12 Astrology Houses & Planets in Houses

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12 Houses In Astrology
Written by: Sanjay Sharma (https://www.astrology-prophets.com/contact.php).
Contact Author: e-mail (mailto:admin@astrology-prophets.com).

A horoscope is just a diagram of the heavens exactly as seen from the Earth at any particular time and at
any given location. Houses in astrology refer to the ARTIFICIAL way of dividing the heavens as seen from
the Earth in 12 parts. Houses are known as the Bhavas in Vedic Astrology. Houses are one of the three
essential tools for casting a horoscope other two being placement of planets and signs in the horoscope.

a) From this diagram and keeping in mind the above

definition, we can have good idea about houses in
astrology. We can only ‘see’ SIX of the TWELVE
houses as other SIX houses are ALWAYS BELOW the

b) Houses 1 to 6 are ALWAYS BELOW the horizon

and houses 7 to 12 are ALWAYS ABOVE the horizon.

c) The point which is exactly ON the horizon on EAST

at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point
of the 1st house and is better known as the
Ascendant or Lagna.

d) The point which is exactly over-head at ANY

location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the
10th house or the Medium Coeli or just MC.

e) The point which is exactly ON the horizon on

WEST at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the
starting point of the 7th house or the Descendant.

f) The point which is exactly OPPOSITE to the over-head point or the 10th house or MC is ALWAYS the
starting point of the 4th house or the Imum Coeli or just IC.

g) We can only ‘SEE’ the planets which are placed in the 7th to 12th houses as these houses are ALWAYS
ABOVE the horizon. We can never ‘SEE’ the planets which are placed in the 1st to 6th houses as these
houses are ALWAYS BELOW the horizon.

h) Due to the ROTATION of the Earth – The planets SEEMS to RISE from the EAST (12th house), reach
OVER-HEAD (10th house) and FALL or SET in the WEST (6th house).

With the help of the diagram below we can get further clear idea about houses and rise and fall of planets
and how to predict time generally or how to predict the house position of Sun

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As Sun ALWAYS rises from the EAST and from the point number (c) of the first diagram we know - “The
point which is exactly ON the horizon on EAST at ANY
location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the
1st house and is better known as the Ascendant or
Lagna.” On this basis we can say at the time of Sun
rise (which is around 5 A.M. to 7 A.M. depending on
the time of the year and location of place) Sun is

As Sun ALWAYS is Over-Head during Noon and from

the point number (d) of the first diagram we know –
“The point which is exactly over-head at ANY location
on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the 10th
house or the Medium Coeli or just MC.” On this basis
we can say at the time of Sun being Over-Head
(which is around 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. depending on the
time of the year and location of place) Sun is

As Sun ALWAYS is in WEST during setting and from

the point number (e) of the first diagram we know – “The point which is exactly ON the horizon on WEST
at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the 7th house or the Descendant.” On this basis
we can say at the time of Sun being setting (which is around 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. depending on the time of the
year and location of place) Sun is MOVING FROM the SEVENTH HOUSE into the SIXTH HOUSE.

As Sun ALWAYS is at bottom most position during Mid Night and from the point number (f) of the first
diagram we know – “The point which is exactly OPPOSITE to the over-head point or the 10th house or MC
is ALWAYS the starting point of the 4th house or the Imum Coeli or just IC.” On this basis we can say at
the time of Sun being at Bottom Most position (which is around 11 P.M. to 1 A.M. depending on the time of
the year and location of place) Sun is MOVING FROM the FOURTH HOUSE into the THIRD HOUSE.
Similarly, other house position of the Sun can also be predicted by knowing the time as mentioned in this

Most of the Astrology House systems used are

Equal House, Whole House, Placidus, Koch, Porphyry, Campanus, Regiomontanus, Solar, Lunar, Morinus,
Radiant, Zariel, Alcabitus, Meridian, Topocentric, Horizontal and Geodetic

Lagna Bhava or the first house commences from the point that just rises in the East and the whole area
that is yet to rise next below horizon and extends up to 2nd house cusp. The point exactly opposite the
East of 1st house cusp is the starting of 7th house. That part of sky which has risen just before birth and
extends upwards in the Eastern horizon is the 12th Bhava or house. The top most point in the sky at any
given location is the starting point of 10th house or the Midheaven and the opposite point below the earth
is called the Nadir or the 4th house.

