Emf Unit III

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Oniy fi ElactRe Bag meet Fads wm matorials. oisgen's 4 lace’s. Cquatton:. faplace's» Oquation ares the mathod of ing Potenktal Rinction Vy. Potssen's oguakion 1% Obbainad Row tho Gauss's Law. Port fom of Gtauss's Loew, evi Dee 0 D select Fun densi : Py + Volume iene density. B= 2 _@ 2 Pam#iivity oP medium , Es crectse” Reid 7 ee Qn @ Sub oO wv. GEHL Ez-vyu Ss G_ Brv)=-) -V-Ew) = pe vive hy @ Woveo|—> taplacian of v a Laplace's euatisn:- CD Cartesian Co-ordinakes Van =, Oe ef 2M ot ; =o “Byte af & ey % a2 VA = ORR 4 2% we Be aS ay On eve ow eM ON coy = an™ OF Sa: qi Cytindrteart Co-or dinales . vee BY gs Ovi ok eee et 8y A . eo 75-1 FEC +1 an, “36 * oz a Ze Me Ne oy or nee te Bk, dh W Sphoxeat OF din... = Yves oy Oy tk ON Fa 1 Tse Oe ae av af op 5 =! eo Wade ¥ - = Sar 2 . = tome “3S BeSine)+ eee dag Sind Q ad : -2. a vuede 2 (whew a they at” “Fyne as = Sing: eS \ “TR a) ave ds-Ji s@ 4 @,® Rub In %n oe dp = og CAE AF = Tdi xe pl on) p 1 yu & Gay p Ei e) rd @) Pv) " G& ov) x 2 a F = Tiesings. F = TLBino-n Torque ona Soop eas Cucrvent: T £ Magne ie eioment eS yy af - CG wyat |= ‘the Cowgnet farce Lemes Lhe vadtat dgtance at Oren % acts gg cated ag torque. : ‘The ree Whtah Causes the Tetation of foop Gated ag en Dorcer (a Th te Porvpenaecutas tothe plane of loop. ‘the se Force. °8, A = QTLB sng . i FoR q= TL Boho. P= avon of hoop=, T= TABSne « 4. 3s Magnetic Vecti: Pobent¥al !- Eloctwe “Reg Totensity ce GQ) The Cunt of Gradren,. of ang Salas Rota eg Lore « Vewso. G The divergence of Khe Curt OP ang vecten « ae 6 < a “Veter Peitee VY. 7 xR 0 | He -cy. 1 5 Prins Bem of Amperds Cir Curtal lew, 3 ovxh S> veh Styx C-sae, Va > S Carlos Ete: potential , NixShoutd Sates Ay Ohe Papiace '¢ OFuation s . TVinzo, Spo Soy DWergence of epee Gina densi % ales pS sve TXT | 1 op eee vn = VxXe HT Current oo gate VXy xo Rot Savarl Loco, > 3b Elacks ¢ Polaszaticn and Natur of Dretectso mMakenalg». Drotock&c do nek Contatn Roo Unis Cage the Charges are be Breen akoms and molecettes Ma a: Th sound together When an Ctock®e org fe applrag to Uy ABecactRe meditien then Lhe bound Chay eg ay Signi Preant dRGban, By Whig Case bose Charaeg eos v ; Gnott locks o At¥Poto.s Thee Llectse a: “d Are Composer of Positye S negative pis The Centers of these Cha ee od iii Now because of th ay pies 2 ge Q0CKFC AP polee g trduced Red ¥8 Produced . Thig Induced Ry - kes to oppogo , the aPplicy Stoves eal This Phenomena oR SCparation of four es 1a" by the appltdoilrion of croctne Rog "Bes ; 1S Catieg a8 Polad zation. ceeter® ctaus Cave) cant! fe » ery Ctoud of Stockrons puttso a i> » oO , UNpalenzed ere, a x © Prolawzed atom, : @ 9 SE applied otottse Rout CAuivalen, Aepolo. Prone QL! + ee Be SOE AR P= Xo Soe Ko > loch c ines | ; B= SE +meee Oe G& Cex E Dis ee Ena more, RP Ree Space. & — Re tauwe Foca : 22 Er. Sere a Prepares of Aietetiy ¢ matteral t- eee ae ee ee maxon! > DPieteckscg + Contain bound Chara eg , So there ig no oct of Sxkotnet erocka ¢ Rad , Poducd teckre d2potes meaty Khe erocbse Roig = both tngde ZF outside the dhotectac maonal uPualeng 9 Polarged divreds c Ares Mise tb an CFutvaten Volume Chan a dansity . = 3+ BPadkaneos. A Gpacter