I. Payment/performance: Ii. Loss of The Thing Due

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1235 – Recovery Allowed When

OBLIGATIONS Incomplete or Irregular Performance Is
Waived; Requisites for the Application of Art.
General Provisions.
i. General rule: Payment incomplete,
Art. 1231 – Causes of Extinguishment of creditor may reject
Obligations ii. In case of acceptance, obligation
i. Payment/performance
ii. Loss of the thing due Requisites:
iii. Condonation/remission of the debt
i. Obligee knows performance is
iv. Confusion/merger of the rights of
incomplete/irregular (consent)
creditor & debtor
ii. He accepts w/o protest or objection
v. Compensation
vi. Novation
Art. 1236 – Persons from Whom the Creditor
Other causes: annulment, rescission, fulfillment
Must Accept Payment; Creditor May Refuse
of resolutory condition & prescription
Payment by a Third Person; effect of payment
by 3rd person

Section 1. – Payment or Performance. i. Debtor

ii. 3rd person w/ interest in obligation
Art. 1232 – Meaning of Payment iii. 3rd person w/ no interest, but when
 Delivery of money stipulated he can pay
 Giving a thing Creditor refuse payment by 3rd person:
 Doing an act
 Not doing an act  3rd person whom he dislikes/distrust
 For perso reasons, may not want to
Art. 1233 – When Debt is Considered Paid have any business dealings w/ 3rd
i. Integrity of prestation – thing person
delivered/service rendered not paid  May not have confidence in the honesty
unless completely delivered/rendered of 3rd person
ii. Identity of the prestation – the very Effect of payment by 3rd person:
prestation due must be
delivered/performed i. If made w/o knowledge/against will
of debtor. – recovery up to the
Art. 1234 – Recovery Allowed in Case of extent/amount of debt at time of
Substantial Performance in Good Faith; payment
Requisites for Application of Art. 1234 ii. If made w/ knowledge of debtor. –
i. Must be substantial performance payor have rights of reimbursement
ii. Obligor is in good faith & subrogation
Art. 1237 – Right of 3rd Person to Subrogation; Art. 1240 – person to whom payment shall be
Subrogation and Reimbursement Distinguished made; meaning of any “any person authorized
to receive it”
 3rd pay on behalf of debtor, w/ consent,
is entitled to subrogation i. Creditor
 If not, 3rd person can’t compel creditor ii. Successor in interest
to subrogate his rights iii. 3rd person authorize to receive

Subrogation & Reimbursement: 3rd person authorized:

i. Subrogation – payor has acquired  By creditor

right to be reimbursed and all other  By law (guardian, executor or
rights to credit against debtor/3rd administrator of estate of deceased,
person (guarantor etc.) assignee, liquidator of partnership)
ii. Reimbursement – 3rd person has
right to be refunded
Art. 1241 – effect of payment to an
Art. 1238 – Payment by a 3rd Person Who Does incapacitated person; effect of payment to 3rd
Not Intend to be Reimbursed person; when benefit by creditor need not be
proved by debtor
“no one should be compelled to accept the
generosity of another.” Payment to incapacitated creditor:

 3rd person doesn’t intend to be  NOT VALID unless:

