the concerned villagers. consultation and information have
The survey in Khaidem village been relayed to the people on the
blasted multiple explosive devices. conferment. The renewed oil
Villagers were not informed about exploration and drilling efforts raised
impacts and safety on people and some interesting questions. There is
environment. The villagers were merely also no information if Jubilant Energy
Read Revolutionary Democracy at
verbally assured that nothing serious had ever transferred their oil contracts
would ever happen to them. Such verbal license to OIL. All that we knew is that
www.revolutionarydemocracy.org assurances are unsatisfactory. The
company need to carry out proper
Union Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas, under the Eighth Round

4 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 5
of New Exploration Licensing Policy, regarding oil exploration activities in decision making processes were massive influx of immigrations at the
on 19th July 2010, had granted a license their land. All these laws contravene overridden. cost of indigenous people.
to Netherland based Jubilant Oil and international human rights instruments Oil exploration are carried out
Gas Private Limited (JOGPL). The such as UN Declaration on the Rights without conducting detailed impact Conclusions:
license authorized the company to carry of Indigenous Peoples, 2007. assessment with community With renewed push for oil
on exploration and drilling works in two The question of ownership of oil participation. Impacts of blasting exploration and penetration by giant oil
oil blocks in Jiribam, Tamenglong and resources require serious introspection. multiple bombs have never been companies in Manipur several
Churachandpur districts. The people, Will black gold (oil) be a curse to revealed. People are worried that questions have arose. The primary
however, protest it. In 2012, peoples of people? Will it deepen multiple exploration will cause enormous question is who is the owner of
Tamenglong, Churachandpur and conflicts and tensions at various levels? ecological devastation. Manipur falls Manipur—its natural resources, oil and
Jiribam raised objections against public Should people of Manipur blindly in two of the World’s Biodiversity other minerals? Who should decide on
hearings organized by Manipur follow whatever Government orders? Hotspots such as Eastern Himalayas the manner that oil and other resources
Pollution Control Board and Jubilant Will people rethink prescribed laws Biodiversity Hotspot and Indo-Burma are to be used and managed. Should
Energy. Protests were motivated by formulated for economic and political Hotspot. Oil survey related blasting the people of Manipur relinquish
fears of losing their land, massive advancement in the context of other and oil exploration will cause legitimate ownership and management
contamination of their land, and peoples and nations? By proceeding on enormous disastrous impacts on rights over land and resources without
permanent damage to their land and oil exploration related works without Loktak Wetlands Ecosystem, Barak any question? Should we allow oil
coming generations. the consent of the people of Manipur; River system and other eco-sensitive companies to own Manipur and
Regarding ownership, in oil companies like Oil India Limited, areas of Manipur. concede to them exclusive right to
connection with exploration at Asian Oil Fields and Government of Oil drilling processes will cause exploit and plunder our land and
Khaidem Village, in mid May 2017, the India have undermined the rights of self massive displacement of people. Huge resources?
project manager of Asian Oilfields Mr. determination of the people people of amount of land will be acquisitioned We have experienced suffering
Sumit Mahajan reported claimed that Manipur. at the cost of residential land, and devastation of Loktak wetlands due
oil resource in Manipur is the exclusive Survey works, in 2011, 2012 and agricultural land and other natural to 105 MW Loktak Multipurpose
rights of Government of India. Indeed, 2017, for oil exploration by Alpha Geo livelihood sources. Village will be Hydroelectric Project that served the
India has multiple laws, viz., the Oil Company and Asian Oil Fields were forced to vacate as a result of either profit interest of National
Industry (Development) Act, 1974; proceeded without taking peoples’ direct drilling or contamination and Hydroelectric Power Corporation
Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines consent. People are not informed either pollutions. Oil spill related pollutions (NHPC). We have learnt from
(Acquisition of Right of User in Land), of the contents of agreements with and contamination of water during experience of loss and destructions felt
Act, 1962. According to these laws oil Government or projected benefits of exploration and drilling, impacts of gas by Assam on account of extraction of
in India belonged to Government of the people of Manipur. The annual flaring and spread of toxic materials oil from the British colonial periods
India, who alone enjoys exclusive right reports of Jubilant Energy, 2014, that will destroy sources of food. onwards. The policy of economic
to mortgage or sell oil to multinational outlined completion of several surveys Subsequent militarization to protect oil plunder and political domination to
companies. These laws, such as Oilfield are unavailable in public domain. On exploration and drilling will have serve the interest of finance
Act 1948 when Manipur had not been the contrary, oil companies had tried consequential impacts on human rights imperialists, which is aggressively
part of India, had taken away rights of to obtain NOCs, from villagers in violations and further unrests and pursued by India’s ruling regime will
the people of Manipur. North East Tamenglong and Churachandpur, in subjugation of people. At the same have disastrous impacts. It is going to
Hydrocarbon Vision, 2030 contains no deceitful manner, through bribing time oil extraction related enforce destruction of ecology,
provision for recognition of community leaders and some of the armed groups. infrastructural constructions and new displacement of people, militarization
rights and role in decision making In some instances, village traditional extractive opportunities will encourage and violation of human rights, massive

6 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 7
influx of outsiders and subsequent to suppress democratic resistances need granting a package of Rs. 22, 000 crores the people inhabiting around these
political, social and cultural turmoil. to be rescinded. There should be an end and ‘special status’ to Manipur highways. The reason is not merely
The Government of India and oil to all forms of threats and intimidations observed that ‘the people of Manipur because of the contesting issue of land
companies should recognize that the to human rights defenders advancing had been suffering a lot on account of acquisition. For many sections of the
oil and all resources in Manipur protection of their land and resources. sub-standard transport infrastructure.’ society, road building is the
belongs to the indigenous peoples of Fostering climate justice, real (Sangai Express, December 12, 2016) infrastructure development that
Manipur and that they have exclusive sustainable development and a just This package includes Barak and supports various other projects such
rights to define and decide how to use, world need firm belief and Makru RCC bridges. Now the National as the hydel power projects, oil, and
control and manage their resources. reinforcement of rights based, Highway Infrastructure Development gas exploration projects, etc. These
The resounding call of indigenous environment friendly and accountable Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) has latter projects are already in the midst
peoples of Manipur to stop all oil form of development in Manipur. taken the responsibility of road building of serious issues of corruption,
exploration and drillings needs be fully on NH 37 from Border Road displacement, and rehabilitation of
respected. All militaristic, Note: Revised from earlier post to Imphal Organisation (BRO). NHIDCL is a fully people, lack of transparency and
undemocratic and manipulative efforts Freee Press owned company of the Ministry of accountability, etc. Also, there are
Road Transport & Highways, apprehensions that road building is to
Government of India. This means a facilitate resource extraction and
ROADS AFTER THE COMPANIES standard transport infrastructure is transfer of hydel power, oil and gas
going to replace the sub-standard one. supply from the state to other place
G. Amarjit Sharma What does this ‘standard’ means? For outside.
whom or for what the ‘standard roads’ As a result, road building along NH
Much has been talked about NH 37 exploration works of oil and gas in the are going to build? The standard road 37 after the oil companies is a project
(Imphal-Jiribam Road) as the district since 2009-10. The entry of in the modern state vocabulary is a sign that requires comprehensive and
alternative lifeline for the movement railway tunnels and oil companies make of modernity: signs of modernization, through discussion. To begin with, two
of people, goods and basic needs often the Imphal-Jiribam road (NH 37) not a civilization, and progress. However, moments could be cited for this
when there are road blockages on NH mere physical road, but a road that history of modernization of road in reckoning. While the first one was the
39 (Imphal-Dimapur road). Civil invites various international and North East India is the history of the Bangladesh–China–India–Myanmar
society and transport organizations national corporate stakeholders. Asian expansion of colonialism, colonial Forum for Regional
have urged government of Manipur to Development Bank (ADB) has already violence, and capitalism. Hence, roads Cooperation (BCIM) car rally (2011),
build better roads on NH 37 for people. been financing the road infrastructure are not mere objects which people second is the recent announcement of
One must be familiar with various development of the national and Asian access for goods and services; it is not improving road condition for the
accounts of travelling on this ‘worst highways passing through Manipur. merely marked by politics that people Jubilant Energy. Considering that
road.’ However, under the present How do we understand road building employ to access it for various local and BCIM car rally which flagged-off
Bharatiya Janata Party regime, road after the entry of oil companies such as ethnic interests, but by the history of from Kunming in China would be
building has acquired new objective in the Jubilant Energy, Asian Oilfield state building, military expansion and passing through the state of Manipur,
the wake of oil surveys and exploration Limited, etc.? (Asian Oilfield Limited capitalist extraction. In brief, road the Special Secretary, Planning,
works (and hydropower projects plans) attempts to initiate survey and building is a political project, and it has Government of India instructed the
in Tamenglong district, Manipur. This exploration works of oil and gas in to be politically engaged. concern authorities of the Border Road
is despite huge public resistance Khaidem village in Imphal since 2017.) The road building along the state Organization and the state Public
against the entry of oil company Remember in December 2016 and international highways (in Works Department (PWD) to
Jubilant Energy and survey and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari while Manipur) has not been received well by ‘maintain the road conditions of the

8 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 9
national highways’ of the state. The usable, ‘standard’ and ‘proper and Licensing Policy (OALP), 2017. To development projects that solely lead
Manipur state Home Department was suitable’ for various activities of the oil mention briefly, OALP permits any oil to market economy and sideline voices
told to provide security for the companies. This also means that more company to express its interest in an of the people.
proposed car rally within the state, and hills are to be sliced, and more land oil block (like two in Tamenglong and
the BRO to provide ‘proper and acquisitions and resettlement of many Churachandpur districts of Manipur) Note: This article was first published
suitable road condition’ of the Imphal- villages are to be done. Along with anytime as opposed to the system of a in Imphal Free Press, 01 April 2018.
Jiribam road stretch. (Imphal Free these, there are likely more local periodic auction of oil blocks by the
Press, 13 November 2011) disputes over compensations, land government under the earlier New
The second moment is the disputes, ethnic tension, and violence. Exploration and Licensing Policy
announcement of Jubilant Energy to Already the environment in (NELP). OALP also permits the
withdraw survey and exploration Tamenglong as a result of the presence company to study and specialize in
works of oil and gas in Tamenglong. of Jubilant Energy is not cordial: while certain geographies if they so wish,
Director of Commerce and Industries there is resistance against the company, making the entire country open for
L. Luikham reportedly said that there have been reports of tension Exploration and Production with ready
Jubilant Energy had withdrawn its oil among civic organizations and village data repository at Directorate of
exploration activities in Manipur. The authorities as a result of the company’s Hydrocarbons (under the Ministry of
reasons for such withdrawal are the influence on sections of people. The Oil and Natural Gas, Government of
‘local resistance’ and ‘bad road public needs road, no doubt. This is India). Also, companies can extend beyond the horizon
conditions.’ The Director said what people have been telling the their block boundaries if they find that
company was mainly concerned with government to build a proper road. But the hydrocarbon channels in their Online Partner
the road condition of National after the company, there is a gap designated blocks are extending to
Highway 37 linking Manipur through between the public need and need of nearby underground rock layers and
Cachar. He further described as the state. What is seen is that public the adjoining areas are open. In brief,
follows: ‘The company wants to bring need for a better road is used as an entry OALP has empowered the oil company
in heavy machinery for drilling for larger interests of the company and (like Jubilant Energy) to perform the
activities through National Highway neoliberal market. The logic of the works of oil and gas without prior
37. However, the road is narrow, and corporate investment in the sector like bidding and identification of oil blocks
the bridges along the route are also infrastructure is that let the public need by the government. This (company’s
very narrow. The company felt that the be fulfilled within the interests of freedom to study and identify oil
road is not suitable for transportation competitive market economy. blocks, expanding to the adjoining
of the equipment.’ The Commerce and Indeed, these are moments of lesser areas) surely has legal and political
Industries Minister Th. Bishwajit also freedom for people, conflict among the implications because company is not
reportedly invited the company to see people, lesser government accountable to the people.
present road condition and resume accountability and transparency, and It is time for the Government of visit
work. inhibiting people democratic rights. Manipur (GOM) to realize that roads
What do these moments tell? The
roads and bridges on NH 37 for the
These are the moments of the
exclusionary neoliberal economy in the
for the companies are not going to be
roads to peace and ‘development of the Kangla Online
oil companies like Jubilant Energy are postcolonial Indian state. One strong state.’ GOM should contest in the spirit at
‘narrow.’ This means, the roads are to indication of such moments is the of federalism highly centralized laws, www.kanglaonline.com
be widened and made transportable, recently passed Open Acreage policies and the infrastructural

