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Rams Over Raiders; 49ers Blow It £! Bl

The Fresno Bee

FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, Monday Morning, December 5, 1977

Monday Hijacked Plane Crashes; 107 Die

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia on radios in communication with the laysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. Capt. G.K. Ganjoor, an Indian citi-
Fog Ultimatum (UPI) - A Malaysian Airline jetliner aircraft. Airline sources said most passen- zen, and the Kuala Lumpur control
which had been hijacked by an unde- It flew on as ordered toward Sin- gers were residents of either Malay- tower unsuccessfully tried to per-
Pixley parents have drafted termined number of gunmen crashed gapore, crashing minutes before sia or Singapore but about 20 were suade the hijacker or hijackers there
sn ultimatum fo Tularc Joint into the swampy tidclaads of south- landing there, he said.
Sujak declined comment on re-
/KAIAYS/A from other areas. The route is s
popular one for foreign tourists.
was insufficient fuel to reach Singa-
Union High School District offi- ern Malaysia Sunday, killing all 107 pore.
cials threatening a student boy- persons aboard, airline officials said. ports from other airline sources that 'Kuala Lumpur Airport sources said the plane, The plane was then cleared to land
cott of classes beginning Mon- It was believed to be the first crash conversations from the plane had flight 653, was hijacked about 8 p.m. at Singapore's Seletar Air Base, an
of a hijacked airliner. identified the hijacking as a Japa- (4 a.m. PST), roughly 45 minutes auxiliary airport near the city but
day if a foggy-doy bus schedule
Dato Sulaiman Sujak, deputy nese Red Army operation. after takeoff. away from the international airport's
is not adopted. The ultimatum
chairman of the airline, said there At Kuala Lumpur, home base for A Malaysian Department of Avia- runways.
was sparked by the Friday
was no doubt the Boeing 737 had been the downed Boeing 737, airport sourc- tion source said the pilot managed to It was lost from Singapore Airport
school bus accident in which 46 es who indicated they had access to alert control towers of the takeover
hijacked before the crash but said he radar screens six minutes after it
students — most of them from did not know how many hijacker!! radio conversations between the air- by getting in one word, "hijackers", was rilip In havp landpd
Pixley — were injured. Page Cl. were involved or who they were. He craft and control tower said the at the end of a radio message. The wreckage was spotted at
said all aboard died. Japanese Red Army was responsible Other airport sources indicated Kampung Tanjung Kupang, 44 miles
Sujak said the plane tried to land for the hijacking. The twin engine jet there were later, additional exchang- west of Johore Bahru, capital of the
at Kuala Lumpur against the orders was carrying 93 passengers and a es of conversation between the plane state of Johore.
New Column of the hijacker but swerved off after crew of seven on a flight from Pe- and ground that gave more informa- The airline sent two planeloads of
shooting was heard aboard the plane nang, a resort city 500 miles north of INDONESIA tion. officials and rescue workers to the
Singapore, to Singapore via the Ma- The airport sources said the pilot,
SM M Crash, Bode Poo*