Thus we can understand from the above statements that the time from approximately two hours before
sunrise till the exact time of sunrise, the Sun will be in the 1st house and the time approximately two
hours before sunset till the exact time of sunset, Sun will be in 7th house. Similarly, from the time the Sun
is exactly overhead at any given location and till approximately two hours after that Sun will be in 10th

The 1st, 10th, 7th and 4th house are main pillars of a horoscope. They are called the Angular or Cardinal
or Kendra (meaning center in Vedic Astrology) Houses. The next houses to the angles or Kendra viz. 2nd,
5th, 8th and 11th are called the Fixed or Succedent or Panapara (meaning material or money related in
Vedic Astrology). The remaining four houses viz. 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th are called the Cadent or Mutable
or Apoklima (meaning to decline, lessen or expense).

The houses can also be divided into four trinities:

Trinity of Dharma or Spiritual Action

Houses 1, 5 and 9
They relate to the Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (1) Body (5) Heart and (9) Higher Mind

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Trinity of Artha or Wealth

Houses 2, 6 and 10
They relate to Earth sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (2) Possessions, (6) Comforts, such as food,
servants and health and (10) Honor, fame and social standing.

Trinity of Kama or Relationships

Houses 3, 7 and 11
They relate to Airy signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (3) Siblings (7) Marriage and Partnerships (11)
Friends and close associates

Trinity of Moksha or Final Liberation of Soul

Houses 4, 8 and 12
They relate to Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (4) Environment at later part of life. (8)
Regeneration and Death (12) Suffering and self-undoing.

The twelve Astrology Houses and their significance

All the matters regarding living and non living things are signified by the 12 houses, taken one or more
than one house for any given matter. The astrologer has to judge a particular house or a few houses for
any particular matter. For example, for marriage, the 7th house is the primary house to be analyzed but
2nd and 11th houses are also taken in consideration. This is because 2nd house denotes family and 11th
house denotes gain, fulfillment of desires and happy social occasions.

Each house signifies certain matters regarding the individual but the same house can be extended to
derive various matters regarding his or her relatives and even friends. This process of extending the affairs
of any given house is known as derivative house. A house may be fortunate to the individual but at the
same time it may be disastrous to a relative or friend. For example, the Lagna or the first house indicates
the advantages gains and profit to younger brother as younger brother or sister is signified by the third
house and first house is the eleventh house counted from the first house. The first house also indicates the
fame and reputation of mother as it is the tenth house counted from the fourth house, higher studies, long
journey, for the person's children especially the first child is judged from the Ascendant. Mundane
Astrology is one of the branches astrology that generally deals with predictions related to countries, house
meaning are more varied and somewhat different than birth or natal horoscope.

First Bhava or the First House

The first house or what is commonly known as the Ascendant or Lagna is the most important of the
houses. In Vedic Astrology it is referred to as "Tanur or Tanu Bhava", which means literally, "the house of
the body". It signifies the birth, beginning of life, personality, personal features, looks, body, character,
temperament, individuality, self consciousness and constitution in general. The Ascendant is always an
important factor in the matter of health as it also indicates the person's vitality and vigor, his natural
disposition and tendencies and struggle for life, his success or failure in attempts, his fortune or
misfortune, etc. It is the main factor in determining our orientation to life as a whole. Hence this is of
supreme importance.