10 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 11
FOR A SELF RELIANT TEXTILE ECONOMY OF Numidanggi Phijol. King Loyumba, in authorities to promote local
his treaties on Loyumba Shilyen production. The point is, local textiles
MANIPUR: INTERVIEW BHUBOL Shintha, systematised classification of could not withstand the impact of
SOUGRAKPAM surnames on the basis of specific work British colonial rule (1891-1947) and
assignments or profession. For India’s annexation (after 1949).
Manipur was sufficiently clothed, supplied on the basis of traditional processing instance, the surname Thiyam was During this period cheap textile
of cotton yarn and weaving. With the beginning of British colonial rule in 1891, assigned for weaving tongkap phanek, commodities penetrated into Manipur
the import of cheap yarn and later on textiles has surpassed local handloom phiren for Chakpram, and yarong phi market. Maximum quantities of cotton
production. Over the decades, particularly after annexation to India in 1949, for Thongabam. Amongst communities, seeds were collected and carried away,
there were certain individual innovations to upgrading the instruments of layeng phi was produced by Chothe thereby, reducing cotton plantation and
traditional weaving. But these changes could not entirely transform local textile community, leirum for Angom clan and productions. Local demands were met
products to successfully compete with textile imports. An attempt was made in hekoi by Heirem Khunja clan, and etc. with import of yarns by outsider trade
establishing a State run Spinning Mill to enhance local textile production, which Our textile products were recognised monopolists. From the period
was proven unsuccessful. Though local weaving (handloom) survives, it could beyond geographical border. For beginning with the ascendency of King
not make Manipur self reliant on textile production. In an interview with Beyond instance, Acheik is the national cloth of Churachand to the throne of Manipur
the Horizon, Mr. Bhubol Sougrakpam shares thought on the plight of Manipur’s Myanmar woven by Manipuri weavers kingdom, outsider Marwari traders
handloom sector and prospects of promoting it to reduce import of textiles. who were carried off as assets by Pong have taken control of textile business,
king during ‘seven years devastations’ including supply of raw materials of
Editor: You have taken up the cloths. Our rich textiles exemplify (1819-1826 AD). Several aged old fabric production. Imports
initiative to promote textile economic and cohesive social values; fabric designs are attracting users from systematically outdid local production
productions, particularly handloom e.g., a kind of Phanek (loin wrapper) abroad alongside three designs such as of various classes of yarns such as –
sector. Why do you think this named Tongkap Phanek had been used Saphee Lanphee, Moirang Phijin and (1) Meetei Lang, (2) Mayang Lang.
initiative a necessity? by women of all the co-existing Wangkhei Phi, which have been granted (3) Khaki Lang, (4) Ayai Lang, (5)
indigenous communities, before G.I, Registrations. This textile tradition Aching Lang, (6) Tamang Lang, (7)
Bhubol: This is a profession aimed producing in course of time diverse had to be promoted in terms of its being Khere Lang, (8) Ahai Lang, (9)
at promoting the rich tradition of designs peculiar to representing heritage and profession of about four Pheipak Lang and (10) Langthi. But
Manipur textiles and economic respective communities. lakh weavers. we still have sustainability potential.
welfare of the hitherto marginalized Since the 11th Century, when King
textile weavers who, though not much Loyumba (1074-1112 AD) became a Editor: Can you suggest, on the basis Editor: What are the local textile
accounted of, mend up from minute ruler, different kinds of fabrics were of your personal or family usage, the products that are commonly used
to major family cost of livelihood. To continuously and sufficiently produced extent of dependent on textile imports amongst Meetei?
recollect, Manipur had a flourishing by weavers. Some of the noted fabrics in daily livelihood? What is the reason
civilization covering a vast timespan were classed as; (1) Ningthou Phambal for these massive imports? Bhubon: There is a folk tale of
of prehistoric and historical periods. Tongbagi Phijol, (2) Leibak Ningthougi Sandrembi-Chaishra wherein the
Development of tools, techniques, Phijol, (3) Panagi Phijol, (4) Lai Bhubol: Today, nearly 70% of total mother of Sandrembi cried, “Ibemma
skills and labour of weaving and Haraobagi Phijol, (5) Harao Kumheigi daily consumption of textile products Imadi Khwang Youre/ Ngak Youre”;
clothing had been an integral aspect Phijol, (6) Ashibagi Phijol, (7) are largely imported. The heavy whose moral message similitude to the
of the civilization. Since the dawn of Luhongbagi Phijol, (8) Khullakpa reliance on import is not due to absence crying hearts of sinking Titanic, which
historical era, there have been Khullakpigi Phijol, (9) Laison Tinsongi of local capacities to produce. It is due conveys a meaning parallel to the
references to various types of woven Phijol, and (10) Ayuk Nungthin to negligence on the part of concerned deteriorating conditions and plight our

12 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 13
weavers today. Men’s whole body are weavers who do not either own the product at cheap rate from marginal (6) Others untraceable.
today wrapped up with imported instrument of production or enter into weavers and sell it at exorbitant prices
fabrics. The upper and inner of some kind of shared system when it in their show rooms. Their monopoly Editor: We have heard of outsourcing
menfolk are wrapped with imports. comes to the use of the means of and price inflation affect the or putting out system in the handloom
Amongst women there are sizable production? purchasing power of marginal sections. sector. This is a system where yarn
sections whose clothing from waists This new trend needs to be checked. monopolists in the market supply yarn
downwards is wrapped with Bhubon: Definitely right. But it can be to weavers on the condition that the
traditional phaneks. This tradition of interpreted in either prospective or Editor: Are there monopolists who products should be supplied back to
preserving indigenous clothing is negative sense. Traditional middle- control import and supply of yarns them at a marginal rate. This system,
challenged by certain section of dealers who collect woven cloths from and dyes in Manipur market? Who of late, has been practised by some
younger generation women who weavers are mostly petty traders in are they and how do they channelize local monopolists who could afford to
prefer to wear imported trousers, phee-yonfam (cloth market avenues) of monopoly? import yarn in bulk amount and
skirts and other non-indigenous Khwairanband Ima Market. They control its supply to the
designs. In the overall, in addition to usually give orders of different designs Bhubon: Absolutely it is. There are neighbourhood weavers. Would you
phanek, local textile products that are and kinds of fabrics to weavers both outsider and local monopolists. be pleased to elaborate on this? Are
commonly used are Khudei, Phadi, according to their likes and They concerted in controlling textiles the weavers happy with this system?
Innafi, Wangkhei Phi, Rani Phi, specialization. They collect or through various nefarious designs in What compels them to enter into such
Moirang Phi and Mompak Phidak, purchase it after negotiating prices on collusion with a covert network farms, relation of production?
etc. the basis of either their supply of yarns companies, higher authorities and
to weavers or on the basis weavers’ business outlets. Some of their designs Bhubol: Yes, there is. But, there are
Editor: Are the yarns and dyes used own bearing of capital input. After are: (1) Monopolists hoarded / mixed perspectives. There are a few
in the local handloom sector locally procuring it, they sell it in market for stockpiled subsidized yarns from local entrepreneurs who are exploring
produced? profits. This business network appears government undertaking centres and existing opportunities such as various
to be prospective. But a new trend has corporations to their own advantages schemes sponsored by government and
Bhubol: Yarns and dies are today gained momentum. There are now and such subsidies are hardly available locally available resources. And if their
mostly imported. But Manipur has a monopolist traders (mostly outsiders), directly to weavers; (2) Marginal objectives are to extend helping hands
tradition of dyeing known as kum who press upon marginal weavers to weavers, who could purchase to the weavers to enable them to
sangba. We had rich skill of fast deposit either cash or kind equivalent minimum quantity of yarns, are procure raw materials at cheaper rate
colorations on yarns and fabrics by or more to the price value of certain deprived of subsidised raw materials; and also to enable them to succeed in
using locally available plants and quantities of yarns supplied to the (3) Monopolists inflated prices of marketing of products, such
flowers such as kum (Strobilanthus latter, which could be retrieved only yarns on the pretext of extortion by endeavours would be encouraging. But
Cusia), Ureirom amom (Bixa Orella), when the latter would submit their outlawed forces; (4) Monopolists if things are moving contrary to the
Kuhi (Brindelia Retusa), Kusumlei product to the satisfaction of the controlled quality and price of dying prospects of weavers, the trend is
(Caranthamus Tinetorius), and etc. former. Such compulsions imposed materials; (5) Monopolists compelled deemed counter-productive.
upon marginal weavers need to be weavers to enter into a biased loan
Editor: Most of the weavers are eradicated. In the meanwhile, women credit system. While weavers had to Editor: Recently, the incumbent
considered to be women from lower spouses of wealthy and powerful deposit to them gold or ornaments or Government of Manipur has
class. Will you tell us who are the bureaucrats and contractors are now valuable kinds in exchange for yarns, announced packages for the
owners of the means of production investing in luxurious handloom the former had to pay exorbitant promotion of handloom sector. Does
in weaving? Is there emergence of outlets. They purchase handloom interest to the former for the credit, and it include promotion of production of

