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I. Table

Countries Independence Day Father of Independence Form of Government Current Leader

MALAYSIA August 31, 1957 Tunkul Abadul Constitutional Prime Minister (P.M) Dato' Sri Mohd.
Monarchy Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Raza
SINGAPORE August 9,1965 Lee Kuan Yew (prime Parliamentary & P.M. Hunsen or Lee Hsien Loong
minister) Republic
BRUNEI January 1, 1984 Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Monarchy Hassanal Bolkiah
CAMBODIA November 9, 1953 Norodom Sihanouk Constitutional Norodom Sihamoni
VIETNAM September 2, 1945 Ho Chi Minh Communist Nguyen Minh Triet
LAOS July 19, 1949 Princes: Petsarath, Communist Choummaly Sayasoro
Souvanna Phouma &
INDONESIA August 17, 1945 Sukarno Republic Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
(short-lived) or 1950
EAST TIMOR May 20, 2002 Xanana Gusmão Parliamentary Pres. Jose Ramos-Horta & P.M. Xanana
Republic Gusmão
MYANMAR January 4, 1948 Aung San Militar Gen. Than Shwe
THAILAND September 2, 1945 Pridi Banomyong Constitutional King Bhumibol Adulyadej & P.M. Abhisit
Monarchy Vejjajive
PHILPPINES Spain- June 12, 1898; Manuel L. Quezon & Emilio Presidential Benigno “Noy Noy” Aquino III
US- July 4, 1946 Aguinaldo