This house refers to the first sign of zodiac, the Aries or the Mesha or Mesh. The natural significator of the
first house is the planet Sun. The parts of the physical body governed by 1st house are the head and the
upper part of the face and all the organs there in. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology,
ascendant or first house signifies the people in the country and general state of the country. The common
people, public health, overall condition and signifies the masses or a country or kingdom. It governs all the
matters signified by the ministry of home affairs.

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First House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

First House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in First House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_first_house.php)

Moon in First House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_first_house.php)

Mercury in First House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_first_house.php)

Venus in First House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_first_house.php)

Mars in First House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_first_house.php)

Jupiter in First House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_first_house.php)

Saturn in First House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_first_house.php)

Uranus in First House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_first_house.php)

Neptune in First House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_first_house.php)

Pluto in First House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_first_house.php)

Rahu in First House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_first_house.php)

Ketu in First House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_first_house.php)

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(For result of planets in First House click the links above)

Second House
The 2nd house rules a person's finances, material resources, attitude towards and ability for earning
money, family, speech and self worth. The second house is the house of money. It denotes the financial
circumstances, fortune, profit or loss and financial prosperity of the person. This house shows what the
person acquires by individual effort and the degree of prosperity which he will enjoy with all the
possessions of extrinsic value bonds, stocks, cash and bank balance etc. It relates to earning capacity,
one's ability to provide for self in life. It does not indicate career but indicate the financial success. In
short, all that is acquired come under the purview of this house. This is not limited to what one own, in
terms of tangible things but also one's feelings and emotions, as well as our inner selves, abilities, needs
and wants in short our self worth. This house also deals with family. It includes all close relatives of the
person without reference to any particular relationship. The immediate family likes grandfather,
grandmother, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, etc. Another important influence of the second
house is the one's ability to express his thoughts, the speech or the voice. It also represents the vision or
the power of observation. It is also one of the maraka or death inflicting houses the other being the 7th

This house refers to the second sign of zodiac, the Taurus or the Vrishaba or Vrish. The natural significator
of the second house is the planet Venus and Jupiter. The parts of the physical body governed by the 2nd
house are the eyes (generally 2nd house rules the right eye and the 12th house rules the left eye),
tongue, nose, teeth, cheeks, chin and all the neck and throat area. As per Mundane or State or Political
Astrology, the second house signifies national wealth, exchequer, revenue, banks, commercial affairs,
trade and activities and matters which concern revenue. It governs all the matters signified by the finance,
food and family welfare ministry.

Second House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Second House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

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Sun in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_second_house.php)

Moon in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_second_house.php)

Mercury in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_second_house.php)

Venus in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_second_house.php)

Mars in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_second_house.php)

Jupiter in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_second_house.php)

Saturn in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_second_house.php)

Uranus in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_second_house.php)

Neptune in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_second_house.php)

Pluto in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_second_house.php)

Rahu in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_second_house.php)

Ketu in Second House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_second_house.php)

(For result of planets in Second House click the links above)

Third House
The 3rd house rules a person's communication and correspondence, short journeys, younger brother or
sister, cousins, and neighbors, courage, heroism valor, thoughts, mental strength, inclination and ability,
memory and the inherent propensities of the mind and intellect. The third house is the house of all types
of communication, correspondence and information exchange that a person is engaged in by talking,
letters, fax, email, television, radio, news, media, phone etc. It also governs short travel, inland journeys
such as travel by cycle, bus, boat, rail and short air travel. It governs younger siblings, all cousins and
even neighbors. It indicates the property of mind, its strength and weakness, thought power, mental
interest and inclination, courage and valor. The third house also governs change of residence.

This house refers to the third sign of zodiac, the Gemini or the Mithuna or Mithun. The natural significator
of the third house is the planet Mercury. The parts of the body ruled by the third house are ears (generally
3rd house rules the right ear and the 11th house rules the left ear), hands, arms and fingers, shoulder
blade, collar bone, respiratory and the nervous system. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the
third house signifies neighboring countries and treaties with them. It rules over transportation and all the
means of transit whether it is by land air or water, and the communication system like postal, telegraph,
radio, telephone, television and all the media. It also represents libraries and public education generally. It
governs all the matters signified by communications, information technology, broadcasting, transport,
highways, railways and tourism ministry.