14 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 15
local yarn, die and other essential proper planning, vision and Editor: There is huge drain of wealth cotton, silk and fibre potential plants
items to make weaving entirely commitment from the side of as a result of textile import. What are to feed our reviving spinning mill and
indigenous and self-sufficient? government and insincerity of staffs in the measures to be taken up, at what consume the same to produce standard
discharging duties. First, raw materials level and by whom, to reduce the onus quality products and consume them
Bhubol: Yes, but not up to satisfaction. can be properly planted in available and of dependence on textile import? Is only at our best capacities and
Most of the schemes and projects are suitable lands in scientific ways. there any prospect for Manipur in this contentment.
meant for welfare and development of Second, modern technologies should be regards?
the weavers and artisans. But the real added to mill. Third, trained and skilled Note: Mr. Bhubol Sougrakpam is
targeted beneficiaries can get only the staffs should be employed. For all these Bhubol: Entrepreneurship had to be executive member of the Shintha
residues and remnant part while to be successful, a proper budget had speedily established with support from Handlooms & Handicrafts, Thongju,
maximum parts have been siphoned to be reflected. For now, a trial can be all concerns, particularly from Manipur and Board Director o the
away with beautifying of utilization resumed on the basis of public private government’s Trade, Commerce and Manipur Apex Handloom Weavers &
certificates. We are living with all partnership model. Industry Department. Raw materials of Handicrafts Artisans C. S. Ltd.
resources to enable us to enjoy self textiles products should be (AWAS). He was Chairman of
sustainability. It is not an exaggeration Editor: Recently the government has manufactured from existing resources National Research Centre
that indigenous plants that had been announced promotion of extraction of at whatever areas that can replace Manipur(NRC) and editor of its
traditionally used to extract dye stuffs banana fibres for commercial use. import of yarns and other accessories. English quarterly The Orient Vision.
can be economically planted to Some important small machines have Production units have to comply with He is an entrepreneur and for more
substitute the much talked about jhum been installed. There are also local minimum standard of quality than fifteen years has been actively
cultivation. The indigenous plants like entrepreneurs in this regard. We have productions. At the same time local
engaged in promoting Manipur’s
kuhi, ureirom, kum, sahi and others heard that fibres extracted in this people must develop mind-set of
textiles sector.
from which dye stuffs can be extracted manner would be semi-processed and consuming local products. Marx’s idea
can be abundantly planted in the entire exported to Jaipur and other places of “Consume only what you can
hill areas under a policy. If plantation where they will use it as raw materials produce” should be embraced with.
begin this year, the result in the next for manufacturing expensive fabrics. EXIM policy and corresponding
or three to ten years, will be enormous. Is there any prospect to install activities should be enhanced.
A huge quantity of dye stuffs can be manufacturing machines to stop
extracted and sold. It will benefit export of semi-processed raw Editor: What message would you like
farmers triple times of their annual materials, and, instead use it for local to convey to the people of Manipur to
earnings from jhum cultivation. It will production of fabrics, threads, ropes, promote self-reliant textile economy?
also contribute to afforestation and etc. for local consumption?
environmental preservation. Bhubol: Not to live like a crying
Bhubol: Definitely it has a great monkey with coconut by sleeping upon
Editor: What according to you were potential not only in the area of banana the lands of green gold. Manipur
the major factors for the failure of fibre but also with other indigenous belongs to Indo-Burma Hotspot
the Spinning Mill in Manipur, which plants like kewa, santhak, kiyommana, Region. Before multi national
was operational for some time in which all come under the category of companies and national companies take
1980s? natural fibres. Government need to ownerships of our wealth, we have to
positively frame a policy to encourage develop skill to retain ownership for
Bhubol: The main reasons are lack of entrepreneurs. sustainability in all aspects. Let’s plant

16 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 17
TERRORISING AND HUMILIATING NAGAS: What is the need to terrorise innocent people were facing. On the late-night
civilians when there is actually no of 2nd December, 2016 my car broke
WHY? problem at all? Many Indian military down at Asian Highway 1, near Tadubi
Veilou Veino officers might have assumed Nagas to village (Senapati). I was heading to
be easy and small fry. Had there been home with a friend and two elders after
The protracted Indo-Naga peace-talk is upon Nagas regardless of boundaries.
no ceasefire, outsiders visiting attending Federal Assembly of Naga
a dear issue that Nagas are sincerely Printed advertisements,
Nagalim in military uniform would Students’ Federation, held at Lake
praying for a positive outcome. The acknowledgements and press releases
have had a different story to share. Shilloi (Phek). With no means left to
signing of Framework Agreement on 3rd that eulogise some good works
Enduring severe pains, Nagas are repair the car at that wee-hour and
August, 2015, has brought a ray of hope reportedly carried out by Indian Armed
fervently hoping for a solution, so that above all with no telephone network
to many. Talks being held at the highest Forces are regularly circulated. Some
we may all live together in peace. available at that particular area at that
level and looking at current situation, of their initiatives are worth
A video of Swaach Bharat moment, we were standing on the
we believe that the stakeholders are appreciating. But rest are nothing but
campaign by Indian Army personnel Highway discussing about what we
sincere and committed. We bestow our deliberate eyewashes neurotically
at Mokokchung (Nagaland) that went should do to reach home. At that time
trust to those on negotiating table and seeking for praises. We are witness to
viral a year ago might have rendered a group of Indian Army personnel was
at the meantime pray for godly wisdom the fact that many of them are indulged
many truthful army officers into shame. approaching us. It was a moment of
to prevail. in promoting a culture of gift in the
In the video, army personnel stage relief! We felt lucky as we expected
While reposing our faith to form of offering drinks to some Naga
managed a cleaning programme in a their help. But it happened the other
Government of India at the highest leaders, to extract tactical intelligence.
school campus after littering it by way round. Seeing our helplessness and
level, we common people are We suspect such clandestine activities
themselves. They wanted to champion fully knowing our harmless condition,
sometimes compelled to doubt sincerity are meant for working in the
the cause of cleanliness drive. But their the troops provoke and humiliated us.
of Government when their armed troops constituency of suspects. I fail to
nefarious proceeding was exposed. At Finding no fault with us, they stood
at ground level behave roguishly. understand why deep down in their
the same time their wanton acts of for some moments. A sepoy yelled at
Sometimes we are put into doubt if heart Indian Armed Forces would
terrorism had been glaring. They me saying, Aapko nahi pata, yaha itna
notorious behaviours of Indian Armed continue to consider Nagas as threat
terrorise an unarmed and powerless problem hain? Itni raatko kya kar
Forces are manifestations of certain and enemy.
civilian to the brink of one’s limit and raheho, jal se jal chalejao. [Don’t you
hidden directives from Government to While busy in displaying to the
when the person would assert for one’s know that there are lots of problems
create complexity, or if the former are world humane sides of Indian Armed
dignity, he/she is being projected a here? What are you doing at this late
simply misbehaving at their capacity for Forces, they are responsible for several
threat. Many misconceive that reign of hour; go as soon as possible]” I replied
reasons best known to them. Many may forms of sufferings inflicted upon
terror comes from Naga insurgencies. Sir, gaadi kharab hain, isliye dost ka
consider it to be petty matters when common people. This people could not
But it is a fact that terrorism is designed intazaar kar raha hoon. [Sir, the
security forces terrorise innocent and openly express: while a few could
by Indian Armed Forces. Those who vehicle has broken down, so we are
helpless people. But it needs to be taken openly express their grievances many
condemn insurgency must first waiting for friends]” In good faith, I
seriously that in our instable context, would prefer to keep it secret within
condemn the State terrorism that was still expecting sympathy. But he
even a small spark can sometime ruin family. Many would not talk against
promotes the growth of insurgency. just pushed me and another sepoy
all concerted efforts towards peace and armed forces for fear of harassment.
I came back to my homeland punched me on my right cheek. And
harmony. The truth is, we are no longer safe to
towards the end of 2016 after staying when I screamed, he placed an AK 47
Common people are becoming travel freely even in our own backyard.
at Delhi for eight years. Only then, Riles nozzle on my temple and forced
impatience with notorious activities of Nagas while respecting peace-talk,
after having first hand experiences, I me to freeze and quietened. The others
Indian Armed Forces. Instances of Indian troops are creating a war-like
realised the hardships that common were ordered upon to neither move nor
harassment are regularly perpetrated situation whenever they wanted to.
18 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 19
open their mouth. They abused me, for public leaders at night. There are a good neighbour. Only God and the President, Poumai Naga
my religion (Christianity), my creed several instances of arrests of political men in camouflages with badge of tri- Tsiidoumai Me, Delhi (Poumai
and my identity! They took total leaders without valid reasons and colours will have the answer! Students’ Union, Delhi) and
advantage of our helplessness. After infliction of psychological harassments Executive Member, Manipur
everything, they simply laughed and upon their children. Many may think Note: Mr. Veilou Veino is former Tribal Forum, Delhi.
walked away as if nothing had these to be petty issues! But these petty
happened at all. I made complaints to issues could create humiliation,
higher authorities of Indian Armed provoke sentiment and ignite serious INDIAN RACISM PREVAILS ON NORTHEAST
Forces, only to be tricked and issues from being non-issue.
‘Indian’ was the Word Used to Abuse Us in the Delhi
disheartened. They said that that none I am privileged to have travelled till
of their men had patrolled at that hour the extreme North of India and to many Metro and Everyone Looked on
on that particular night. major cities of India. My experience of
On several occasions, I have come Indian Armed Forces in the North is Pfokrelo Kapesa
across Indian Army personnel, very fascinating. They are like a chicken It was just another regular Sunday. I it was none of her business. She started
sometimes lazily and sometimes inside cage, to be scolded by taxi took an auto from my hostel to Hauz shouting and hurled abuses at us. She,
aggressively frisking vehicles and drivers and villagers. And in cities, their Khas Metro Station where I met up with in the most disgusting way, told us to
asking shitty questions besides regular uniform does not attract any attention my friends who had boarded metro at get out of the metro and out of country
body search, car checking and queries. from passers-by. But in the North- Chattarpur Metro Station. As I boarded [India] saying that we were talking
They even asked for Aadhar Card after eastern part of India, they act like the metro I was telling my friends that I about ‘Indian’ in a foreign language. I
checking driving license, manual book boss off everything. Assam Rifles call couldn’t get an auto for some time and lost it this time. I said that I am an
or vehicle documents. They asked themselves Friends of the Northeast – have to stop another auto with a Indian and she had no right to do it.
irrelevant questions such as; conditions Friends of the Hills.” Yet, they behave passenger already to ask if the other My friend also responded that she was
of the vehicle in which I was travelling, like Enemy to the Northeast. The passenger was going to metro and if we going wrong whatever she meant by
the type of curry that I ate, my income attitude of these self style wannabe lions could share the auto. The other talking about Indian as we were not
source for possessing a vehicle, my will someday surely create a situation passenger readily agreed and we shared talking anything about ‘Indian’. She
educational qualification, my marital where even peace loving Indian Army the auto. A lady (must be in her mid shouted and screamed at the peak of
status, reasons for stickers on officers and Nagas will not be able to thirties) in the same compartment [in her voice that we should go back to
windshield, reason for carrying more reconcile, if anything goes out of hand. the metro] asked if we were talking our country (whatever she meant). She
than a mobile handset (sometime May be, Indian Armed Forces about Indian and asked to translate also demanded that we spoke in Hindi
asking to switch on and off the mobile), stationed at Nagalim have forgotten that whatever was being said about Indian or English if what we were discussing
reason for scare on my body, and etc. their Government have promised to in English or Hindi. I looked at her for about ‘Indian’ was not something bad.
It was disheartening to learn that bring place in Nagalim. Or, may be, some time and thought, since we were I responded that whatever we talked
several famines stricken Nagas from because in the eye of Indians (both not talking anything about Indian, she or what language we used was none
East were being halted and asked to public and militaries) Nagas continue must be talking to someone else. My of her business. I waited for her to stop
produce Aadhar Card while on their to be suspected enemy. Or, may be, friends and I got back to talking and screaming and told her that we had
way to seek rations. Those who do not there is a clandestine order from Centre the same lady shouted at us to translate nothing to talk to her and that she
possess an Aadhar Card were being to discreetly terrorise civilians, create whatever it was that we were talking in should stop disturbing us. All this time
asked lengthy questions. There are a situation and foil the ongoing peace- English or Hindi. I turned to her and no one in the compartment said a word
reportedly conducting constant raids in talk. I wonder when will Indians start said that we were not talking anything and looked.
the houses of innocent people and considering Nagas as friends and also about Indian and even if we were that My friend and I got back to talking,