Congees of tuo matat Qui Pacey DHIeh GM be Charged uith diPorcne Potavteie. SiRase too metat BuiPaceg ase Separated be WSulating medium tDhICh 1g Catlog = dAtatocks & medium, ‘The Copacty, oP a-Cpacter to hold e Chavgo 3 Gated ag Capacitance. Moagueed tn Ready Te dency ag the Vatto of Charge for ute ene x Whig the Potential via dood by a UN Poslive Chong 6 Heen nGative BaPhce to he Posttive GuPaces. Ve ei E.dc —@) Cs sé of Copacttance OLR Vavous Acom cts cg Legtog Paplace OJuatton:. _ 0 WD Pavatter Plaka Capacitor GI Qproncat Capacitor GY) Co-aniat Cate Copacitsr . Gf 1 ™ id ) Edis @ Paraner Plate Capacitor: 1 Paraner Plate Capacitor, taplace Cquakion m Cartesian C-osdinake SY stom , M24 canis =0, bOCauge Paralles Plate -Plaad Tn: se Oke. By Ero —® Tok ogratin peng 9 ac 3® N= C1 OZ ye v8 V2 0, 240 ~SH Ase W) ze0,Vr0 Quen © a ae 0 ann© Vie Gdto C= Vg = Cr&Cy Value gunin Qq, (E) vv fa 39 ml i eV ov 5 Be xy + as] —®@ oe usin Bn mr) u ae Soo ss Sep = a Soo ieee i) oe ee GD Sphosar Copa citor:- A Sphoscal Capacitor ts Composed of Tw Con contac Conaluetin Fhoyeg with Vadii or LP “b with AZb. ASsume of the Jpotentar of Cutas SPhao cowh T28poct to Qrouna tg Ze . 2 that treo, Sphere fh Vy_ Ystom, — Ne Our) | a VN a aoe Ge (ae Tone sq Giro Brat ev da AM 9 > : ie de> Bp? davin oS . © x Say = os! fr Se eae G Ov 5 SO fas —/(t. ev’). av erste —3@ Totegy ating Ojuakion G, v= -S 44 3@ To Roa Ce we wu PP a Condit W Nab ve0 Stem GM Q Some OF AAG C=C ate] @ We, yoy, Sivw 29n@, Vee ee RF te 3@® Sue 5, ® in @, Ve $ReG OG 5 a & ae [eles es a-b ‘Tek = o[ ae] Mio ef ae] t ae On GAD Bvin PO G = Ve fg OpeS Cla) +8 Put Can (85 26 0, ee ae [2 |+» [2)-o E. -98v E Bay —@ Be On a » &, @— 6, .de 6 hay Ss : § =f, Gs = 4 xu Ges pine 30 Chme (os 18, — SG V =, | lay Vo @ ame LS] TP the mediurn as Potent hom ce C= a @ M. 8 Co-axtal_ Cube Capacitor’. A (o-aviai Gable ConSistg of teoo Cobinaiat Conductors. A adtus of tra Conductpy b-> Yadtug of Cute, Conductor - At te catinaial Co-ordinates , the Laplace Cquatfon, ten) . t+ 2h, evel ww yo ¥ al a ¥ ag * Gz 20 30 Ov Be Bro Susin 23n0, > 2. fr Bo | £ [a ~) =o s@Q Anbegrating an @, T-2V_ = j we! ONG mL >@ ov= Qa > ¥ Toe gratin ® Sin @ RG Sov BG, Vea, eAVo enlbiay : ents 8 ee Eee og) oe ina ee satan ——— Ve Ve dora) Ss Ln (bla) ee ~e Gs Sur %n © in © Bounday Conditions etectxe Rordg:. Bourday Conditions fy etedse Ras: © Bourcay Conarkion bobiocee Grtuctor 2 Pee space, 4 e Gounsory, iS Eatomay leckae Rats % divided toto ctwwo tthe Coen Porat dacaertial bs the woduchor Ww See Normal se he Conductor vr Pace . To Glauate the & & Dp Consider a Alaged Ruikrco tea 3 iy Electae Red Tntoneity doog not SASt Ingtde Lhe Conguttors (gt 3 gem wrt the Cteoctic Reig 3-4, a Ls ew) t-2 —» Aw Hel 29-3 —> Bh, &uin Sin @ a-3'—s Ah t = tele s Ah = Fou + Cen 6h 6 (A2 <0 ELawro R= BE 6 Qs Pores 2h Poo ace. Ey =o A os ke Ctauss's Las , me =@ 36 eGo o JPassce fey +i. jr wael, =@ a otto Side Safeco Te Fy Oru ctor Yo Spa, Area P Side Suthce ag Vou Bratt DB deny —>@ Se Qrkeoe tr Ree Spee. Trsde the Conductor the Change Roe Ss xp HP Ecktorn : as ra D.&., -@ Ste Suro 19 Cont ctor ' Fp © ,@,@ Lin =n GB, Sd za top Dyods = as mores en ay Ss, eee,

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