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Third House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Third House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_third_house.php)

Moon in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_third_house.php)

Mercury in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_third_house.php)

Venus in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_third_house.php)

Mars in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_third_house.php)

Jupiter in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_third_house.php)

Saturn in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_third_house.php)

Uranus in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_third_house.php)

Neptune in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_third_house.php)

Pluto in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_third_house.php)

Rahu in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_third_house.php)

Ketu in Third House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_third_house.php)

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(For result of planets in Third House click the links above)

Fourth House
The 4th house rules a person's house and home, mother, one's roots, domestic affairs, acquiring of
tangible assets and property like land, building, mines, farms and vehicles, happiness, learning, conditions
at the end of life and the final resting place or the grave. The fourth house relates to one's home,
residence, domestic environments and general condition of a person in the later part of his life. This house
is also called the grave or womb thereby relating it to mother and all that it is concerned with hidden
things such as private affairs and secrets. The fourth also shows one's landed or immovable property
including those which one takes on lease or rent as well as those rented of leased out to other people. The
fourth denotes whether one will have vehicles of one's own or enjoy others vehicles. All permanent
possessions such as fields, farms, mines, real estate, gardens, buildings, dwellings, antiquities are
influenced by this house. This house has a bearing on education and qualifications of a person. In this
respect the fourth house may be taken to indicate school and college education.

This house refers to the fourth sign of zodiac, the Cancer or the Kark, or Karkat. The natural significator of
the fourth house is the planet Moon. The parts of the body ruled by the fourth house are chest, breasts
and lungs. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the fourth house signifies the weather,
agriculture, mines, public buildings and the opposition party to the government. It governs all the matters
signified by the natural resources, agriculture, petroleum, gas, mining, and housing ministry.

Fourth House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Fourth House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_fourth_house.php)

Moon in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_fourth_house.php)

Mercury in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_fourth_house.php)

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Venus in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_fourth_house.php)

Mars in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_fourth_house.php)

Jupiter in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_fourth_house.php)

Saturn in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_fourth_house.php)

Uranus in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_fourth_house.php)

Neptune in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_fourth_house.php)

Pluto in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_fourth_house.php)

Rahu in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_fourth_house.php)

Ketu in Fourth House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_fourth_house.php)

(For result of planets in Fourth House click the links above)

Fifth House
The 5th house rules a person's creativity and self creation, self-expression, children, poorva punya or
virtuous act done in past lives, romance, love affairs, speculation, hobbies, favorite activities, games and
sports. The fifth house is the house of creativity and includes everything one creates including progeny. It
denotes whether one will have children or not. The fifth house signifies the conception of pregnancy. The
fifth house presides over pleasure and social inclinations. It deals with tastes and fancies artistic talents.
The type of recreation, entertainment, amusements, sports, romance and similar interest that appeal to a
person is denoted by this house. It is connected with all material and physical pleasures like games,
sports, cinema, opera, drama, music, dance and amusements of all sorts. The fifth house being a trine
house, indicating poorva punya shows what meritorious deeds one could have done in the previous birth.
It is also concerned with speculative affairs and all matters of enterprise prompted by the desire nature.
All games of chance like cards, crossword puzzles, dice, horse, shares, lottery, gambling or betting come
under the domain of the fifth house. The native's love affairs, the degree of success or failure achieved in
love affairs, courtship and licentiousness, the legitimate and illegitimate attraction prior to wedlock or after
marriage come under this house. It may be said to represent the seat of the physical and magnetic
attractions between the opposite sexes.

This house refers to the fifth sign of zodiac, the Leo or the Simha. The natural significator of the fifth
house is the planet Jupiter. The part of the body ruled by the fifth house is the heart and upper and middle
part of back or spine. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the fifth house signifies matters
relating to national affairs, envoys and ambassadors. All places of entertainment and speculation like
theaters, music halls and places of amusement, education, stock exchange and race course. The child
population and birth rate of the country is also denoted by this house. It governs all the matters signified
by the youth affairs, entertainment, sports and education ministry.