20 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 21
trying our best to ignore her. We told hearing the term from us was making camera installed in the train should station or even at the same station. I
ourselves sarcastically that we should them feel bad that we might be talking have the recordings. I went towards the asked if cameras installed in the train
not get angry as we were going to something about it. I told them that we front side of the compartment to check were working and if so it should be
church and that we should pray for her were trying to make sense of what had for train number. I found the enough proof. He told us that cameras
too. Then we started discussing about just happened to us while they looked compartment; but no train number. I would have video footage but not
some issues going on in student union on. That they should understand and asked someone there if she would sound as audio recording was not
where in we used the terms ‘Nagaland be empathetic towards us and instead happen to know where I could find available. He told us that we could file
Nagas and Nagas from Manipur’. The they were telling us not to talk. They train number. She said that she had no a case but very likely that the case
lady started screaming again looked like college students to me; so clue. Someone from behind called and won’t be taken seriously as audio
demanding us to tell which states of I tried to reason with them. I told them said that I should ask the train driver/ record was not available.
northeast we belonged to. I realised that they looked like educated people operator at the next stop. She I gave up the idea of filing a case
later that if she could identify that we and that we expected educated people apologised for not intervening as she after this. But I am writing this for two
were from northeast by the terms to be reasonable. But their asking us did not see the event from the reasons.
‘Nagaland Nagas’ and ‘Nagas from not to talk or use the term ‘Indian’ made beginning and apologised on behalf of 1) To people who thinks that no one
Manipur’ that she was an educated them just like the other lady. They such people. I thanked her. She came should be targeted or discriminated on
woman. She said ‘we don’t want those responded that they knew the lady was forward and told me that I should just the basis of their look, language or
states’. We refused to answer to her wrong and that was the reason that they ignore such people. I told her that it anything: it is not alright to just look
question as to which state we belonged didn’t support in her fight with us. I was something important I need to do on. It’s is important that you stand up
to. She continued that she would send tried to correct them that there was no as it could be happening to many against such incidents. Use your rights
CBI to find us and kick us out of fight and that the other lady was people. She agreed but added that to protect the rights of others. I know
country. She also asked us if we wanted abusing us and that everyone including nothing would come out of it as no one many people in the compartment would
to go to China or Japan. I kept quite as us could talk whatever we want to and would support us and everyone would have felt that something wrong was
I gave up. I did not see the need of no one had the right to stop us. Then either support the other group of been done to us but chose to stay away.
arguing with her as one of my friends came a threat. One of the girls people or remain silent. I came back I know it’s easy to stay away but it is
tried to explain to her that she should threatened us that we were only three to where my friends were sitting and not right. It could happen to anyone.
stop disturbing us. My other friend was while the rest of the compartment was one of my friends told me that the two The sooner we start addressing this
too shock to argue back and frozen. She filled with ‘Indians’ and that everyone girls who threatened us were saying issue the better it is for all.
didn’t say a word. I was shaking with would support them. I shuddered with that they were lawyers and what could 2) To people who faced
anger and humiliation. I tried my best shame and disbelief not because I felt we do to them. I told my friends that discrimination: be alert and familiarise
to compose myself. Soon enough, she threatened by her but because people we need to calm down and think what yourself with available remedial
de-boarded the metro. Then I and my could stoop so low to abuse someone to do and not pay attention to them. measures/provisions. I was so shocked
friends were trying to take stock of what and take pride in it. Again the whole We got down at Civil Lines Metro that it didn’t occur to me to use the
just happened. What is with the term compartment looked on; not a single Station. I knocked the door and the emergency speaker installed in every
‘Indian’? What was about it that could person tried to reason or intervene. I operator/driver opened the door. I compartment of the train.
be so bad that made the other person sat there for sometime clueless of what asked for train number. It was 1505. I am also sharing the details of the
felt so insecure or threatened that we to do. He asked if everything was alright. I incident in-case anyone wants to verify
might be talking about it. It took me some time to get back to narrated the story. He expressed regrets it or do something about it:
Our ordeal didn’t end. Two young my senses. I told my friends that ‘we and said that we should have used
girls started telling us again that we did need to file a complaint’. My friends emergency speaker to complain and Train No. 1505
not talk or use the term ‘Indian’ as agreed and [we were hopeful that] the there would be assistance at the next Compartment No. D2A21

22 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 23
Between 10:20-10:35 AM Note: The workers’ struggles at Maruti occurred on 18 July 2012 at Maruti’s
Huda City Centre Pfokrelo Kapesa is Doctoral Candidate over the past several years have been Manesar plant became the basis of the
to Samaypur Badli Line at Diplomacy and Disarmament for issues like fair wages, reduction in prosecution’s version.
Division, CIPOD/SIS/JNU work pressure, and for a representative
15th April, 2018. A version of this was first published on
union, and the company has repeatedly * FIR
Youth Ki Awaaz
aggressive thwarted them, using means The FIR (No. 184/2012, P.S.
like suspensions, terminations, routine Manesar, Haryana) was registered on
harassment, enforced signing of ‘Good the day of the incident at 11 pm,
A PRE-DECIDED CASE: CRITIQUE OF THE Conduct’ undertaking, among others against 55 named and 500-600
MARUTI JUDGMENT OF 2017 (page 6 of report). The company’s deep unnamed workers at Manesar PS, on
commitment to increasing profits and the basis of a complaint filed by
PUDR [had released] its report ‘A Pre- and the prosecution’s version and draws depressing wages (p. 5, table 1) has Deepak Anand, General Manager
Decided Case: A Critique of the attention to the grave implications of been a crucial factor in this conflict. The Vigilance, and Prosecution Witness
Maruti judgment of 2017’, on the the judgment, not just for workers at company is able to do this because of (PW) 29. Some important anomalies
occasion of the completion of one year Maruti, or in the automobile industry its power that comes from multiple emerged in the course of the defence’s
of the judgment given by the Sessions alone, but for rights and struggles of sources – such as its monopoly with questioning which the report discusses
Court, Gurugram, Haryana in which 31 labour across the country. over 50% share in the passenger car in detail. For instance, it was
erstwhile workers of the Maruti Three broad aspects of the context market, its dominant position in IMT established that PW29 could not have
company were convicted, 13 of them of the Maruti case and deeply skewed Manesar (where it occupies 600 acres actually witnessed the incident (p. 14).
to life imprisonment. In the judgment judgment, and the nature of of land and a has a large number He could not identify any of the
pronounced on 10 March 2017, investigation and prosecution that led ancillary and vendor units) – among workers except one. It was argued that
Additional Sessions Judge R.P. Goyal to it need to be understood. These are others. Its overarching power and he saw the events through the CCTV
also acquitted 117 workers about 5 these cannot be understood in isolation, command extends not just over capital, cameras, which were, conveniently,
years after they had been arrested, after but only in the context of: but to the institutions of the state – the not there because management
having spent 2-4 years in jail. It is (a) the long term and contemporary Labour Department, police and claimed that they were burnt (though
significant that the 13 given the history of capital-labour conflict and judiciary. Investigation, trial and there was no evidence of their
harshest punishment were all union workers’ struggles at Maruti, in which judgment of the Maruti incident is burning). PW29’s credibility as the
members and active workers. In the workers have persisted in their struggle reflective of the same. primary witness was further weakened
incident of violence on 18 July 2012 for basic labour rights and the company as he first named the weapons
in which sections of the plant had been has repeatedly thwarted them. The Judgment allegedly used by the workers who
set on fire, some managers and workers (b) the dominant position and real The major part of the report is a attacked management on 18 July as
injured, and one HR Manager Awanish economic power of the Maruti company discussion of the narrative presented by ‘belcha, lathi, lohe ke sariye (iron
Dev unfortunately died due to in the automobile industry, its clout in the company through the prosecution, rods) and danda’ in the FIR, but in a
asphyxiation, 148 workers had been IMT Manesar and over the institutions and the version upheld by the judgment second statement one day later made
indicted and arrested. and machinery of the state. after taking into account the lacunae and before the police he changed these to
The report is a critique of the (c) the changing nature of the questions pointed out by the defence. ‘door beams’ and ‘shockers.’ (pp 16-
judgment, based on a close reading of capital–labour conflict with Foreign A stark pattern can be seen in the way 17) Yet, in a response reflective of the
it and other official documents of the Direct Investment (FDI) and ease of in which the judge intervened at each nature of judge’s intervention through
case. It also raises questions about the doing business becoming enormously point. the judgment, this was accepted and
nature of investigation, trial process, significant. The FIR lodged in the incident that justified. The time lag of 5 hours