Rift Ends
Carter Sees So//d Basis For Progress
'Long Trial Period'
"Politics Today," a column by
two of the top political reporters
Summit After US Ordeal
in Washington, Jack W. Ger- By EDWARD CODY By JAMES RESTON
mond and Jules Witcover, will TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — An N.Y. Times News Service
appear periodically on The Bee's Arab summit conference opposed to WASHINGTON — President Carter is
editorial page, starting today. Egyptian peace moves toward Israel coming down to the end of 1977 in a philo-
Page AM. ended early Monday with Iraq walk- sophic mood — surprised by the endless
ing out in anger. complexities of foreign and domestic affairs,
Four countries and the Palestinian disappointed by the opposition to many of his
Biting Back guerrillas agreed to form a military national programs, but confident that he has
ind political front to isolate Egyptian established a solid foundation for substantial
Supermarkets, which have ^'resident Anwar Sadat and vowed to progress at home and abroad in 1978.
been losing ground to the fast move the seat of the Arab League In an interview with The New York Times
food chains in the bottle for the
rom Cairo, a conference spokesman in the Oval Office, he talked about Congress,
said. the press, the influence of religion on history,
consumer's food dollar, are
But the Iraqi walkout weakened the element of luck in politics, his decline in
launching a counter-Big Mac lie united effort the anti-Sadat Arabs the popularity polls, and why even his most
attack. Their campaign includes had sought to achieve. loyal supporters seem vaguely puzzled and
stepped-up promotion of quick- "The Iraqis came to make sabo- troubled by his leadership at the end of the
ly-prepared, store-bought meals age," said Zohair Mohsen, head of year.
and the opening of supermarket the Syrian-sponsored Saiqa guerrilla Looking back on 1977, he said, there was
snack bars. Page C14. ;roup. "They are pro-Sadat." obviously a problem. "This country has been
After five hours of tense negotia- through such an ordeal in the last five or 10
:ions that ended at 2.30 a.m., the years," he said, that it is still in a healing
How Sweet It Was leaders of Syria, Algeria, South stage — Vietnam, CIA, Watergate. It really
Yemen and Libya agreed to form the shook the American people and their confi-
It was sweet while it lasted, front along with the Palestine Libera- dence in government. I don't think there will
but Colonel the Elephant's free- tion Organization. be a complete restoration of their confidence
President and Mrs. Carter hold hands as they leave church on Sunday.
dom in a Florida swamp ended
The head of the Iraqi delegation, until proof is not only completed but extended
council member Tahar Gezrawi, over a period of time. And I am trying to do have aged any more than he has.
Sunday. He was spotted by a
marched grim-faced from the Libyan in his predictions for 1978 about the homef-
search plane and captured for the best I can to restore that confidence... ront. "We will have completed the work, I Carter was asked to explain the paradox
People's Palace and drove away af- "I think we just have to go through a long that even the people who voted for him seem
return to the circus. Page Cl 3. believe, on an energy package. We will have
ter refusing to join the front. trial period in the minds of the American good progress made on welfare reform. We vaguely puzzled by his leadership at the end
Iraqi officials declined any com- people before they can accept the fact that of the year: no great hostility in the country,
will have the business community with a
ment. There appeared to be little they can trust the American government
New In Sports chance that they would change their
much clearer concept of what our economic but no great enthusiasm either. This was
again. goals are. We will have continued good prog- clearly not his favorite subject, but he re-
mind after more than 23 hours of The president, who looked a little weary ress in recovery from the 1974-75 recession." plied, as if the question really didn't have
The Sporting life, a new car- formal negotiations and many infor- but sounded confident, also made these "Our economic growth won't be at quite as much to do with him personally, and also as
toon spoofing the world of mal discussions over the past four points: high a rate as we have now, but it will be one if maybe no great hostility and no great en-
sports, will run six days a week days. - Foreign Affairs: He said he expected of the best in the world. So I have a good feel- thusiasm might be precisely what the coun-
in The Bee sports section, start- Without Iraq the front lost much of real progress in 1978. "I think we will have a try needed after all the presidential hoopla of
ing about 1978."
ing today on Page B6. Watch its military significance. Only Syria SALT II agreement. I think we will have a recent years.
among the front members has a - Personal Affairs: "I feel at ease. I feel
every day except Saturdays for comprehensive test ban. I think we'll have an good. I pace myself very carefully. I don't There were a number of reasons for this
this rib-tickler by Ben Templeton large enough army to be a threat in agreement on the Indian Ocean. lack of popular excitement and for his de-
work any harder as president, I don't worry
an Arab confrontation with Israel. "We will have major progress toward cline in the popularity polls, which he made
and Tom Forman. any more as president than I did as governor
A Palestinian official said Iraqi peace in the Middle East. I think we have a clear, did not surprise him. He was new on
or as a candidate for president. I enjoy the
objections first centered on a demand good chance the Rhodesian and Nambian the national scene, never having served in
that the front reject U.N. resolutions job. And (in a reference to his friend Charles
questions will be resolved. I think the Pana- Kirbo's observation that the president looked the federal government until he came into
242 and 338. These form the basis for ma Canal treaty will be ratified." the White House. He didn't have a congressio-
U.S.-led efforts to revive the Geneva tired and older the other day) I think any-
- Domestic Affairs: He was more cautious body ages, including Mr. Kirbo. I doubt if I SM Carter, Back Page
peace conference that has been in
recess since December 1973.
This proposal, strongly opposed by
President Hafez Assad of Syria, was
dropped after a Sunday morning tele-
Miners Begin Walkout
phone conversation between Gezrawi