reimburse: Payment is considered a i. Kept the thing paid/delivered
donation, valid w/ debtor’s consent ii. Payment benefited him
 Absence of benefit:
Art. 1239 – Meaning of “free disposal of thing
i. Debtor pay again to creditor’s
due” and “capacity to alienate”; free disposal
of thing due and capacity to alienate required
ii. Pay again to creditor after
i. Free disposal of the thing due – recovery of capacity
thing to be delivered must not be
Effect of pay to 3rd person
subject to any
claim/lien/encumbrance of a 3rd  Generally, not valid: unless benefitted
person (mortgage, pledge, etc.) the incapacitated creditor, w/c needed
ii. Capacity to alienate – person not be proven by debtor
incapacitated to enter contracts,
Proof not needed:
and for that matter, to make a
disposition of thing due i. After payment, subrogation to 3rd
General Rule:
ii. Ratification by creditor to 3rd person
 Obligation to give. Payment by one who iii. By C’s conduct, D believe 3rd person
doesn’t have free disposal of thing due is authorized to receive
& not have capacity to alienate is not
Art. 1242 – payment to 3rd person in
possession of credit
Obligation extinguished:  Law of sales – amount of money debt
becomes price of thing alienated
 Possession of credit itself, not mere
document or instrument Art. 1246 – rule of the medium quality
 Debtor must pay in good faith
 Delivery of specific thing, very thing
Art. 1243 – when payment to creditor not valid must be delivered
 Generic thing, considers purpose of
i. 3rd person file case against creditor
obligation & other circumstance to
for not paying 3rd person
determine quality/kind of the thing to
ii. During pendency of case, court
be delivered
ordered debtor not to pay creditor
 Art. 1246 – “principle of equity”
until case resolved
 Benefit waived by creditor: accepting
iii. “garnish” – payment subject to 3rd
inferior quality – delivering superior
person by debtor
Art. 1244 – very prestation due must be
Art. 1247 – debtor pays for extrajudicial
complied with; when prestation may be
expenses; losing party generally pays judicial
i. Real obligation: thing different from
 Reason: when obligation is
due cant be offered/demanded
extinguished, debtor is benefitted,
against will of creditor/debtor
unless stipulated who will bear
ii. Personal obligation: act
performed/prohibited cant be
 Doesn’t apply to expense by creditor
substituted against creditor’s will
going to debtor’s domicile to collect
Prestation substituted:
Judicial Cost
 When creditor consents (facultative)
 Amounts allowed to a party to an
Art. 1245 – special forms of payment; meaning action for his expense incurred in the
of dation in payment; governing law action
 Paid by losing party
i. Dation in payment
 Special reasons: either party shall pay
ii. Application of payments
cost or divided
iii. Payment by cession
 Cost against gov’t not allowed, unless
iv. Tender of payment and
provided by law
Art. 1248 – performance of obligation should
Dation in Payment
be complete; when partial performance
 Adjudication/ dacion en pago allowed
 Debt in money satisfied by alienation of
 One debtor, one creditor
Partial payment allowed:

i. Expressed stipulation
Governing law
ii. Debt part liquidated; part a. Until cashed
unliquidated b. Unless impaired through fault
iii. Different prestation subject to diff. of creditor
terms & conditions (pay debts in
Art. 1250 – meaning of inflation and deflation;
installments); need not executed
basis of payment in case of extraordinary
simultaneously but must be
inflation or deflation
i. Inflation – sharp & sudden increase
Art. 1249 – meaning of legal tender; legal
of money/credit or both (ex. P5T to
tender in the Philippines; payment by means
of instruments of credits
 Drop in value of money cause rise in
Legal Tender price
ii. Deflation – reduction in volume &
 Currency
circulation of money/credit, result
 If offered in right amount, creditor must
in decline of price (P5T to P10T)
 Debt in money be paid in currency Basis of payment:
 Purchasing value of currency at
Legal Tender in Ph. establishment of obligation, subject to
agreement of parties to contrary
 Absence of stipulation: payment made
 Contractual obligation
in legal tender in the Ph.
 All notes & coins issued by BSP Ex. D debt P5T to C (5 yrs. to pay). At time of
 Coins – not exceeding P50 for payment, D pay P2.5T (inflation) or P10T
denominations of P0.25; not exceeding (deflation) unless stipulated to pay P5T
P20 for P0.10 regardless.
 Bills & coins above P1, any amount
Art. 1251 – place where obligation shall be
Payment by instrument credits
i. Case of stipulation – place designated
i. Right of creditor to refuse/accept – ii. Stipulation & determinate thing –
promissory notes, checks, bills of payment is made where the thing was
exchange etc. are not legal tender, when contract is perfected
creditor can’t be compelled to iii. No stipulation & generic thing –
accept payment at domicile of debtor &
a. Creditor may accept w/o effect creditor bears expense
of payment. Demand to
obligation is suspended
b. C can cash instrument. When  Venue – place where court suit/action
dishonored, C bring action for must be filed/constituted
non-payment  Domicile – place of person’s habitual
ii. Effect on obligation – payment by residence
means of mercantile document  Residence – element of domicile;
doesn’t extinguish obligation: requires bodily presence
Subsection 1. – application of payments. art. 1253 – interest earned paid ahead of
art. 1252 – meaning of application of
payments; requisites of application of  Mandatory: interest paid before
payments; application as to debts not yet due; principal
rules of application of payments  Subject to agreement of parties/waiver
application of payments – designation art. 1254 – application of payment to most
of debt to w/c should be applied the payment onerous debt; when debt more onerous than
by a debtor who has various debts of the same another; where debts subject to different
kind in favor of 1 creditor burdens
Requisites:  If no application of payment: apply to
most onerous
i. 1 debtor & creditor
 Same nature & burden: apply payment
ii. 2 or more debts
to debt proportionately
iii. Debts are same kind
iv. Debt to w/c payment be applied is Debt more onerous than another:
v. Payment made not enough to cover  Subjective to D
all debts  Rules by Supreme Court:
o Interest-bearing is more
Application to debts not due: onerous than non-bearing one
Can’t be made unless: o Sole debtor than solidary debtor
o Secured debts (by mortgage or
i. Stipulation that debtor may by pledge) than unsecured
apply debts
ii. Made by debtor/creditor, for o Between interest-bearing
whose benefit the period has debts, one w/ higher int.
been constituted o Obligation w/ penalty than w/o
Rules: penalty