24 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 25
between the recording of the FIR and report shows. Yet the judge chose to see management not ‘report’ the supposed is demonstrated in the report (pp 27-
its reaching the Metropolitan these major inconsistencies in the FIR ‘theft’ of these shockers and doorbeams 28). Despite this, the charge of
Magistrate’s (MM) office a short and PWs’ statements as ‘small by workers until Oct. 2012?; Was there ‘criminal conspiracy’ was upheld for
distance away only by morning of 19 discrepancies’ (p.19) and disregarded any evidence that these actually the 13 workers convicted for life
July, the absence of corroborative the flawed and absent evidence to belonged to the Maruti company and imprisonment.
evidence etc., were all accepted convict the workers for the fire, injuries was any attempt made by taking
without questioning by the judge. and death despite the absence of fingerprints etc., to establish which Arrests, Investigation, and Trial
The workers’ counter complaint evidence against them, following a particular weapon was supposedly used The grave flaws and serious
that the management hired bouncers to strange line of argument – that as the by which particular worker? Why were problems in the process of
assault the manager Awanish Dev and workers could not prove their version these weapons and (in the case of some investigation, the manner of arrests the
start the fire was on the other hand (that they did not set the fire, or assault workers), ‘blood stained uniforms’ and nature of the trial, and the way in which
dismissed. Awanish Dev, and bouncers did) then ‘identity cards’ etc. recovered from bail was denied and granted are also
The report discusses many aspects the version of prosecution,which their houses, with no independent highlighted in the report (pp 10-16).
of the account of the incident of 18 July incidentally also could not be proved, eyewitnesses to the recoveries? – These exposed the police
2012 that were recorded in the FIR must be true. (pp.22-23). investigation’s clear bias and collusion
were exposed as doubtful and Compelled to accept these serious with the extremely powerful and
concocted in the course of the trial (pp. * Recoveries lacunae in the prosecution’s version, the dominant Maruti management. They
17-28) Some of these were The prosecution’s charge of judge however still overlooked this also cast doubts on the nature of the
murderous assault by workers depended absence of evidence that connected evidence and testimonies which then
* The fire and death of Awanish Dev on the ‘recovery’ of weapons and other workers to the assault by implying that became the basis of the prosecution
The keystone of the prosecution’s evidence from them. The manner in the absence of evidence of any narrative, in turn upheld substantively
narrative, and the basis of the case which these so-called ‘recoveries’ of connection between weapons, the in the judgment.
against the workers was that they had crucial evidence were made (pp.22-24) assault and the accused, did not mean The collusion can be illustrated
set the fire at the plant and attacked and exposes the nature of the police that such a connection was not there through one example cited in the report
and killed the HR Manager Awanish investigation on which the prosecution (p.23). (p.14). The Assistant Manager of HR
Dev. None of the PWs could clearly based its version. This version The report further shows how Department (PW 101), Nitin Saraswat
identify who started the fire (p.18), nor presented in the judgment, held that all the medical evidence does not stated, on record, that he had prepared
was there any other evidence 148 accused ‘workers’ walked out of substantiate the prosecution’s account 2 lists of workers (by retrieving the
connecting workers to the fire. There the plant carrying the weapons after the (pp. 25-26). The police investigation names from the Gurgaon office) at 3
is also no evidence to connect the death incident to their respective homes, some failed to show the doctors the weapons am on 19 July 2012 which he gave to
of Awanish Dev to the convicted located as far as 200 km away, where or ask them if these could have caused the SHO Manesar. One list contained
workers. The report points to the they hid them in obvious places, to be the injuries of the PWs, and all the 55 names, and another 89 names. The
inconsistencies in the statements of the conveniently recovered by the police 6- doctors agreed during the trial that the list of 55 workers’ names was
PWs, and significant confusion 7 days after the incident. The defence injuries could have been caused also by evidently included in the FIR, and this
regarding who and how many people posed several questions that the falling on a hard or uneven surface. is the likely explanation for the delay
supposedly attacked him (p. 21). If prosecution completely failed to answer The prosecution’s failure to prove in submitting the FIR to the MM. The
verbal accounts are to be the basis of – for instance, How were these weapons the existence of a ‘criminal list of 89 workers meanwhile was
conviction, as they are in this case, they transported inside the plant to the actual conspiracy’, a plan or agreement of given to the labour-contractors who
need to be foolproof, and these site of incident without anyone seeing ‘common intent’ between the workers, ‘submitted’ by them to the police team
statements made by PWs were not, the them?; Why did the Maruti was demonstrated by the defence and when they were called by them to the

26 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 27
plant at 12.30 pm on 19 July. The prosecution witnesses – the ‘Japanese arrests and custodial torture of workers commands of capital and gives
labour-contractors supposedly Hostel’ leased by the Maruti company, (p.11, p. 26) by the police, the repeated impunity to it to violate even the
identified the workers in alphabetical and the non-inclusion of workers among failure of prosecution witnesses to legally enshrined rights of workers.
order (p.15) and could not identify witnesses though hundreds of them correctly identify workers they had Teaching a lesson to Maruti workers
them in court. However, the police in were present at the time at the site (p. named and accused in court (p.29, Box was particularly important because of
its zeal, had already arrested these 28). 3) –to come in the way of his decision their history of undeterred struggle
workers before 12.30 pm. This to convict the workers. This judgment ever since the establishment of the
anomaly later became the basis of their Conclusion reveals a higher degree of company. In earlier phases of struggle,
eventual acquittal due to the defence’s * The report shows how it has not determination to overlook and even union members and active workers at
efforts. This revelation shows the been proved through the investigation justify the shortcomings and lacunae in Maruti have had to face suspensions,
eagerness of the police to do the and trial that any workers or in the prosecution’s narrative, and transfer, and dismissals. This time
company’s bidding. Moreover, it particular the 31 convicted Maruti multiple violations of law and however, they have had to pay the
clearly shows that the names of workers were responsible for the procedure by the Maruti company and heaviest price for being active in the
workers given in the FIR were violence or the fire at the Manesar unit the police, willingness to accept of the union – that of conviction and life
handpicked by the management on the on 18 July 2012. Similarly, it is also not prosecution witnesses’ accounts even imprisonment.
basis of other reasons than their actual established without reasonable doubt as while accepting that their version is PUDR hereby releases its report ‘A
involvement in the case. Yet the to who was responsible for Awanish fabricated than has been witnessed in Pre-Decided Case: A Critique of the
judgment has made this kind of Dev’s death. There is no clear evidence recent times. It reveals the completely Maruti judgment of 2017,’ March
manufactured statement and document to link the accused to the crime. And blatant support of the judiciary for 2018, and in the light of its findings
the basis of inflicting extremely severe yet these workers have been convicted capital, giving up even a pretence of outlined above, demands:
punishment on vocal, active workers and given extremely harsh punishment. neutrality. The denial of bail to most 1) The immediate release of the
and union members. The judgment seems to have served the workers for over two years (pp 11-12), convicted workers and a fresh, fair,
Another instance of clear purposes of the company in providing and the judiciary’s upholding of the independent and just investigation and
fabrication comes from the police the alibi for criminalising and prosecution’s version despite its almost re-trial.
account of the recoveries of weapons imprisoning active union members and farcical nature at times (pp 35-36), 2) The right of workers to unionise
(discussed above). Their peculiar and workers. show the seamlessness of the and organize to raise their demands be
unreal similarity – in each case the * The judgment makes a further company’s control over the entire state recognized, respected and protected
policemen who made the recoveries mockery of justice when it applies machinery, over the wider judiciary as by the institutions of the state and by
were coincidentally carrying large different standards for different well as the executive. The farce then management.
lengths of cloth to wrap the weapons accused. Thus, while acquitting 117 becomes a tragedy when, violating
recovered, were able to summon workers, the judge points out several basic principles of jurisprudence, of People’s Union for Democratic
tailors again conveniently roaming shortcomings in the prosecution’s case, need for evidence to link the crime to Rights
around the sites of recovery and so on to the extent of suggesting that the the criminal, the judgment, following a
– expose their fabricated nature (p.24, evidence could be planted. However, in script of vengeance by capital, convicts 9 March 2018
Box 2). the same case, with the same kind of the active and vocal workers at the
The report highlights some other evidence, he does not apply the same behest of the company.
instances of the police investigation’s standards while convicting 31 workers. The danger from a pre-decided
bias towards the company. This * The judge did not allow all these judgment such as this is that it sends
includes the choice of the site of facts, e.g., the manner of recoveries and out a strong message to workers
recording the statements of lack of eyewitnesses, the intimidation, throughout the country to accept the

28 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 29
CPDE STATEMENT ON THE 5TH ASIA-PACIFIC of the development process, namely protection from slavery and slave-like
the examination of the content and conditions and elimination of child
FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT purpose of aid and development labour. Overall, regulatory mechanisms
(APFSD) policies as well as the political nature and binding regulations founded on the
of the developing relationships. It human rights standards, labour, and
The CSO Partnership on Development principles of effective development co- shapes inclusive structures for environmental standards need to be
Effectiveness (CPDE) unites with other operation (EDC) and Human Rights- accountability for donors and strengthened and applied to all private
civil society organisations (CSOs) to Based Approaches (HRBA). There is governments, promotes the alignment sector actions.
critically take stock of the also the continued shrinking of civil of donor country priorities with
implementation of the 2030 Agenda, 3 society spaces, and lack of national development plans, and fully Better Management of Resources for
years down the road, during the 5th Asia accountability of key development accessible aid data. the People
Pacific Forum on Sustainable stakeholders, especially the States, Official Development Assistance
Development. corporate bodies and financial Strengthening private sector (ODA) remains a critical source of
CPDE welcomes the continued institutions. The Voluntary National accountability financing most especially to least-
commitment of the Region to discuss Review (VNR) process is still marred Private finance does not directly developing countries who do not have
ways forward in attaining the by evidence of exclusion of CSOs in translate to the goals of sustainable ample resources to facilitate their own
Sustainable Development Goals the actual review. economic development. These are socio-economic development. ODA
(SDGs). Through the unique process of We call on governments to renew often geared more towards the should not be regarded as an altruistic
the Asia Pacific Regional CSO their commitment in realising a genuine maximization of profits, with only commitment from developed countries
Engagement Mechanism (AP-RCEM), sustainable development by taking the minimal and indirect benefits for but rather a repayment of the former’s
the CPDE and its members, are first step in moving the Regional poverty eradication. The use of private historical and ecological debt to the
opportune to engage and reflect Roadmap forward in order to reflect finance must abide by the highest latter. ODA from the DAC members of
peoples’ concerns and realities. results in the HLPF. standard of transparency and OECD have substantially slowed down
CPDE, however, expresses its CPDE recommends the following accountability if this stakeholder is to since 2010 and the SDGs failed to
overwhelming concern over the slow points as pre-requisites for the Asia affect positive change to attaining the secure more than the dismal 0.7% of
and uneven pace of progress of the Pacific region in effectively SDGs. Existing norms and GDP target notwithstanding a rising
implementation of the 2030 Agenda. implementing the 2030 Agenda and mechanisms in making the private trend of military spending. ODA flows
We are deeply concerned that the attaining the SDGs: sector accountable; however, remains remain largely conditional with many
regional process in the APFSD has weak and lacking. The private sector countries now using it to leverage for
stalled. Despite gaining momentum Promoting Effective Partnerships in development needs to be aligned private investments or Public-Private
since 2015 and being adopted by 2017, Partnerships have been highlighted with EDC and adopt international Partnerships, especially in
the Regional Roadmap has not been at the Forum as an important transparency and accountability infrastructure. This poses great risks
discussed in detail at the APFSD since mechanism in realising the aspirations norms. This includes the practice of because private finance is profit-
its accession. The process has come to of the SDGs. CPDE stresses the crucial decent work. oriented which results in the
a complete standstill due to low up-take role of genuine and inclusive Governments are obliged to respect inequitable provision of public goods
from Member-States. partnerships to deliver on these the Fundamental Principles and Rights and social services.
The monitoring of implementation expectations. To fulfil these goals, at Work, meaning respect for the right To be an effective source of
at the national and sub-national levels partnerships must be guided by to form unions, right to collective development finance and mechanism
also remains a major challenge, while principles of EDC and HRBA. EDC is bargaining, right to protection against in the Regional Roadmap, ODA should
there remain limited references to informed by the critical understanding all forms of discrimination at work, not only grow in quantity but also