and officials in Baghdad, Iraq, the
informant said. But he said Iraq then
insisted the summit be limited to
declaring the intention to create an
No Coal Accord; US Strike Looms
anti-Egyptian front, leaving the actu- By DAVID ESPO ress was being made, said as he left tor for the Bituminous Coal Opera- nearly bankrupt health and pension
al formation to a second hard-line WASHINGTON (AP) - Industry the negotiating room, "If we'd tors Association, said as he left the funds.
reached any agreement today, I meeting, "We had some interesting The companies are seeking great-
Weather summit meeting in Baghdad.
This reflected the rivalry between
and union negotiators bargained for
several hours Sunday on a new coal would tell you." discussions." er stability at the mines and an end
Syria and Iraq, with Iraq determined contract but apparently failed to Miller's union mines about half the Asked whether there had been any to w i l d c a t w a l k o u t s t h a t have
to avoid following Assad's lead or reach agreement on any major issue. nation's coal. It's last strike, in 1974, agreement, he said, "You don't reach plagued the industry recently.
committing itself to a front in which A nationwide strike by the 130,000- lasted 42 days. any agreement on substantive issues Health benefits to an estimated
FOG Assad would be sure to become the member United Mine Workers union Chief federal mediator Wayne L. until you tie it all up." 820,000 miners, retired miners and
leader. at midnight Monday seemed a fore- Horvitz said, "We've got some hard Talks were recessed late Sunday dependents will be cut off Tuesday in
. Syria and Iraq have had sour rela- gone conclusion. problems. We're working on them. until Monday morning. the event of a strike. The funds are
tions for years. Their rival wings of That's the nature of this process." financed by industry payments made
Hazy afternoons through He said there had been no talk On Saturday, Horvitz claimed the
the Arab Baath Socialist Party have Some 2,200 miners in Ohio and on the basis of coal mined and hours
Tuesday. High today 61, low about a possible contract extension, bar°siners be°3n tslkin 0 about "the worked.
split over ideology and tactics in the West Virginia were reportedly al-
tonight 39. Sunday's high was an option Miller has said he would troublesome issues," including union A strike could be expected to last
conflict with Israel. ready off their jobs Sunday in antici-
60. pation of the walkout. consider only if there is substantial demands for a limited right to strike a minimum of 10 days since rank-
A PLO spokesman, Abdul Mohsen at individual mines over local issues
Details on Page A2. Union President Arnold Miller, progress on major issues. and-file ratification takes at least
SM Libya, Back Pogt Joseph P. Brennan, chief negotia- and a demand for refinancing the that long.
who earlier in the day reported prog-

Amusements, Theaters . B8
Centra/ Sierra Lucks Out—No Serious 1977 Fires
By GENE ROSE onto the state's landscape. sive p o t e n t i a l of two years of which extends from El Dorado to forests and parks also praised the
Bridge B8 drought. Tulare County. "From our standpoint public for keeping fires to a mini-
Bee Staff Writer But statewide the statistics are
Briefly Told C4 grim and the costs still are being tal- About the only record the local it was fantastic," Monsen explained. mum and for accepting fire restric-
While the summer of 1977 will go
Classified C5toC13 down as one of the worst fire seasons lied. On the federal forest lands mountain areas could claim was the "The five-year average is 21,000 tions, which were lifted about two
Comics A6 on record, the central section of the alone, 277,906 acres burned, causing longest-burning blaze — a let-burn, acres and this year we had only 1,600 weeks ago, with a minimum of com-
Contemporary Life A11 -A 13 Sierra escaped much of the devasta- damage estimated at $342 million. It or natural, fire in Sequoia National in the local region." plaints.
Editorials A14 tion which scorched many other sec- cost another $31 million to put out the Park. Five months after it was re- The number of fires dropped from Steve Beck of the Sierra National
Financial C14 tions o" the state. fires. ported, it still was smoldering last 53 in 1976 — when 32,000 acres burned Forest said the forest had 168 fires
Obituaries C2 Officials nf the U.S. Forest Ser- When added to the state's 141,000 month when the park service slopped — to 42 this past summer, he added. this season totaling 625 acres. He
Sports B Section vice, the National Park Service and blackened acres, the summer of 1977 worrying about it. "We'd like to give the public a pat on said 99 fires were attributed to light-
the state Department of Forestry adds up to what (me federal forester Dean Monsen, fire control officer the back for their assistance," Mon- ning strikes while the rest were man-
Television-Radio B7 caused. "Most of (he fires were
said yearend totals show the areas described as "one of the worst — if for the southern Sierra region of the sen said. "People just weren't as
Valley News C Section CDF, said the total acres and the careless with fire as they have been under 10 acres. We had only three *
near Fresno had relatively little of not the worst — on record."
Vital Statistics C5 The local area was spared the number of fires in the foothills were in the past." 'Class D' fires — those 100 to 300
the smoke and fire which branded
names like Marblecone and Scarface effects of wildfire, despite the explo- down dramatically in the region, Other fire officials of the national Seo Fire*, Back Pago

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