II. Countries
A. Malaysia
- after Malaysia helped the UK win WWII against Japan the communist party revolted against the UK, because of this, they
were granted independence
- ‘Mardeka’: independence for Malaysia
- Dr. Mahathur Mohammed: dictator
- UMNO: United Malay National Organization
- Herald McMichael
B. Singapore
- part of the Federation of Malaysia
- There was racial tension between the Chinese majority of Singapore and Malay federation, so the Malay declared their
- their democracy is indirect
o indirect- parliament vote for the prime minister
o direct- people directly vote for their leader
- Lin Yew Hock: despised by many Malay; known Singapore leader; controlled trading centre in Singapore
o started negotiation with Great Britain
o analogy- Emilio A. : Philippines; Lin Yew : Singapore; Dr. M. Mohammed : Malaysia
- nationalist group: People’s Action Party
C. Brunei
- monarchy: ruled by a royal family
- capital: Bandar Seri Bolkiah
- exports: oil & natural gas
- Brunei & UK signed the Treaty of Friendship & Cooperation
- official name: Brunei Darussalam
- was a colony of Britain; they had a protectorate (colony) which means if anyone wants to colonize Brunei they have to go
through/ deal with Britain first
- Brunei : Treaty of Friendship; Philippines : Tydings Mc- Duffie (aka Hare- Haws cutting)
D. Cambodia
- previous names: Khmer & Kampuchea
- form of government: constitutional monarchy; parliamentary representative, indirect democracy
- nationalist group: Khmer Issaroks
- Sihanouk (father of independence) travelled to other countries & asked their leaders to recognize his legitimate
government/ independence
- Cambodia negotiated their free with France, led by Sihanouk; France was forced to give it to them because other
countries were asking them to
- After WWII (Japan  Asia) almost all SEA countries gained their independence and it showed our strength
- Son Ngoe Thanh: editor of a newspaper; sentenced to 20 years of labor for undermining someone
- Khmer Rouge: communist party; led by Pol Pot (dictator); he was kidnapped and assassinated in the woods (1997)
E. Vietnam
- previous names: Nam Viet & Champa
- French government invaded and made Indochina (Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam)
- Their attempt at assimilation was not successful
- Vietnam has more saints than the Philippines
- Phan Boi Chan & Day Tan Hoi: organized a pre- Vietnam movement
- Phan Chan Trinh (writer): got arrested because he organized a movement
- Socialism: Ho Chi Minh (ama) was the head of a socialist group and he made a socialist army called Viet Minh Army which
is also an important nationalist group
- French began to receive US financial assistance but lost control of the country side to Viet Minh Guerillas (sudden
attacks). The captors of the Strategus outpost at Dien Bien Pher in 1954, Viet Minh Army 25,000 but 17 convinced France
to withdraw. Geneva divided the country in the 17 th parallel. (Sorry if that doesn’t make sense, I don’t even get it but
that’s what my notes say)
F. Laos
- a land-locked country
- in 1873 it was still a province of Thailand which established a trade agreement and gave lands away to prevent countries
from colonizing them
- The princes had rallies and fought for their independence. They formed a free government. France gave them their
- Resident Superior : Laos; Governor General : Philippines
- nationalist movement was the direct outcome of their cruelty & exploity, harming & oppressive to them (all conquered
- Lao Isiaraks: Free Laos movement by Petsarath
o Souphanouvong was replaced by his brother (Petsarath) and he wanted his kingdom back so he created the Lao
G. Indonesia
- important people/ groups that helped in the gaining of independence: Sukarno, Budi U Tomo, Sarekat Islam (religion),
Partai Komanis Indonesia, Parti Nasional Indonesia (official)
- Indonesia was under Holland  after Japan surrendered they declared independence  Dutch tried to rule again but
acknowledged independence and there was no culture transfer
- Sukarno “One country, one nation, one language)
- Sukarno : Indonesia; Jose P. Laurel : Philippines
- largest archipelago with the most number of Muslims
- Dutch only came for an island with spices “cash crops” (chilli, pepper, cinnamon) and not to spread their culture
- Suharto ruled after Sukarno from 1967- 1998 (same period as Marcos)
o restored relations
o became corrupted by the end of his term
- Megawati Sukarnoputri (daughter of Sukarno) : Indonesia; Gloria : Philippines
- Ardjen Kartini: hero of Indonesia for fighting for women’s rights in the 19 th century
H. East Timor (Timor Leste)
- In 1942, Portuguese Timor was a colony of Japan. After WWII, Portuguese regained control. In Oct. 1999 the UN (United
Nations) took over and they declared the independence of ET
- There was a referendum which basically asks the people if they want to separate from Indonesia
- jeepneys: means of travelling
- Indonesia: East Timor; Malaysia : Singapore
- protectorate of Portugal
I. Myanmar (Burma)
- Military government: military officers are the leaders
o changes from time to time and is unstable
- nationalist group: Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League (AFPFL)
- Burma was a English colony; During WWII the Japanese attempted to conquer Burma, thus they sided with the English.
When the Japanese left, Aung San (leader of AFPFL) made an agreement with the English. The people of Burma disagreed
and decided to revolt against the English. An election happened and Aung San won & was assassinated later and replaced
by U Nu (has a hard time) and leaves the country. The left administration gives Burma to Gen. Ne Win who gives it back U
Nu but he was evil and corrupt so Burma goes back to Gen. Ne Win. This is called a coup d’etat.
- Aung San Suy Kyi (daughter of Aung San): under house arrest because she wants to make Burma a democratic country
o her term was extended because she violated the terms of agreement and had an audience with a foreign
J. Thailand
- nationalist group: Free Thai Movement
- no western colonizers were able to colonize them
- Japanese were able to colonized them but only because Thailand invited them into the country
- a bridge to Malaysia & Singapore
- they maintained their independence but the buffer state
o Thailand is in between India (colony of England) & Indonesia (colony of France)
o King of Thailand gave gifts to E & F thru messengers
o King Mongkut: invited diplomats from E & F to Thailand and treated them well with state dinners, programs and
expensive gifts. He made friends with them so that they wouldn’t attempt to conquer Thailand
o He established a diplomatic relationship/ diplomacy with them
- after WWII they had coup d’etat
- only King Adulyadej was able to ease the civil unrest
- Japan overstayed in Thailand so the Free Thai Movement was formed
- Allied forces (France, England & US) went against Japan and won so Thailand was free.

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