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0 Airfields and Landmarks for Australia

A2A J3 Cub at Ian Routley’s Katanning WA in OZx


OZx is proud to announce OZx 3.0, the latest standalone version of our Australian scenery
project. It introduces over 20 new fields and heliports,
heliports 13 water starts and ½ dozen new VFR
ceneries to the Aussie landscape to make a total of more than 300 OZx sceneries and
airfields, not counting
ounting drillrigs and wheat silos.
silos Add this to Ant’s 30+ Freeware fields and
ORBX’s 8 Freeware and 9 Payware fields and you’ll always have somewhere to explore.
explore Let
OZx take you further into your journey of discovery of our ancient land represented by the
stunning ORBX FTX Payware textures.

From the lush greens of eastern Australia with tiny aerodromes like Old Bar and Coorooman
Creek;; through the fiery red outback with airfields that service the many mines such as
Barrow Island and Shayy Gap.
Gap Adventure into deserted strips like Taroom and Wandoan -
seldom used except by the likes of the Royal Flying Doctor Service’s iconic Kingairs and

Then continue your sojourn over the gold of the great western wheat belts with silos dotting
he landscape from Esperance to Perth – rest at Collie, Katanning, Narrogin
ogin and others.
others Then
let your wings soar over the azure of the Indian Ocean and the great North West Shelf
searching for Legendre, Griffin Venture or some of the other huge oil rigs that harvest this
black gold from deep beneath the ocean floor.
You will find the Australian
ralian landscape coming to life beneath you with mines like Broken
Hill and Moura, Wolfe Creek Crater, huge salt pansans and mighty wheat storage depots and
terminals. Locate Kingfisher, Snapper, Cobia and many more lonely oil rigs toughing it out
in Bass Strait
rait where the frigid winds of the Antarctic scream their tortuous way northward.
Watch these same winds blast Woolnorth windfarm
windfarm on the north western coast of Tasmania
with a freezing fury. Turn north again to fly at a more leisurely pace as you search for the
numerous farm strips around the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.

So join us in thee greatest FSX freeware project ever. Travel again through this vast land and
experience the beauty and remote majesty of our harsh continent of extremes.

Celebrate the land downunder.

Barry Meiklejohn - bazzam

Carenado 152 over Mark Lee’s Wandoan Qld strip and town in OZx
Realair Duke at Mitchell’s Collie WA in OZx

1. Remove all vestiges of OZx1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 by deleting the entries from your FSX
scenery list then deleting the OZx folder from you FSX Root Directory.
2. If you had FTXAA_FREEWARE
_FREEWARE (the first incarnation of OZx),, delete it from your
scenery list then from the HDD (in ORBX).
3. Repeat for UKVFR (in Addon Scenery) and Ben Lomond as these are now included
in the OZx folder.
4. Install and enable Holgermesh Freeware – PREREQUISITE.
5. (Recommended) Install all the ORBX FTX Payware regions and Patch to SP3.
6. (Recommended) Install all ORBX Free- Free & Pay-ware
ware Fields and all Ant’s Freeware
fields. Add to FSX scenery as necessary with Ant’s fields to go immediately below
OZx_AUS in the FSX scenery list.
7. Download and run the 2 OZx3.0 Installers.
8. You may need to re-install
install the OZx Shipping AI

1. Holgermesh – from the OZx Downloads – gives terrain its shape
2. Microsoft .net3.5 framework for installer
3. Windows XP, Vista or 7 -32bit or 64bit
4. FSX SP2 or Acceleration
5. 512mB nVidia 8800 or ATI X1950 or better
6. 2.6gHz Core2Duo
7. 2gB ram
1. All ORBX FTX Australian Payware and Freeware
2. Ant’s Aussie Airfields – from OZx Downloads
3. Good Payware GA aircraft, e.g. A2A Cub, Carenado Cessnas, Realair Duke
4. 1-2gB
2gB nVidia 285 or ATI 4890 (5870 for multi-monitors)
5. 3.4gHz+ (overclocked) quadcore e.g. i7
6. 6gB ram with a 64bit system, SSDs