i. D indicate at time of payment, not Debts subject to diff. burdens:

afterwards, w/c debt is being paid  Ex. Debt secured by mortgage & debt
ii. Decision of D irrevocable, unless C w/ penalty; it can’t be determined w/c
consents is most onerous
iii. If debtor doesn’t apply, C  Payment applied proportionately
designates w/c debt is paid
iv. If C doesn’t apply/application subsection 2. – payment by cession
invalid, debt is designated to most
art. 1255 – meaning of payment by cession;
onerous to D
requisites of payment by cession; effects
v. If debts same nature & burden,
payment by cession; dation in payment and
payment applied to all
cession distinguished
payment by cession – assignment or tender of payment – act of D of offering
abandonment of all properties by D that the the thing or amount due; D must show
creditor may sell the same & apply proceeds to possession of thing/money at time of offer
satisfy debt to creditors
consignation – act of depositing
Requisites payment by cession: thing/amt. due w/ the proper court when C
doesn’t want/can’t receive it; applicable to
i. 2 or more Cs
debt/obligation to pay; always judicial & require
ii. D be (partially) insolvent
tender of payment
iii. Assignment of all properties of D
iv. Cession be accepted by Cs Requisite valid consignation:

Effects payment by cession: i. Existence of debt due

ii. Tender of payment; refusal of C w/o
Unless stipulation
justifiable reason
 Assignment not make Cs owner of D’s iii. Previous notice of consign. to
property person interest in fulfillment of obli.
 D release from obligation up to net iv. Consign. of thing/sum due
proceed of sale v. Subsequent notice of consignation
to interested parties
Dation in payment & payment by cession:
Tender of payment not required:
i. Dation – 1 creditor; Cession –
several Cs  C informs D that payment of debt will
ii. Dation – doesn’t presuppose D’s not be accepted, thereby waives
insolvency; Cession – D insolvent at payment when its due
time of assignment  D excused from making formal tender
iii. Dation – not involve all property of of money
D; Cession – extend to all property
Requirement valid tender of pay:
of D subject to execution
iv. Dation – C becomes owner of thing i. Must comply rules of
given by D; Cession – acquire right payment/terms in contract
to sell & proceeds apply to their ii. Unconditional; whole amt due; in
credit proportionately legal tender
v. Dation – act of novation; cession – iii. Actual offer of thing/amt due
not act of novation
art. 1257 – prior notice to persons interested
subsection 3. Tender of payment and required; consignation must comply w/
consignation provisions on payment

art. 1256 – meaning of “tender of payment”  Absence of notice persons interested in