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Fifth House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Fifth House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_fifth_house.php)

Moon in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_fifth_house.php)

Mercury in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_fifth_house.php)

Venus in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_fifth_house.php)

Mars in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_fifth_house.php)

Jupiter in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_fifth_house.php)

Saturn in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_fifth_house.php)

Uranus in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_fifth_house.php)

Neptune in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_fifth_house.php)

Pluto in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_fifth_house.php)

Rahu in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_fifth_house.php)

Ketu in Fifth House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_fifth_house.php)

(For result of planets in Fifth House click the links above)

Sixth House
The 6th house rules a person's health and sickness, diet, debt, labor, service, work, daily routine, co-
workers, maternal uncles and aunts, sin, wicked act and fear. The sixth house indicates disease and
sickness, the real state of the disease, recovery from it and whether it is of a long or short duration. This is
also related to food, dietary habits and daily routine as most of ill-health is often due to improper
management of these. The sixth house is also connected with work and the service rendered by the
individual. It also denotes his employees, subordinates or servants —whether he is in the service of others
or he has others as his employees. The condition and faithfulness of his inferiors is to be ascertained from
this house. The sixth house is the house of debt or borrowing. This house also governs pet animals and
small cattle, domestic creatures, tenants, dress and hygiene, sanitation, dietetics, food and clothing.

This house refers to the sixth sign of zodiac, the Virgo or the Kanya. The natural significator of the sixth
house is the planet Mercury. The parts of the body ruled by the sixth house are the pancreas, stomach,

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intestinal tract, duodenum and the digestion process. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the
sixth house rules the working class, sanitation and public health. It signifies the army, navy and air forces,
which are the main line of defense of a country. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of
health, defense, labor, employment and human resource development.

Sixth House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Sixth House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_sixth_house.php)

Moon in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_sixth_house.php)

Mercury in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_sixth_house.php)

Venus in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_sixth_house.php)

Mars in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_sixth_house.php)

Jupiter in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_sixth_house.php)

Saturn in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_sixth_house.php)

Uranus in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_sixth_house.php)

Neptune in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_sixth_house.php)

Pluto in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_sixth_house.php)

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Rahu in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_sixth_house.php)

Ketu in Sixth House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_sixth_house.php)

(For result of planets in Sixth House click the links above)

Seventh House
The 7th house rules a person's relationships and partnerships, marriage, wife or husband, legal bondage,
lawsuits, quarrels, divorce, open enemies. The 7th house rules any person with whom the one interacts
that is 'the other' it can be colleague, client, layer, doctor or any one, the opponent. It also governs the
niece and nephew. The seventh house is the "house of union or earthy ties", it mostly means the
marriage. Besides the life partner, the partner in business and the degree of success achieved through
such partnership is also shown by this house. The seventh house also refers to all those with whom the
native enters into any contract or agreement, those with whom the native is engaged in quarrels and
comes into conflict, the native's competitor in any undertaking, his rival in any contest. In a nut shell, the
seventh house is said to indicate all those with whom the native transacts or deals in any manner. Fines,
divorces, legal bondage, agreements, contracts etc. are other matters which are ruled by the seventh
house. The 7th house shows break of journey. It is also one of the maraka or death inflicting houses the
other being the 2nd house. For common signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, the 7th house is also
the bhadhak or life obstructing house.

This house refers to the seventh sign of zodiac, the Libra or the Tula. The natural significator of the
seventh house is the planet Venus. The parts of the body ruled by the seventh house are kidneys, middle
and lower back and vertebras. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the seventh house is
considered in matters pertaining to foreign affairs, relations with other countries, wars and international
disputes, foreign and international trade, enmity as well as treaties and alliances, public reaction, the laws
relating to partnerships, marriage and divorce. It governs all the matters signified by the external and
overseas affairs ministry.