30 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 31
improve its quality and effectiveness. mechanisms that will emphasise SUCCESSFUL SESSION OF THE PERMANENT
Commitments on ODA should be transparency and accountability for all
fulfilled to support countries’ progress,
actors. CPDE continues to call for the PEOPLES’ TRIBUNAL ON TURKEY AND THE
which is centred on peoples’ needs and universal application of effective KURDS
realisation of their human rights, development cooperation in this
including environmental sustainability.process. These principles are crucial for Dear Colleagues and Friends, on the cities, witnesses from Cizre, Sur
the global partnership for sustainable On 15 and 16 March 2018 the (Diyarbakir), Nusaybin and Sirnak
Enabling environment for civil development and the implementation of Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal convened were heard, some of them physically
society the SDGs. a session in Paris (France) on Turkey present in Paris, others by Skype. The
Civil society has steadily and and the Kurds. More than 400 witnesses described how the Turkish
persistently strengthened its role and Bangkok, Thailand interested people attended. army and security forces had bombed
relevance in the international 28-30 March 2018 In an introductory session the panel the cities with artillery, how snipers
community, most notably in the Global composed of 7 judges heard witnesses targeted civilians, how civilians
Partnership on Effective Development Note: The APFSD is a regional and on the Turkish state’s denial of political, seeking refuge in basements were
Cooperation (GPEDC). In Paris inclusive preparatory event for the cultural, social, economic rights to the deliberately attacked and killed etc.
(2005) CSOs were observers, in Accra high-level political forum on
Kurds living in Turkey. It was argued The Prosecution demonstrated how all
(2008) CSOs were recognised as sustainable development that will be
held under the auspices of the by the prosecution that these violations these attacks were deliberately
“development actors in their own of the right to self- determination of the planned and executed and asked the
Economic and Social Council at the
right”, in Busan (2011) governments United Nations Headquarters in New Kurds are the source of the conflict that Tribunal to find that these constituted
promised to create an “enabling York in July 2018, the Fifth Asia- is fought between the Turkish State and war crimes.
environment” for civil society. Pacific Forum on Sustainable the Kurdish insurgency for many During the second day of debates
However, conditions for civil Development will engage member decades. several witnesses were heard regarding
society have worsened over the years, States, United Nations bodies, other During the further debates, the assassination in Paris in January
with recorded shrinking and closing international organizations, major witnesses were heard about 2 categories 2013 of three Kurdish female activists
spaces for civil society becoming more groups and other stakeholders in
of crimes allegedly committed by the by an agent of the Turkish secret
mainstream day by day. Member states highlighting regional and sub-regional
perspectives on the theme of the high- Turkish state: war crimes (and possibly service MIT.
should commit to reverse the trend of crimes against humanity) during the At the end of the session the
level political forum in 2018.
closing spaces and accelerate progress military assault by the Turkish army and President of the Tribunal, M. Philippe
in providing an enabling environment security forces on the main Kurdish Texier, former judge in the French
for civil society. CSO role in the cities between September 2015 and Court of Cassation announced a few
monitoring of implementation and June 2017 on the one hand and state preliminary conclusions made by the
review at the HLPF needs to be fully crimes such as targeted killings, panel of judges. He said that the panel
recognised at all levels, and to VNR kidnappings, arson and bomb attacks, had already agreed that the violation
review. committed over several decades both of the right to self-determination of the
CPDE remains steadfast in its in Turkey and beyond its borders. The Kurdish people was indeed the root
commitment to realising the effective latter crimes were obviously committed cause of the conflict which is indeed
implementation of the 2030 Agenda. to intimidate Kurdish activists and to to be considered as a non-international
CPDE stresses that in order for this sow confusion and fear in the Kurdish armed conflict as defined by
implementation to be effective; it organisations. international law and not a police
needs to act on actual enforcement During the debates on the assault operation against terrorism as argued

32 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 33
by the Turkish State. at the event during which the decision disclose it. US White House claimed devastating weaponry in Iraq and Syria.
He also said that it was obvious for of the Tribunal will be announced. that they acted on the basis of reports Their motivation to conduct these
the panel that war crimes and state The initiators of the Tribunal would in media and by intelligence agencies strikes emanates from their increasing
crimes had been committed by the especially like to thank the judges for but they would not share it. These marginalization from Syria where
Turkish State. The President of the their participation in proceedings and imperialist powers acted as Astana process led by Russia, Iran and
Tribunal further stated that the full to thank all those who contributed with complainants, investigators and Turkey is moving ahead to bring Govt.
reasoned decision of the panel would evidence and observations that made executioners, all themselves. Syrian and opposition for a political
be announced on the 24 May 2018 in the Tribunal such a successful event. Govt. and Russia had vehemently settlement. US and its allies want to
the premises of the European All will be invited to the conference denied the use of chemical weapons. assert their role in the process and
Parliament (Room A3G-2 from 12.30 at the European Parliament in late May. Russia further claimed that they had demand to be considered important
till 14:30). We are grateful to all who attended and “irrefutable evidence” that there was players in the region.
During the session a group of 52 observed the Tribunal. no chemical attack and the whole Firing of these missiles into Syria
observers attended with representatives We encourage you to view and operation was staged by UK’s by US and its allies is targeted to
of various civil society organisations. share the website where a video of the intelligence agency. However, it is deliver a message to Turkey where
These observers were invited to share entire proceedings of the Tribunal is significant that US and its allies did Erdogan Govt. is planning to enter
with the public through articles, short available. not wait for OPCW investigation, they eastern part of Northern Syria where
reports etc. their findings and did not want any enquiry at all. US has stationed troops to aid Kurd
impressions about the session of the Fidan Unlubayir US Defense Secretary told the forces. It is the only region in Syria
PPT. Some observers will also speak For the Coordination Tribunal Team press that they had informed Russia where US has direct military presence.
through de-confliction channels that Turkey has long been condemning US
they would be entering Syrian air and its allies for support to Kurd led
CONDEMN MISSILE ATTACK BY US AND ITS space. US commander also claimed forces. It had earlier taken over a region
that they selected targets which segregating western part (Afrin
ALLIES ON SYRIA avoided the areas which could bring enclave) from the area east of
Russia into operation. US President Euphrates River and has recently
To insert itself as a military player in sovereignty and territorial integrity of also said that these were one time air occupied Afrin enclave. Erdogan is
the war in Syria and to reassure its a UN member country. These air strikes strikes to give the message against threatening to enter eastern region of
clients in the Arab world post the failure are in utter disregard of international “production, spread and use of Northern Syria as well where US troops
of its regime change operations in Syria, law and without approval of the United chemical weapons”. It is also are stationed. Mistrust of US is
US imperialism along with UK and Nations. These air strikes were significant that Russia did not intercept growing among Kurds for its failure to
France fired nearly 120 missiles avowedly a reaction to the alleged use war planes of US and its allies nor the come to their aid in Afrin.
targeting three sites in Syria. One was of chemical weapons by Assad regime missiles fired by them. In all For several weeks reports are going
near capital Damascus and two were in Douma in Eastern Ghouta. But these probability this is a strike similar to the around that a big push on Damascus
near the city of Homs. Many of these strikes were precisely timed before a one conducted last year for the same was being planned through Islamist
missiles were intercepted by Syrian team of Organization for Prevention of reason. rebel forces with aid of US air strikes.
Army, particularly those fired at the site Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is It is clear that these air strikes had Syrian govt. launched an all out attack
near Damascus while others hit empty scheduled to start its work later in the nothing to do with any use of chemical on Eastern Ghouta, situated close to
targets. day. US, UK and France claimed that weapons. US has the largest stockpile Damascus and reportedly captured a
These air strikes on April 14 they have “evidence” that Assad Govt. of chemical weapons. It had used large number of agents of the
morning are blatant violations of had used chemical weapons but did not depleted uranium in Iraq and intelligence agencies of western

34 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 35
powers as well as of Arab states. It is seeking to turn back the wheels of XXVI INTERNATIONAL CAMP OF
reported that this “gas attack” was history. In the aftermath of decline of
fabricated by western intelligence US imperialism and collapse of DEMOCRATIC, ANTI-FASCIST AND ANTI-
agency to give excuse for the strikes unipolar world, Russia has militarily IMPERIALIST YOUTH
by western agencies. It is also entered Middle-East and has emerged
significant that western intelligence an important player in the region. In From July 28 to August 2, 2018, in the the contrary, economic, political and
agencies are operating through Al face of this challenge, US, UK and midst of intense struggles of the social destabilization is growing;
Qaeda affiliate, a fact which has been France are trying to assert their role in Mexican people for social change, millions of human beings live the
covered up by the corporate media of the region and these strikes are meant hundreds of young people from terrible reality of wars in the Middle
the west. for that. Imperialism means war and different parts of the world will East; we have witnessed massive
Whatever the pretensions of the growing imperialist contradictions and converge on Mexico City for the 26th migrations to Europe; famines in
western imperialist powers, they are conspiracies are not only keeping the International Camp of Democratic, Africa; unemployment; ecological
robbing the third world countries of cauldron of war boiling, they are Anti-Fascist and Anti-Imperialist disasters and increasing physical and
their resources. Trump has been throwing the whole region into abyss Youth. It will be an exciting 6 days of economic violence against the working
unapologetic about demanding a share of war and conflicts to rob the people forums, conferences, work tables, class.
of wealth of Gulf monarchies in of their resources. Control over workshops, artistic and sports activities: Therefore, we call on the youth
exchange for the military protection petroleum resources and routes for a chance to share experiences and who are in solidarity with peoples in
provided by US imperialism. Saudi taking away these resources remains the organize future struggles. struggle and ready to organize
crown prince, Salman, has recently main motivation for these imperialist The main organizers include the themselves to build a democratic
visited the three imperialist powers conspiracies whatever jargon they may youth organizations that are part of society without social classes. We call
involved in these air strikes and made employ. ILPS- Mexico. They are looking the youth in every corner of the world
huge purchases from them. Obviously Imperialist powers are facing forward to the participation of youth to unite, to fight; let us be one voice,
these ‘harbingers of democracy and growing discontent at home. Big from at least 20 countries. one fist against exploitation and
human rights’ had no qualms in capitalists ruling these countries are “This is a call to the progressive, oppression as we march towards
extracting wealth from the ruling fanning anti-immigrant racist hysteria rebellious, democratic, revolutionary, freedom and peace with social justice
family which is undemocratic at home at home and are intensifying anti-fascist and anti-imperialist youth for our peoples.
and predatory towards neighbours, aggressions abroad. They, particularly who on all the continents are fighting This is a historic moment in which
whose hands are soiled with the blood US imperialism, are tearing away the for better living conditions while the people of Mexico continue to fight
of Yemenis and of the innocents in their ‘rule based global order’ and the seeking a fundamental change of this against a decadent regime responsible
own country and neighbouring international law to the shreds for the unjust system. for the massive repression against the
countries. unbridled loot and plunder of third This is a call to the youth of the people of Nochixtlán Oaxaca and the
Last two decades have witnessed world countries. world who have said: Stop the war! Stop disappearance of the 43 normalistas
naked and violent pursuit of loot and corruption! No more racism! No more (students) of Ayotzinapa; a moment
plunder by the imperialist countries in CPI(ML)-New Democracy exploitation! No more women’s where the need for unity and the call
the Middle-East when, to bring a new April 14, 2018 oppression! A call those all those who to take to the streets within the
Middle-East in the then prevailing are opposing US imperialism in the framework of the presidential
unipolar world, they launched wars of streets and the mountains. elections of 2018 are gaining strength.
aggression for regime change in The capitalist system today is It is in this context that we raise
different countries and to bring their incapable of guaranteeing work, this call to hold the XXVI
resources under their direct control, education, health and other rights; on International Camp of Democratic,