and “consignation”; requisites of a valid fulfillment of obli = consignation void
consignation; when tender of payment not  Purpose: C a chance to reflect his
required; requirements for valid tender of refusal because he bears expense of
payment consignation & loss of thing consigned
Provisions on payment: art. 1260 – withdrawal of debtor of thing or
sum deposited
 Provisions: 1233, 1239, 1244, 1246,
1249, 1253 withdrawal of deposit:
 Payment made in legal tender
i. Before C accepts consignation
art. 1258 – consignation must be w/ proper ii. Or before judicial declaration that
judicial authority; notice to be given to consignation is properly made
interested parties of the consignation made
As D still the owner of the same
W/ proper judicial authority:
Obli remains in force; all expenses D bears
 Deposit thing/sum due w/ proper
art. 1261 – effect of withdrawal w/ authority
judicial authority will effect payment
of creditor
 Tender of pay must precede
consignation, tender prove by D effect withdrawal authorized by C:
 Tender not required = only prior notice
 C may authorize withdrawal; (1) after
be proved by D
accepting it or (2) after court cancels
Notice to other parties: obligation
 D & C relations will remain as before
 After consignation is made, interested
 C losses preference over the thing
parties must be notified
 Co-D, guarantor, sureties be released
 Fulfilled by service of summons & copy
of complaint upon the defendants section 2. – loss of the thing due
art. 1259 – creditor bears expenses of art. 1262 – when a thing is considered lost;
consignation; when consignation deemed when lost of thing will extinguish an obligation
properly made to give; when lost of thing will not extinguish
C bears expense:
Thing considered lost:
 Because of unjustified refusal
 D bears if consignation not properly  Impossibility of performance
made  Perishes
 Goes out of commerce
Consignation properly made:
 Existence unknown/cannot be
i. C accepts thing/sum deposited w/o recovered
When loss thing extinguished obli to give:
ii. C questions validity, court proves
consignation valid after hearing Ff. requisites must be present
iii. C neither accepts nor questions,
court cancels obligation after i. Obli to deliver specific thing
hearing ii. Loss thing not fault of D
iii. D not guilty of delay

Loss thing not extinguish liability:

i. When law provides

ii. Stipulation  Impossibility took place after
iii. Nature of obli assumes risk constitution of obli
iv. Obli to deliver specific thing arise
Kinds of impossibility:
from crime
i. Physical impossibility – involves
art. 1263 – effect of lost of a generic thing
obligor’s personal qualifications;
“genus nunqam perit” – a generic thing takes place when obligor dies or
never perishes physically incapacitated
ii. Legal impossibility – impossible by
 D still compelled to deliver a thing of
provision of law
same kind
 C can’t demand superior quality, D art. 1267 – effect of difficulty of performance
can’t deliver inferior quality
difficulty of performance:
art. 1264 – effect of partial loss of a specific
 Applicable to real and personal
 Portion of thing lost/destroyed or  Performance/service becomes so
depreciated/deteriorated difficult
 Obli to do – partial loss is the equivalent  Court authorize release of obligor in
of difficulty of performance whole or in part
 Element of fortuitous event
Effect of partial loss:
art. 1268 – effect of fortuitous event where
 Court decides is partial loss is
obligation proceeds from a criminal offense
equivalent to complete/total loss
effect of fortuitous event obli proceed from
art. 1265 – presumption of fault in case of loss
of thing in possession of debtor; when
presumption not applicable  Fortuitous not exempt obligor from
presumption of fault:
 Obli subsists except when C refuse to
 Fault of D unless proof to contrary accept thing (ex. C’s stolen property);
 Under art. 1165, D who is not at fault consignation not necessary but D
still liable for delay or promised to exercise due diligence
deliver same thing to 2 or more person
art. 1269 – right of creditor to proceed against
Presumption not applicable: 3rd person

 In case of natural calamity, right of C against 3rd person:

presumption doesn’t apply
 C has right to proceed against 3rd person
art. 1266 – effect of impossibility of responsible for thing loss
performance; kinds of impossibility  Rights of action of D are transferred to
C & obli of D is extinguished
impossibility of performance:

 Obli physically & legally impossible

 Result in extinction of obligation
section 3. – condonation and remission of debt  Testamentary disposition shall be
reduced if impairs legitime on petition
art. 1270 – meaning of condonation or
of the heirs insofar as they’re
remission; requisites of condonation or
remission; kinds of remission; effect of
inofficious remission art. 1271 – presumption incase of voluntary
delivery of document of indebtedness by
meaning condonation or remission:
creditor; payment, not remission of debt
condonation or remission – gratuitous
abandonment of C his right against D; a form of
donation i. Implied remission – tacit; C
renouncing his right
ii. Contrary evidence – prima facie or
i. Must be gratuitous rebuttable by contrary evidence
ii. Accepted by D iii. Extent of remission – joint obli,
iii. Parties must have capacity remission to D in possession of
iv. Not inofficious document; soli obli, to whole obli
v. If made expressly, must comply w/ iv. Presumption applicable only to
forms of donations private document – art. 1271 refers
to priv. document; doesn’t apply to
Kinds of remission: public document for it’s easy to
i. As to extent: copy
a. Complete – covers entire obli Payment, not remission of debt:
b. Partial – not cover entire
ii. As to form:  Remission null & void if proven
a. Express – made verbally or inofficious
writing  Delivery of document was made in
b. Implied – inferred from conduct virtue of payment of debt proved by
iii. As to date of effectivity: debtor or heirs
a. Inter vivos – take effect during
art. 1272 – presumption in case document
lifetime of donor
found in possession of debtor
b. Mortis causa – effective upon
death of donor; must comply w/ presumption:
formalities of a will
 If private docu in possession of D,
Effect inofficious remission: unknown how, presumption C delivered
it voluntarily, give rise to presumption
Inofficious – of or relating to a
of remission, unless proven contrary
disposition of property that has the effect of
 Also, voluntary delivery give rise to
depriving descendants of the shares of a
presumption of payment, only when
succession to which they are entitled by law
known there’s no payment, then
Legitime – part of testator’s property he assume remission
can’t dispose because law reserved it to
compulsory heirs
art. 1273 – effect of renunciation of the Requisites:
principle debt of the accessory obligation
i. Take place between principal debt
effect: & creditor
ii. Must be complete
 Accessory follows principal
 Accessory obli can’t exist w/o principal; art. 1276 – effect of merger in the person of
principal can exist w/o accessory principal debtor or creditor; effect of merger in
the person of guarantor
art. 1274 – presumption in case thing pledged
found in possession of debtor Effect of M in person of principal D or C:

pledge – contract by virtue where D  Merger in the person of principal D or C

delivers to C or T a movable/instrument extinguishes the obli
evidencing rights to secure fulfillment of obli,  Accessory obli of guaranty also
when obli fulfilled thing delivered be returned extinguish
with fruits & accessories
Effect of M in the person of Guarantor:
 Merger w/c takes place in the person of
 If thing pledged in possession of D or 3rd G extinguish the guaranty, not principal
person, only accessory obli is remitted, obli
not obli itself
art. 1277 – confusion in a joint obligation;
 Yields to contrary evidence
confusion in a solidary obligation
 Ex. D pledge ring to C for loan. If ring
found in possession of D, presumption confusion joint obli:
C agree to loan w/o pledge.
 Confusion taking place in the person of
section 4. – confusion or merger of rights any D or C does not affect others
 Confusion only extinguish share
art. 1275 – meaning of confusion or merger;
corresponding to C or D in whom the 2
reason or basis for confusion; requisites of
characters concur
Confusion soli obli:
Confusion/merger – meeting of one
person the qualities of creditor & debtor w/  M in person of one of soli D extinguish
respect to same obli obli
Reason or basis: section 5. – compensation
i. If D becomes its own C, extinguish art. 1278 – meaning of compensation; object
obli, since a person can’t claim of compensation; compensation and confusion
payment from himself distinguished; kinds of compensation
ii. When there’s confusion of rights,
purpose for creation of obli are compensation – extinguishment of
realized concurrent debts of 2 person who are D and C
of each other; balancing of 2 obli to the extent
in w/c amt of one is covered by other
Simplified payment cause provides iii. Debts due or demandable
more convenience & less expensive effectuation iv. 2 debts are liquidated
of payments v. No retention or controversy
commenced by a 3rd person
object of compensation:
Retention – when credit of one of parties is
 To avoid unnecessary
subject to satisfaction of claims of a 3rd person
 Mutual extinguishment by operation of Controversy – 3rd person claims he is the
law creditor of one of the parties

Compensation & confusion: art. 1280 – compensation benefits guarantor

i. Confusion – 1 C & D of himself; compe benefits G:

Compensation – 2 persons, each a D
 Exception to rule: Principal D and C
& C of each other
 G is given right to set up compe
ii. Confusion – one obli; compensation
 Extinguish of principal obli carries w/ it
– 2 obli
the accessory obli such as guaranty
iii. Confusion – impossibility of
payment; Compensation – indirect art. 1281 – total and partial compensation
total & partial:
Kinds of compensation:
 Applies to all diff kinds of compe
i. By effect/extent  Total compe – 2 debts, same amt
a. Total – both obli same amt,  Partial compe – diff amts, total to small
extinguish whole obli debts & partial to large debts
b. Partial – 2 obli diff amts,
balance remains art. 1282 – voluntary compensation
ii. By cause/origin  Exception to rule: debts due &
a. Legal – takes place by operation demandable
of law, w/o knowledge of both  Voluntary compe takes place by
parties agreement of parties
b. Voluntary – takes place by
 Enough that contract of parties is valid
agreement of parties
c. Judicial – takes place by order art. 1283 – judicial compensation
of court, one party refuse, other
 Compe may take place as final
judgement of court
d. Facultative – can be set up by
 Party may set off claim against debt to
one of parties
other party for damages and the amt
art. 1279 – requisites of legal compensation
art. 1284 – compensation of rescissible or
requisites legal compe. voidable debts

i. Parties principal D & C of each other  Rescissible & voidable obli are valid until
ii. Both debts in money or consumable judicially rescinded/avoided
or same kind & quality
 Prior to rescission or annulment, debts Depositum – bailment (legal transfer),
be compensated w/o reward, of goods to be kept for the
depositor (bailor), by the depositary.
art. 1285 – where compensation has taken
place before assignment; where compensation i. one of debts arise from depositum
has taken place after assignment – a depositary can’t set off payment
for a lost depositum for a debt by
compe before assignment: (ex. In book)
the depositor (fiduciary); but
 Extinguished debt assigned by C to 3rd depositor can set up deposit against
person, D can raise defense of compe his debt to depositary
 Right of compe may be waived by D b4 ii. one of debts arises from
or after assignment commodatum – commodatum – a
gratuitous contract where one of
Compe after assignment: (ex. In book) parties delivers to another
i. Assignment w/ consent of D something unconsumable so latter
ii. Assignment w/ knowledge but not can use for certain time and return
consent of D (fiduciary); Lender can assert compe
iii. Assignment w/o knowledge of D iii. one of debt arise from claim of
support due by gratuitous title –
art. 1286 – compensation where debts payable support for sustenance, dwelling,
at different places clothing, etc.
iv. one of debts consist civil liab from
 Expenses of monetary exchange
penal offense – compe improper &
(money debt) and transportation
(things to be delivered)
 Indemnity paid by person who raises art. 1289 – rules of application of payments
defense of compe apply to order of compensation
 Foreign exchange – conversion of an
amount of money/currency of 1 country  D inform C which debt susceptible to
to an equivalent amt of compe
money/currency of another  If fail to do, apply to most onerous
 exchange rate – price of currency art. 1290 – consent of parties not required in
expressed/quoted in another currency legal compensation
Ex. A owes B $1T payable in NY. B owes A P26T i. Compe takes place automatic by
payable in Manila. If A claims compe, A pays operation of law – if all requisites
expenses of exchange. concur
art. 1287-1288 – instances where legal ii. Legal capacity not required
compensation is not allowed by law section 6. – novation
fiduciary – a person/entity (ex. Bank) art. 1291 – meaning of novation; dual function
who has power & obli to act for another of novation; kinds of novation
(beneficiary etc.) under situations that require
total trust, good faith & honesty. novation – total or partial extinction of
obli thru creation of new obli w/c substitute it
 Novation is done by changing art. 1292 – requisites of novation; novation is
object/principal conditions, or subs D, not presumed; test of incompatibility between
or subrogating 3rd person two obligations or contracts
 Not absolute, only relative extinction of
obli (“modified”); new obli base on
former i. Previous valid obli
ii. Capacity & intention of parties to
Dual function novation:
modify/extinguish obli
2 stipulations iii. Modification/extinguishment of obli
iv. Creation of new valid obli
i. Extinguish/modify existing obli
ii. Substi new one in its place Novation not presumed:

kinds of novation:  Must be clearly & unmistakably

established by express agreement &
i. Acc. To origin
incompatibility of the 2 obli in every
a. Legal – takes place by operation
material aspect
of law
b. Conventional – takes place by Test of incompatibility:
agreement of parties
 If both obli can’t stand together
ii. Acc. To how’s it constituted
 Should take place in any of the matters
a. Express – declared
mentioned in art. 1291
b. Implied – when old & new obli art. 1293 – kinds of personal novation; kinds of
incompatible w/ each other substitution; consent of creditor necessary;
iii. Acc. To extent/effect right of new debtor who pays
a. Total/extinctive – old obli
completely extinguished kinds of personal novation:
b. Partial/modificatory – old obli i. Substitution – person of D is subs
merely modified ii. Subrogation – 3rd person
iv. Acc. To subject (ex. In book) subrogated rights of C
a. Real/objective –
object/principal conditions of Kinds of substitution:
obli are changed i. Expromision – 3rd person w/ own
b. Personal/subjective – D is initiative & w/o knowledge or
substituted and/or 3rd person against will of D, assume D’s obli w/
subrogated consent of C; requires consent of 3rd
c. Mixed – object/principal person & C; old D released from obli
conditions & D or C or both for expromision to effect
changed ii. Delegacion – C accepts 3rd person to
take place of D at the instance of D;
C may withhold approval; old D,
new D, C must agree
Consent C necessary: art. 1297 – effect where the new obligation
void; effect where the new obligation voidable
 In 2 modes of substi, C’s consent
indispensable effect new obli void:
 Reason: substi implies waiver of C of his
 Requisite: new obli should be valid
credit and it may be prejudicial for him
 Old obli shall subsist except when
Right of new debtor: parties intend old obli should be
i. In expromision – right to
reimbursement Effect new obli voidable:
ii. In delegacion – reimbursement &
 Novation can still take place, unless new
obli is annulled, then old obli subsist
art. 1294 - effect of debtor’s insolvency or non- unless otherwise extinguish by parties
fulfillment of obligation in expromision
art. 1298 - effect where the old obligation void
effect non-fulfillment/insolvency expromision: or voidable

 Old D not liable for obli incase of new effect old obli void or voidable:
D’s insolvency and non-fulfillment
 If old obli void – nothing to novate
art. 1295 – effect of debtor’s insolvency or  If old obli voidable or valid by
non-fulfillment of obligation in delegacion ratification – novation valid
effect non-fulfillment/insolvency delegacion: art. 1299 – presumption where original
obligation subject to a condition
general rule: old D not liable incase of
insolvency of new D presumption orig obli condition:
exception:  1st obli subject to suspensive/resolutory
condition, 2nd obli subject to same
i. Insolvency already existing and
unless contrary is stipulated
public knowledge (although not
 Reason: efficacy of new obli depend
known to D) at the time of
upon whether condition w/c affects old
obli is complied w/ or not
ii. Insolvency existing and known to D
(even if not public knowledge) at art. 1300 – meaning of subrogation; kinds of
time of delegacion subrogation
art. 1296 – effect of novation in accessory subrogation – substi of 1 person in
obligations place of creditor, w/ reference to credit/claim,
giving person all rights of creditor, includes all
 Accessory follows principal
remedies to enforce payment
 Exception: accessory obli create in favor
of 3rd person, obli remains in force kinds of subrogation:
unless 3rd person gives consent
i. Conventional – takes place by
express agreement of orig parties (D
& C) and 3rd person
ii. Legal – w/o agreement but
operation of law; not presumed
except cases provided by law

art. 1301 – consent of all parties required in

conventional subrogation

consent conventional obli:

i. Debtor – because he’s liable under

new obli to new C
ii. Old creditor – because his right
extinguished against D
iii. New creditor – because he may
dislike/distrust D

art. 1302 – cases of legal subrogation

i. C pays another C who is preferred

ii. 3rd person w/o interest in obli pays
for D w/ approval
iii. 3rd person w/ interest pays w/o
knowledge of D

art. 1303 – effect of legal subrogation

 Transfer of credit & all rights & actions

from old C to new C
 Obli subsist before novation
 Under this article, effect legal
subrogation may not be modified

art. 1204 – effect of partial subrogation

 Old C to whom partial payment is made

by new C, shall remain a creditor to the
extent of the balance
 In case D’s insolvency, old C given
preferential right to recover remainder
ahead of new C

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