Seventh House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

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Seventh House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_seventh_house.php)

Moon in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_seventh_house.php)

Mercury in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_seventh_house.php)

Venus in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_seventh_house.php)

Mars in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_seventh_house.php)

Jupiter in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_seventh_house.php)

Saturn in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_seventh_house.php)

Uranus in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_seventh_house.php)

Neptune in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_seventh_house.php)

Pluto in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_seventh_house.php)

Rahu in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_seventh_house.php)

Ketu in Seventh House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_seventh_house.php)

(For result of planets in Seventh House click the links above)

Eighth House
The 8th house rules a person's longevity, defeat, insult, sorrow, scandal, obstacles, impediment,
transformation, regeneration, sexuality, unearned money, occult matters and death. The eighth house is
considered to have a direct bearing upon one's longevity or span of life as this house conveys the type of
death, whether a natural death or an unnatural one such as by drowning, fire, accident or suicide or to
chronic diseases and whether it is a slow or sudden and violent death. All that is related to inheritance,
legacies, taxes, wills, insurance etc. The eighth house is related to his unearned wealth or share of profit
or money that comes through inheritance. The eighth house is also know as the house of mystery and
misery, it has to do with misfortune and mental anxiety, sorrow and strife, worries, delay, dejection,
disappointment, defeat, loss, obstruction, blame and ill-repute etc.

This house refers to the eighth sign of zodiac, the Scorpio or the Vrischik or Vrischika Rasi. The natural
significator of the eighth house is the planet Mars. The parts of the body ruled by the eighth house are the
prostate gland, reproductive system and the colon. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, signifies
matters relating to public mortality, the death rate, major accidents and calamities like flood, fire, famine,
disease, earthquake, the nation's exports and imports, tax department, debts due from foreign countries,

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surrender or loss of territory to another country, public loans, debts and interest rates, deficit budget,
surgeons, medical officers, health inspectors, slaughter houses and butchers. It governs all the matters
signified by the ministry of pensions and atomic energy.

Eighth House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Eighth House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_eighth_house.php)

Moon in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_eighth_house.php)

Mercury in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_eighth_house.php)

Venus in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_eighth_house.php)

Mars in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_eighth_house.php)

Jupiter in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_eighth_house.php)

Saturn in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_eighth_house.php)

Uranus in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_eighth_house.php)

Neptune in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_eighth_house.php)

Pluto in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_eighth_house.php)

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Rahu in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_eighth_house.php)

Ketu in Eighth House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_eighth_house.php)

(For result of planets in Eighth House click the links above)

Ninth House
The 9th house rules one's teacher or preceptor, higher education and higher knowledge, long journeys,
luck, fortune, publicity, grand children, worship, penance, dharma, prayer, spiritual initiation and
inclination. This is the house of faith, wisdom and worship. The 9th house rules religious and philosophical
beliefs, weather a parson is religious, devoted, charitable, orthodox or meditative all is to be ascertained
from this house. It is considered to be an auspicious house as it shows one's fortune in the present life as
a result of past actions. The ninth is the house of intuition and pure reason it rules the higher education,
higher knowledge and higher thought. The degree of knowledge one may develop whether collegiate,
academic, philosophical, religious, literary, artistic or scientific - is to be deduced from this house. The
ninth house presides over research, invention, discovery and exploration. The ninth house governs
publishing and all forms of advertising, long journey, sea voyage, air travel, etc. It determines the amount
of travel in far-off places or countries and the success achieved there. We can say this is the house related
to broadening one's horizons.

This house refers to the ninth sign of zodiac, the Sagittarius or the Dhanu or Dhanush. The natural
significator of the ninth house is the planet Jupiter. The parts of the body ruled by the ninth house are the
thighs, hip and the buttocks. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the ninth house signifies law
courts, judges, clergy, religious majority, legal departments, matters relating to religion, temples,
churches, publishing, universities and those connected with them, emigration and immigration, import and
export of the nation. It governs all the matters signified by law and justice ministry.

