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OZx 3.

3 - Even More Airfields & Landmarks for Australia

Butch’s repainted Flight One PC-12 departing Lamancha and Squeeker’s YNAU Nannup in OZx

Welcome to OZx3.3. This is our latest upgrade in the series and includes some great new
airstrips and scenery for even more virtual flying in Australia.

This release of OZx is really a small tribute to the pioneering, tireless and inspirational work
of Mark Lee. Mark has been the core of OZx and its philosophy. He has created a vast
number of OZx airstrips, landmarks and hundreds of the custom 3D objects that we enjoy.
Even the maps and user manuals are Mark’s handiwork. He has fostered our fledgling
scenery designers, and brought our collective works together to make OZx such a wonderful
(free) product.

Thanks Mark, you’ve done us all very proud Mate. Enjoy the break, but come back soon!

Ant’s Tigermoth over Weengo’s Wheeler Field in OZx

Dusk at Ken Hall’s Burnie(Wynyard) Airport , Tasmania in OZx

Some things to do in OZx3.3

Experience the beauty of Tasmania. Ken’s Burnie (Wynyard) Airport is the perfect place to
begin your Tasmanian odyssey, and is only an hour’s flight from Melbourne across the
waters of the Tasman Sea.

Moving to the west coast of Australia, fly inland from Perth or Jandakot and navigate more
accurately by using some of the dozens of photo-realistic lakes, dams and mines in the “tiger
country” that frames the most isolated city in the world.

The wheat-belt town of Wagin is just a short hop from Narrogin or Katanning. Drop in and
share a beer with the fellas at the Aeroclub there.

Skim the alien moonscape of dry salt lakes that lead to Dumbleyung in Western Australia.
There’s a small farm with an airstrip to the south of Lake Dumbleyung. There’s bound to be a
fresh batch of scones on offer.

Not far from Bunbury in Western Australia is Wheeler Field. Rumour has it that there are
several WW2 trainers hangared there. Beware the kangaroos.

Carved out of the trees, are airstrips at Nannup, North Dwellingup and Mundaring Weir.
Refuel and refill your fire-bomber at these challenging landing spots.

Head back to the east of our continent and buzz the cows in country Victoria. Maybe take
home some ice cream from the Fonterra Dairy Plant next to the Cobden Airfield. Also worth
a visit is Euroa Airfield. Nestled amongst the Strathbogie Foothills and The Great Dividing
Ranges, it has top year-round weather for skydiving,

Discover many of the other surprises that OZx adds to this virtual world. Most importantly,
enjoy the flight, and be sure to share your experiences on the forum at .
Ian Routley’s Coben Airfield, Victoria, in OZx.
1. OZx3.0, OZx3.1 and OZx3.2 installed & enabled as per the instructions in the OZx3.0, 3.1
and 3.2 Manuals.
2. Holgermesh Freeware installed & enabled.
3. FSX SP2 or Acceleration.
4. ORBX FTX Australia Regions Payware for best results.

5. Download and run the OZx3.3 Installer.
6. Download & Install the latest OZx Library (v1.1 is the latest at the time of writing).
7. DEFRAGMENT your HDD (NOT your SSD if you have one).
8. Ensure that “OZx_AUS” & “OZx_LIB” are enabled in the FSX Scenery Library with
“OZx_AUS” at top of list -- and that FTXcentral is set for Australia.
9. Check the “OZx_Extras_Readme.pdf” file in your “Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight
Simulator X\OZx\User_Docs” folder and install any items of interest.


OZx3.3 Upgrade OZx LIB v1.1
Download Size: ~175mB Download Size: ~15mB
Disk Usage: ~210mB Disk Usage: ~50mB
~210 files ~80 files


Mesh Complexity = 100% , Mesh Resolution = 10m
Visit the OZx Forum ( for more detailed tweaking information.


Check your “Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\OZx\User_Docs” folder for more
information. This OZx release includes the following new files:
• “OZx_ORBX_Ant_Fields_3.3.pdf” and “OZx_ORBX_Ant_Fields_3.3_PRINT.doc”
• “Australian_OZx3.3_ORBX_Ant.kmz” (Google Earth placemarks for all our scenery)
• “Australian Magnetic Variation Map.jpg”
• “Australian AM Radio Broadcast Stations List.pdf”
• “OZx_Extras_Readme.pdf”
Ian Routley and Squeeker’s Pine Gap Satellite tracking Station, Northern Territory in OZx

Ian Routley and Squeeker’s YWGN Wagin, Western Australia in OZx

A credit to Nearmap:
Some OZx airfields and sceneries are produced using photographic data produced by Nearmap
( which is used with permission and in accordance with Nearmap's terms and
conditions. The imagery is Copyright by Nearmap and NOT to be used by ANYBODY for financial gain.
We thank Nearmap for their generous permission to use this material.
Carenado Piper Warrior over Squeeker’s Dumbleyung Private Farm Strip, Western Australia in OZx.

New in the OZx 3.3 Upgrade Package:

Ten New Fields:

Tasmania New Sceneries:
• YWYY Burnie/Wynyard Airport. • Acacia Prison, WA.
Victoria • Alcoa Banksiadale Mine, WA.
• YCDE Cobden Airfield. • Alcoa Huntley Mine, WA.
• YEUA Euroa Airfield. • Boddington Mines, WA.
Western Australia • Bunbury Landmarks, WA.
• Lake Dumbleyung Farm Strip. • Byford Quarries, WA.
• Mundaring Weir Airstrip. • Canning Dam (CDM), WA.
• Casuarina Prison, WA.
• YNAU Nannup Airstrip.
• Churchman Brook Dam, WA.
• Northam Army Base Airstrip.
• Dwellingup Township, WA
• North Dwellingup Airstrip. • Gosnells Quarry, WA.
• YWGN Wagin Airfield. • Gundaring Lakes, WA.
• Wheeler Field Airstrip. • Helena River Reservoir (HRR), WA.
• Karnet Prison, WA.
Added Features: • Lake Banksiadale, WA.
• Model Libraries updated with • Lake Dumbleyung, WA.
many new custom objects. • Melbourne CBD Skyscraper rooftops
• Upgrades to existing fields’ layout made landable, VIC.
and new static aircraft, people and • Mt Cooke (MTK), WA.
vegetation models (eg YWLU, • Mt Dale (MUE), WA.
YBWX, YBLD, YKNG). • Mt Saddleback Mines, WA.
• New Victoria Reservoir, WA.
• Upgrades to existing fields with
• Norring Lake Group, WA.
ground-hugging Fencebuilder
• North Dandalup Reservoir, WA.
fences (eg Coominya, Maleny
• Orange Grove Quarry, WA.
North, Beechmont, MtBrisbane,
• Pine Gap Tracking Station, NT.
• Serpentine Reservoir, WA.
• Several patches to minor reported • The Lakes (TLKS), WA.
issues (eg. Black apron texture at • Wungong Reservoir, WA.
Upgraded vegetation (grass) at Katanning (YKNG), Western Australia in OZx.

Landable skyscraper rooftops and helipads for the Melbourne CBD in OZx.

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