36 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 37
Anti-Fascist and Anti-Imperialist native peoples.” governance and self-determination in did not subsequently ratify or deny this
Youth, July 28 to August 2, 2018 in For peace and social liberation, let a modernized context – sovereign agreement, as this shameful fact was
Mexico City. Let us be one with the us raise the unity and struggle of youth! peoples’ republic. This process was not brought before it at all. When it
struggle of the workers, peasants and arbitrarily and illegally disrupted by did subsequently become known, a
the successor Dominion government of series of protests against it was
India which itself had not yet engaged registered77. There was also an armed
CRITICISM AND CONSTRUCTIVE in any democratic processes either in uprising against merger with India in
SUBMISSION REGARDING THE STUDY ON developing its constitution or in the same year, which was suppressed
TREATIES, AGREEMENTS AND OTHER electoral proceedings. In short, during by Indian troops.
CONSTRUCTIVE ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN this period, the successor government 100. Had the Standstill Agreement
of India was an imperialist and colonial been made public, there is no evidence
STATES AND INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS government with no differences of to suggest that it would have been
Part IV structure or in modes of functioning ratified by any people’s process, nor
between it and the government it has its successor treaty, the merger
CORE March 1999 replaced. agreement of 1949. This subsequent
98. The sequence of events treaty has clearly been signed under
94. On 26 July 1947, Manipur Council since 1st July 1947 before the unequivocally illustrates this. In 1949, duress and threat to life and liberty of
formally adopted its constitution 71 lapse of the British paramountcy and the constitutional monarch was invited the constitutional head of State of the
thereby asserting its independent since then, I have already remained as to Shillong to discuss various matters Manipur nation, who was not, in the
sovereign status although it continued a Constitutional Ruler.” Clearly, steps of mutual concern with the Governor first place, empowered to sign any
to be an international protectorate. were taken in Manipur to transform of Assam. He was not permitted to document of such import to the peoples
Following this, on 11 August 1947, it itself into an autonomous, democratic, leave or to consult with the State of Manipur. The process of
became an associate State within the modern Asiatic State. Council until he signed the merger assimilation of Manipur into the Union
Indian confederation72 but not within 96. The proclamation also stated agreement with India76. Under the of India is clearly an illegal annexation,
either of the two Dominions of India the people “would rather die unsullied authority of the Governor-General of an act of colonial aggression by the
and Pakistan73. This agreement was than outlive the disgrace of surrender India (the same authority as the one of successor state to the British colonial
executed under the limited sovereignty to any measure that work prejudicial similar title during the British rule, upon the sovereign peoples of
extended to Manipur under British to the preservation of the separate paramountcy) an agreement was forced Manipur, in fact an unilateral act of war
control74, i.e., in the absence of free and entity of the State, while fostering the upon the “Maharajah” of sovereign upon a sovereign nation78.
informed consent of the peoples or their good and cordial relations with the indigenous nation of Manipur on 21 101. The chronology of protests
representatives. Dominion of India.”75 September 1949. Article 1 of this and resistance to loss of sovereignty
95. The meidingu (as a 97. Steps were taken to democratize agreement ceded to the Dominion and to alien domination in any form and
“Representative of Manipur Crown and governance in Manipur, by constituting Government full and exclusive in every quarter demonstrates that the
Monarchy”) proclaimed, during the an elected government and eliminating authority, jurisdiction and powers for indigenous peoples of Manipur have
inauguration of the first Manipur State the power of the monarchy to act and in relation to the governance of the continuously exerted their rights to
Assembly on 18 October 1948, “...I independently. The institution of a nation (of Manipur) and agreed to self-determination and sovereign status
now bring to the mind of the people that democratically elected government is transfer sovereignty to the Dominion throughout the history of colonial
I had transferred my powers and to be seen as the first step of the Government on the 15 October 1949. influence and occupation.
responsibilities other than those of a Manipuri peoples to return to 99. The democratically elected
Constitutional Ruler to the State indigenous norms and practices of self- State Assembly of sovereign Manipur VI. COMMENTS ON CHAPTER

38 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 39
III: A LOOK AT THE PRESENT understood that populations indigenous colonial government. These sections under contemporary international
102. The report mentions a general to Asia are not necessarily indigenous have grown in the post-colonial era to law85, have not been constituted with
description of “a gap left by the non- to every region of Asia. positions of predominance in their new the participation and free informed
indigenous colonial political powers” homelands, effectively dispossessing consent of the indigenous peoples or
being “filled by population sections Clarifications regarding the and marginalizing the indigenous nations whose territories they have
whose indigenous (or autochthonous) character and origins of the Modern peoples of those territories. This study, assimilated. Their assimilation of
condition is indisputable by any of State in Asia informed by a remarkably Eurocentric these territories is frequently a direct
today’s standards”79 (emphasis added). 104. The Modern State in Asia is view of all Asian or African peoples as consequence of the European
This assertion is to be read in the radically dissimilar to those of Europe forming a large, undifferentiated, colonization and de-colonization
context of the discussion under and to those of the Americas and perhaps undifferentiable “indigenous” processes engaged in by European
Chapter II (Some reflections on the Australia, including New Zealand. The conglomerate, fails to recognize or powers. The pattern of this
minority/indigenous people former have been created out of an identify either of these two groups. colonization adheres in every detail to
dichotomy) of his second progress arbitrary division of colonial territories, 106. This is borne out by the Special the classic pattern described by the
report to the Sub-Commission80 and frequently forcibly amalgamating a Rapporteur’s statement regarding study86.
the opinion expressed in his first number of pre-colonial States into a expansions into adjoining territories, 108. In many instances over Asia,
progress report81 reaffirmed later82. In contemporary one by colonial fiat at the forgetting that such expansions whether the successor governments and
the absence of incontrovertible departure of the European colonialists. natural or otherwise, routinely cover confrontational powers are identical in
evidence cited to illustrate this The processes of such State formation ground larger in area than whole structure and practice to the European
assertion, it is impossible to comment are therefore as dictated by European countries in Europe and cross colonial governments they replaced87.
on the validity of this finding. political culture as those of the civilizations as vastly different as those They can by no means claim
103. However, two points of Americas and Australia. In addition to of sub-continental India and South East indigenous status over the entire
contention occur here. One is whether the amalgamation of pre-colonial states, Asia84. There is moreover a tendency territories they have assimilated88.
a gap was indeed left by de- the post-colonial process has also re- to reject the reality of the political 109. The “pious excuses”89 found
colonization. It is our contention that colonized indigenous lands and legacy and imperatives of colonialism to ethically justify this are equally
no such gap existed in the case of territories of neighbouring nations inherited by successor governments in suspect in the contemporary context
indigenous peoples who indeed many of which can clearly be identified Asia and to identify these only with of developing countries and states in
perceived themselves clearly as by all criteria as indigenous in those governments comprising persons Asia, though the precise vocabulary
competent self-governing nations, and character, distinct and alien from the of European ethnic origin. may have been modified to conform
who were evidently so perceived, even dominant mainstream cultures that have Unfortunately, the legacy of European to current political, economic and
if unjustly deprived of their orchestrated their assimilation. colonialism has been far more than the social imperatives90.
sovereignty partly or wholly83. This 105. This group of peoples and spread of its race in positions of Provisions of the government of
concept of a gap is unquestionably nations, with specific characteristics dominance over the globe. India for indigenous and tribal
itself evidence of a colonial perception distinct from mainstream civilizations Imperialistic and colonizing trends and peoples
of the necessity for a European style of Asia, form one category that claims tendencies in Asian successor 110. The government of India does
State. Secondly, whether the modern indigenous status. Another group of governments, belying their not recognise indigenous peoples as
States that emerged in this alleged gap nations claiming indigenous status is multinational or indigenous claims, are distinct nationalities of the Indian
can be anything other than successor that of peoples from territories where numerous. State. In fact, it denies that any ethnic
colonial governments, fitting as they European colonizers imported large 107. Many contemporary nations of group is more or less indigenous than
have, neatly into their colonial Asian populations from other regions indigenous origin in Asia, recognized any other. In a country the
predecessor’s shoes. It must be clearly of Asia, either as labour or to assist in as legitimate successor governments geographical extent of India, with the