Download Size: 2gB in 2 parts
Disk Usage: 3gB
5000 files

1. TrackIR 5 by Naturalpoint
2. Yoke, Rudder Pedals: CH or Saitek
3. Charts for Australia – VTCs, WACs, Road Atlas, etc
4. Plotting Ruler, Whiz Wheel Calculator, Stop Watch

Mesh Complexity =100%,, Mesh Resolution=10m
See OZX forum for detailed tweaking

OZx HD Bell 206 at Tommy’s 12 Apostles

es and Ryan’s Pt Campbell Heliport Vic in OZx
How to fly in OZx
The first thing many new OZx flyersfly notice is that very few of the over 300 OZx strips appear in the FSX
Airfield lists. You can’t “teleport
teleport” to them until you’ve found them and saved a flight there. This is our
deliberate design philosophy. The idea is to navigate to OZx strips using the real world VFR techniques of pre-
GPS days. This adds greatly to sim-longevity
sim and enjoyment and gives the sim-pilot
pilot a sense of achievement
when his/her study, planning and flying skills
skill come together for a successful discovery of a new field. The joy
is in the journey, not only the destination. One appreciates best what one has worked for.



1. Choose a destination/tour from the Fields List L “OZX_ORBX_Ant_Fields.doc”, from the Google Earth
Map “Serges_OZx3.0_ORBX_Ant.kml
Serges_OZx3.0_ORBX_Ant.kml” and “Australia_FSX_default.kml” or from a Real Re Chart (e.g.
VTC, WAC or Road Atlas)).
2. Measure Distances in Nautical Miles from Field to Field, get True Headings and convert to Magnetic
Headings using “Mag_Dev_Aus.jpg
Mag_Dev_Aus.jpg” (True - Deviation=Magnetic).
3. Use Cruise Speed of aircraft along with Winds Aloft to Calculate Ground Speed Speed and Heading required
(Crab Angle) for Required Track across the ground.
4. Calculate Estimated Time Enroute ETE, therefore Estimated Time of Arrival ETA.
5. Calculate Required Fuel uel with 45 minutes reserve after Alternate Destination.
6. Any beacons you want to tune to? to Radio Frequencies? Use Google Earth “VORs.kml
VORs.kml”, “NDBs.kml”,
stralia_FSX_default.kml” from User_Docs\Maps & “AM Stations-List_edit.xls
List_edit.xls” from User_Docs
7. Keep your eyes peeled (TrackIR
TrackIR and “binoculars” -zoom) for landmarks, rivers, lakes, roads, towns,
hills, airfield buildings, etc and adjust for any errors/changes.

Might sound like a lot but you’llll find you get good at the mental calculations;
calculati and none of this can be exact,
anyway. Just try to hold a course by hand within a degree either side for starters and you’ll
you know what I mean.
our gyro drifts, the whiskey compass wobbles and has errors, the wind varies - as does your speed....

Mark Lee 5th October 2009

There it is! Iris PC9 over Mt Beauty YMBT Vic in OZx

For OZx 3.0

27 New Fields: 13 Water Starts:

Victoria Aeropelican ZPEC
Apollo Bay YAPO Botany Bay ZSSY
Cape Otway Broadwater ZSPT
Port Campbell Helipad Cairns Marina ZBCS
Coffs Harbourr ZCFS
New South Wales Derwent River ZMHB
Elderslie YEES Hamilton Is ZBHM
Old Bar YOBR Hervey Bay ZHBA
Lake Pedder YLPR
Magnetic Island ZMCI
South Australia Port Phillip Bay ZMMB
Althorpe Is YATI
Story Bridge ZBBN
Cape Jaffa
Tamar River ZMLT
Cape Jervis
Kingston YKIG
Robe YRBE 6 New Sceneries:
Wilpena 12 Apostles
Anglesea Power Statio
Lakes near Jandakot
Western Australia Phillip Island Racetrack
Barrow Island YBWX
Wallaman Falls
Collie YCOI
Wolfe Creek Crater
Katanning YKNG
Lawler’s Mine YLAW
Narrogin YNRG 298 AM Stations:
Shay Gap YSHG Radio Stations for supplementary
Wiluna Mine YWLU navigation help

Coorooman Ck
Fraser’s Farm
Hutchie’s Place
Limestone Creek
Miles YMLS
Miles Town Strip
Normanton YNTN
Taroom YTAM
Wandoan YWNN

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