Ninth House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

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Ninth House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_ninth_house.php)

Moon in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_ninth_house.php)

Mercury in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_ninth_house.php)

Venus in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_ninth_house.php)

Mars in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_ninth_house.php)

Jupiter in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_ninth_house.php)

Saturn in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_ninth_house.php)

Uranus in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_ninth_house.php)

Neptune in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_ninth_house.php)

Pluto in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_ninth_house.php)

Rahu in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_ninth_house.php)

Ketu in Ninth House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_ninth_house.php)

(For result of planets in Ninth House click the links above)

Tenth House
The 10th house rules a person's work, commerce, trade, business, success, fame, rank or position in outer
world. The 10th house is related to all matters affecting one's name, fame, honor and recognition; it is
described as the house of honor, dignity and public esteem. The chief influence of the 10th house is on
one's profession, occupation or business. It is rightfully called the apex of the horoscope, since it denotes a
person's worldly attainments achieved through name and fame, power and prestige, credit and conduct,
success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, and ambition and authority. One's public life
and popularity, his worldly standing in terms of material success and his connection with people in high
position should be judged from an examination of the strength of the 10th house.

This house refers to the tenth sign of zodiac, the Capricorn or the Makar or Makara. The natural
significator of the tenth house is the planet Saturn and Mars. The parts of the body ruled by the tenth
house are the gallbladder and the knees. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the tenth house
deals with government and its affairs and its chief executive. It signifies the head of the State, whether
monarch or president or prime minister, also royalty, nobility, the party in office, the national leaders, the
upper level of society and those in authority, eminent and distinguished persons and the aristocracy. It
governs the nation's honor, integrity, credit, power and status among the community of nations. This
house provides the clue to the political situation prevailing in a country. It governs all the matters signified
by the industries, public enterprises and commerce ministry.

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Tenth House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Tenth House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_tenth_house.php)

Moon in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_tenth_house.php)

Mercury in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_tenth_house.php)

Venus in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_tenth_house.php)

Mars in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_tenth_house.php)

Jupiter in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_tenth_house.php)

Saturn in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_tenth_house.php)

Uranus in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_tenth_house.php)

Neptune in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_tenth_house.php)

Pluto in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_tenth_house.php)

Rahu in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_tenth_house.php)

Ketu in Tenth House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_tenth_house.php)

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(For result of planets in Tenth House click the links above)

Eleventh House
The 11th house rules a person's friends, social circle, profit, gain, income of all kinds, acquisition, desire
and wish fulfillment. The 11th house is related to friends. It stands for all those who are allied to the
native by likeness or sympathy of interest in society, community, clubs etc. It includes well-wishers and
close acquaintances. It also includes one's hopes, wishes and aspirations and their realization. The 11th
house governs success in any undertakings, whether it is in profession or business, higher studies or
election, litigation, speculation, health, etc. It indicates varieties of income; the 11th house is commonly
referred to as 'Labha-sthana' denoting profit or gain. It is through this house that incoming wealth is to be
expected. One has to investigate the 11th house to ascertain how far one will succeed in social and
financial matters and whether at all he will succeed. This house reflects the native's attitude towards
society and his interest for social activities as distinct from personal aims and ambitions. It also relates to
reformative and unconventional activities. It governs elder brother or sister, paternal uncle. The 11th
house is the bhadhak sthana or the house determent to longevity for persons born in movable signs or
chara rasis viz. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

This house refers to the eleventh sign of zodiac, the Aquarius or the Kumbh or Kumbha. The natural
significator of the eleventh house is the planet Sun. The parts of the body ruled by the eleventh house are
calves and ankles. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the eleventh house signifies the
parliament, House of Commons, legislation, associates or allies of the nation.