40 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 41
evident and frequently applauded or indigenous institutions. nominal participation in the landed property rights.
diversity of cultures and ethnic origin 114. Notably, Manipur, which had governance of their own lands. 119. The indigenous self-governing
and with its very recent history as a held exercised adult franchise with an systems have all been dismantled at the
single political entity, this denial is election before the successor The impact of loss of sovereignty on national level through legislation
patently absurd and in the demonstrable government of India did, was not indigenous society: the case of imposed under first the British and then
political, economic and cultural vested permitted to hold elections subsequent Manipur India’s constitution. Consensual
interests. Policies of the government to the annexation. It was governed as 117. Loss of sovereignty has processes making for informed and
and the dominant sections have a Part “C” state (Constitution of India) critical impact on the lives of the cohesive people’s decision making
unequivocally been targeted at until 1952, when it was declared a indigenous peoples of Manipur. Both have been replaced with a corrupt
assimilation. The resurgence at the Union Territory under the direct discriminatory and assimilatory electoral system at every level that
highest political and cultural levels of governance of Delhi. policies have been used with equal incites violence and disunity in the
fundamentalist Hindutva and its 115. In 1972, after twenty-three success to achieve this. Most interests of acquiring personal power.
implications, already demonstrated as years of suspended sovereignty, importantly, the peoples have lost the 120. Consensual and collective
aggressively annihilatory and following years of demands and violent right to identify themselves as a distinct self-governing institutions are however
assimilationist, are indicative of this repression for a government identity. The census of India classifies struggling to retain their viability,
intrinsic bias91. responsible to the people, was Manipur them only by religion such as “Hindu” supported at grassroots level even
111. There is a President of India’s declared a full fledged state of the and disguises indigenous identity when actively disempowered and
list of “Scheduled Tribes”. Inclusion Indian Union with its own Legislative separate from mainstream “Hindus.” criminalized by State agency and
in this list of some indigenous peoples Assembly. Demographic information is therefore legislation. Communities still prefer
as “tribal” has, from inception been 116. Subsequently the elected difficult to analyse especially to adhere to indigenous law practices
derogatory to their rights. While some government has suffered from concerning population of mainstream in resolving disputes and to recognise
elements of land protection has been immense constraints in acting as a Hindus incoming as settlers95. traditional authorities in day to day
provided these have been minimal, democratic government. The 118. Concepts of exclusive decision making. Even armed
recognizing only usufruct rights. Even continued massive presence of State territorial rights have also deeply resistance groups are invited to
these have been violated more than military and para-military forces affected and derogated the relations arbitrate and carry out sentencing in the
observed92. protected by emergency laws is between the three major groups of case of crimes or disputes rather than
112. Many colonial laws inherited empowered to overrule civilian indigenous peoples inhabiting these government agencies as representing a
from British governance, ratified with governance at all times. Repressive territories. While it is not claimed that truer leadership of the people than the
barely any substantive modification, laws against the demand for restoration there was an unbroken peace existing alien structures of governance and
has been imposed on the peoples of of civil and political rights frequently between these groups, certainly there justice.
India 93 . These are especially act against the civilian population94. has never before existed the concept 121. Traditional voluntary
anathematic and destructive to the Economic pressures against the State of ethnic cleansing for the purpose of associations of youth have developed
indigenous peoples. Government and the people such as claiming territorial exclusivity or into two forms. The naharol or the
113. Inclusion of indigenous suspension of overdue payments to the domination of internal governance “youth” under the guidance and
peoples in this scheduled list is also administration are frequently invoked within each other’s communities. This leadership of recognized elders are
selective. A number of peoples, in in order to bring the State genocidal conflict is a recent voluntarily participating in large
Manipur notably the Meetei as a whole administration in line with Central phenomenon and a direct result of numbers in the armed resistance and
and a large number of smaller tribes are decisions. As it has been since British colonial intervention in these national liberation movements. Less
unlisted. This has resulted in no colonial times, the indigenous peoples territories and the introduction of the controversial developments have been
protection whatsoever for their lands of Manipur are permitted only a concept of exclusive territoriality and the formation of local clubs and

42 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 43
associations dedicated to voluntary continued this practice. Extensive tracts occurred at such a high pace that there language. The majority of the
community services such as of clan and village commons and water is massive conversion of agricultural indigenous languages of peoples of
maintenance of common spaces, resources have been taken over by the lands and wetlands to urban uses. The Manipur are still not recognised.
promotion of sports and preservation State with the stroke of a pen, severely environmental stability of the sensitive However, few resources are available
of culture and providing human pauperising the community in the and precious ecosystems is severely for its development and of the
resources for community activities of process. Individual ownership has also compromised. The degradation of development of other cultural
innumerable categories and of militant led to fragmentation of land holdings traditional religious and cultural expressions, the less said the better.
students movements. and subsequent alienation from clan and institutions has also led to the rapid However, it must be commented that
122. The status of women and the extended family. extermination of previously sacred bio- the ancient art forms of the people are
involvement of their institutions at 124. Frequently land has been diverse reserves with disastrous effects. designated “folk” as opposed to
different levels of decision making alienated from the indigenous people 127. Most of this marginalization of classical and treated accordingly.
have also been totally disrupted in entirely and sold to non-indigenous indigenous authority and practice has Indigenous history is also distorted to
favour of an alien patriarchal and elitist individuals and institutions with better been engineered in order to facilitate the ends of the mainstream and a
governing ethic. Integration with India access to cash and institutional finance. the functioning of a huge range of considerable amount of irretrievable
can be said to have affected most It must be noted that in the entire extractive industry. There are, on the knowledge, even of archival
destructively the position of present state of Manipur, this fraction other hand, literally no modern manuscript documents, is being lost
indigenous women as co-equal of land, the territory and ancestral lands production facilities at all for even basic and destroyed by neglect of State
partners in especially in some groups of the Meetei, already demarcated and goods like buckets. A small coterie of institutions purportedly established to
such as the Meetei society. These reduced by colonial authority, is the Indian traders, introduced by the British conserve them.
institutions have also not died, but only land that is so alienable by law. as part of their colonizing process, some
have undergone radical modification 125. Since there are no laws of whom are still resident though many VII. COMMENTS ON
to respond as effectively as possible controlling the migration of mainstream have established themselves in CHAPTER IV - LOOKING
within imposed constraints to populations into the region or their continental Indian, entirely controls the AHEAD: CONCLUSIONS AND
contemporary social needs. The meira acquisition of land, traditional lands are trade. RECOMMENDATIONS
paibi, a development of the women’s being intensively settled at a pace that 128. The per capita income and the 130. Opening the chapter on
body politic, the nupi keithel or not merely is reminiscent, but outstrips infrastructure development are conclusions and recommendations, the
women’s market and its still existing that of European colonisation. considerably below the national levels. Special Rapporteur states three
though modified credit institution, the Successive central and provincial or Financial institutions support no elements to be taken into account at
marup, the nupi pala or women’s state governments of India, in their investment or commercial activity the time of formulating these:
cultural associations and remnants of overriding pre-occupation with and except by the North Indian traders and a) His own mandate as established
the maibi loishang are still effectively concern for vote banks are actively unrecoverable loans sanctioned by by the Commission on Human Rights
functional. colluding in such settlement. political fiat. resolution 1988/56 and ECOSOC
123. Land rights have been 126. Natural resources are no longer 129. Only recently, and after decision 1988/134;
extensively damaged through several managed by the institutions of sustained demand (which it might be b) The outline of the study
processes. The British, in 1874 set up indigenous peoples communities, so added was treated by the State as a submitted to the Working Group’s
the system of registration of parcels of forests have been stripped, water bodies national security issue, with violence by parent bodies and explicitly or
homestead and agricultural land destroyed by pollution, hydro- armed forces against peaceful implicitly endorsed by them;
holdings in individual names under a electricity generation projects and children’s and student’s c) The issues mentioned in the
process called “land settlement”. The neglect of maintenance. The migration demonstrations) was the Meetei Cobo study as possible questions to
successor government of India has of other peoples into these lands has language recognised as a State be elucidated in a study such as the

44 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 45
one now ending. conferring rights102 shortcomings mentioned. In the global process), his recommendations focus
131. The first conclusion presented 135. These conclusions bear out and urgent context of the rights and solely on strengthening only the
concerns the primacy of the issue of and continue the proud tradition of the fundamental freedoms of indigenous existing domestic institutions,
recognition of indigenous peoples’ work carried out by the United Nations, peoples, a failure to provide room for mechanisms and processes for
rights to their lands “in a way acceptable and particularly by the Working Group further examination of the question of governing and arbitrating indigenous
to the indigenous people concerned”96. over the years of impartially and treaties, agreements and other peoples’ lands and territories and their
The second conclusion clearly consistently working through the issues constructive arrangements between treaty covenants with States104. This is
enunciates the basis for resolving the of indigenous peoples’ rights, for the States and indigenous peoples in Asia inexplicable, considering the strong
indigenous problematique as political human rights of all peoples. We would and Africa would amount to a failure critiques embodied in the study and
rather than juridical97, that the overall like to unreservedly appreciate the to attain particular primary objectives conclusions of the study regarding
problematique is also ethical in nature principled stand that the Special of the work being carried out in the prejudices, biases and imperatives of
and stresses the imperative to “undo, Rapporteur has taken in these United Nations. States which effectively derogate the
even at the expense if need be of the questions. 138. The recommendations for an just status and rights of indigenous
straitjacket imposed by the unbending 136. The inconsistencies between Internet page and for workshops may peoples and nations105.
observance of the rule of (non- these conclusions and the body and do much towards increasing sensitivity 141. The draft United Nations
indigenous) law – the wrongs done.”98 recommendations of the report are, and awareness of indigenous peoples’ Declaration on the Rights of
132. He also endorses with “no therefore, inexplicable. The issues and so presumably encourage a Indigenous Peoples, in Article 3,8 and
doubts ... the much debated issue of the conclusions seek to universalize a clear global adherence to the promotion and 9 and other Articles, inter alia 25 and
rights to self determination” as recognition for indigenous peoples’ protection of the rights of indigenous 26, directly bear on and recognises the
“inalienable” 99 and that any rights in the context of their ancestral peoples. right to unqualified self-determination
contradiction that may emerge between lands and territories and to confirm 139. The recommendation of indigenous peoples and nations. To
indigenous peoples and the States in their status as sovereign nations and concerning the resolution of recognise indigenous peoples’ rights as
which they now live should be resolved peoples in their own right. At the same conflicting claims between state parties sovereign peoples and nations appear
peacefully and with effective time, the study arbitrarily and indigenous peoples and nations at best to be theoretically conceded.
participation of indigenous peoples100. disenfranchises the majority of within the framework of domestic laws Nevertheless, there appears to be a
133. Regarding the admissibility of indigenous peoples of large sections of is excellent but incomplete. It entirely reluctance to admit them as full
nation status of indigenous peoples, the globe. The charges of overlooks the necessity to recommend members of the international
according to conclusions drawn from discrimination against indigenous strategies or institutional arrangements community of nations in practice. This
his study, the Special Rapporteur states sovereignty and nationhood 103 may for negotiation and arbitration at the is certainly derogatory to their rights.
that “all that is required is that the with equal force be leveled at this international level despite repeated While a strengthening of domestic
entities possess the necessary elements report itself from the perspective of criticism of the viability of domestic institutions is undoubtedly an
to be considered international subjects: indigenous peoples of Asia and Africa. processes as instruments for delivery important avenue for redress, exclusive
territory, population, an 137. In contrast to the repeated of justice. or even great reliance on it’s viability
institutionalized form of government mention in the study of certain obvious 140. In contrast to the Special must be placed squarely in the
and thus the capacity to conclude lacunae with regarding to documents Rapporteur’s trenchant criticisms of historical context of the relationship
international agreements.”101 and information about the situation of the process of domestication of between States and indigenous peoples.
134. We also applaud the Special the indigenous peoples in Asia and indigenous issues which are essentially 142. The enforcement of unequal
Rapporteur ’s principled and Africa, the conclusions have refrained inter - national, (in Chapter III: A look or coercive treaties categorically
contemporary position regarding the from providing a vision for addressing at the present: Origin, development infringing on the sovereignty of
unacceptability of the use of force in satisfactorily these important and consequences of the domestication indigenous peoples, such as those

46 beyond the horizon June 2018 June 2018 beyond the horizon 47

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