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Communication is as old as man himself. Human beings start communicating right from the birth. It is an
exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons. Communication transmits
information not only about tangible facts but also about emotions. When a communicator transmits
some information, he may intentionally or unconsciously be communicating his attitude or frame of his

A message becomes communication only when it is understood, acknowledged, reacted or replied to by

the receiving party.

The essential basis of all public relations work is the communication process. This process takes place
between four or five factors that is the organization or initiator, the communicator, the message, the
media and lastly the addressee.

1) Peter Little: “communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals
and/or organizations so that an understanding response results”.

2) W.H Newman and C.F. Summer Jr.: “communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or
emotions by two or more persons”.


There can be no mutual understanding without communication, and mutual understanding is acore of
public relations.

We generally think of communication in terms of public speaking, exchanging informations, being

sincere or persuasive or expressing our feelings honestly. Hence we think that effective communication
depends upon having a good vocabulary, or a special talent. True and effective communication does not
depend on any of this factors but rather than one our ability to communicate.

Real communication is the experience of being totally understood by another person. It is a profound
understanding of the experience and the meaning behind the words. Real communication produces
results. In terms of relationships real communication resolves problems, dissolves the feeling of
separateness and produces harmony.

In an organization effective communication transforms groups into a team. It reduces fatigue and
struggle and the task is accomplished efficiently and more accurately as conflicts are resolved leading to

True communication transforms the speaker as well as the listener.

The following are the benefits of such communication:
1) New skills are developed for resolving inter-personal conflicts.
2) Higher standards of performance can be established through mutual understanding of
management and employees.
3) There is a better understanding of co-workers and customer behavior.
4) The powers inter-personal motivation is enhanced.
5) Creation of active and accurate listening habits.
6) The interviewing and consulting techniques are improved.
7) Productivity increases even under adverse conditions.
8) Willingness to participate in group activities.
9) Effective communication promotes a spirit of understanding and
10) Important factor for promotions.


The following are the basic principles of effective communication:

1) Communicate for a purpose.

2) Compose your message with care.

3) Compose your message in order to attract attention.

4) Remove all barriers to effective communication.

5) Study the receiver of your message.

6) Select your medium with care.

7) Provide for feedback and

8) Act promptly on receiving response.

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