Eleventh House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

Eleventh House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_eleventh_house.php)

Moon in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_eleventh_house.php)

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Mercury in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_eleventh_house.php)

Venus in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_eleventh_house.php)

Mars in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_eleventh_house.php)

Jupiter in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_eleventh_house.php)

Saturn in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_eleventh_house.php)

Uranus in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_eleventh_house.php)

Neptune in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_eleventh_house.php)

Pluto in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_eleventh_house.php)

Rahu in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_eleventh_house.php)

Ketu in Eleventh House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_eleventh_house.php)

(For result of planets in Eleventh House click the links above)

Twelfth House
The 12th house rules a person's bondage, confinement, imprisonment, expenses, loss, poverty, misery,
phobia, staying abroad, final emancipation, left eye and let leg. The 12th house shows final emancipation
from the chain of births and deaths and his merger with the divine and the future state of his existence.
The 12th house deals with loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance,
expenses and loss. Whether such expenses will be pleasant and expected or unpleasant and unexpected
will depend upon this twelfth house and transits and planetary periods in operation. It governs all types of
purchases, investments, donations, charity and association with philanthropic institutions. Sorrow, sins,
obstacles and impediments in one's way, misery and misfortune, poverty and persecution, intrigue and
imprisonment, phobia, secret toil of mind, inferiority complex, anxiety, suspicion, silent suffering, self-
undoing, secret working of the mind, secret enemies, plots and schemes, conspiracy, cunningness, envy,
malice, fraud, treachery, and deception all come under the influence of the 12th house. This is also the
house of the self-sacrifice and shows unselfish deeds.

This house refers to the twelfth sign of zodiac, the Pisces or the Meen or Meena. The natural significator of
the twelfth house is the planet. The parts of the body ruled by the twelfth house are the feet. As per
Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the twelfth house signifies prisons, hospitals, asylums,
reformatories, charitable institutions, criminals, spies, secret forces and secret enemies. It governs all the
matters signified by the ministry of planning.

Twelfth House as per Western Astrology Horoscope

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Twelfth House as per Vedic Astrology Horoscope

Sun in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/sun_in_twelfth_house.php)

Moon in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/moon_in_twelfth_house.php)

Mercury in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/mercury_in_twelfth_house.php)

Venus in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/venus_in_twelfth_house.php)

Mars in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/mars_in_twelfth_house.php)

Jupiter in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/jupiter_in_twelfth_house.php)

Saturn in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/saturn_in_twelfth_house.php)

Uranus in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/uranus_in_twelfth_house.php)

Neptune in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/neptune_in_twelfth_house.php)

Pluto in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/pluto_in_twelfth_house.php)

Rahu in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/rahu_in_twelfth_house.php)

Ketu in Twelfth House (Planets_in_Houses/ketu_in_twelfth_house.php)

(For result of planets in Twelfth House click the links above)

Written by Sanjay Sharma, © 2011-2025.

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S C Sawhney • a month ago • edited

As we see from the earth the sun moves clockwise in the sky and the east is on the right
hand side but I don't know why the astrologers show the east on the left side of the wheel.
Just see, if the houses are shown with the 1st house on the left side, sun is moving
anticlockwise in the sky. I request you to tell me why the wheel shows the 1st house on the
left side. It is so confusing.
△ ▽ • Reply • Share ›


Gemini Horoscope Mithun Rashi - All Sun in Vedic Astrology, Horoscope,

About Gemini Mythology, Mantras & Remedies
1 comment • 6 years ago 5 comments • 6 years ago
CJM — Good Sanjay Sharma — Thank you for encouraging
words! I will try my best.

Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology Leo Horoscope Simha Rashi - All About

22 comments • 6 years ago Leo Astrology
amar — in which nakshatra blue suphire 1 comment • 6 years ago
should be worn? please suggest. thank you... ThePaganSun — Leo is the mighty lion of the
Zodiac and its keywords should be: powerful,
forceful, magnetic, strong, courageous,

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