Gospel Reflections

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March 22, 2020

John 9:1-41

A wonderful and inspirational statement from Jesus that caught my attention in the gospel is “I came
into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might
become blind.”. This means that those who people who have strong faith and commitment to God even
though they do not see Him personally or born with eyesight disability might be able to experience
miracle and receive gracefulness from God while those people who can see and visualize their
surroundings do not have the chance to feel the divine blessings from God. In the gospel, when Jesus
healed the blind individuals, some Pharisees did not believe on the miraculous happenings because they
only believe on what they actually see and perceive through their observations. But Jesus gives them an
explanation on it that those blind people have no sins committed since they aren’t able to see and full of
faithfulness that’s why the divine grace and miracles from God are showered upon them.

March 29, 2020

John 11:1-45

In the gospel, I still got caught with the statement from Jesus saying that “I am the resurrection and the
life whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will
never die.”. This only portrays on our commitment and faithfulness to Almighty God that when we truly
and wholeheartedly believe in Him without self-doubting, we can live life to the fullest and receive
divine grace and blessings from Him. Besides, we can also live in this world eternally. In normal terms, it
is impossible to live eternally since we are only humans who have limited time to exist in this world but
spiritually, believing and living with the wisdom from God will grant us endless life.

April 05, 2020

Matthew 26:14-75, 27:1-66

The gospel is focused on betrayal and forgiveness. Jesus got arrested by the soldiers since he was
accused of being fake messiah from God by the Jews. According to the Jews people, his teachings
believe to be different from what Jews believe and learn. They concluded that Jesus is something that
give them a disaster and want a change in the status quo. Worst scenario happened when one of his
disciples, Judas, betrayed Jesus and sold him to get prisoned and punished. Besides, another disciple of
him, Pedro, denied for knowing the true identity of Jesus. But the very best and heart-moving event
happened while Jesus getting punishments is that he still forgave them for what they did wrong to him.
The realization I get to this gospel is that anyone could be harsh or bad to you because of their personal
satisfaction but the important thing is everyone deserves to be forgiven since we are only done immoral
actions just for our self without knowing and realizing who get hurt. Anyone has the chance and time to
get change and make some realizations on their actions.
April 12, 2020

John 20:1-9

In the gospel, it talks about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The disciples of Jesus did not believe to
Mary that Jesus was gone in his tomb at the time she visited it. For verification, they went to the tomb
of Jesus and saw nothing but linen cloths lying on the ground. They were in doubt at first but when they
realized that was the work of Jesus. Eventually, they saw Jesus rising from the dead. When we reflect it
in our lives, everything we work up to is not sure whether it would be successful or not but when we
believe to God and do some determination, every impossible thing turns into possible one.

April 19, 2020

John 20:19-31

The gospel focuses on commitment and faithfulness to the Lord and to God. As Thomas, one of the
disciples of Jesus, saw Jesus personally, he was shocked and answered “My Lord and My God”. Thomas
was not really expecting about the appearance of Jesus. Jesus replied to Thomas “Have you come to
believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” Thomas
realized about the reply of Jesus unto him since he only believed to Jesus because he personally
perceived him in his two eyes. But what really Jesus portrays about what he replied to Thomas is
although you didn’t see the presence of our Almighty God but only feel the grace and divine providence
from God, that only matters because that’s how the love of God works and how you become committed
to him.

April 26, 2020

Luke 24:13-35

The only even that caught my attention in the gospel is the bread that they ate. It represents the
blessings from the Lord Jesus Christ that whenever you accept it you will receive such divine blessings
from Jesus and God. These divine blessings are the faithfulness and wisdom to continue living in this
world peacefully. Once you take it, everything in your life will become gracefully easy and happy

May 03, 2020

John 10:1-10

Part of the gospel that captured my attention is “whoever enters through me will be saved, and will
come in and go out.” This statement only implies that believing to God without doubt and being
committed to what the words of wisdom God gave from us will be saved and continue to live in this
world eternally. Happiness and everything that is good at our lives are you only feel and experience once
you get the blessings from our Almighty God.
May 10, 2020

John 14: 1-12

The only statement that caught my attention in the gospel is “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You
have faith in God; have faith also in me.” This statement is from Jesus telling to his disciple that
whenever you have doubt in yourself and to others, submit it to the Lord and to God because once you
make submission to your doubts about your surroundings, He will create peacefulness in your heart and
mind. Besides, faithfulness will prevail unto you.

May 17, 2020

John 14: 15-21

In the gospel, Jesus said to his disciples that “If you love, you will keep my commandments”. His
statement struck me the most because Jesus makes a condition to his disciples that loving Him equates
keeping his commandments done to others. Nothing in the conditions put them into disadvantage since
the commandments from God are very helpful and essential in us. In reality, by loving Him, we should
do things right for the greater good. Besides, it also strengthens your faithfulness unto Him.

May 24, 2020

John 17: 1-11

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