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volume 17 - issue 3  tuesday, february 17, 2015 l uvm, burlington, vt l@thewatertower l thewatertower.tumblr.


It’s more avant-garde than Milan Fashion Week. However, the Prudent Student’s swelling success soon clothed all winter, decided to take up the Prudent Stu-
More shocking than the union of a power line with a pair deflated as, like a vicious draft of cold wind, financial prob- dent’s burden.
of children’s safety scissors. More sensual than that episode lems caused it to shrivel. The calendar’s key feature was that So what did we do? We asked around, and it became
of True Blood that you watched last weekend while stoned. clubs would buy in with an upfront fee and then receive pretty clear that there were ample UVM clubs and teams
UVM’s Naked Calendar has been a legendary fixture around 100 to 150 calendars to sell, ideally making double with luscious members willing to bare it all. We round-
on campus since its inception in 2009. In the inspired tra- to triple on their investment. ed up some club-appropriate props, enlisted one of our
dition of the classic film Calendar Girls, UVM club very own contributors as photographer, and, follow-
sports teams joined ranks with fellow college clubs to ing the mandate of Britney Spears, we got to work,
bare all in order to raise some funds. bitch.
The calendar was founded and developed by an It wasn’t easy. There were hours of planning,
enterprising trio of alumni: Jamie Seiffer, Evan Walden photography, strenuous and cartilage-defying poses
and photographer Bobby Bruderle. Members of the (gymnastics club, we’re looking at you!), and the ardu-
enigmatic Boulder Society, Seiffer and company origi- ous “scroto-shopping” necessary for getting past the
nally proposing their project as a Boulder initiative thought-police we all so abhor.
but pushed forward when the club lost interest. They en- But as the years went on, many of the clubs were un- Though we must concede that the nipple has not quite
visioned a venture that would give student clubs a way to able to sell enough copies to make up for the participation been liberated, we are nevertheless proud to present to you
raise money and provide greater community awareness at cost. By 2012, a puppy and kitten were featured for one of the first ever water tower Naked Issue! We hope it gives
UVM, exposing “all sections of the student body.” the months—not enough clubs had signed on. Eventually, you a brighter image of the vibrant and passionate student
The first issue made big waves, and just like that, the what had become an annual vitalizing force of UVM-club- clubs we’re so fortunate to have here at UVM. We also hope
aptly named “Prudent Student” Calendar became a ma- centric erotic(ish) artistic expression was now barren—no that, like many of your Catamount peers, you are desensi-
jor club fundraiser (one that thankfully excluded baked one printed a naked calendar at all. tized enough to nudity by this point: otherwise, we can’t
goods). By the second year, the photo shoots had moved to Enter a bold team of writers and artists, unafraid to promise that a close reading will not make you take a cold
North End Studios, and despite expanding to a 15-month indulge in occasional blatant bias and/or impropriety. the shower, or at least a thorough roll in the snow. g
format, spots in the calendar were highly competitive, with water tower (aka The Best News Team in the Universe),
over 40 clubs applying. unable to stand idly by and allow our peers to remain fully
Outing Club, the largest club on campus, sends out and overnight trips. Weekly signups are all day Tues-
50 trips and 1,500 UVM students every semester. The day in the DC, and Monday-Friday at the Outing
club is entirely student-led, and offers technical trips Club House. Drop your drawers for the outdoors.
in climbing, skiing, and paddling, as well as day hikes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Pancake Quidditch: Weekly
Practices 7:00-9:30pm Meeting, DC Williams Wednesday Practice,Turf Fields in
Room, 7:30pm Gym, 1pm
FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-
Meeting, Chittenden ing, Mansfield Room,
Bank Room, 7pm 8pm
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Pancake Top Cats: Valentine’s Quiddich: Weekly
Practices Meeting Wednesday Show, Billings Lecture Practice
Hall, 8pm
FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-
Meeting ing Quidditch: Yule Ball,
Billings Library, 7pm

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Pancake Cycling: 24-Hour Fun- Cycling: 24-Hour
Meeting Wednesday draiser, Church Street, Fundraiser
President’s Day 12pm (through 12pm
Cycling: Weekly Meet- 2/21) Quiddich: Weekly
ing Practice

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Pancake
Practices Meeting Wednesday

FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-

Meeting ing
The UVM Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Team, naments this spring, and routinely represent UVM
better known as Ruckus, is a large club of almost at the D1 New England Region, where they also
70 ladies spanning their A and B teams. They will repeatedly spank their rival team, Dartmouth.
be playing in Chicago and Myrtle Beach for tour-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cycling: Garden State
Collegiate Weekend
Spring Break (through 3/8)

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Cycling: Garden State Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Pancake Outing Club: Back-
Collegiate Weekend Practices 7:00-9:30pm Meeting, DC Williams Wednesday pack in the ‘Dacks
Room, 7:30pm (through 3/15)
FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-
Meeting, DC Chitten- Quidditch: Weekly
ing, Mansfield Room, Practice,Turf Fields in
den Bank Room, 7pm 8pm Gym, 1pm
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Outing Club: Back- Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Pancake Outing Club: Back
pack in the ‘Dacks Practices Meeting Wednesday Country Cooking
FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-
Meeting ing

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Outing Club: Back Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Pancake Ballet Viridis: Show- Outing Club: Free
Country Cooking Practices Meeting Wednesday case, Ira Allen, 7pm Day Hike; Cabin Work
Weekend Weekend (through
FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet- 3/29)
Meeting ing Cycling: Boston Bean-

29 30 31
Outing Club: Cabin Gymnastics: M-Th
Work Weekend Practices

Cycling: Boston Bean- FeelGood: Weekly

pot Meeting
Ballet Viridis is UVM’s first student-run ballet company all directed and choreographed by students. Come support
in their first year on campus. With style and grace, they them at their annual showcase in Ira Allen!
perform classical and contemporary ballet pieces,

1 2 3 4
Top Cats: Med Vida Outing Club: Ski @ Tucker-
Benefit Show, DC Livak man Ravine (through 4/5);
Ballroom, 7pm Full Moon Hike
Women’s Rugby: Prom Dress

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Outing Club: Ski @ Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Mountain
Tuckerman Ravine Practices 7:00-9:30pm Meeting, DC Williams Biking 101
Room, 7:30pm Cycling: Road Race @ Char-
Cycling: Army Cycling FeelGood: General lotte & UVM (through 4/12)
Weekend: Stony Point/ Cycling: Weekly Meeting, Women’s Rugby: Scrimmage
West Point, NY (4th & Meetings, Chittenden Mansfield Room, 8pm @ St. Mike’s; Alumni Game
5th) Bank Room, 7pm

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Cycling Club: Road Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Outing Club: Hiking Outing Club: Free Day Women’s Rugby:
Race @ Charlotte & Practices Meeting & Yoga Hike Ruggers Against Rape
UVM Tournament
FeelGood: General Cycling: Weekly
Meetings Meeting Quiddich: Weekly
Practice, 1pm

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Cycling: L’Enfer du Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Top Cats: Senior Show,
Nord and UNH Live Practices Meeting Ira Allen Chapel, 8pm
Free and Ride: Ha-
nover/Strafford, NH FeelGood: General Cycling: Weekly Quiddich: Weekly
(18th & 19th) Meetings Meeting Practice

26 27 28 29 30
Outing Club: Rock Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Last Day of Classes
Climbing @ Smugg’s Practices Meeting

FeelGood: General Cycling: Weekly

Meetings Meeting
This season, UVM’s Women’s Rugby Team finished 16th in the enthusiasm and a roaring bunch to be around. The rugby family
nation for Division 2 and finished with an undeafeated league is the best family!
season. To match this amazing run, these ladies are full of

1 2

Exam Week

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cycling: USA Cycling
Collegiate Road Bike
Nationals, Ashville, NC
Exam Week (8th-10th)

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Undergraduate &
Medical Commence-

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Memorial Day

The Top Cats are UVM’s finest, most intelligent, best looking, high- shows on campus. Make sure to audition at the beginning of The UVM Cycling Team is a large competitive cycling team of 75 to 100
est grossing, most modest, and only all-male a cappella group. Since year to join this strapping yet sensitive group of singing studs. They compete across three-season with mountain biking in the fall,
members. They race all across New England, as well as Philadelphia, cyclocross in the winter, and road racing in the spring in varied
1981, they’ve delighted audiences from Montreal to Puerto Rico! Pennsylvania and compete against rivals UNH and Northeastern in the
Sway to their harmonies yourself at any one of their monthly events such as dual slalom, gravity, cross-country, and crit.
Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference (ECCC).

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31
From the page to the field, take to the skies in Quidditch. UVM Quidditch accepts Muggles, wizards, Squibs, and
UVM Quidditch is a full-contact, co-ed sport of friend- creatures of all kinds. Brooms, balls, Beaters, BAM.
ship athletes. At UVM, they have been intercollegiate for
six years and made it to the World Cup three times.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Outing Club: Wilder-
ness TREK (through

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Outing Club: Outing Club: Outing Club: Wilder- Outing Club: Wilder- Outing Club: Wilder-
Wilderness Wilderness ness TREK ness TREK ness TREK
First Day
of Classes
Feel Good is a group of students dedicated to Feel Good has raised over $250,000 in sandwiches
ending world hunger by selling delicious, ooey- toasted with love in the past ten years. Come stop
gooey grilled cheese in the Davis Center, using au by and support us in the Davis Center tunnel!
naturale, local ingredients in every sandwich.

1 2 3 4 5
Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Meeting TBD, 7:30pm Practice,Turf Fields in
Gym, 1pm
Cycling: Weekly Meet-
ing, Mansfield Room,

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Labor Day Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Meeting Practice

Cycling: Weekly Meet-


13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Meeting Practice

Cycling: Weekly Meet-


20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Meeting Practice

Cycling: Weekly Meet-


27 28 29 30
Water Tower: Weekly

Cycling: Weekly Meet-

UVM Gymnastics Club is all about the love of the With practices five days of the week, this club is on
sport. This club epitomizes flexible in all definitions of their game and competes on the national level. They
the word; from hand stands to flips to splits, they also compete on the national level. Their main focus is to
accept participants of all skill sets. master gymnastics while having a good time.

Top Cats: Halloween 1 2 3

Show, TBD Quidditch: Weekly
Practice,Turf Fields in
Gym, 1pm

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Weekly Practice Meeting TBD, 7:30pm Practice
Cycling: Weekly Meet-
FeelGood: Weekly ing, Mansfield Room,
Meeting, 7pm 8pm

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Weekly Practice Meeting Practice

FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-

Meeting ing

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Weekly Practice Meeting Practice

FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-

Meeting ing

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Top Cats: Homecom- Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
ing A Capella Show, Ira Weekly Practice Meeting Practice
Allen Chapel, 8pm
FeelGood: Weekly Cycling: Weekly Meet-
Meeting ing
Why split hairs when you could split wood? Forestry forests around them are welcome and encouraged to
Club seeks to include those who are interested in man- join, particularly those interested in property ownership
agement and care of current/future woodlands. Anyone and how it interacts with land management.
looking to gain knowledge of the wilderness and the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Weekly Practice Meeting TBD, 7:30pm Practice,Turf Fields in
7-9:30pm Gym, 1pm
Cycling: Weekly Meet-
ing, Mansfield Room,

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Weekly Practice Meeting Practice

Cycling: Weekly Meet-


15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Gymnastics: M-Th Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
Weekly Practice Meeting Practice

Cycling: Weekly Meet-


22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Thanksgiving Break

29 30
Gymnastics: M-Th
Weekly Practice
Thanks again to everyone, we have a great year ahead! Much love,
Lastly, from the unruliest news team in the UVM-verse, the water tower

Top Cats: Winter Show 1 2 3 4 5

with UVM Cat’s Meow Water Tower: Weekly Quidditch: Weekly
TBD Meeting TBD, 7:30pm Practice,Turf Fields in
Gym, 1pm
Cycling: Weekly Meet-
ing, Mansfield Room,

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gymnastics: M-Th Exam Week (through Quidditch: Weekly
Weekly Practice Practice
7-9:30pm 12/18)
FeelGood: General
Meetings, Chittenden
Bank Room, 7pm

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Exam Week

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Winter Break

27 28 29 30 31

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